Derive Distributions for For+Inf+Borr+Save Risky + Safe Asset Interpolated-Percentage (Wrapper)
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function [result_map] = ff_ipwkbz_fibs_ds_wrapper(varargin)
FF_IPWKBZ_FIBS_DS_WRAPPER finds the stationary asset distributions
This is a warpper function.
- it_subset = 5 is basic invoke quick test
- it_subset = 6 is invoke full test
- it_subset = 7 is profiling invoke
- it_subset = 8 is matlab publish
- it_subset = 9 is invoke operational (only final stats) and coh graph
it_param_set = 8; [param_map, support_map] = ffs_ipwkbz_fibs_set_default_param(it_param_set); % Note: param_map and support_map can be adjusted here or outside to override defaults % param_map('it_a_n') = 750; % param_map('it_z_n') = 15; % Note: below to for identical results as benchmark ff_ipwkbz_ds_wrapper.m % param_map('fl_r_fsv') = 0.025; % param_map('fl_r_inf') = 0.085; % param_map('fl_r_inf_bridge') = 0.085; % param_map('fl_r_fbr') = 0.085; % param_map('bl_bridge') = true; % param_map('st_analytical_stationary_type') = 'loop'; % param_map('st_analytical_stationary_type') = 'vector'; param_map('st_analytical_stationary_type') = 'eigenvector'; % get armt and func map params_len = length(varargin); if params_len <= 2 [armt_map, func_map] = ffs_ipwkbz_fibs_get_funcgrid(param_map, support_map); % 1 for override default_params = {param_map support_map armt_map func_map}; end
Parse Parameters 1
% if varargin only has param_map and support_map, [default_params{1:params_len}] = varargin{:}; param_map = [param_map; default_params{1}]; support_map = [support_map; default_params{2}]; if params_len >= 1 && params_len <= 2 % If override param_map, re-generate armt and func if they are not % provided [armt_map, func_map] = ffs_ipwkbz_fibs_get_funcgrid(param_map, support_map); else % Override all armt_map = default_params{3}; func_map = default_params{4}; end % if profile, profile DP + Dist here support_map('bl_profile_dist') = false; % append function name st_func_name = 'ff_ipwkbz_fibs_ds_wrapper'; support_map('st_profile_name_main') = [st_func_name support_map('st_profile_name_main')]; support_map('st_mat_name_main') = [st_func_name support_map('st_mat_name_main')]; support_map('st_img_name_main') = [st_func_name support_map('st_img_name_main')];
Parse Parameters
% param_map params_group = values(param_map, {'st_analytical_stationary_type'}); [st_analytical_stationary_type] = params_group{:}; % support_map params_group = values(support_map, ... {'st_profile_path', 'st_profile_prefix', 'st_profile_name_main', 'st_profile_suffix','bl_time'}); [st_profile_path, st_profile_prefix, st_profile_name_main, st_profile_suffix, bl_time] = params_group{:};
Start Profiler and Timer
Start Profile
if (it_param_set == 7) close all; profile off; profile on; end % Start Timer if (bl_time) tic; end
Solve DP
result_map = ff_ipwkbz_fibs_vf_vecsv(param_map, support_map, armt_map, func_map);
---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Begin: Show all key and value pairs from container CONTAINER NAME: SUPPORT_MAP ---------------------------------------- Map with properties: Count: 47 KeyType: char ValueType: any xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- pos = 1 ; key = bl_display ; val = false pos = 2 ; key = bl_display_defparam ; val = true pos = 3 ; key = bl_display_dist ; val = false pos = 4 ; key = bl_display_evf ; val = false pos = 5 ; key = bl_display_final ; val = false pos = 6 ; key = bl_display_final_dist ; val = true pos = 7 ; key = bl_display_final_dist_detail ; val = true pos = 8 ; key = bl_display_funcgrids ; val = false pos = 9 ; key = bl_display_infbridge ; val = false pos = 10 ; key = bl_display_minccost ; val = false pos = 11 ; key = bl_graph ; val = true pos = 12 ; key = bl_graph_coh_t_coh ; val = true pos = 13 ; key = bl_graph_evf ; val = false pos = 14 ; key = bl_graph_forinf_discrete ; val = true pos = 15 ; key = bl_graph_forinf_pol_lvl ; val = true pos = 16 ; key = bl_graph_forinf_pol_pct ; val = true pos = 17 ; key = bl_graph_funcgrids ; val = false pos = 18 ; key = bl_graph_funcgrids_detail ; val = false pos = 19 ; key = bl_graph_onebyones ; val = true pos = 20 ; key = bl_graph_pol_lvl ; val = false pos = 21 ; key = bl_graph_pol_pct ; val = false pos = 22 ; key = bl_graph_val ; val = false pos = 23 ; key = bl_img_save ; val = false pos = 24 ; key = bl_mat ; val = false pos = 25 ; key = bl_post ; val = true pos = 26 ; key = bl_profile ; val = false pos = 27 ; key = bl_profile_dist ; val = false pos = 28 ; key = bl_time ; val = false pos = 29 ; key = it_display_every ; val = 20 pos = 30 ; key = it_display_final_colmax ; val = 12 pos = 31 ; key = it_display_final_rowmax ; val = 100 pos = 32 ; key = it_display_summmat_colmax ; val = 5 pos = 33 ; key = it_display_summmat_rowmax ; val = 5 pos = 34 ; key = st_img_name_main ; val = ff_ipwkbz_fibs_vf_vecsvff_ipwkbz_fibs_ds_wrapper_default pos = 35 ; key = st_img_path ; val = C:/Users/fan/CodeDynaAsset//m_fibs//m_ipwkbz_solve/img/ pos = 36 ; key = st_img_prefix ; val = pos = 37 ; key = st_img_suffix ; val = _p8.png pos = 38 ; key = st_mat_name_main ; val = ff_ipwkbz_fibs_vf_vecsvff_ipwkbz_fibs_ds_wrapper_default pos = 39 ; key = st_mat_path ; val = C:/Users/fan/CodeDynaAsset//m_fibs//m_ipwkbz_solve/mat/ pos = 40 ; key = st_mat_prefix ; val = pos = 41 ; key = st_mat_suffix ; val = _p8 pos = 42 ; key = st_matimg_path_root ; val = C:/Users/fan/CodeDynaAsset//m_fibs/ pos = 43 ; key = st_profile_name_main ; val = ff_ipwkbz_fibs_vf_vecsvff_ipwkbz_fibs_ds_wrapper_default pos = 44 ; key = st_profile_path ; val = C:/Users/fan/CodeDynaAsset//m_fibs//m_ipwkbz_solve/profile/ pos = 45 ; key = st_profile_prefix ; val = pos = 46 ; key = st_profile_suffix ; val = _p8 pos = 47 ; key = st_title_prefix ; val = ---------------------------------------- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Scalars in Container and Sizes and Basic Statistics xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx i idx value __ ___ _____ bl_display 1 1 0 bl_display_defparam 2 2 1 bl_display_dist 3 3 0 bl_display_evf 4 4 0 bl_display_final 5 5 0 bl_display_final_dist 6 6 1 bl_display_final_dist_detail 7 7 1 bl_display_funcgrids 8 8 0 bl_display_infbridge 9 9 0 bl_display_minccost 10 10 0 bl_graph 11 11 1 bl_graph_coh_t_coh 12 12 1 bl_graph_evf 13 13 0 bl_graph_forinf_discrete 14 14 1 bl_graph_forinf_pol_lvl 15 15 1 bl_graph_forinf_pol_pct 16 16 1 bl_graph_funcgrids 17 17 0 bl_graph_funcgrids_detail 18 18 0 bl_graph_onebyones 19 19 1 bl_graph_pol_lvl 20 20 0 bl_graph_pol_pct 21 21 0 bl_graph_val 22 22 0 bl_img_save 23 23 0 bl_mat 24 24 0 bl_post 25 25 1 bl_profile 26 26 0 bl_profile_dist 27 27 0 bl_time 28 28 0 it_display_every 29 29 20 it_display_final_colmax 30 30 12 it_display_final_rowmax 31 31 100 it_display_summmat_colmax 32 32 5 it_display_summmat_rowmax 33 33 5 ---------------------------------------- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Strings in Container and Sizes and Basic Statistics xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx i idx __ ___ st_img_name_main 1 34 st_img_path 2 35 st_img_prefix 3 36 st_img_suffix 4 37 st_mat_name_main 5 38 st_mat_path 6 39 st_mat_prefix 7 40 st_mat_suffix 8 41 st_matimg_path_root 9 42 st_profile_name_main 10 43 st_profile_path 11 44 st_profile_prefix 12 45 st_profile_suffix 13 46 st_title_prefix 14 47 ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Begin: Show all key and value pairs from container CONTAINER NAME: ARMT_MAP ---------------------------------------- Map with properties: Count: 33 KeyType: char ValueType: any xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- pos = 1 ; key = ar_a ;rown= 1 ,coln= 772 ar_a :mu= 18.6145 ,sd= 22.347 ,min= -20 ,max= 57.2773 zi_1_C1 zi_2_C2 zi_386_c386 zi_771_c771 zi_772_c772 _______ _______ ___________ ___________ ___________ zi_1_r1 -20 -19.9 18.538 57.177 57.277 pos = 2 ; key = ar_a_meshk ;rown= 772 ,coln= 1 ar_a_meshk :mu= 18.6145 ,sd= 22.347 ,min= -20 ,max= 57.2773 zi_1_c1 _______ zi_1_R1 -20 zi_2_R2 -19.9 zi_386_r386 18.538 zi_771_r771 57.177 zi_772_r772 57.277 pos = 3 ; key = ar_a_meshk_ori ;rown= 125000 ,coln= 1 ar_a_meshk_ori :mu= -11.5107 ,sd= 10.6749 ,min= -20 ,max= 49.93 zi_1_c1 _______ zi_1_R1 -20 zi_2_R2 -20 zi_62500_R62500 -19.995 zi_124999_r124999 -18.504 zi_125000_r125000 -19.93 pos = 4 ; key = ar_ak_perc ;rown= 1 ,coln= 50 ar_ak_perc :mu= 0.5 ,sd= 0.2969 ,min= 0.001 ,max= 0.999 zi_1_C1 zi_2_C2 zi_25_c25 zi_49_c49 zi_50_c50 _______ ________ _________ _________ _________ zi_1_r1 0.001 0.021367 0.48982 0.97863 0.999 pos = 5 ; key = ar_ameshk_tnext_with_r ;rown= 125000 ,coln= 1 ar_ameshk_tnext_with_r :mu= -12.4648 ,sd= 11.236 ,min= -21.9 ,max= 51.1782 zi_1_c1 _______ zi_1_R1 -21.9 zi_2_R2 -21.9 zi_62500_R62500 -21.46 zi_124999_r124999 -19.727 zi_125000_r125000 -21.253 pos = 6 ; key = ar_coh_bridge_perc ;rown= 1 ,coln= 10 ar_coh_bridge_perc :mu= 0.5 ,sd= 0.33641 ,min= 0 ,max= 1 zi_1_C1 zi_2_C2 zi_5_C5 zi_9_C9 zi_10_c10 _______ _______ _______ _______ _________ zi_1_r1 0 0.11111 0.44444 0.88889 1 pos = 7 ; key = ar_forbrblk ;rown= 1 ,coln= 9 ar_forbrblk :mu= -7.0556 ,sd= 6.3809 ,min= -19 ,max= 0 zi_1_c1 zi_2_c2 zi_5_c5 zi_8_c8 zi_9_c9 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ zi_1_r1 -19 -14.5 -5.5 -1 0 pos = 8 ; key = ar_forbrblk_r ;rown= 1 ,coln= 9 ar_forbrblk_r :mu= 0.065 ,sd= 0 ,min= 0.065 ,max= 0.065 zi_1_c1 zi_2_c2 zi_5_c5 zi_8_c8 zi_9_c9 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ zi_1_r1 0.065 0.065 0.065 0.065 0.065 pos = 9 ; key = ar_interp_c_grid ;rown= 1 ,coln= 772572 ar_interp_c_grid :mu= 38.6486 ,sd= 22.3023 ,min= 0.02 ,max= 77.2773 zi_1_C1 zi_2_C2 zi_386286_c386286 zi_772571_c772571 zi_772572_c772572 _______ _______ _________________ _________________ _________________ zi_1_r1 0.02 0.0201 38.649 77.277 77.277 pos = 10 ; key = ar_interp_coh_grid ;rown= 1 ,coln= 772 ar_interp_coh_grid :mu= 18.6145 ,sd= 22.347 ,min= -20 ,max= 57.2773 zi_1_C1 zi_2_C2 zi_386_c386 zi_771_c771 zi_772_c772 _______ _______ ___________ ___________ ___________ zi_1_r1 -20 -19.9 18.538 57.177 57.277 pos = 11 ; key = ar_k_mesha ;rown= 772 ,coln= 1 ar_k_mesha :mu= 0 ,sd= 0 ,min= 0 ,max= 0 zi_1_c1 _______ zi_1_R1 0 zi_2_R2 0 zi_386_r386 0 zi_771_r771 0 zi_772_r772 0 pos = 12 ; key = ar_k_mesha_ori ;rown= 125000 ,coln= 1 ar_k_mesha_ori :mu= 8.4893 ,sd= 10.6749 ,min= 0 ,max= 69.93 zi_1_c1 _______ zi_1_R1 0 zi_2_R2 0 zi_62500_R62500 4.9091 zi_124999_r124999 68.504 zi_125000_r125000 69.93 pos = 13 ; key = ar_stationary ;rown= 1 ,coln= 15 ar_stationary :mu= 0.066667 ,sd= 0.060897 ,min= 0.0027089 ,max= 0.16757 zi_1_C1 zi_2_C2 zi_8_C8 zi_14_c14 zi_15_c15 _________ _________ _______ _________ _________ zi_1_r1 0.0027089 0.0069499 0.16757 0.0069499 0.0027089 pos = 14 ; key = ar_w_level ;rown= 1 ,coln= 700 ar_w_level :mu= 14.9786 ,sd= 20.2441 ,min= -20 ,max= 50 zi_1_C1 zi_2_C2 zi_350_c350 zi_699_c699 zi_700_c700 _______ _______ ___________ ___________ ___________ zi_1_r1 -20 -19.9 14.9 49.9 50 pos = 15 ; key = ar_w_level_full ;rown= 1 ,coln= 2500 ar_w_level_full :mu= -3.0215 ,sd= 16.2736 ,min= -20 ,max= 50 zi_1_C1 zi_2_C2 zi_1250_c1250 zi_2499_c2499 zi_2500_c2500 _______ _______ _____________ _____________ _____________ zi_1_r1 -20 -19.9 -15.086 49.9 50 pos = 16 ; key = ar_w_perc ;rown= 1 ,coln= 50 ar_w_perc :mu= 0.5 ,sd= 0.2969 ,min= 0.001 ,max= 0.999 zi_1_C1 zi_2_C2 zi_25_c25 zi_49_c49 zi_50_c50 _______ ________ _________ _________ _________ zi_1_r1 0.001 0.021367 0.48982 0.97863 0.999 pos = 17 ; key = ar_z ;rown= 1 ,coln= 15 ar_z :mu= 1.1347 ,sd= 0.69878 ,min= 0.34741 ,max= 2.567 zi_1_C1 zi_2_C2 zi_8_C8 zi_14_c14 zi_15_c15 _______ _______ _______ _________ _________ zi_1_r1 0.34741 0.40076 0.94436 2.2253 2.567 pos = 18 ; key = it_ameshk_n ; val = 772 pos = 19 ; key = mt_bl_w_by_interp_coh_interp_grid_wneg ;rown= 50 ,coln= 772 mt_bl_w_by_interp_coh_interp_grid_wneg :mu= 0.60951 ,sd= 0.48787 ,min= 0 ,max= 1 zi_1_C1 zi_2_C2 zi_386_c386 zi_771_c771 