2nd Stage Optimization for Risky + Safe Asset (Save + Borr) Interpolated-Percentage

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function [mt_ev_condi_z_max, mt_ev_condi_z_max_idx, mt_ev_condi_z_max_kp, mt_ev_condi_z_max_bp] = ff_ipwkbz_evf(varargin)

FF_IPWKBZ_EVF solves the k' vs b' problem given aggregate savings

This function follows the structure set up here: ff_wkz_evf but now we solve the second stage with percentage choice grid

We solve along a vector of w_n vector, that is an interpolation vector, not a vector of actual w choices picked in the first stage. k' choices are in terms of percentages. Compared to ff_wkz_evf where we only had an upper triangle of choices, now we have a full matrix of percentage choices.

@param mt_val matrix state_n I^2 by shock_n. This is the value matrix each row is a feasible reachable state given the choice vectors/matrix and each column is a shock state.

@param param_map container parameter container

@param support_map container support container

@param armt_map container container with states, choices and shocks grids that are inputs for grid based solution algorithm

@return mt_ev_condi_z_max matrix choice_w_n by shock_n max_{k'}(E(V(coh(k',b'=w-k'),z'|z,w)) conditional on z and w, at the optimal k' choice (w=k'+b') what is the expected utility? This is the value result from the 2nd stage problem. Note the result integrates over z'.

@return mt_ev_condi_z_max_idx matrix choice_w_n by shock_n this is the argmax from max_{k'}(E(V(coh(k',b'=w-k'),z'|z,w)). Given the vector of k' choices, which index maximized conditional on z and w integrating over z'/

@return mt_ev_condi_z_max_kp matrix choice_w_level_n by shock_n the k' choice at max_{k'}(E(V(coh(k',b'=w-k'),z'|z,w))

@return mt_ev_condi_z_max_bp matrix choice_w_n by shock_n the b'=w-k' choice at max_{k'}(E(V(coh(k',b'=w-k'),z'|z,w))




params_len = length(varargin);
bl_input_override = 0;
if (params_len == 5)
    bl_input_override = varargin{5};
if (bl_input_override)
    % override when called from outside
    [mt_val, param_map, support_map, armt_map, ~] = varargin{:};
    clear all;
    close all;

    % Not default parameters, but parameters that generate defaults
    [param_map, support_map] = ffs_ipwkbz_set_default_param();

    support_map('bl_graph_evf') = true;
    bl_display_evf = true;
    support_map('bl_display_evf') = bl_display_evf;

    param_map('it_ak_perc_n') = 250;
    param_map('fl_w_interp_grid_gap') = (param_map('fl_w_max')-param_map('fl_b_bd'))/param_map('it_ak_perc_n');

    [armt_map, func_map] = ffs_ipwkbz_get_funcgrid(param_map, support_map); % 1 for override

    % Generating Defaults
    params_group = values(armt_map, {'ar_a_meshk', 'ar_k_mesha', 'ar_z'});
    [ar_a_meshk, ar_k_mesha, ar_z] = params_group{:};
    params_group = values(func_map, {'f_util_standin', 'f_coh'});
    [f_util_standin, f_coh] = params_group{:};
    mt_val = f_util_standin(ar_z, ar_a_meshk, ar_k_mesha);
    mt_coh = f_coh(ar_z, ar_a_meshk, ar_k_mesha);

Display Parameters Specific to IPWKBZR
Begin: Show all key and value pairs from container
  Map with properties:

        Count: 9
      KeyType: char
    ValueType: any

pos = 1 ; key = bl_default ; val = true
pos = 2 ; key = fl_b_bd ; val = -20
pos = 3 ; key = fl_c_min ; val = 0.02
pos = 4 ; key = fl_default_wprime ; val = 0
pos = 5 ; key = fl_k_max ; val = 70
pos = 6 ; key = fl_w_max ; val = 50
pos = 7 ; key = fl_w_min ; val = -20
pos = 8 ; key = st_model ; val = ipwkbz
pos = 9 ; key = st_v_coh_z_interp_method ; val = method_cell
Scalars in Container and Sizes and Basic Statistics
                         i    idx    value
                         _    ___    _____

    bl_default           1     1        1 
    fl_b_bd              2     2      -20 
    fl_c_min             3     3     0.02 
    fl_default_wprime    4     4        0 
    fl_k_max             5     5       70 
    fl_w_max             6     6       50 
    fl_w_min             7     7      -20 

Strings in Container and Sizes and Basic Statistics
                                i    idx
                                _    ___

    st_model                    1     8 
    st_v_coh_z_interp_method    2     9 

Begin: Show all key and value pairs from container
  Map with properties:

        Count: 5
      KeyType: char
    ValueType: any

pos = 1 ; key = st_img_path ; val = C:/Users/fan/CodeDynaAsset//m_ipwkbzr//solve/img/
pos = 2 ; key = st_mat_path ; val = C:/Users/fan/CodeDynaAsset//m_ipwkbzr//solve/mat/
pos = 3 ; key = st_mat_test_path ; val = C:/Users/fan/CodeDynaAsset//m_ipwkbzr//test/ff_ipwkbz_ds_vecsv/mat/
pos = 4 ; key = st_matimg_path_root ; val = C:/Users/fan/CodeDynaAsset//m_ipwkbzr/
pos = 5 ; key = st_profile_path ; val = C:/Users/fan/CodeDynaAsset//m_ipwkbzr//solve/profile/
Strings in Container and Sizes and Basic Statistics
                           i    idx
                           _    ___

    st_img_path            1     1 
    st_mat_path            2     2 
    st_mat_test_path       3     3 
    st_matimg_path_root    4     4 
    st_profile_path        5     5 

Display All Parameters with IPWKBZR overriding IPWKBZR
Begin: Show all key and value pairs from container
  Map with properties:

        Count: 35
      KeyType: char
    ValueType: any

pos = 1 ; key = bl_default ; val = true
pos = 2 ; key = fl_Amean ; val = 1
pos = 3 ; key = fl_alpha ; val = 0.36
pos = 4 ; key = fl_b_bd ; val = -20
pos = 5 ; key = fl_beta ; val = 0.94
pos = 6 ; key = fl_c_min ; val = 0.02
pos = 7 ; key = fl_coh_interp_grid_gap ; val = 0.1
pos = 8 ; key = fl_crra ; val = 1.5
pos = 9 ; key = fl_default_wprime ; val = 0
pos = 10 ; key = fl_delta ; val = 0.08
pos = 11 ; key = fl_k_max ; val = 70
pos = 12 ; key = fl_k_min ; val = 0
pos = 13 ; key = fl_nan_replace ; val = -9999
pos = 14 ; key = fl_r_borr ; val = 0.095
pos = 15 ; key = fl_r_save ; val = 0.025
pos = 16 ; key = fl_tol_dist ; val = 1e-05
pos = 17 ; key = fl_tol_pol ; val = 1e-05
pos = 18 ; key = fl_tol_val ; val = 1e-05
pos = 19 ; key = fl_w ; val = 0.44365
pos = 20 ; key = fl_w_interp_grid_gap ; val = 0.1
pos = 21 ; key = fl_w_max ; val = 50
pos = 22 ; key = fl_w_min ; val = -20
pos = 23 ; key = fl_z_mu ; val = 0
pos = 24 ; key = fl_z_rho ; val = 0.8
pos = 25 ; key = fl_z_sig ; val = 0.2
pos = 26 ; key = it_ak_perc_n ; val = 50
pos = 27 ; key = it_c_interp_grid_gap ; val = 0.0001
pos = 28 ; key = it_maxiter_dist ; val = 1000
pos = 29 ; key = it_maxiter_val ; val = 250
pos = 30 ; key = it_tol_pol_nochange ; val = 25
pos = 31 ; key = it_w_perc_n ; val = 50
pos = 32 ; key = it_z_n ; val = 15
pos = 33 ; key = st_analytical_stationary_type ; val = eigenvector
pos = 34 ; key = st_model ; val = ipwkbz
pos = 35 ; key = st_v_coh_z_interp_method ; val = method_cell
Scalars in Container and Sizes and Basic Statistics
                              i     idx     value 
                              __    ___    _______

