Graph Cash-on-Hand Tomorrow, Value, Policy given (A,Z) States Today
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function ff_az_vf_post_graph(varargin)
FF_AZ_VF_POST_GRAPH genereate 4 graphs
Generates four graphs:
- Cash-On-Hand Tomorrow given Cash-on-Hand Today
- Value Function Graph
- Policy Function Consumption and Asset Choices, Level and log
- Consumption and Asset as Percentages
Run this function directly with randomly generates matrixes for graphs and tables.
@param param_map container parameter container
@param support_map container support container
@param armt_map container container with states, choices and shocks grids that are inputs for grid based solution algorithm
@param result_map container contains policy function matrix, value function matrix, iteration results; als coh consumption and other matrixes
ff_az_vf_post_graph(param_map, support_map, armt_map, func_map, result_map);
if (~isempty(varargin)) % if invoked from outside overrid fully [param_map, support_map, armt_map, func_map, result_map] = varargin{:}; else clear all; close all; % internal invoke for testing it_param_set = 4; bl_input_override = true; % Get Parameters [param_map, support_map] = ffs_az_set_default_param(it_param_set); [armt_map, func_map] = ffs_az_get_funcgrid(param_map, support_map, bl_input_override); % 1 for override % Generate Default val and policy matrixes params_group = values(armt_map, {'ar_a', 'ar_z'}); [ar_a, ar_z] = params_group{:}; params_group = values(func_map, {'f_util_standin', 'f_cons', 'f_coh'}); [f_util_standin, f_cons, f_coh] = params_group{:}; % Set Defaults mt_val = f_util_standin(ar_z, ar_a'); mt_pol_a = zeros(size(mt_val)) + ar_a'*(cumsum(sort(ar_z))/sum(ar_z)*0.4 + 0.4); mt_cons = f_cons(ar_z, ar_a', mt_pol_a); mt_coh = f_coh(ar_z, ar_a'); % Set Results Map result_map = containers.Map('KeyType','char', 'ValueType','any'); result_map('mt_val') = mt_val; result_map('cl_mt_pol_a') = {mt_pol_a, zeros(1)}; result_map('cl_mt_pol_c') = {mt_cons, zeros(1)}; result_map('cl_mt_coh') = {mt_coh, zeros(1)}; end
Parse Parameters
% param_map params_group = values(param_map, {'st_model', 'it_z_n'}); [st_model, it_z_n] = params_group{:}; % support_map params_group = values(support_map, {'bl_graph_onebyones', 'bl_graph_val', 'bl_graph_pol_lvl', 'bl_graph_pol_pct', 'bl_graph_coh_t_coh'}); [bl_graph_onebyones, bl_graph_val, bl_graph_pol_lvl, bl_graph_pol_pct, bl_graph_coh_t_coh] = params_group{:}; params_group = values(support_map, {'bl_img_save', 'st_img_path', 'st_img_prefix', 'st_img_name_main', 'st_img_suffix'}); [bl_img_save, st_img_path, st_img_prefix, st_img_name_main, st_img_suffix] = params_group{:}; params_group = values(support_map, {'st_title_prefix'}); [st_title_prefix] = params_group{:}; % armt_map params_group = values(armt_map, {'ar_a'}); [ar_a] = params_group{:}; if (ismember(st_model, ["abz"])) params_group = values(armt_map, {'ar_z_r_borr_mesh_wage', 'ar_z_wage_mesh_r_borr'}); [ar_z_r_borr_mesh_wage, ar_z_wage_mesh_r_borr] = params_group{:}; params_group = values(param_map, {'it_z_wage_n', 'fl_z_r_borr_n'}); [it_z_wage_n, fl_z_r_borr_n] = params_group{:}; elseif (ismember(st_model, ["abzr_fibs"])) params_group = values(armt_map, {'ar_z_r_infbr_mesh_wage', 'ar_z_wage_mesh_r_infbr'}); [ar_z_r_borr_mesh_wage, ar_z_wage_mesh_r_borr] = params_group{:}; params_group = values(param_map, {'it_z_wage_n', 'fl_z_r_infbr_n'}); [it_z_wage_n, fl_z_r_borr_n] = params_group{:}; else params_group = values(armt_map, {'ar_z'}); [ar_z] = params_group{:}; end % func_map params_group = values(func_map, {'f_coh'}); [f_coh] = params_group{:}; % result_map params_group = values(result_map, {'mt_val', 'cl_mt_pol_c', 'cl_mt_coh', 'cl_mt_pol_a'}); [mt_val, cl_mt_pol_c, cl_mt_coh, cl_mt_pol_a] = params_group{:}; [mt_cons, mt_coh, mt_pol_a] = deal(cl_mt_pol_c{1}, cl_mt_coh{1}, cl_mt_pol_a{1}); % How many zs to Graph
Generate Limited Legends
if (ismember(st_model, ["abz", "abzr_fibs"])) % 8 graph points, 2 levels of borrow rates, and 4 levels of rbr rates ar_it_z_r_borr = ([1 round((fl_z_r_borr_n)/2) (fl_z_r_borr_n)]); ar_it_z_wage = ([1 round((it_z_wage_n)/2) (it_z_wage_n)]); % combine by index mt_it_z_graph = ar_it_z_wage' + it_z_wage_n*(ar_it_z_r_borr-1); ar_it_z_graph = mt_it_z_graph(:)'; % legends index final ar_it_legend2plot = fliplr(ar_it_z_graph); ar_it_legend2plot_lth = ar_it_z_graph; cl_st_legendCell = cellstr([num2str(ar_z_r_borr_mesh_wage', 'zr=%3.2f;'), ... num2str(ar_z_wage_mesh_r_borr', 'zw=%3.2f')]); else ar_it_z_graph = ([1 round((it_z_n)/4) round(2*((it_z_n)/4)) round(3*((it_z_n)/4)) (it_z_n)]); ar_it_legend2plot = fliplr(ar_it_z_graph); ar_it_legend2plot_lth = ar_it_z_graph; cl_st_legendCell = cellstr(num2str(ar_z', 'shock next=%3.2f')); end
Graphing COH today vs COH tomorrow
This plots the cash-on-hand today vs cash-on-hand tomorrow. This is an important graph that is key for analyzing the asset distribution. We would like to see at each point of the current cash-on-hand, what are the cash-on-hand that are reachable tomorrow. Note, here we are not plottin gbased on probability density for each discretized state tomorrow, just which states are reacable, meaning which states given states have non-zero probability of been reached tomorrow.
Three possible cases:
- next period cash-on-hand is always lower than current period cash-on-hand given policy function. This means it is not possible to exceed beyond this level of cash-on-hand in the stationary distribution. If we start mass lower than this level of cash-on-hand, it will never exceed this.
- next period cash-on-hand is always higher than current period cash-on-hand. Stationary distribution will never go below this level.
- next period cash-on-hand is identical to today cash on hand. This is an absorbing state.
The dimensionality of the graph is as follows:
- a_n by z_n state space and corresonding policy function
- all a_n and z_n combinations, one array, policy array, than given that, the cash-on-hand next period. meshed a_n and z_n with each other, crossed with another z_n.