zi_772_c772 _______ _______ ___________ ___________ ___________ zi_1_R1 true true true true true zi_2_R2 true true true true true zi_25_r25 true true true false false zi_49_r49 true true false false false zi_50_r50 true true false false false pos = 20 ; key = mt_coh_bridge_perc_mesh_w_level_neg ;rown= 200 ,coln= 10 mt_coh_bridge_perc_mesh_w_level_neg :mu= 0.5 ,sd= 0.31922 ,min= 0 ,max= 1 zi_1_C1 zi_2_C2 zi_5_C5 zi_9_C9 zi_10_c10 _______ _______ _______ _______ _________ zi_1_R1 0 0.11111 0.44444 0.88889 1 zi_2_R2 0 0.11111 0.44444 0.88889 1 zi_100_r100 0 0.11111 0.44444 0.88889 1 zi_199_r199 0 0.11111 0.44444 0.88889 1 zi_200_r200 0 0.11111 0.44444 0.88889 1 pos = 21 ; key = mt_coh_w_perc_ratio_wneg ;rown= 23527 ,coln= 1 mt_coh_w_perc_ratio_wneg :mu= 0.72495 ,sd= 0.37217 ,min= 0 ,max= 1 zi_1_c1 _______ zi_1_R1 0 zi_2_R2 0 zi_11764_r11764 1 zi_23526_r23526 1 zi_23527_r23527 1 pos = 22 ; key = mt_coh_wkb ;rown= 772 ,coln= 15 mt_coh_wkb :mu= 18.6145 ,sd= 22.3335 ,min= -20 ,max= 57.2773 zi_1_C1 zi_2_C2 zi_8_C8 zi_14_c14 zi_15_c15 _______ _______ _______ _________ _________ zi_1_R1 -20 -20 -20 -20 -20 zi_2_R2 -19.9 -19.9 -19.9 -19.9 -19.9 zi_386_r386 18.538 18.538 18.538 18.538 18.538 zi_771_r771 57.177 57.177 57.177 57.177 57.177 zi_772_r772 57.277 57.277 57.277 57.277 57.277 pos = 23 ; key = mt_coh_wkb_ori ;rown= 125000 ,coln= 15 mt_coh_wkb_ori :mu= -2.1349 ,sd= 16.853 ,min= -21.4564 ,max= 57.2773 zi_1_C1 zi_2_C2 zi_8_C8 zi_14_c14 zi_15_c15 _______ _______ _______ _________ _________ zi_1_R1 -21.456 -21.456 -21.456 -21.456 -21.456 zi_2_R2 -21.456 -21.456 -21.456 -21.456 -21.456 zi_62500_R62500 -15.884 -15.789 -14.825 -12.554 -11.948 zi_124999_r124999 45.332 45.576 48.066 53.932 55.497 zi_125000_r125000 45.129 45.375 47.883 53.793 55.37 pos = 24 ; key = mt_interp_coh_grid_mesh_w_perc ;rown= 50 ,coln= 772 mt_interp_coh_grid_mesh_w_perc :mu= 18.6145 ,sd= 22.3329 ,min= -20 ,max= 57.2773 zi_1_C1 zi_2_C2 zi_386_c386 zi_771_c771 zi_772_c772 _______ _______ ___________ ___________ ___________ zi_1_R1 -20 -19.9 18.538 57.177 57.277 zi_2_R2 -20 -19.9 18.538 57.177 57.277 zi_25_r25 -20 -19.9 18.538 57.177 57.277 zi_49_r49 -20 -19.9 18.538 57.177 57.277 zi_50_r50 -20 -19.9 18.538 57.177 57.277 pos = 25 ; key = mt_interp_coh_grid_mesh_z ;rown= 772 ,coln= 15 mt_interp_coh_grid_mesh_z :mu= 18.6145 ,sd= 22.3335 ,min= -20 ,max= 57.2773 zi_1_C1 zi_2_C2 zi_8_C8 zi_14_c14 zi_15_c15 _______ _______ _______ _________ _________ zi_1_R1 -20 -20 -20 -20 -20 zi_2_R2 -19.9 -19.9 -19.9 -19.9 -19.9 zi_386_r386 18.538 18.538 18.538 18.538 18.538 zi_771_r771 57.177 57.177 57.177 57.177 57.177 zi_772_r772 57.277 57.277 57.277 57.277 57.277 pos = 26 ; key = mt_k ;rown= 50 ,coln= 2500 mt_k :mu= 8.4893 ,sd= 10.6749 ,min= 0 ,max= 69.93 zi_1_C1 zi_2_C2 zi_1250_c1250 zi_2499_c2499 zi_2500_c2500 _______ __________ _____________ _____________ _____________ zi_1_R1 0 0.00010029 0.004914 0.0699 0.07 zi_2_R2 0 0.0021429 0.105 1.4936 1.4957 zi_25_r25 0 0.049122 2.407 34.238 34.287 zi_49_r49 0 0.098144 4.809 68.406 68.504 zi_50_r50 0 0.10019 4.9091 69.83 69.93 pos = 27 ; key = mt_w_by_interp_coh_interp_grid ;rown= 50 ,coln= 772 mt_w_by_interp_coh_interp_grid :mu= -0.69276 ,sd= 17.2218 ,min= -20 ,max= 57.2 zi_1_C1 zi_2_C2 zi_386_c386 zi_771_c771 zi_772_c772 _______ _______ ___________ ___________ ___________ zi_1_R1 -20 -20 -19.961 -19.923 -19.923 zi_2_R2 -20 -19.998 -19.177 -18.351 -18.349 zi_25_r25 -20 -19.951 -1.1233 17.803 17.852 zi_49_r49 -20 -19.902 17.715 55.528 55.626 zi_50_r50 -20 -19.9 18.5 57.1 57.2 pos = 28 ; key = mt_w_by_interp_coh_interp_grid_wneg ;rown= 23527 ,coln= 1 mt_w_by_interp_coh_interp_grid_wneg :mu= -12.2397 ,sd= 5.8332 ,min= -20 ,max= -0.00091541 zi_1_c1 _______ zi_1_R1 -20 zi_2_R2 -20 zi_11764_r11764 -4.474 zi_23526_r23526 -2.6095 zi_23527_r23527 -1.0355 pos = 29 ; key = mt_w_by_interp_coh_interp_grid_wpos ;rown= 15073 ,coln= 1 mt_w_by_interp_coh_interp_grid_wpos :mu= 17.3305 ,sd= 13.1706 ,min= 0.0036274 ,max= 57.2 zi_1_c1 ________ zi_1_R1 0.051944 zi_2_R2 0.1522 zi_7537_R7537 13.967 zi_15072_r15072 55.626 zi_15073_r15073 57.2 pos = 30 ; key = mt_w_level_neg_mesh_coh_bridge_perc ;rown= 200 ,coln= 10 mt_w_level_neg_mesh_coh_bridge_perc :mu= -10.0215 ,sd= 5.7914 ,min= -20 ,max= -0.04298 zi_1_C1 zi_2_C2 zi_5_C5 zi_9_C9 zi_10_c10 ________ ________ ________ ________ _________ zi_1_R1 -20 -20 -20 -20 -20 zi_2_R2 -19.9 -19.9 -19.9 -19.9 -19.9 zi_100_r100 -10.072 -10.072 -10.072 -10.072 -10.072 zi_199_r199 -0.14327 -0.14327 -0.14327 -0.14327 -0.14327 zi_200_r200 -0.04298 -0.04298 -0.04298 -0.04298 -0.04298 pos = 31 ; key = mt_z_mesh_coh_interp_grid ;rown= 772 ,coln= 15 mt_z_mesh_coh_interp_grid :mu= 1.1347 ,sd= 0.67511 ,min= 0.34741 ,max= 2.567 zi_1_C1 zi_2_C2 zi_8_C8 zi_14_c14 zi_15_c15 _______ _______ _______ _________ _________ zi_1_R1 0.34741 0.40076 0.94436 2.2253 2.567 zi_2_R2 0.34741 0.40076 0.94436 2.2253 2.567 zi_386_r386 0.34741 0.40076 0.94436 2.2253 2.567 zi_771_r771 0.34741 0.40076 0.94436 2.2253 2.567 zi_772_r772 0.34741 0.40076 0.94436 2.2253 2.567 pos = 32 ; key = mt_z_mesh_coh_wkb ;rown= 125000 ,coln= 15 mt_z_mesh_coh_wkb :mu= 1.1347 ,sd= 0.67508 ,min= 0.34741 ,max= 2.567 zi_1_C1 zi_2_C2 zi_8_C8 zi_14_c14 zi_15_c15 _______ _______ _______ _________ _________ zi_1_R1 0.34741 0.40076 0.94436 2.2253 2.567 zi_2_R2 0.34741 0.40076 0.94436 2.2253 2.567 zi_62500_R62500 0.34741 0.40076 0.94436 2.2253 2.567 zi_124999_r124999 0.34741 0.40076 0.94436 2.2253 2.567 zi_125000_r125000 0.34741 0.40076 0.94436 2.2253 2.567 pos = 33 ; key = mt_z_trans ;rown= 15 ,coln= 15 mt_z_trans :mu= 0.066667 ,sd= 0.095337 ,min= 0 ,max= 0.27902 zi_1_C1 zi_2_C2 zi_8_C8 zi_14_c14 zi_15_c15 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ zi_1_R1 0.26016 0.26831 0.00012823 1.1102e-15 0 zi_2_R2 0.11232 0.19622 0.00098855 9.3592e-14 3.3307e-16 zi_8_R8 1.7181e-06 4.1008e-05 0.27902 4.1008e-05 1.7181e-06 zi_14_r14 3.474e-16 9.3597e-14 0.00098855 0.19622 0.11232 zi_15_r15 2.7412e-18 1.1057e-15 0.00012823 