    bl_default                 1     1           1
    fl_Amean                   2     2           1
    fl_alpha                   3     3        0.36
    fl_b_bd                    4     4         -20
    fl_beta                    5     5        0.94
    fl_c_min                   6     6        0.02
    fl_coh_interp_grid_gap     7     7         0.1
    fl_crra                    8     8         1.5
    fl_default_wprime          9     9           0
    fl_delta                  10    10        0.08
    fl_k_max                  11    11          70
    fl_k_min                  12    12           0
    fl_nan_replace            13    13       -9999
    fl_r_borr                 14    14       0.095
    fl_r_save                 15    15       0.025
    fl_tol_dist               16    16       1e-05
    fl_tol_pol                17    17       1e-05
    fl_tol_val                18    18       1e-05
    fl_w                      19    19     0.44365
    fl_w_interp_grid_gap      20    20         0.1
    fl_w_max                  21    21          50
    fl_w_min                  22    22         -20
    fl_z_mu                   23    23           0
    fl_z_rho                  24    24         0.8
    fl_z_sig                  25    25         0.2
    it_ak_perc_n              26    26          50
    it_c_interp_grid_gap      27    27      0.0001
    it_maxiter_dist           28    28        1000
    it_maxiter_val            29    29         250
    it_tol_pol_nochange       30    30          25
    it_w_perc_n               31    31          50
    it_z_n                    32    32          15

Strings in Container and Sizes and Basic Statistics
                                     i    idx
                                     _    ___

    st_analytical_stationary_type    1    33 
    st_model                         2    34 
    st_v_coh_z_interp_method         3    35 

Begin: Show all key and value pairs from container
  Map with properties:

        Count: 43
      KeyType: char
    ValueType: any

pos = 1 ; key = bl_display ; val = false
pos = 2 ; key = bl_display_defparam ; val = true
pos = 3 ; key = bl_display_dist ; val = false
pos = 4 ; key = bl_display_evf ; val = false
pos = 5 ; key = bl_display_final ; val = true
pos = 6 ; key = bl_display_final_dist ; val = false
pos = 7 ; key = bl_display_final_dist_detail ; val = false
pos = 8 ; key = bl_display_funcgrids ; val = false
pos = 9 ; key = bl_graph ; val = true
pos = 10 ; key = bl_graph_coh_t_coh ; val = true
pos = 11 ; key = bl_graph_evf ; val = false
pos = 12 ; key = bl_graph_funcgrids ; val = false
pos = 13 ; key = bl_graph_funcgrids_detail ; val = false
pos = 14 ; key = bl_graph_onebyones ; val = true
pos = 15 ; key = bl_graph_pol_lvl ; val = true
pos = 16 ; key = bl_graph_pol_pct ; val = true
pos = 17 ; key = bl_graph_val ; val = true
pos = 18 ; key = bl_img_save ; val = false
pos = 19 ; key = bl_mat ; val = false
pos = 20 ; key = bl_post ; val = true
pos = 21 ; key = bl_profile ; val = false
pos = 22 ; key = bl_profile_dist ; val = false
pos = 23 ; key = bl_time ; val = false
pos = 24 ; key = it_display_every ; val = 5
pos = 25 ; key = it_display_final_colmax ; val = 12
pos = 26 ; key = it_display_final_rowmax ; val = 100
pos = 27 ; key = it_display_summmat_colmax ; val = 7
pos = 28 ; key = it_display_summmat_rowmax ; val = 7
pos = 29 ; key = st_img_name_main ; val = _default
pos = 30 ; key = st_img_path ; val = C:/Users/fan/CodeDynaAsset//m_ipwkbzr//solve/img/
pos = 31 ; key = st_img_prefix ; val = 
pos = 32 ; key = st_img_suffix ; val = _p4.png
pos = 33 ; key = st_mat_name_main ; val = _default
pos = 34 ; key = st_mat_path ; val = C:/Users/fan/CodeDynaAsset//m_ipwkbzr//solve/mat/
pos = 35 ; key = st_mat_prefix ; val = 
pos = 36 ; key = st_mat_suffix ; val = _p4
pos = 37 ; key = st_mat_test_path ; val = C:/Users/fan/CodeDynaAsset//m_ipwkbzr//test/ff_ipwkbz_ds_vecsv/mat/
pos = 38 ; key = st_matimg_path_root ; val = C:/Users/fan/CodeDynaAsset//m_ipwkbzr/
pos = 39 ; key = st_profile_name_main ; val = _default
pos = 40 ; key = st_profile_path ; val = C:/Users/fan/CodeDynaAsset//m_ipwkbzr//solve/profile/
pos = 41 ; key = st_profile_prefix ; val = 
pos = 42 ; key = st_profile_suffix ; val = _p4
pos = 43 ; key = st_title_prefix ; val = 
Scalars in Container and Sizes and Basic Statistics
                                    i     idx    value
                                    __    ___    _____

    bl_display                       1     1        0 
    bl_display_defparam              2     2        1 
    bl_display_dist                  3     3        0 
    bl_display_evf                   4     4        0 
    bl_display_final                 5     5        1 
    bl_display_final_dist            6     6        0 
    bl_display_final_dist_detail     7     7        0 
    bl_display_funcgrids             8     8        0 
    bl_graph                         9     9        1 
    bl_graph_coh_t_coh              10    10        1 
    bl_graph_evf                    11    11        0 
    bl_graph_funcgrids              12    12        0 
    bl_graph_funcgrids_detail       13    13        0 
    bl_graph_onebyones              14    14        1 
    bl_graph_pol_lvl                15    15        1 
    bl_graph_pol_pct                16    16        1 
    bl_graph_val                    17    17        1 
    bl_img_save                     18    18        0 
    bl_mat                          19    19        0 
    bl_post                         20    20        1 
    bl_profile                      21    21        0 
    bl_profile_dist                 22    22        0 
    bl_time                         23    23        0 
    it_display_every                24    24        5 
    it_display_final_colmax         25    25       12 
    it_display_final_rowmax         26    26      100 
    it_display_summmat_colmax       27    27        7 
    it_display_summmat_rowmax       28    28        7 

Strings in Container and Sizes and Basic Statistics
                            i     idx
                            __    ___

    st_img_name_main         1    29 
    st_img_path              2    30 
    st_img_prefix            3    31 
    st_img_suffix            4    32 
    st_mat_name_main         5    33 
    st_mat_path              6    34 
    st_mat_prefix            7    35 
    st_mat_suffix            8    36 
    st_mat_test_path         9    37 
    st_matimg_path_root     10    38 
    st_profile_name_main    11    39 
    st_profile_path         12    40 
    st_profile_prefix       13    41 
    st_profile_suffix       14    42 
    st_title_prefix         15    43 