- each color a different future z_n
if (bl_graph_coh_t_coh) % 1. Single Array A' Next Period and COH today ar_pol_a_full = mt_pol_a(:); ar_coh_full = mt_coh(:); % 2. COH Next Period if (ismember(st_model, ["abz"])) mt_coh_next = f_coh(ar_z_r_borr_mesh_wage, ar_z_wage_mesh_r_borr, ar_pol_a_full); elseif (ismember(st_model, ["abzr_fibs"])) mt_coh_next = f_coh(ar_z_wage_mesh_r_borr, ar_pol_a_full); else mt_coh_next = f_coh(ar_z, ar_pol_a_full); end % 3. Start Figure if(~bl_graph_onebyones) figure('PaperPosition', [0 0 21 4]); ar_sub_j = 1:1:3; else ar_sub_j = [3 2]; end for sub_j = ar_sub_j % 4. Legends and values if (ismember(sub_j, [2])) bl_log_coh = 1; else bl_log_coh = 0; end if (sub_j==1) mt_outcome = mt_coh_next; ar_xvar = ar_coh_full; st_y_label = 'cash-on-hand t+1 = coh(a''(a,z), z'')'; st_x_label = 'cash-on-hand t = coh(a,z)'; st_title = 'coh(a''(coh(a,z),z), z''): reachable coh'' given coh'; st_legend_loc = 'southeast'; end if (sub_j==2) mt_outcome = log(mt_coh_next - min(ar_a) + 1); ar_xvar = log(ar_coh_full - min(ar_a) + 1); st_y_label = 'log(coh''(a'',z'') - min(a'') + 1)'; st_x_label = 'log(coh(a,z) - min(a) + 1)'; st_title = 'coh(a''(coh(a,z),z), z''): reachable coh'' given coh'; st_legend_loc = 'southeast'; end if (sub_j==3) mt_outcome = mt_coh_next - ar_coh_full; ar_xvar = ar_coh_full; st_y_label = 'coh(a''(a,z), z'') - coh(a,z)'; st_x_label = 'coh(a,z)'; st_title = 'coh''(a'',z''|a,z) - coh(a,z): reachable coh'' given coh'; st_legend_loc = 'northeast'; end % 5. Start Figure if (~bl_graph_onebyones) subplot(1,3,sub_j) else figure('PaperPosition', [0 0 7 4]); end hold on; % 7. Color clr = jet(it_z_n); for m = 1:it_z_n % scatter mt_y = real(mt_outcome(:,m)); ar_x = real(ar_xvar); fig_cur_z = scatter(ar_x, mt_y, 1, ... 'MarkerEdgeColor', clr(m,:), 'MarkerFaceAlpha', 0.3, ... 'MarkerFaceColor', clr(m,:), 'MarkerEdgeAlpha', 0.3); chart(m) = fig_cur_z; end % 8. Legends legend(chart(ar_it_legend2plot), cl_st_legendCell(ar_it_legend2plot), 'Location', st_legend_loc); % 9. Titling etc grid on; title([st_title_prefix st_title]); ylabel(st_y_label); xlabel({st_x_label ... 'if coh''< coh or coh'' > coh for all z, Pstationary(coh) = 0', ... 'if coh''==coh for all z, Pstationary(coh) = Degenerate'}) if (bl_log_coh == 0) xline0 = xline(0); xline0.HandleVisibility = 'off'; yline0 = yline(0); yline0.HandleVisibility = 'off'; else xline0 = xline(log(0 - min(ar_a) + 1)); xline0.HandleVisibility = 'off'; yline0 = yline(log(0 - min(ar_a) + 1)); yline0.HandleVisibility = 'off'; end % 45 Degree Line if (sub_j~=3) hline = refline([1 0]); hline.Color = 'k'; hline.LineStyle = ':'; hline.HandleVisibility = 'off'; hline.LineWidth = 2.5; end grid on; grid minor; end % save file if (bl_img_save) if ~exist(support_map('st_img_path'),'dir'); mkdir(support_map('st_img_path')); end st_file_name = [st_img_prefix st_img_name_main '_coh' st_img_suffix]; saveas(gcf, strcat(st_img_path, st_file_name)); end end

Graphing Values