0.26831 0.26016 ---------------------------------------- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Matrix in Container and Sizes and Basic Statistics xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx i idx rowN colN mean std min max __ ___ ________ __________ ________ ________ _________ ___________ ar_a 1 1 1 772 18.614 22.347 -20 57.277 ar_a_meshk 2 2 772 1 18.614 22.347 -20 57.277 ar_a_meshk_ori 3 3 1.25e+05 1 -11.511 10.675 -20 49.93 ar_ak_perc 4 4 1 50 0.5 0.2969 0.001 0.999 ar_ameshk_tnext_with_r 5 5 1.25e+05 1 -12.465 11.236 -21.9 51.178 ar_coh_bridge_perc 6 6 1 10 0.5 0.33641 0 1 ar_forbrblk 7 7 1 9 -7.0556 6.3809 -19 0 ar_forbrblk_r 8 8 1 9 0.065 0 0.065 0.065 ar_interp_c_grid 9 9 1 7.7257e+05 38.649 22.302 0.02 77.277 ar_interp_coh_grid 10 10 1 772 18.614 22.347 -20 57.277 ar_k_mesha 11 11 772 1 0 0 0 0 ar_k_mesha_ori 12 12 1.25e+05 1 8.4893 10.675 0 69.93 ar_stationary 13 13 1 15 0.066667 0.060897 0.0027089 0.16757 ar_w_level 14 14 1 700 14.979 20.244 -20 50 ar_w_level_full 15 15 1 2500 -3.0215 16.274 -20 50 ar_w_perc 16 16 1 50 0.5 0.2969 0.001 0.999 ar_z 17 17 1 15 1.1347 0.69878 0.34741 2.567 mt_bl_w_by_interp_coh_interp_grid_wneg 18 19 50 772 0.60951 0.48787 0 1 mt_coh_bridge_perc_mesh_w_level_neg 19 20 200 10 0.5 0.31922 0 1 mt_coh_w_perc_ratio_wneg 20 21 23527 1 0.72495 0.37217 0 1 mt_coh_wkb 21 22 772 15 18.614 22.334 -20 57.277 mt_coh_wkb_ori 22 23 1.25e+05 15 -2.1349 16.853 -21.456 57.277 mt_interp_coh_grid_mesh_w_perc 23 24 50 772 18.614 22.333 -20 57.277 mt_interp_coh_grid_mesh_z 24 25 772 15 18.614 22.334 -20 57.277 mt_k 25 26 50 2500 8.4893 10.675 0 69.93 mt_w_by_interp_coh_interp_grid 26 27 50 772 -0.69276 17.222 -20 57.2 mt_w_by_interp_coh_interp_grid_wneg 27 28 23527 1 -12.24 5.8332 -20 -0.00091541 mt_w_by_interp_coh_interp_grid_wpos 28 29 15073 1 17.33 13.171 0.0036274 57.2 mt_w_level_neg_mesh_coh_bridge_perc 29 30 200 10 -10.021 5.7914 -20 -0.04298 mt_z_mesh_coh_interp_grid 30 31 772 15 1.1347 0.67511 0.34741 2.567 mt_z_mesh_coh_wkb 31 32 1.25e+05 15 1.1347 0.67508 0.34741 2.567 mt_z_trans 32 33 15 15 0.066667 0.095337 0 0.27902 ---------------------------------------- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Scalars in Container and Sizes and Basic Statistics xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx i idx value _ ___ _____ it_ameshk_n 1 18 772 ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Begin: Show all key and value pairs from container CONTAINER NAME: PARAM_MAP ---------------------------------------- Map with properties: Count: 43 KeyType: char ValueType: any xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- pos = 1 ; key = bl_b_is_principle ; val = true pos = 2 ; key = bl_bridge ; val = true pos = 3 ; key = bl_default ; val = true pos = 4 ; key = bl_rollover ; val = true pos = 5 ; key = fl_Amean ; val = 1 pos = 6 ; key = fl_alpha ; val = 0.36 pos = 7 ; key = fl_b_bd ; val = -20 pos = 8 ; key = fl_beta ; val = 0.94 pos = 9 ; key = fl_c_min ; val = 0.02 pos = 10 ; key = fl_coh_interp_grid_gap ; val = 0.1 pos = 11 ; key = fl_crra ; val = 1.5 pos = 12 ; key = fl_default_wprime ; val = 0 pos = 13 ; key = fl_delta ; val = 0.08 pos = 14 ; key = fl_forbrblk_brleast ; val = -1 pos = 15 ; key = fl_forbrblk_brmost ; val = -19 pos = 16 ; key = fl_forbrblk_gap ; val = -1.5 pos = 17 ; key = fl_k_max ; val = 70 pos = 18 ; key = fl_k_min ; val = 0 pos = 19 ; key = fl_nan_replace ; val = -9999 pos = 20 ; key = fl_r_fbr ; val = 0.065 pos = 21 ; key = fl_r_fsv ; val = 0.025 pos = 22 ; key = fl_r_inf ; val = 0.095 pos = 23 ; key = fl_tol_dist ; val = 1e-05 pos = 24 ; key = fl_tol_pol ; val = 1e-05 pos = 25 ; key = fl_tol_val ; val = 1e-05 pos = 26 ; key = fl_w ; val = 0.44365 pos = 27 ; key = fl_w_interp_grid_gap ; val = 0.1 pos = 28 ; key = fl_w_max ; val = 50 pos = 29 ; key = fl_w_min ; val = -20 pos = 30 ; key = fl_z_mu ; val = 0 pos = 31 ; key = fl_z_rho ; val = 0.8 pos = 32 ; key = fl_z_sig ; val = 0.2 pos = 33 ; key = it_ak_perc_n ; val = 50 pos = 34 ; key = it_c_interp_grid_gap ; val = 0.0001 pos = 35 ; key = it_coh_bridge_perc_n ; val = 10 pos = 36 ; key = it_maxiter_dist ; val = 1000 pos = 37 ; key = it_maxiter_val ; val = 250 pos = 38 ; key = it_tol_pol_nochange ; val = 25 pos = 39 ; key = it_w_perc_n ; val = 50 pos = 40 ; key = it_z_n ; val = 15 pos = 41 ; key = st_analytical_stationary_type ; val = eigenvector pos = 42 ; key = st_forbrblk_type ; val = seg3 pos = 43 ; key = st_model ; val = ipwkbz_fibs ---------------------------------------- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Scalars in Container and Sizes and Basic Statistics xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx i idx value __ ___ _______ bl_b_is_principle 1 1 1 bl_bridge 2 2 1 bl_default 3 3 1 bl_rollover 4 4 1 fl_Amean 5 5 1 fl_alpha 6 6 0.36 fl_b_bd 7 7 -20 fl_beta 8 8 0.94 fl_c_min 9 9 0.02 fl_coh_interp_grid_gap 10 10 0.1 fl_crra 11 11 1.5 fl_default_wprime 12 12 0 fl_delta 13 13 0.08 fl_forbrblk_brleast 14 14 -1 fl_forbrblk_brmost 15 15 -19 fl_forbrblk_gap 16 16 -1.5 fl_k_max 17 17 70 fl_k_min 18 18 0 fl_nan_replace 19 19 -9999 fl_r_fbr 20 20 0.065 fl_r_fsv 21 21 0.025 fl_r_inf 22 22 0.095 fl_tol_dist 23 23 1e-05 fl_tol_pol 24 24 1e-05 fl_tol_val 25 25 1e-05 fl_w 26 26 0.44365 fl_w_interp_grid_gap 27 27 0.1 fl_w_max 28 28 50 fl_w_min 29 29 -20 fl_z_mu 30 30 0 fl_z_rho 31 31 0.8 fl_z_sig 32 32 0.2 it_ak_perc_n 33 33 50 it_c_interp_grid_gap 34 34 0.0001 it_coh_bridge_perc_n 35 35 10 it_maxiter_dist 36 36 1000 it_maxiter_val 37 37 250 it_tol_pol_nochange 38 38 25 it_w_perc_n 39 39 50 it_z_n 40 40 15 ---------------------------------------- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Strings in Container and Sizes and Basic Statistics xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx i idx _ ___ st_analytical_stationary_type 1 41 st_forbrblk_type 2 42 st_model 3 43 ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Begin: Show all key and value pairs from container CONTAINER NAME: FUNC_MAP ---------------------------------------- Map with properties: Count: 9 KeyType: char ValueType: any xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- pos = 1 ; key = f_coh ; val = @(z,b_with_r,k)(f_prod(z,k)+k*(1-fl_delta)+fl_w+b_with_r) pos = 2 ; key = f_coh_fbis ; val = @(fl_r_inf,ar_for_borr,ar_inf_borr,ar_for_save)(ar_for_borr.