Parse Parameters

params_group = values(armt_map, {'mt_z_trans', 'ar_z',...
    'ar_w_level', 'ar_k_mesha', 'ar_a_meshk', 'mt_k'});
[mt_z_trans, ar_z, ar_w_level, ...
    ar_k_mesha, ar_a_meshk, mt_k] = params_group{:};
params_group = values(param_map, {'it_z_n', 'fl_nan_replace', 'fl_b_bd'});
[it_z_n, fl_nan_replace, fl_b_bd] = params_group{:};
params_group = values(support_map, {'bl_graph_onebyones','bl_display_evf', 'bl_graph_evf'});
[bl_graph_onebyones, bl_display_evf, bl_graph_evf] = params_group{:};
params_group = values(support_map, {'bl_img_save', 'st_img_path', 'st_img_prefix', 'st_img_name_main', 'st_img_suffix'});
[bl_img_save, st_img_path, st_img_prefix, st_img_name_main, st_img_suffix] = params_group{:};
params_group = values(support_map, {'it_display_summmat_rowmax', 'it_display_summmat_colmax'});
[it_display_summmat_rowmax, it_display_summmat_colmax] = params_group{:};

% append function name
st_func_name = 'ff_ipwkbz_evf';
st_img_name_main = [st_func_name st_img_name_main];

Integrate E(V(coh(k',b'), z')|z, w)

Each column for a different state z, each value E(V(coh,z')|z) integrated already Here, each column is a current z, more to right higher EV dim(mt_ev_condi_z): Q by M Note that: mt_ev_condi_z = mt_val*mt_z_trans' is a mistake, that would be what we do in the ffs_ipwkbz_set_functions code where we loop over current z, and for each current z, grab out a particular row from the mt_z_trans that corresponds to a current shock's transition into all future states.

here, each column of mt_val corresponds to a state z, think of that as future state z. The input mt_val is V(coh, z), we need to integrate to get E(V(coh,z')|z).

mt_ev_condi_z = mt_val*mt_z_trans';
    disp('mt_ev_condi_z: Q by M');
    disp(head(array2table(mt_ev_condi_z), 20));
    disp(tail(array2table(mt_ev_condi_z), 20));
mt_ev_condi_z: Q by M
       62250          15

    mt_ev_condi_z1    mt_ev_condi_z2    mt_ev_condi_z3    mt_ev_condi_z4    mt_ev_condi_z5    mt_ev_condi_z6    mt_ev_condi_z7    mt_ev_condi_z8    mt_ev_condi_z9    mt_ev_condi_z10    mt_ev_condi_z11    mt_ev_condi_z12    mt_ev_condi_z13    mt_ev_condi_z14    mt_ev_condi_z15
    ______________    ______________    ______________    ______________    ______________    ______________    ______________    ______________    ______________    _______________    _______________    _______________    _______________    _______________    _______________

        -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912             -3.912             -3.912             -3.912             -3.912             -3.912     
        -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912             -3.912             -3.912             -3.912             -3.912             -3.912     
        -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912             -3.912             -3.912             -3.912             -3.912             -3.912     
        -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912             -3.912             -3.912             -3.912             -3.912             -3.912     
        -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912             -3.912             -3.912             -3.912             -3.912             -3.912     
        -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912             -3.912             -3.912             -3.912             -3.912             -3.912     
        -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912             -3.912             -3.912             -3.912             -3.912             -3.912     
        -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912             -3.912             -3.912             -3.912             -3.912             -3.912     
        -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912             -3.912             -3.912             -3.912             -3.912             -3.912     
        -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912             -3.912             -3.912             -3.912             -3.912             -3.912     
        -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912             -3.912             -3.912             -3.912             -3.912             -3.912     
        -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912             -3.912             -3.912             -3.912             -3.912             -3.912     
        -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912             -3.912             -3.912             -3.912             -3.912             -3.912     
        -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912             -3.912             -3.912             -3.912             -3.912             -3.912     
        -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912             -3.912             -3.912             -3.912             -3.912             -3.912     
        -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912             -3.912             -3.912             -3.912             -3.912             -3.912     
        -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912             -3.912             -3.912             -3.912             -3.912             -3.912     
        -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912             -3.912             -3.912             -3.912             -3.912             -3.912     
        -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912             -3.912             -3.912             -3.912             -3.912             -3.912     
        -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912            -3.912             -3.912             -3.912             -3.912             -3.912             -3.912     

    mt_ev_condi_z1    mt_ev_condi_z2    mt_ev_condi_z3    mt_ev_condi_z4    mt_ev_condi_z5    mt_ev_condi_z6    mt_ev_condi_z7    mt_ev_condi_z8    mt_ev_condi_z9    mt_ev_condi_z10    mt_ev_condi_z11    mt_ev_condi_z12    mt_ev_condi_z13    mt_ev_condi_z14    mt_ev_condi_z15
    ______________    ______________    ______________    ______________    ______________    ______________    ______________    ______________    ______________    _______________    _______________    _______________    _______________    _______________    _______________

        4.1873            4.1906            4.1945            4.1989            4.2039            4.2094            4.2156            4.2224              4.23            4.2385             4.2479             4.2584             4.2698             4.2821             4.2944     
        4.1866            4.1899            4.1938            4.1982            4.2032            4.2087            4.2149            4.2218            4.2294            4.2379             4.2474             4.2578             4.2693             4.2816             4.2939     
        4.1859            4.1892            4.1931            4.1976            4.2025            4.2081            4.2143            4.2212            4.2288            4.2373             4.2468             4.2573             4.2688             4.2811             4.2934     
        4.1852            4.1885            4.1924            4.1969            4.2019            4.2074            4.2136            4.2205            4.2282            4.2368             4.2462             4.2567             4.2683             4.2806              4.293     
        4.1845            4.1878            4.1918            4.1962            4.2012            4.2068             4.213            4.2199            4.2276            4.2362             4.2457             4.2562             4.2677             4.2801             4.2925     
        4.1838            4.1871            4.1911            4.1955            4.2006            4.2061            4.2124            4.2193             4.227            4.2356             4.2451             4.2556             4.2672             4.2796              4.292     
        4.1831            4.1864            4.1904            4.1949            4.1999            4.2055            4.2117            4.2187            4.2264             4.235             4.2445             4.2551             4.2667             4.2791             4.2915     
        4.1824            4.1857            4.1897            4.1942            4.1992            4.2048            4.2111             4.218            4.2258            4.2344              4.244             4.2545             4.2662             4.2786             4.2911     
        4.1816             4.185             4.189            4.1935            4.1985            4.2042            4.2104            4.2174            4.2252            4.2338             4.2434              4.254             4.2656             4.2781             4.2906     
        4.1809            4.1843            4.1883            4.1928            4.1979            4.2035            4.2098            4.2168            4.2246            4.2332             4.2428             4.2534             4.2651             4.2776             4.2901     
        4.1802            4.1836            4.1876            4.1921            4.1972            4.2029            4.2092            4.2162             4.224            4.2326             4.2422             4.2529             4.2646             4.2771             4.2896     
        4.1795            4.1829            4.1869            4.1915            4.1965            4.2022            4.2085            4.2155            4.2233             4.232             4.2417             4.2523              4.264             4.2766             4.2891     
        4.1788            4.1822            4.1862            4.1908            4.1959            4.2015            4.2079            4.2149            4.2227            4.2314             4.2411             4.2518             4.2635             4.2761             4.2887     
        4.1781            4.1815            4.1856            4.1901            4.1952            4.2009            4.2072            4.2143            4.2221            4.2308             4.2405             4.2512              4.263             4.2756             4.2882     
        4.1774            4.1808            4.1849            4.1894            4.1945            4.2002            4.2066            4.2136            4.2215            4.2302             4.2399             4.2507             4.2624              4.275             4.2877     
        4.1767            4.1801            4.1842            4.1887            4.1939            4.1996            4.2059             4.213            4.2209            4.2296             4.2394             4.2501             4.2619             4.2745             4.2872     
         4.176            4.1794            4.1835            4.1881            4.1932            4.1989            4.2053            4.2124            4.2203             4.229             4.2388             4.2496             4.2614              4.274             4.2867     
        4.1753            4.1787            4.1828            4.1874            4.1925            4.1982            4.2046            4.2117            4.2196            4.2284             4.2382              4.249             4.2608             4.2735             4.2863     
        4.1746             4.178            4.1821            4.1867            4.1918            4.1976             4.204            4.2111             4.219            4.2278             4.2376             4.2484             4.2603              4.273             4.2858     
        4.1738            4.1773            4.1814             4.186            4.1912            4.1969            4.2033            4.2105            4.2184            4.2272              4.237             4.2479             4.2598             4.2725             4.2853     