if (bl_graph_val) if (~bl_graph_onebyones) figure('PaperPosition', [0 0 14 4]); end for sub_j=1:1:2 mt_outcome = mt_val; st_y_label = 'V(a, z)'; if (~bl_graph_onebyones) subplot(1,2,sub_j) else figure('PaperPosition', [0 0 7 4]); end hold on; clr = jet(length(ar_it_z_graph)); i_ctr = 0; for i = ar_it_z_graph i_ctr = i_ctr + 1; if (sub_j == 1) ar_x = ar_a; else ar_x = log(ar_a - min(ar_a) + 1); end ar_y = mt_outcome(:, i); scatter(ar_x, ar_y, 5, ... 'MarkerEdgeColor', clr(i_ctr,:), ... 'MarkerFaceColor', clr(i_ctr,:)); end grid on; grid minor; title([st_title_prefix 'V(a, z)']) ylabel(st_y_label) if (sub_j == 1) xlabel({'Asset (a) State'}) else xlabel({'log(a - min(a) + 1)'}) end % Legends legend(cl_st_legendCell(ar_it_legend2plot_lth), 'Location', 'southeast'); % mark y = 0 yline0 = yline(0); yline0.HandleVisibility = 'off'; % mark a = 0 if (sub_j == 1) xline0 = xline(0); else xline0 = xline(log(0 - min(ar_a) + 1)); end xline0.HandleVisibility = 'off'; end % save file if (bl_img_save) if ~exist(support_map('st_img_path'),'dir'); mkdir(support_map('st_img_path')); end; st_file_name = [st_img_prefix st_img_name_main '_val' st_img_suffix]; saveas(gcf, strcat(st_img_path, st_file_name)); end end

Graphing Choice Levels
if (bl_graph_pol_lvl) if (~bl_graph_onebyones) figure('PaperPosition', [0 0 14 8]); ar_sub_j = 1:1:4; else ar_sub_j = [1 3 2 4]; end for sub_j = ar_sub_j if (sub_j==1 || sub_j == 3) % asset choice mt_outcome = mt_pol_a; end if (sub_j==2 || sub_j == 4) % consumption choice mt_outcome = mt_cons; % for borrowing models consumption could be at cmin, and next % period a' choice given default is a'=0, using the consumption % equation, this leads to not cmin but a negative consumption % level. so here adjust negative consumption to 0 mt_outcome(mt_cons <0) = 0; end if (~bl_graph_onebyones) subplot(2,2,sub_j) else figure('PaperPosition', [0 0 7 4]); end hold on; clr = jet(length(ar_it_z_graph)); i_ctr = 0; for i = ar_it_z_graph i_ctr = i_ctr + 1; ar_opti_curz = mt_outcome(:, i); if (sub_j==1 || sub_j == 2) % levels ar_a_curz_use = ar_a'; ar_opti_curz_use = ar_opti_curz'; elseif (sub_j==3 || sub_j == 4) % logs ar_a_curz_use = log(ar_a' - min(ar_a) + 1); if (sub_j==3) % borrow save ar_opti_curz_use = log(ar_opti_curz' - min(ar_a) + 1); end if (sub_j == 4) % consumption ar_opti_curz_use = log(ar_opti_curz' + 1); end end scatter(ar_a_curz_use, ar_opti_curz_use, 5, ... 'MarkerEdgeColor', clr(i_ctr,:), ... 'MarkerFaceColor', clr(i_ctr,:)); end if (sub_j==1) st_y_label = 'Savings/Borrowing'; st_x_label = {'Asset (a) State'... 'if a''(a,z)>=a for all z, dist. shifts up'... 'if a''(a,z)<=a for all z, dist. shifts down'}; end if (sub_j==2) st_y_label = 'Consumption'; st_x_label = 'Asset (a) State'; end if (sub_j==3) st_y_label = 'log(SaveBorr - min(a) + 1)'; st_x_label = {'log(Asset State - min(a) + 1)'... 'if a''(a,z)>=a for all z, dist. shifts up'... 