*(1+fl_r_fbr)+ar_inf_borr.*(1+fl_r_inf)+ar_for_save.*(1+fl_r_fsv)) pos = 3 ; key = f_coh_save ; val = @(b)(b.*(1+fl_r_fsv)) pos = 4 ; key = f_cons ; val = @(coh,bprime,kprime)(coh-kprime-bprime) pos = 5 ; key = f_inc ; val = @(z,k,fl_r_inf,ar_for_borr,ar_inf_borr,ar_for_save)(f_prod(z,k)-(fl_delta)*k+fl_w+(ar_for_borr.*(fl_r_fbr)+ar_inf_borr.*(fl_r_inf)+ar_for_save.*(fl_r_fsv))) pos = 6 ; key = f_prod ; val = @(z,k)((fl_Amean.*(z)).*(k.^(fl_alpha))) pos = 7 ; key = f_util_crra ; val = @(c)(((c).^(1-fl_crra)-1)./(1-fl_crra)) pos = 8 ; key = f_util_log ; val = @(c)log(c) pos = 9 ; key = f_util_standin ; val = @(z,b,k)f_util_log((f_coh(z,b,k)-fl_b_bd).*((f_coh(z,b,k)-fl_b_bd)>fl_c_min)+fl_c_min.*((f_coh(z,b,k)-fl_b_bd)<=fl_c_min)) ---------------------------------------- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Scalars in Container and Sizes and Basic Statistics xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx i idx xFunction _ ___ _________ f_coh 1 1 1 f_coh_fbis 2 2 2 f_coh_save 3 3 3 f_cons 4 4 4 f_inc 5 5 5 f_prod 6 6 6 f_util_crra 7 7 7 f_util_log 8 8 8 f_util_standin 9 9 9 ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Begin: Show all key and value pairs from container CONTAINER NAME: RESULT_MAP ---------------------------------------- Map with properties: Count: 22 KeyType: char ValueType: any xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- pos = 1 ; key = ar_pol_diff_norm ;rown= 134 ,coln= 1 ar_pol_diff_norm :mu= 59.0582 ,sd= 291.5504 ,min= 0 ,max= 2459.833 zi_1_c1 _______ zi_1_R1 2146.7 zi_2_R2 2459.8 zi_67_R67 4.3583 zi_133_r133 0 zi_134_r134 0 pos = 2 ; key = ar_st_pol_names ; val = cl_mt_coh cl_mt_pol_a cl_mt_pol_k cl_mt_pol_c cl_mt_pol_a_principleonly cl_mt_pol_b_bridge cl_mt_pol_inf_borr_nobridge cl_mt_pol_for_borr cl_mt_pol_for_save pos = 3 ; key = ar_val_diff_norm ;rown= 134 ,coln= 1 ar_val_diff_norm :mu= 10.1341 ,sd= 29.0738 ,min= 0.0019946 ,max= 179.6801 zi_1_c1 _________ zi_1_R1 179.68 zi_2_R2 173.03 zi_67_R67 0.10409 zi_133_r133 0.0021208 zi_134_r134 0.0019946 pos = 4 ; key = cl_mt_coh ;rown= 772 ,coln= 15 cl_mt_coh :mu= 18.6145 ,sd= 22.3335 ,min= -20 ,max= 57.2773 zi_1_C1 zi_2_C2 zi_8_C8 zi_14_c14 zi_15_c15 _______ _______ _______ _________ _________ zi_1_R1 -20 -20 -20 -20 -20 zi_2_R2 -19.9 -19.9 -19.9 -19.9 -19.9 zi_386_r386 18.538 18.538 18.538 18.538 18.538 zi_771_r771 57.177 57.177 57.177 57.177 57.177 zi_772_r772 57.277 57.277 57.277 57.277 57.277 pos = 5 ; key = cl_mt_cons ;rown= 772 ,coln= 15 cl_mt_cons :mu= 2.9386 ,sd= 2.4524 ,min= -18.5689 ,max= 7.2187 zi_1_C1 zi_2_C2 zi_8_C8 zi_14_c14 zi_15_c15 _______ _______ _______ _________ _________ zi_1_R1 -18.569 -18.569 -18.498 -18.345 -18.243 zi_2_R2 -18.476 -18.476 -18.404 -18.252 -18.15 zi_386_r386 2.0458 2.0458 2.9572 3.1732 3.1732 zi_771_r771 6.7426 6.7779 6.8836 7.1507 7.2009 zi_772_r772 6.7507 6.786 6.8805 7.139 7.2096 pos = 6 ; key = cl_mt_pol_a ;rown= 772 ,coln= 15 cl_mt_pol_a :mu= 9.0004 ,sd= 20.2258 ,min= -21.8995 ,max= 50.3606 zi_1_C1 zi_2_C2 zi_8_C8 zi_14_c14 zi_15_c15 _______ _______ _______ _________ _________ zi_1_R1 -2.6731 -2.6731 -5.5958 -11.859 -16.034 zi_2_R2 -2.6661 -2.6661 -5.5888 -11.852 -16.027 zi_386_r386 14.248 14.248 9.064 0.2057 0.2057 zi_771_r771 48.955 47.509 43.173 32.223 30.163 zi_772_r772 49.045 47.598 43.723 33.124 30.229 pos = 7 ; key = cl_mt_pol_a_principleonly ;rown= 772 ,coln= 15 cl_mt_pol_a_principleonly :mu= 9.0279 ,sd= 19.4169 ,min= -19.9995 ,max= 49.1323 zi_1_C1 zi_2_C2 zi_8_C8 zi_14_c14 zi_15_c15 _______ _______ _______ _________ _________ zi_1_R1 -1.242 -1.242 -4.0935 -10.204 -14.277 zi_2_R2 -1.242 -1.242 -4.0935 -10.204 -14.277 zi_386_r386 13.9 13.9 8.843 0.20069 0.20069 zi_771_r771 47.761 46.351 42.12 31.437 29.428 zi_772_r772 47.849 46.437 42.656 32.316 29.492 pos = 8 ; key = cl_mt_pol_b_bridge ;rown= 772 ,coln= 15 cl_mt_pol_b_bridge :mu= -2.5943 ,sd= 5.2867 ,min= -20 ,max= 0 zi_1_C1 zi_2_C2 zi_8_C8 zi_14_c14 zi_15_c15 _______ _______ _______ _________ _________ zi_1_R1 -20 -20 -20 -20 -20 zi_2_R2 -19.9 -19.9 -19.9 -19.9 -19.9 zi_386_r386 0 0 0 0 0 zi_771_r771 0 0 0 0 0 zi_772_r772 0 0 0 0 0 pos = 9 ; key = cl_mt_pol_c ;rown= 772 ,coln= 15 cl_mt_pol_c :mu= 2.9111 ,sd= 2.8378 ,min= -20 ,max= 7.9469 zi_1_C1 zi_2_C2 zi_8_C8 zi_14_c14 zi_15_c15 _______ _______ _______ _________ _________ zi_1_R1 -20 -20 -20 -20 -20 zi_2_R2 -19.9 -19.9 -19.9 -19.9 -19.9 zi_386_r386 2.3933 2.3933 3.1782 3.1782 3.1782 zi_771_r771 7.9366 7.9366 7.9366 7.9366 7.9366 zi_772_r772 7.9469 7.9469 7.9469 7.9469 7.9469 pos = 10 ; key = cl_mt_pol_for_borr ;rown= 772 ,coln= 15 cl_mt_pol_for_borr :mu= -1.6766 ,sd= 2.9877 ,min= -14.5 ,max= 0 zi_1_C1 zi_2_C2 zi_8_C8 zi_14_c14 zi_15_c15 _______ _______ _______ _________ _________ zi_1_R1 0 0 0 0 0 zi_2_R2 0 0 0 0 0 zi_386_r386 0 0 0 0 0 zi_771_r771 0 0 0 0 0 zi_772_r772 0 0 0 0 0 pos = 11 ; key = cl_mt_pol_for_save ;rown= 772 ,coln= 15 cl_mt_pol_for_save :mu= 13.3636 ,sd= 14.7352 ,min= 0 ,max= 49.1323 zi_1_C1 zi_2_C2 zi_8_C8 zi_14_c14 zi_15_c15 _______ _______ _______ _________ _________ zi_1_R1 18.758 18.758 15.907 9.7963 5.7229 zi_2_R2 18.658 18.658 15.806 9.696 5.6225 zi_386_r386 13.9 13.9 8.843 0.20069 0.20069 zi_771_r771 47.761 46.351 42.12 31.437 29.428 zi_772_r772 47.849 46.437 42.656 32.316 29.492 pos = 12 ; key = cl_mt_pol_inf_borr_nobridge ;rown= 772 ,coln= 15 cl_mt_pol_inf_borr_nobridge :mu= -0.064717 ,sd= 0.20137 ,min= -2.533 ,max= 0 zi_1_C1 zi_2_C2 zi_8_C8 zi_14_c14 zi_15_c15 _______ _______ _______ _________ _________ zi_1_R1 0 0 0 0 0 zi_2_R2 0 0 0 0 0 zi_386_r386 0 0 0 0 0 zi_771_r771 0 0 0 0 0 zi_772_r772 0 0 0 0 0 pos = 13 ; key = cl_mt_pol_k ;rown= 772 ,coln= 15 cl_mt_pol_k :mu= 6.6755 ,sd= 5.1921 ,min= 5.018e-07 ,max= 22.2439 zi_1_C1 zi_2_C2 zi_8_C8 zi_14_c14 zi_15_c15 _______ _______ _______ _________ _________ zi_1_R1 1.242 1.242 4.0935 10.204 14.277 zi_2_R2 1.242 1.242 4.0935 10.204 14.277 zi_386_r386 2.2447 2.2447 6.5171 15.159 15.159 zi_771_r771 1.4795 2.8897 7.1204 17.803 19.813 zi_772_r772 1.4814 2.8935 6.6741 17.014 19.838 pos = 14 ; key = mt_it_b_bridge_idx ;rown= 772 ,coln= 15 mt_it_b_bridge_idx :mu= 0.25907 ,sd= 0.43814 ,min= 0 ,max= 1 zi_1_C1 zi_2_C2 zi_8_C8 zi_14_c14 zi_15_c15 _______ _______ _______ _________ _________ zi_1_R1 true true true true true zi_2_R2 true true true true true zi_386_r386 false false false false false zi_771_r771 false false false false false zi_772_r772 false false false false false pos = 15 ; key = mt_it_for_only_nbdg ;rown= 772 ,coln= 15 mt_it_for_only_nbdg :mu= 0 ,sd= 0 ,min= 0 ,max= 0 zi_1_C1 zi_2_C2 zi_8_C8 zi_14_c14 zi_15_c15 _______ _______ _______ _________ _________ zi_1_R1 false false false false false zi_2_R2 false false false false false zi_386_r386 false false false false false zi_771_r771 false false false false false zi_772_r772 false false false false false pos = 16 ; key = mt_it_fr_brrsv_nbdg ;rown= 772 ,coln= 15 mt_it_fr_brrsv_nbdg :mu= 0.12513 ,sd= 0.33088 ,min= 0 ,max= 1 zi_1_C1 zi_2_C2 zi_8_C8 zi_14_c14 zi_15_c15 _______ _______ _______ _________ _________ zi_1_R1 false false false false false zi_2_R2 false false false false false zi_386_r386 false false false false false zi_771_r771 false false false false false zi_772_r772 false false false false false pos = 17 ; key = mt_it_frin_brr_nbdg ;rown= 772 ,coln= 15 mt_it_frin_brr_nbdg :mu= 0.20717 ,sd= 0.40529 ,min= 0 ,max= 1 zi_1_C1 zi_2_C2 zi_8_C8 zi_14_c14 zi_15_c15 _______ _______ _______ _________ _________ zi_1_R1 false false false false false zi_2_R2 false false false false false zi_386_r386 false false false false false zi_771_r771 false false false false false zi_772_r772 false false false false false pos = 18 ; key = mt_it_frmsavng_only ;rown= 772 ,coln= 15 mt_it_frmsavng_only :mu= 0.65078 ,sd= 0.47675 ,min= 0 ,max= 1 zi_1_C1 zi_2_C2 zi_8_C8 zi_14_c14 zi_15_c15 _______ _______ _______ _________ _________ zi_1_R1 true true true true true zi_2_R2 true true true true true zi_386_r386 true true true true true zi_771_r771 true true true true true zi_772_r772 true true true true true pos = 19 ; key = mt_it_inf_only_nbdg ;rown= 772 ,coln= 15 mt_it_inf_only_nbdg :mu= 0.016926 ,sd= 0.129 ,min= 0 ,max= 1 zi_1_C1 zi_2_C2 zi_8_C8 zi_14_c14 zi_15_c15 _______ _______ _______ _________ _________ zi_1_R1 false false false false false zi_2_R2 false false false false false zi_386_r386 false false false false false zi_771_r771 false false false false false zi_772_r772 false false false false false pos = 20 ; key = mt_pol_idx ;rown= 772 ,coln= 15 mt_pol_idx :mu= 19318.9907 ,sd= 11146.9295 ,min= 1 ,max= 38595 zi_1_C1 zi_2_C2 zi_8_C8 zi_14_c14 zi_15_c15 _______ _______ _______ _________ _________ zi_1_R1 1 1 1 1 1 zi_2_R2 91 91 91 91 91 zi_386_r386 19297 19297 19296 19296 19296 zi_771_r771 38545 38545 38545 38545 38545 zi_772_r772 38595 38595 38595 38595 38595 pos = 21 ; key = mt_pol_perc_change ;rown= 134 ,coln= 15 mt_pol_perc_change :mu= 0.08872 ,sd= 0.24528 ,min= 0 ,max= 1 zi_1_C1 zi_2_C2 zi_8_C8 zi_14_c14 zi_15_c15 _______ _________ _________ _________ _________ zi_1_R1 1 1 1 1 1 zi_2_R2 1 1 1 1 1 zi_67_R67 0 0.0025907 0.0025907 0 0 zi_133_r133 0 0 0 0 0 zi_134_r134 0 0 0 0 0 pos = 22 ; key = mt_val ;rown= 772 ,coln= 15 mt_val :mu= 8.8006 ,sd= 6.7928 ,min= -9.0197 ,max= 16.6004 zi_1_C1 zi_2_C2 zi_8_C8 zi_14_c14 zi_15_c15 _______ _______ _______ _________ _________ zi_1_R1 -9.0197 -8.7783 -6.7989 -4.0898 -3.6315 zi_2_R2 -9.0197 -8.7783 -6.7989 -4.0898 -3.6315 zi_386_r386 10.299 10.402 11.296 12.613 12.845 zi_771_r771 15.415 15.457 15.839 16.475 16.595 zi_772_r772 15.423 15.466 15.847 16.481 16.6 ---------------------------------------- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Matrix in Container and Sizes and Basic Statistics xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx i idx rowN colN mean std min max __ ___ ____ ____ _________ _______ _________ ______ ar_pol_diff_norm 1 1 134 1 59.058 291.55 0 2459.8 ar_val_diff_norm 2 3 134 1 10.134 29.074 0.0019946 179.68 cl_mt_coh 3 4 772 15 18.614 22.334 -20 57.277 cl_mt_cons 4 5 772 15 2.9386 2.4524 -18.569 7.2187 cl_mt_pol_a 5 6 772 15 9.0004 20.226 -21.899 50.361 cl_mt_pol_a_principleonly 6 7 772 15 9.0279 19.417 -19.999 49.132 cl_mt_pol_b_bridge 7 8 772 15 -2.5943 5.2867 -20 0 cl_mt_pol_c 8 9 772 15 2.9111 2.8378 -20 7.9469 cl_mt_pol_for_borr 9 10 772 15 -1.6766 2.9877 -14.5 0 cl_mt_pol_for_save 10 11 772 15 13.364 14.735 0 49.132 cl_mt_pol_inf_borr_nobridge 11 12 772 15 -0.064717 0.20137 -2.533 0 cl_mt_pol_k 12 13 772 15 6.6755 5.1921 5.018e-07 22.244 mt_it_b_bridge_idx 13 14 772 15 0.25907 0.43814 0 1 mt_it_for_only_nbdg 14 15 772 15 0 0 0 0 mt_it_fr_brrsv_nbdg 15 16 772 15 0.12513 0.33088 0 1 mt_it_frin_brr_nbdg 16 17 772 15 0.20717 0.40529 0 1 mt_it_frmsavng_only 17 18 772 15 0.65078 0.47675 0 1 mt_it_inf_only_nbdg 18 19 772 15 0.016926 0.129 0 1 mt_pol_idx 19 20 772 15 19319 11147 1 38595 mt_pol_perc_change 20 21 134 15 0.08872 0.24528 0 1 mt_val 21 22 772 15 8.8006 6.7928 -9.0197 16.6 ---------------------------------------- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Strings in Container and Sizes and Basic Statistics xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx i idx _ ___ ar_st_pol_names 1 2




















Derive Distribution
if (strcmp(st_analytical_stationary_type, 'loop')) result_map = ff_iwkz_ds(param_map, support_map, armt_map, func_map, result_map); elseif (strcmp(st_analytical_stationary_type, 'vector')) result_map = ff_iwkz_ds_vec(param_map, support_map, armt_map, func_map, result_map); elseif (strcmp(st_analytical_stationary_type, 'eigenvector')) result_map = ff_iwkz_ds_vecsv(param_map, support_map, armt_map, func_map, result_map); end