Reshape E(V(coh,z'|z,w)) to allow for maxing

dim(mt_ev_condi_z): IxJ by M

[it_mt_bp_rown, it_mt_bp_coln] = size(mt_k);
mt_ev_condi_z_full = reshape(mt_ev_condi_z, [it_mt_bp_rown, it_mt_bp_coln*it_z_n]);

Maximize max_{k'}(E(V(coh(k',b'=w-k'),z'|z,w)) optimal value and index

Maximization, find optimal k'/b' combination given z and w=k'+b'

[ar_ev_condi_z_max, ar_ev_condi_z_max_idx] = max(mt_ev_condi_z_full);
mt_ev_condi_z_max = reshape(ar_ev_condi_z_max, [it_mt_bp_coln, it_z_n]);
mt_ev_condi_z_max_idx = reshape(ar_ev_condi_z_max_idx, [it_mt_bp_coln, it_z_n]);


    disp('mt_ev_condi_z_full: J by IxM');
%     disp(head(array2table(mt_ev_condi_z_full), 20));
%     disp(tail(array2table(mt_ev_condi_z_full), 20));

    disp('mt_ev_condi_z_max: I by M');
    disp(head(array2table(mt_ev_condi_z_max), 20));
    disp(tail(array2table(mt_ev_condi_z_max), 20));

    disp('mt_ev_condi_z_max_idx: I by M');
    disp(head(array2table(mt_ev_condi_z_max_idx), 20));
    disp(tail(array2table(mt_ev_condi_z_max_idx), 20));

mt_ev_condi_z_full: J by IxM
         250        3735

mt_ev_condi_z_max: I by M
   249    15

    mt_ev_condi_z_max1    mt_ev_condi_z_max2    mt_ev_condi_z_max3    mt_ev_condi_z_max4    mt_ev_condi_z_max5    mt_ev_condi_z_max6    mt_ev_condi_z_max7    mt_ev_condi_z_max8    mt_ev_condi_z_max9    mt_ev_condi_z_max10    mt_ev_condi_z_max11    mt_ev_condi_z_max12    mt_ev_condi_z_max13    mt_ev_condi_z_max14    mt_ev_condi_z_max15
    __________________    __________________    __________________    __________________    __________________    __________________    __________________    __________________    __________________    ___________________    ___________________    ___________________    ___________________    ___________________    ___________________

           -3.912                -3.912                -3.912                -3.912                -3.912                -3.912                -3.912                -3.912                -3.912                -3.912                  -3.912                -3.912                 -3.912                 -3.912                 -3.912      
           -3.912                -3.912                -3.912                -3.912                -3.912                -3.912                -3.912               -3.9117               -3.9096                -3.899                 -3.8579               -3.7363                -3.4618                -2.9895                -2.3703      
           -3.912                -3.912                -3.912               -3.9114               -3.9078               -3.8901               -3.8268                -3.658               -3.3192               -2.7996                 -2.1748               -1.5628                -1.0471               -0.64735               -0.34769      
          -3.9092               -3.8965               -3.8478                 -3.71               -3.4188               -2.9531               -2.3757               -1.7992               -1.3069              -0.91756                -0.60933              -0.35427               -0.13356                 0.0614                0.23041      
          -3.1231               -2.6385               -2.1416                -1.701               -1.3406               -1.0471              -0.79986              -0.58288              -0.38654              -0.20508               -0.034881               0.12637                0.27979                0.42436                0.55531      
          -1.0435              -0.92496              -0.79232              -0.65115              -0.50573              -0.36361              -0.22515             -0.089811              0.042866               0.17326                 0.30166               0.42824                0.55262                0.67289                0.78402      
         -0.40662              -0.34046              -0.26298              -0.17635             -0.081541               0.01949               0.12207                0.2258               0.33057               0.43628                 0.54284               0.65006                0.75733                0.86263                 0.9611      
        -0.022755              0.023335              0.078333               0.14119               0.21159                0.2896               0.37324               0.45939               0.54788               0.63856                 0.73128               0.82581                0.92149                 1.0164                 1.1059      
          0.25349               0.28888               0.33157               0.38097               0.43706               0.50011               0.57038               0.64512               0.72274               0.80311                 0.88612               0.97152                 1.0587                 1.1458                 1.2285      
          0.46954               0.49828               0.53318               0.57389               0.62054                0.6735               0.73319               0.79939               0.86914               0.94192                  1.0176                1.0961                 1.1767                 1.2577                 1.3349      
          0.64704               0.67123               0.70076               0.73539               0.77533                 0.821               0.87286               0.93138               0.99512                 1.062                   1.132                1.2049                 1.2803                 1.3563                 1.4291      
          0.79769               0.81859               0.84417               0.87431               0.90924               0.94938               0.99525                1.0473                1.1057                1.1679                  1.2333                1.3017                 1.3726                 1.4445                 1.5136      
          0.92857               0.94696               0.96953               0.99621                1.0272                1.0631                1.1042                1.1511                1.2043                1.2626                  1.3241                1.3887                  1.456                 1.5244                 1.5902      
           1.0443                1.0607                1.0809                1.1048                1.1328                1.1651                1.2024                1.2451                1.2937                1.3483                  1.4066                1.4679                  1.532                 1.5974                 1.6604      
            1.148                1.1628                1.1811                1.2028                1.2282                1.2576                1.2917                1.3309                1.3757                1.4266                   1.482                1.5406                 1.6019                 1.6646                 1.7252      
           1.2419                1.2554                1.2721                 1.292                1.3152                1.3423                1.3737                1.4099                1.4514                1.4988                  1.5516                1.6077                 1.6666                 1.7269                 1.7853      
           1.3278                1.3402                1.3555                1.3738                1.3953                1.4204                1.4495                1.4831                1.5218                1.5661                  1.6162                1.6701                 1.7268                  1.785                 1.8414      
           1.4068                1.4183                1.4325                1.4495                1.4694                1.4927                1.5199                1.5513                1.5875                1.6291                  1.6765                1.7284                 1.7831                 1.8394                 1.8941      
           1.4801                1.4908                 1.504                1.5198                1.5384                1.5602                1.5856                1.6151                1.6492                1.6883                  1.7331                1.7831                 1.8361                 1.8906                 1.9437      
           1.5483                1.5583                1.5707                1.5855                 1.603                1.6234                1.6473                1.6751                1.7072                1.7442                  1.7867                1.8347                  1.886                  1.939                 1.9906      

    mt_ev_condi_z_max1    mt_ev_condi_z_max2    mt_ev_condi_z_max3    mt_ev_condi_z_max4    mt_ev_condi_z_max5    mt_ev_condi_z_max6    mt_ev_condi_z_max7    mt_ev_condi_z_max8    mt_ev_condi_z_max9    mt_ev_condi_z_max10    mt_ev_condi_z_max11    mt_ev_condi_z_max12    mt_ev_condi_z_max13    mt_ev_condi_z_max14    mt_ev_condi_z_max15
    __________________    __________________    __________________    __________________    __________________    __________________    __________________    __________________    __________________    ___________________    ___________________    ___________________    ___________________    ___________________    ___________________