'if a''(a,z)<=a for all z, dist. shifts down'}; end if (sub_j==4) st_y_label = 'log(Consumption + 1)'; st_x_label = 'log(Asset State - min(a) + 1)'; end grid on; title([st_title_prefix st_y_label]); ylabel(st_y_label); xlabel(st_x_label); legend(cl_st_legendCell(ar_it_legend2plot_lth), 'Location', 'northwest'); hline = refline([1 0]); hline.Color = 'k'; hline.LineStyle = ':'; hline.HandleVisibility = 'off'; if (sub_j==3 || sub_j == 4) xline0 = xline(log(0-min(ar_a)+1)); xline0.HandleVisibility = 'off'; if (sub_j==3) yline0 = yline(log(0-min(ar_a)+1)); yline0.HandleVisibility = 'off'; end if (sub_j == 4) yline0 = yline(log(0+1)); yline0.HandleVisibility = 'off'; end else xline0 = xline(0); xline0.HandleVisibility = 'off'; yline0 = yline(0); yline0.HandleVisibility = 'off'; end grid on; grid minor; end % save file if (bl_img_save) if ~exist(support_map('st_img_path'),'dir'); mkdir(support_map('st_img_path')); end; st_file_name = [st_img_prefix st_img_name_main '_pol_lvl' st_img_suffix]; saveas(gcf, strcat(st_img_path, st_file_name)); end end

Graphing Choice Percentages
if (bl_graph_pol_pct) if(~bl_graph_onebyones) figure('PaperPosition', [0 0 14 8]); ar_sub_j = 1:1:4; else ar_sub_j = [1 3 2 4]; end for sub_j = ar_sub_j mt_outcome = zeros(size(mt_pol_a)); mt_it_borr_idx = (mt_pol_a < 0); if (ismember(sub_j, [1,2])) bl_log_coh = 0; st_sv_suffix = '_xcoh'; st_title_suffix = ' (x=coh)'; else bl_log_coh = 1; st_sv_suffix = '_logxcoh'; st_title_suffix = ' (x=log(coh))'; end if (sub_j==1 || sub_j==3) mt_outcome(mt_it_borr_idx) = -mt_pol_a(mt_it_borr_idx)./min(ar_a); mt_outcome(~mt_it_borr_idx) = mt_pol_a(~mt_it_borr_idx)./mt_coh(~mt_it_borr_idx); st_y_label = 'aprime/min(ar_a) if br; aprime/cashonhand if sv'; st_legend_loc = 'southeast'; st_title = 'Save/Borrow % of Borrow Limit or COH'; end if (sub_j==2 || sub_j==4) mt_cons_use = mt_cons; mt_cons_use(mt_cons <0) = 0; mt_outcome(mt_it_borr_idx) = mt_cons_use(mt_it_borr_idx)./(mt_coh(mt_it_borr_idx) - mt_pol_a(mt_it_borr_idx)); mt_outcome(~mt_it_borr_idx) = mt_cons_use(~mt_it_borr_idx)./mt_coh(~mt_it_borr_idx); st_y_label = 'c/(coh-aprime) if br; c/cashonhand if sv'; st_legend_loc = 'northeast'; st_title = 'Consumption Choice As Fraction'; end if (~bl_graph_onebyones) subplot(2,2,sub_j) else figure('PaperPosition', [0 0 7 4]); end hold on; clr = jet(length(ar_it_z_graph)); i_ctr = 0; for i = ar_it_z_graph i_ctr = i_ctr + 1; ar_opti_curz = mt_outcome(:, i); if (bl_log_coh == 0) ar_x = ar_a; else ar_x = log(ar_a - min(ar_a) + 1); end scatter(ar_x, ar_opti_curz, 5, ... 'MarkerEdgeColor', clr(i_ctr,:), ... 'MarkerFaceColor', clr(i_ctr,:)); end grid on; title([st_title_prefix st_title st_title_suffix]) ylabel(st_y_label) xlabel({'Asset State'}) legend(cl_st_legendCell(ar_it_legend2plot_lth), 'Location', st_legend_loc); if (bl_log_coh == 0) xline0 = xline(0); xline0.HandleVisibility = 'off'; else xline0 = xline(log(0-min(ar_a)+1)); xline0.HandleVisibility = 'off'; end yline0 = yline(0); yline0.HandleVisibility = 'off'; yline0 = yline(1); yline0.HandleVisibility = 'off'; % for save/borrow 100 and -100 percent if (sub_j==1) yline0 = yline(-1); yline0.HandleVisibility = 'off'; end grid on; grid minor; end % save file if (bl_img_save) if ~exist(support_map('st_img_path'),'dir'); mkdir(support_map('st_img_path')); end; st_file_name = [st_img_prefix st_img_name_main '_pol_pct' st_img_suffix]; saveas(gcf, strcat(st_img_path, st_file_name)); end end