---------------------------------------- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Summary Statistics for: cl_mt_coh xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ---------------------------------------- fl_choice_mean 4.2154 fl_choice_sd 5.3811 fl_choice_coefofvar 1.2765 fl_choice_prob_zero 0.0018 fl_choice_prob_below_zero 0.1462 fl_choice_prob_above_zero 0.8520 fl_choice_prob_max 4.8652e-14 tb_prob_drv percentiles cl_mt_cohPercentileValues fracOfSumHeldBelowThisPercentile ___________ _________________________ ________________________________ 0.1 -20 -0.018692 1 -15.885 -0.044911 5 -4.8456 -0.13205 10 -1.2327 -0.16184 15 0.072016 -0.16769 20 1.0756 -0.1601 25 1.9789 -0.14057 35 3.3839 -0.07585 50 4.9897 0.080511 65 6.0936 0.28601 75 6.6958 0.43497 80 7.1976 0.51394 85 8.0005 0.59497 90 9.4055 0.69666 95 11.915 0.82076 99 17.434 0.95241 99.9 24.66 0.99368 ---------------------------------------- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Summary Statistics for: cl_mt_pol_a xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ---------------------------------------- fl_choice_mean -2.2625 fl_choice_sd 4.2041 fl_choice_coefofvar -1.8582 fl_choice_prob_zero 0 fl_choice_prob_below_zero 0.6976 fl_choice_prob_above_zero 0.3024 fl_choice_prob_max 1.9198e-31 tb_prob_drv percentiles cl_mt_pol_aPercentileValues fracOfSumHeldBelowThisPercentile ___________ ___________________________ ________________________________ 0.1 -21.868 0.011209 1 -21.289 0.096234 5 -10.075 0.35557 10 -6.4006 0.52716 15 -5.3924 0.65861 20 -4.3146 0.75869 25 -3.7652 0.85118 35 -2.6152 0.97527 50 -1.0396 1.0806 65 -0.054437 1.1095 75 0.069262 1.1089 80 0.14091 1.1065 85 0.2255 1.1024 90 0.33883 1.0966 95 1.314 1.0833 99 5.3232 1.0344 99.9 11.032 1.0058 ---------------------------------------- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Summary Statistics for: cl_mt_pol_k xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ---------------------------------------- fl_choice_mean 4.6377 fl_choice_sd 2.1417 fl_choice_coefofvar 0.4618 fl_choice_prob_zero 0 fl_choice_prob_below_zero 0 fl_choice_prob_above_zero 1.0000 fl_choice_prob_max 1.2794e-12 tb_prob_drv percentiles cl_mt_pol_kPercentileValues fracOfSumHeldBelowThisPercentile ___________ ___________________________ ________________________________ 0.1 1.6058e-06 3.6144e-10 1 1.3094 0.0015814 5 2.0134 0.016558 10 2.4614 0.041031 15 2.766 0.069264 20 2.9165 0.099949 25 3.1758 0.13239 35 3.7035 0.20817 50 4.3859 0.33775 65 4.8356 0.48535 75 5.5122 0.59607 80 5.8438 0.65859 85 6.5082 0.72564 90 7.3665 0.79971 95 8.8618 0.88401 99 12.023 0.97011 99.9 15.791 0.99611 ---------------------------------------- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Summary Statistics for: cl_mt_pol_c xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ---------------------------------------- fl_choice_mean 1.6678 fl_choice_sd 1.4450 fl_choice_coefofvar 0.8664 fl_choice_prob_zero 0 fl_choice_prob_below_zero 0.0039 fl_choice_prob_above_zero 0.9961 fl_choice_prob_max 4.8652e-14 tb_prob_drv percentiles cl_mt_pol_cPercentileValues fracOfSumHeldBelowThisPercentile ___________ ___________________________ ________________________________ 0.1 -20 -0.047246 1 1.1032 -0.042073 5 1.1967 -0.013506 10 1.259 0.022025 15 1.3151 0.06058 20 1.3649 0.10137 25 1.4086 0.14321 35 1.4862 0.22865 50 1.5768 0.36961 65 1.6579 0.51236 75 2.1933 0.64619 80 2.2347 0.70613 85 2.3092 0.77172 90 2.4251 0.83867 95 2.632 0.91207 99 3.1286 0.97983 99.9 3.7567 0.99766 ---------------------------------------- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Summary Statistics for: cl_mt_pol_a_principleonly xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ---------------------------------------- fl_choice_mean -2.0900 fl_choice_sd 3.9027 fl_choice_coefofvar -1.8673 fl_choice_prob_zero 0 fl_choice_prob_below_zero 0.6976 fl_choice_prob_above_zero 0.3024 fl_choice_prob_max 1.9198e-31 tb_prob_drv percentiles cl_mt_pol_a_principleonlyPercentileValues fracOfSumHeldBelowThisPercentile ___________ _________________________________________ ________________________________ 0.1 -19.998 0.011307 1 -19.561 0.095701 5 -9.3208 0.35486 10 -5.9549 0.52674 15 -5.0084 0.65802 20 -4.0441 0.76208 25 -3.3741 0.8552 35 -2.4507 0.9824 50 -0.97522 1.0866 65 -0.049714 1.1157 75 0.067573 1.115 80 0.13747 1.1125 85 0.22 1.1081 90 0.33057 1.102 95 1.282 1.0879 99 5.1933 1.0363 99.9 10.763 1.0061 ---------------------------------------- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Summary Statistics for: cl_mt_pol_b_bridge xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ---------------------------------------- fl_choice_mean -0.7072 fl_choice_sd 2.6800 fl_choice_coefofvar -3.7894 fl_choice_prob_zero 0.8538 fl_choice_prob_below_zero 0.1462 fl_choice_prob_above_zero 0 fl_choice_prob_max 0.8538 tb_prob_drv percentiles cl_mt_pol_b_bridgePercentileValues fracOfSumHeldBelowThisPercentile ___________ __________________________________ ________________________________ 0.1 -20 0.11141 1 -15.885 0.26769 5 -4.8456 0.78706 10 -1.2327 0.96462 15 0 1 20 0 1 25 0 1 35 0 1 50 0 1 65 0 1 75 0 1 80 0 1 85 0 1 90 0 1 95 0 1 99 0 1 99.9 0 1 ---------------------------------------- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Summary Statistics for: cl_mt_pol_inf_borr_nobridge xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ---------------------------------------- fl_choice_mean -0.0664 fl_choice_sd 0.1225 fl_choice_coefofvar -1.8443 fl_choice_prob_zero 0.5351 fl_choice_prob_below_zero 0.4649 fl_choice_prob_above_zero 0 fl_choice_prob_max 0.5351 tb_prob_drv percentiles cl_mt_pol_inf_borr_nobridgePercentileValues fracOfSumHeldBelowThisPercentile ___________ ___________________________________________ ________________________________ 0.1 -0.83201 0.024691 1 -0.63867 0.11807 5 -0.25947 0.35428 10 -0.19422 0.52289 15 -0.16734 0.66304 20 -0.12789 0.76914 25 -0.097994 0.85368 35 -0.037399 0.97011 50 0 1 65 0 1 75 0 1 80 0 1 85 0 1 90 0 1 95 0 1 99 0 1 99.9 0 1 ---------------------------------------- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Summary Statistics for: cl_mt_pol_for_borr xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ---------------------------------------- fl_choice_mean -1.6514 fl_choice_sd 1.9893 fl_choice_coefofvar -1.2046 fl_choice_prob_zero 0.4522 fl_choice_prob_below_zero 0.5478 fl_choice_prob_above_zero 0 fl_choice_prob_max 0.4522 tb_prob_drv percentiles cl_mt_pol_for_borrPercentileValues fracOfSumHeldBelowThisPercentile ___________ __________________________________ ________________________________ 0.1 -10 0.018449 1 -7 0.10413 5 -5.5 0.31901 10 -4 0.66594 15 -4 0.66594 20 -4 0.66594 25 -2.5 0.90297 35 -2.5 0.90297 50 -1 1 65 0 1 75 0 1 80 0 1 85 0 1 90 0 1 95 0 1 99 0 1 99.9 0 1 ---------------------------------------- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Summary Statistics for: cl_mt_pol_for_save xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ---------------------------------------- fl_choice_mean 0.3350 fl_choice_sd 1.4064 fl_choice_coefofvar 4.1980 fl_choice_prob_zero 0.4649 fl_choice_prob_below_zero 0 fl_choice_prob_above_zero 0.5351 fl_choice_prob_max 1.9198e-31 tb_prob_drv percentiles cl_mt_pol_for_savePercentileValues fracOfSumHeldBelowThisPercentile ___________ __________________________________ ________________________________ 0.1 0 0 1 0 0 5 0 0 10 0 0 15 0 0 20 0 0 25 0 0 35 0 0 50 0.017733 0.0010628 65 0.088996 0.025719 75 0.14627 0.063416 80 0.19294 0.088267 85 0.26972 0.12367 90 0.38236 0.16798 95 1.5 0.2729 99 6.4837 0.64642 99.9 17.536 0.98636 xxx All Variables PERCENTILES AND STATS xxx tb_outcomes_meansdperc: mean, sd, percentiles mean sd coefofvar min max pYis0 pYls0 pYgr0 pYisMINY pYisMAXY p0_1 p1 p5 p10 p15 p20 p25 p35 p50 p65 p75 p80 p85 p90 p95 p99 p99_9 _________ _______ _________ _________ ______ _________ _________ _______ __________ __________ __________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ _________ _________ ________ _________ ________ _______ _______ _______ ______ ______ ______ cl_mt_coh 4.2154 5.3811 1.2765 -20 57.277 0.0017737 0.14618 0.85204 0.0039397 4.8652e-14 -20 -15.885 -4.8456 -1.2327 0.072016 1.0756 1.9789 3.3839 4.9897 6.0936 6.6958 7.1976 8.0005 9.4055 11.915 17.434 24.66 cl_mt_pol_a -2.2625 4.2041 -1.8582 -21.899 50.361 0 0.69764 0.30236 1.6034e-15 1.9198e-31 -21.868 -21.289 -10.075 -6.4006 -5.3924 -4.3146 -3.7652 -2.6152 -1.0396 -0.054437 0.069262 0.14091 0.2255 0.33883 1.314 5.3232 11.032 cl_mt_pol_k 4.6377 2.1417 0.4618 5.018e-07 22.244 0 0 1 1.6034e-15 1.2794e-12 1.6058e-06 1.3094 2.0134 2.4614 2.766 2.9165 3.1758 3.7035 4.3859 4.8356 5.5122 5.8438 6.5082 7.3665 8.8618 12.023 15.791 cl_mt_pol_c 1.6678 1.445 0.86643 -20 7.9469 0 0.0039397 0.99606 0.0039397 4.8652e-14 -20 1.1032 1.1967 1.259 1.3151 1.3649 1.4086 1.4862 1.5768 1.6579 2.1933 2.2347 2.3092 2.4251 2.632 3.1286 3.7567 cl_mt_pol_a_principleonly -2.09 3.9027 -1.8673 -19.999 49.132 0 0.69764 0.30236 1.6034e-15 1.9198e-31 -19.998 -19.561 -9.3208 -5.9549 -5.0084 -4.0441 -3.3741 -2.4507 -0.97522 -0.049714 0.067573 0.13747 0.22 0.33057 1.282 5.1933 10.763 cl_mt_pol_b_bridge -0.70723 2.68 -3.7894 -20 0 0.85382 0.14618 0 0.0039397 0.85382 -20 -15.885 -4.8456 -1.2327 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 cl_mt_pol_inf_borr_nobridge -0.066409 0.12248 -1.8443 -2.533 0 0.53509 0.46491 0 1.1585e-06 0.53509 -0.83201 -0.63867 -0.25947 -0.19422 -0.16734 -0.12789 -0.097994 -0.037399 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 cl_mt_pol_for_borr -1.6514 1.9893 -1.2046 -14.5 0 0.45222 0.54778 0 0.00010614 0.45222 -10 -7 -5.5 -4 -4 -4 -2.5 -2.5 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 cl_mt_pol_for_save 0.33503 1.4064 4.198 0 49.132 0.46491 0 0.53509 0.46491 1.9198e-31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.017733 0.088996 0.14627 0.19294 0.26972 0.38236 1.5 6.4837 17.536 xxx All Variables Fraction of Y Held up to Percentile xxx tb_outcomes_fracheld: fraction of asset/income/etc held by hh up to this percentile fracByP0_1 fracByP1 fracByP5 fracByP10 fracByP15 fracByP20 fracByP25 fracByP35 fracByP50 fracByP65 fracByP75 fracByP80 fracByP85 fracByP90 fracByP95 fracByP99 fracByP99_9 __________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ ___________ cl_mt_coh -0.018692 -0.044911 -0.13205 -0.16184 -0.16769 -0.1601 -0.14057 -0.07585 0.080511 0.28601 0.43497 0.51394 0.59497 0.69666 0.82076 0.95241 0.99368 cl_mt_pol_a 0.011209 0.096234 0.35557 0.52716 0.65861 0.75869 0.85118 0.97527 1.0806 1.1095 1.1089 1.1065 1.1024 1.0966 1.0833 1.0344 1.0058 cl_mt_pol_k 3.6144e-10 0.0015814 0.016558 0.041031 0.069264 0.099949 0.13239 0.20817 0.33775 0.48535 0.59607 0.65859 0.72564 0.79971 0.88401 0.97011 0.99611 cl_mt_pol_c -0.047246 -0.042073 -0.013506 0.022025 0.06058 0.10137 0.14321 0.22865 0.36961 0.51236 0.64619 0.70613 0.77172 0.83867 0.91207 0.97983 0.99766 cl_mt_pol_a_principleonly 0.011307 0.095701 0.35486 0.52674 0.65802 0.76208 0.8552 0.9824 1.0866 1.1157 1.115 1.1125 1.1081 1.102 1.0879 1.0363 1.0061 cl_mt_pol_b_bridge 0.11141 0.26769 0.78706 0.96462 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 cl_mt_pol_inf_borr_nobridge 0.024691 0.11807 0.35428 0.52289 0.66304 0.76914 0.85368 0.97011 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 cl_mt_pol_for_borr 0.018449 0.10413 0.31901 0.66594 0.66594 0.66594 0.90297 0.90297 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 cl_mt_pol_for_save 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0010628 0.025719 0.063416 0.088267 0.12367 0.16798 0.2729 0.64642 0.98636
End Profiler and Timer
End Timer
if (bl_time) toc; end % End Profile if (it_param_set == 7) profile off profile viewer st_file_name = [st_profile_prefix st_profile_name_main st_profile_suffix]; profsave(profile('info'), strcat(st_profile_path, st_file_name)); end