          4.1976                4.1986                4.1998                4.2012                4.2029                 4.205                4.2075                4.2104                4.2139                 4.218                  4.223                 4.2289                 4.2358                 4.2436                 4.2521       
           4.202                4.2029                4.2041                4.2055                4.2073                4.2093                4.2118                4.2147                4.2182                4.2223                 4.2272                 4.2331                 4.2399                 4.2478                 4.2562       
          4.2063                4.2072                4.2084                4.2099                4.2116                4.2136                4.2161                 4.219                4.2224                4.2266                 4.2315                 4.2373                 4.2441                 4.2519                 4.2603       
          4.2106                4.2116                4.2127                4.2142                4.2159                4.2179                4.2203                4.2232                4.2267                4.2308                 4.2357                 4.2415                 4.2483                 4.2561                 4.2644       
          4.2149                4.2159                 4.217                4.2184                4.2201                4.2222                4.2246                4.2275                4.2309                 4.235                 4.2399                 4.2456                 4.2524                 4.2602                 4.2685       
          4.2192                4.2201                4.2213                4.2227                4.2244                4.2264                4.2288                4.2317                4.2351                4.2392                 4.2441                 4.2498                 4.2566                 4.2643                 4.2725       
          4.2235                4.2244                4.2256                 4.227                4.2287                4.2307                4.2331                4.2359                4.2393                4.2434                 4.2482                 4.2539                 4.2607                 4.2683                 4.2766       
          4.2277                4.2286                4.2298                4.2312                4.2329                4.2349                4.2373                4.2401                4.2435                4.2475                 4.2524                 4.2581                 4.2648                 4.2724                 4.2806       
          4.2319                4.2329                 4.234                4.2354                4.2371                4.2391                4.2415                4.2443                4.2477                4.2517                 4.2565                 4.2622                 4.2688                 4.2764                 4.2846       
          4.2362                4.2371                4.2382                4.2396                4.2413                4.2433                4.2456                4.2485                4.2518                4.2558                 4.2606                 4.2662                 4.2729                 4.2805                 4.2886       
          4.2403                4.2413                4.2424                4.2438                4.2454                4.2474                4.2498                4.2526                4.2559                4.2599                 4.2647                 4.2703                 4.2769                 4.2845                 4.2926       
          4.2445                4.2454                4.2466                4.2479                4.2496                4.2516                4.2539                4.2567                4.2601                 4.264                 4.2688                 4.2744                  4.281                 4.2885                 4.2965       
          4.2487                4.2496                4.2507                4.2521                4.2537                4.2557                 4.258                4.2608                4.2641                4.2681                 4.2728                 4.2784                  4.285                 4.2925                 4.3005       
          4.2528                4.2537                4.2548                4.2562                4.2579                4.2598                4.2621                4.2649                4.2682                4.2722                 4.2769                 4.2824                  4.289                 4.2964                 4.3044       
          4.2569                4.2578                 4.259                4.2603                 4.262                4.2639                4.2662                 4.269                4.2723                4.2762                 4.2809                 4.2864                 4.2929                 4.3004                 4.3083       
           4.261                4.2619                4.2631                4.2644                 4.266                 4.268                4.2703                 4.273                4.2763                4.2802                 4.2849                 4.2904                 4.2969                 4.3043                 4.3122       
          4.2651                 4.266                4.2671                4.2685                4.2701                 4.272                4.2743                4.2771                4.2804                4.2843                 4.2889                 4.2944                 4.3008                 4.3082                 4.3161       
          4.2692                4.2701                4.2712                4.2726                4.2742                4.2761                4.2784                4.2811                4.2844                4.2882                 4.2929                 4.2983                 4.3048                 4.3121                   4.32       
          4.2733                4.2742                4.2753                4.2766                4.2782                4.2801                4.2824                4.2851                4.2884                4.2922                 4.2968                 4.3023                 4.3087                  4.316                 4.3239       
          4.2773                4.2782                4.2793                4.2806                4.2822                4.2841                4.2864                4.2891                4.2923                4.2962                 4.3008                 4.3062                 4.3126                 4.3199                 4.3277       

mt_ev_condi_z_max_idx: I by M
   249    15

    mt_ev_condi_z_max_idx1    mt_ev_condi_z_max_idx2    mt_ev_condi_z_max_idx3    mt_ev_condi_z_max_idx4    mt_ev_condi_z_max_idx5    mt_ev_condi_z_max_idx6    mt_ev_condi_z_max_idx7    mt_ev_condi_z_max_idx8    mt_ev_condi_z_max_idx9    mt_ev_condi_z_max_idx10    mt_ev_condi_z_max_idx11    mt_ev_condi_z_max_idx12    mt_ev_condi_z_max_idx13    mt_ev_condi_z_max_idx14    mt_ev_condi_z_max_idx15
    ______________________    ______________________    ______________________    ______________________    ______________________    ______________________    ______________________    ______________________    ______________________    _______________________    _______________________    _______________________    _______________________    _______________________    _______________________

               1                         1                         1                         1                         1                         1                         1                         1                         1                          1                          1                          1                          1                          1                          1          
             250                       250                       250                       250                       250                       250                       250                       250                       250                        250                        250                        250                        250                        250                        250          
             250                       250                       250                       250                       250                       250                       250                       250                       250                        250                        250                        250                        250                        250                        250          
             250                       250                       250                       250                       250                       250                       250                       250                       250                        250                        250                        250                        250                        250                        250          
             221                       231                       248                       250                       250                       250                       250                       250                       250                        250                        250                        250                        250                        250                        250          
             142                       165                       195                       232                       250                       250                       250                       250                       250                        250                        250                        250                        250                        250                        250          
             122                       142                       168                       200                       237                       250                       250                       250                       250                        250                        250                        250                        250                        250                        250          
             105                       123                       146                       174                       206                       245                       250                       250                       250                        250                        250                        250                        250                        250                        250          
              93                       109                       129                       153                       182                       217                       250                       250                       250                        250                        250                        250                        250                        250                        250          
              83                        97                       115                       137                       163                       194                       231                       250                       250                        250                        250                        250                        250                        250                        250          
              75                        88                       104                       124                       147                       175                       209                       248                       250                        250                        250                        250                        250                        250                        250          
              68                        80                        95                       113                       134                       160                       190                       227                       250                        250                        250                        250                        250                        250                        250          
              63                        74                        87                       104                       124                       147                       175                       208                       248                        250                        250                        250                        250                        250                        250          
              58                        68                        81                        96                       114                       136                       162                       193                       230                        250                        250                        250                        250                        250                        250          
              54                        63                        75                        89                       106                       127                       151                       180                       214                        250                        250                        250                        250                        250                        250          
              50                        59                        70                        84                       100                       119                       141                       168                       200                        238                        250                        250                        250                        250                        250          
              47                        56                        66                        79                        93                       111                       133                       158                       188                        224                        250                        250                        250                        250                        250          
              45                        52                        62                        74                        88                       105                       125                       149                       177                        211                        250                        250                        250                        250                        250          
              42                        50                        59                        70                        83                        99                       118                       141                       168                        200                        238                        250                        250                        250                        250          
              40                        47                        56                        66                        79                        94                       112                       134                       159                        189                        225                        250                        250                        250                        250          

    mt_ev_condi_z_max_idx1    mt_ev_condi_z_max_idx2    mt_ev_condi_z_max_idx3    mt_ev_condi_z_max_idx4    mt_ev_condi_z_max_idx5    mt_ev_condi_z_max_idx6    mt_ev_condi_z_max_idx7    mt_ev_condi_z_max_idx8    mt_ev_condi_z_max_idx9    mt_ev_condi_z_max_idx10    mt_ev_condi_z_max_idx11    mt_ev_condi_z_max_idx12    mt_ev_condi_z_max_idx13    mt_ev_condi_z_max_idx14    mt_ev_condi_z_max_idx15
    ______________________    ______________________    ______________________    ______________________    ______________________    ______________________    ______________________    ______________________    ______________________    _______________________    _______________________    _______________________    _______________________    _______________________    _______________________

              8                         10                        11                        13                        16                        18                        22                        26                        31                        37                         44                         52                         62                         73                         85           
              8                         10                        11                        13                        16                        18                        22                        26                        31                        36                         43                         52                         61                         72                         85           
              8                         10                        11                        13                        15                        18                        22                        26                        31                        36                         43                         51                         61                         72                         84           
              8                          9                        11                        13                        15                        18                        22                        26                        30                        36                         43                         51                         61                         72                         84           
              8                          9                        11                        13                        15                        18                        21                        25                        30                        36                         43                         51                         61                         72                         84           
              8                          9                        11                        13                        15                        18                        21                        25                        30                        36                         43                         51                         60                         71                         83           
              8                          9                        11                        13                        15                        18                        21                        25                        30                        36                         42                         50                         60                         71                         83           
              8                          9                        11                        13                        15                        18                        21                        25                        30                        36                         42                         50                         60                         71                         82           
              8                          9                        11                        13                        15                        18                        21                        25                        30                        35                         42                         50                         60                         70                         82           
              8                          9                        11                        13                        15                        18                        21                        25                        30                        35                         42                         50                         59                         70                         82           
              8                          9                        11                        13                        15                        18                        21                        25                        30                        35                         42                         50                         59                         70                         81           
              8                          9                        11                        13                        15                        18                        21                        25                        29                        35                         42                         49                         59                         70                         81           
              8                          9                        11                        13                        15                        18                        21                        25                        29                        35                         41                         49                         59                         69                         81           
              8                          9                        11                        13                        15                        18                        21                        25                        29                        35                         41                         49                         58                         69                         80           
              8                          9                        11                        13                        15                        17                        21                        24                        29                        35                         41                         49                         58                         69                         80           
              8                          9                        11                        12                        15                        17                        21                        24                        29                        34                         41                         49                         58                         68                         80           
              8                          9                        11                        12                        15                        17                        20                        24                        29                        34                         41                         48                         58                         68                         79           
              8                          9                        11                        12                        15                        17                        20                        24                        29                        34                         41                         48                         57                         68                         79           
              8                          9                        10                        12                        15                        17                        20                        24                        29                        34                         40                         48                         57                         68                         79           
              8                          9                        10                        12                        14                        17                        20                        24                        28                        34                         40                         48                         57                         67                         79           

Reindex K' and B' Choices for each State at the Optimal w'=k'+b' choice

The K' and B' Optimal Choices Associated with EV opti dim(mt_ev_condi_z_max_kp): I by M

ar_add_grid = linspace(0, it_mt_bp_rown*(it_mt_bp_coln-1), it_mt_bp_coln);
mt_ev_condi_z_max_idx = mt_ev_condi_z_max_idx + ar_add_grid';

    disp('mt_ev_condi_z_max_idx: I by M');
    disp(head(array2table(mt_ev_condi_z_max_idx), 20));
    disp(tail(array2table(mt_ev_condi_z_max_idx), 20));

mt_ev_condi_z_max_kp = reshape(ar_k_mesha(mt_ev_condi_z_max_idx), [it_mt_bp_coln, it_z_n]);
mt_ev_condi_z_max_bp = reshape(ar_a_meshk(mt_ev_condi_z_max_idx), [it_mt_bp_coln, it_z_n]);

    disp('mt_ev_condi_z_max_kp: I by M');
    disp(head(array2table(mt_ev_condi_z_max_kp), 20));
    disp(tail(array2table(mt_ev_condi_z_max_kp), 20));

    disp('mt_ev_condi_z_max_bp: I by M');
    disp(head(array2table(mt_ev_condi_z_max_bp), 20));
    disp(tail(array2table(mt_ev_condi_z_max_bp), 20));
mt_ev_condi_z_max_idx: I by M
   249    15

    mt_ev_condi_z_max_idx1    mt_ev_condi_z_max_idx2    mt_ev_condi_z_max_idx3    mt_ev_condi_z_max_idx4    mt_ev_condi_z_max_idx5    mt_ev_condi_z_max_idx6    mt_ev_condi_z_max_idx7    mt_ev_condi_z_max_idx8    mt_ev_condi_z_max_idx9    mt_ev_condi_z_max_idx10    mt_ev_condi_z_max_idx11    mt_ev_condi_z_max_idx12    mt_ev_condi_z_max_idx13    mt_ev_condi_z_max_idx14    mt_ev_condi_z_max_idx15
    ______________________    ______________________    ______________________    ______________________    ______________________    ______________________    ______________________    ______________________    ______________________    _______________________    _______________________    _______________________    _______________________    _______________________    _______________________

                1                         1                         1                         1                         1                         1                         1                         1                         1                         1                          1                          1                          1                          1                          1          
              500                       500                       500                       500                       500                       500                       500                       500                       500                       500                        500                        500                        500                        500                        500          
              750                       750                       750                       750                       750                       750                       750                       750                       750                       750                        750                        750                        750                        750                        750          
             1000                      1000                      1000                      1000                      1000                      1000                      1000                      1000                      1000                      1000                       1000                       1000                       1000                       1000                       1000          
             1221                      1231                      1248                      1250                      1250                      1250                      1250                      1250                      1250                      1250                       1250                       1250                       1250                       1250                       1250          
             1392                      1415                      1445                      1482                      1500                      1500                      1500                      1500                      1500                      1500                       1500                       1500                       1500                       1500                       1500          
             1622                      1642                      1668                      1700                      1737                      1750                      1750                      1750                      1750                      1750                       1750                       1750                       1750                       1750                       1750          
             1855                      1873                      1896                      1924                      1956                      1995                      2000                      2000                      2000                      2000                       2000                       2000                       2000                       2000                       2000          
             2093                      2109                      2129                      2153                      2182                      2217                      2250                      2250                      2250                      2250                       2250                       2250                       2250                       2250                       2250          
             2333                      2347                      2365                      2387                      2413                      2444                      2481                      2500                      2500                      2500                       2500                       2500                       2500                       2500                       2500          
             2575                      2588                      2604                      2624                      2647                      2675                      2709                      2748                      2750                      2750                       2750                       2750                       2750                       2750                       2750          
             2818                      2830                      2845                      2863                      2884                      2910                      2940                      2977                      3000                      3000                       3000                       3000                       3000                       3000                       3000          
             3063                      3074                      3087                      3104                      3124                      3147                      3175                      3208                      3248                      3250                       3250                       3250                       3250                       3250                       3250          
             3308                      3318                      3331                      3346                      3364                      3386                      3412                      3443                      3480                      3500                       3500                       3500                       3500                       3500                       3500          
             3554                      3563                      3575                      3589                      3606                      3627                      3651                      3680                      3714                      3750                       3750                       3750                       3750                       3750                       3750          
             3800                      3809                      3820                      3834                      3850                      3869                      3891                      3918                      3950                      3988                       4000                       4000                       4000                       4000                       4000          
             4047                      4056                      4066                      4079                      4093                      4111                      4133                      4158                      4188                      4224                       4250                       4250                       4250                       4250                       4250          
             4295                      4302                      4312                      4324                      4338                      4355                      4375                      4399                      4427                      4461                       4500                       4500                       4500                       4500                       4500          
             4542                      4550                      4559                      4570                      4583                      4599                      4618                      4641                      4668                      4700                       4738                       4750                       4750                       4750                       4750          
             4790                      4797                      4806                      4816                      4829                      4844                      4862                      4884                      4909                      4939                       4975                       5000                       5000                       5000                       5000          

    mt_ev_condi_z_max_idx1    mt_ev_condi_z_max_idx2    mt_ev_condi_z_max_idx3    mt_ev_condi_z_max_idx4    mt_ev_condi_z_max_idx5    mt_ev_condi_z_max_idx6    mt_ev_condi_z_max_idx7    mt_ev_condi_z_max_idx8    mt_ev_condi_z_max_idx9    mt_ev_condi_z_max_idx10    mt_ev_condi_z_max_idx11    mt_ev_condi_z_max_idx12    mt_ev_condi_z_max_idx13    mt_ev_condi_z_max_idx14    mt_ev_condi_z_max_idx15
    ______________________    ______________________    ______________________    ______________________    ______________________    ______________________    ______________________    ______________________    ______________________    _______________________    _______________________    _______________________    _______________________    _______________________    _______________________

            57258                     57260                     57261                     57263                     57266                     57268                     57272                     57276                     57281                      57287                      57294                      57302                      57312                      57323                      57335         
            57508                     57510                     57511                     57513                     57516                     57518                     57522                     57526                     57531                      57536                      57543                      57552                      57561                      57572                      57585         
            57758                     57760                     57761                     57763                     57765                     57768                     57772                     57776                     57781                      57786                      57793                      57801                      57811                      57822                      57834         
            58008                     58009                     58011                     58013                     58015                     58018                     58022                     58026                     58030                      58036                      58043                      58051                      58061                      58072                      58084         
            58258                     58259                     58261                     58263                     58265                     58268                     58271                     58275                     58280                      58286                      58293                      58301                      58311                      58322                      58334         
            58508                     58509                     58511                     58513                     58515                     58518                     58521                     58525                     58530                      58536                      58543                      58551                      58560                      58571                      58583         
            58758                     58759                     58761                     58763                     58765                     58768                     58771                     58775                     58780                      58786                      58792                      58800                      58810                      58821                      58833         
            59008                     59009                     59011                     59013                     59015                     59018                     59021                     59025                     59030                      59036                      59042                      59050                      59060                      59071                      59082         
            59258                     59259                     59261                     59263                     59265                     59268                     59271                     59275                     59280                      59285                      59292                      59300                      59310                      59320                      59332         
            59508                     59509                     59511                     59513                     59515                     59518                     59521                     59525                     59530                      59535                      59542                      59550                      59559                      59570                      59582         
            59758                     59759                     59761                     59763                     59765                     59768                     59771                     59775                     59780                      59785                      59792                      59800                      59809                      59820                      59831         
            60008                     60009                     60011                     60013                     60015                     60018                     60021                     60025                     60029                      60035                      60042                      60049                      60059                      60070                      60081         
            60258                     60259                     60261                     60263                     60265                     60268                     60271                     60275                     60279                      60285                      60291                      60299                      60309                      60319                      60331         
            60508                     60509                     60511                     60513                     60515                     60518                     60521                     60525                     60529                      60535                      60541                      60549                      60558                      60569                      60580         
            60758                     60759                     60761                     60763                     60765                     60767                     60771                     60774                     60779                      60785                      60791                      60799                      60808                      60819                      60830         
            61008                     61009                     61011                     61012                     61015                     61017                     61021                     61024                     61029                      61034                      61041                      61049                      61058                      61068                      61080         
            61258                     61259                     61261                     61262                     61265                     61267                     61270                     61274                     61279                      61284                      61291                      61298                      61308                      61318                      61329         
            61508                     61509                     61511                     61512                     61515                     61517                     61520                     61524                     61529                      61534                      61541                      61548                      61557                      61568                      61579         
            61758                     61759                     61760                     61762                     61765                     61767                     61770                     61774                     61779                      61784                      61790                      61798                      61807                      61818                      61829         
            62008                     62009                     62010                     62012                     62014                     62017                     62020                     62024                     62028                      62034                      62040                      62048                      62057                      62067                      62079         

mt_ev_condi_z_max_kp: I by M
   249    15

    mt_ev_condi_z_max_kp1    mt_ev_condi_z_max_kp2    mt_ev_condi_z_max_kp3    mt_ev_condi_z_max_kp4    mt_ev_condi_z_max_kp5    mt_ev_condi_z_max_kp6    mt_ev_condi_z_max_kp7    mt_ev_condi_z_max_kp8    mt_ev_condi_z_max_kp9    mt_ev_condi_z_max_kp10    mt_ev_condi_z_max_kp11    mt_ev_condi_z_max_kp12    mt_ev_condi_z_max_kp13    mt_ev_condi_z_max_kp14    mt_ev_condi_z_max_kp15
    _____________________    _____________________    _____________________    _____________________    _____________________    _____________________    _____________________    _____________________    _____________________    ______________________    ______________________    ______________________    ______________________    ______________________    ______________________

                 0                        0                       0                        0                        0                        0                        0                        0                        0                         0                         0                         0                         0                         0                         0        
            0.2834                   0.2834                  0.2834                   0.2834                   0.2834                   0.2834                   0.2834                   0.2834                   0.2834                    0.2834                    0.2834                    0.2834                    0.2834                    0.2834                    0.2834        
            0.5668                   0.5668                  0.5668                   0.5668                   0.5668                   0.5668                   0.5668                   0.5668                   0.5668                    0.5668                    0.5668                    0.5668                    0.5668                    0.5668                    0.5668        
            0.8502                   0.8502                  0.8502                   0.8502                   0.8502                   0.8502                   0.8502                   0.8502                   0.8502                    0.8502                    0.8502                    0.8502                    0.8502                    0.8502                    0.8502        
            1.0016                   1.0471                  1.1245                   1.1336                   1.1336                   1.1336                   1.1336                   1.1336                   1.1336                    1.1336                    1.1336                    1.1336                    1.1336                    1.1336                    1.1336        
            0.8024                  0.93329                   1.104                   1.3146                    1.417                    1.417                    1.417                    1.417                    1.417                     1.417                     1.417                     1.417                     1.417                     1.417                     1.417        
            0.8263                  0.96288                  1.1404                    1.359                   1.6116                   1.7004                   1.7004                   1.7004                   1.7004                    1.7004                    1.7004                    1.7004                    1.7004                    1.7004                    1.7004        
           0.82858                  0.97199                  1.1552                   1.3783                   1.6333                    1.944                   1.9838                   1.9838                   1.9838                    1.9838                    1.9838                    1.9838                    1.9838                    1.9838                    1.9838        
           0.83768                  0.98337                  1.1655                    1.384                    1.648                   1.9667                   2.2672                   2.2672                   2.2672                    2.2672                    2.2672                    2.2672                    2.2672                    2.2672                    2.2672        
           0.83996                  0.98337                  1.1677                   1.3931                   1.6594                    1.977                    2.356                   2.5506                   2.5506                    2.5506                    2.5506                    2.5506                    2.5506                    2.5506                    2.5506        
           0.84224                   0.9902                  1.1723                   1.3999                   1.6617                   1.9804                   2.3674                   2.8112                    2.834                     2.834                     2.834                     2.834                     2.834                     2.834                     2.834        
           0.83882                  0.98906                  1.1769                   1.4022                   1.6651                   1.9906                   2.3662                   2.8295                   3.1174                    3.1174                    3.1174                    3.1174                    3.1174                    3.1174                    3.1174        
           0.84679                  0.99702                  1.1746                   1.4068                   1.6799                    1.994                   2.3765                   2.8272                   3.3735                    3.4008                    3.4008                    3.4008                    3.4008                    3.4008                    3.4008        
           0.84337                  0.99133                  1.1837                   1.4056                    1.672                   1.9975                   2.3822                   2.8408                   3.3883                    3.6842                    3.6842                    3.6842                    3.6842                    3.6842                    3.6842        
           0.84451                  0.98792                  1.1791                   1.4022                   1.6731                   2.0077                   2.3901                   2.8522                    3.394                    3.9676                    3.9676                    3.9676                    3.9676                    3.9676                    3.9676        
           0.83654                   0.9902                   1.178                    1.417                   1.6902                   2.0145                   2.3901                   2.8511                   3.3974                    4.0461                     4.251                     4.251                     4.251                     4.251                     4.251        
           0.83768                   1.0016                  1.1837                   1.4204                   1.6754                   2.0032                   2.4038                    2.859                   3.4054                    4.0609                    4.5344                    4.5344                    4.5344                    4.5344                    4.5344        
           0.85134                  0.98678                  1.1803                   1.4125                   1.6833                   2.0123                   2.3992                   2.8636                   3.4054                    4.0632                    4.8178                    4.8178                    4.8178                    4.8178                    4.8178        
           0.83996                   1.0039                  1.1882                   1.4136                   1.6799                   2.0077                    2.397                   2.8682                   3.4213                    4.0769                    4.8554                    5.1012                    5.1012                    5.1012                    5.1012        
           0.84337                  0.99475                  1.1894                   1.4056                   1.6867                   2.0111                   2.4004                   2.8761                   3.4167                    4.0655                     4.844                    5.3846                    5.3846                    5.3846                    5.3846        

    mt_ev_condi_z_max_kp1    mt_ev_condi_z_max_kp2    mt_ev_condi_z_max_kp3    mt_ev_condi_z_max_kp4    mt_ev_condi_z_max_kp5    mt_ev_condi_z_max_kp6    mt_ev_condi_z_max_kp7    mt_ev_condi_z_max_kp8    mt_ev_condi_z_max_kp9    mt_ev_condi_z_max_kp10    mt_ev_condi_z_max_kp11    mt_ev_condi_z_max_kp12    mt_ev_condi_z_max_kp13    mt_ev_condi_z_max_kp14    mt_ev_condi_z_max_kp15
    _____________________    _____________________    _____________________    _____________________    _____________________    _____________________    _____________________    _____________________    _____________________    ______________________    ______________________    ______________________    ______________________    ______________________    ______________________

           1.8165                   2.3355                    2.595                    3.114                   3.8925                   4.4115                   5.4495                   6.4875                    7.785                     9.342                    11.158                    13.234                    15.829                    18.684                    21.798        
           1.8245                   2.3457                   2.6064                   3.1277                   3.9096                   4.4308                   5.4734                   6.5159                   7.8191                    9.1223                    10.947                    13.293                    15.638                    18.505                    21.894        
           1.8324                    2.356                   2.6178                   3.1413                   3.6649                   4.4502                   5.4973                   6.5444                   7.8533                    9.1622                    10.995                    13.089                    15.707                    18.586                    21.727        
           1.8404                   2.1033                   2.6291                    3.155                   3.6808                   4.4695                   5.5212                   6.5729                   7.6245                     9.202                    11.042                    13.146                    15.775                    18.667                    21.822        
           1.8484                   2.1124                   2.6405                   3.1686                   3.6967                   4.4889                    5.281                   6.3373                   7.6575                    9.2418                     11.09                    13.203                    15.843                    18.748                    21.916        
           1.8563                   2.1215                   2.6519                   3.1823                   3.7127                   4.5082                   5.3038                   6.3646                   7.6905                    9.2817                    11.138                     13.26                    15.646                    18.563                    21.746        
           1.8643                   2.1306                   2.6633                   3.1959                   3.7286                   4.5276                   5.3266                   6.3919                   7.7235                    9.3215                    10.919                     13.05                    15.713                    18.643                    21.839        
           1.8723                   2.1397                   2.6747                   3.2096                   3.7445                   4.5469                   5.3493                   6.4192                   7.7565                    9.3613                    10.966                    13.106                    15.781                    18.723                    21.665        
           1.8802                   2.1488                    2.686                   3.2233                   3.7605                   4.5663                   5.3721                   6.4465                   7.7895                    9.1326                    11.013                    13.162                    15.848                    18.534                    21.757        
           1.8882                   2.1579                   2.6974                   3.2369                   3.7764                   4.5856                   5.3949                   6.4738                   7.8225                    9.1713                    11.059                    13.217                    15.645                    18.612                    21.849        
           1.8962                    2.167                   2.7088                   3.2506                   3.7923                    4.605                   5.4176                   6.5011                   7.8556                      9.21                    11.106                    13.273                    15.711                    18.691                     21.67        
           1.9041                   2.1762                   2.7202                   3.2642                   3.8083                   4.6243                   5.4404                   6.5285                   7.6165                    9.2487                    11.153                    13.057                    15.777                    18.769                    21.762        
           1.9121                   2.1853                   2.7316                   3.2779                   3.8242                   4.6437                   5.4631                   6.5558                   7.6484                    9.2874                    10.926                    13.112                    15.843                    18.575                    21.853        
           1.9201                   2.1944                    2.743                   3.2915                   3.8401                    4.663                   5.4859                   6.5831                   7.6803                     9.326                    10.972                    13.166                    15.635                    18.652                    21.669        
            1.928                   2.2035                   2.7543                   3.3052                   3.8561                   4.4069                   5.5087                    6.335                   7.7121                    9.3647                    11.017                    13.221                      15.7                    18.729                    21.759        
            1.936                   2.2126                   2.7657                   3.0423                    3.872                   4.4251                   5.5314                   6.3612                    7.744                    9.1269                    11.063                    13.275                    15.765                     18.53                    21.849        
            1.944                   2.2217                   2.7771                   3.0548                   3.8879                   4.4434                   5.2765                   6.3873                   7.7759                    9.1644                    11.108                    13.052                    15.829                    18.607                    21.661        
           1.9519                   2.2308                   2.7885                   3.0673                   3.9039                   4.4616                   5.2981                   6.4135                   7.8077                     9.202                    11.154                    13.106                    15.615                    18.683                     21.75        
           1.9599                   2.2399                   2.5199                   3.0798                   3.9198                   4.4798                   5.3197                   6.4397                   7.8396                    9.2395                    10.919                    13.159                    15.679                    18.759                    21.839        
           1.9679                    2.249                   2.5301                   3.0924                   3.6546                    4.498                   5.3414                   6.4659                   7.5904                    9.2771                    10.964                    13.213                    15.743                    18.554                    21.928        

mt_ev_condi_z_max_bp: I by M
   249    15

    mt_ev_condi_z_max_bp1    mt_ev_condi_z_max_bp2    mt_ev_condi_z_max_bp3    mt_ev_condi_z_max_bp4    mt_ev_condi_z_max_bp5    mt_ev_condi_z_max_bp6    mt_ev_condi_z_max_bp7    mt_ev_condi_z_max_bp8    mt_ev_condi_z_max_bp9    mt_ev_condi_z_max_bp10    mt_ev_condi_z_max_bp11    mt_ev_condi_z_max_bp12    mt_ev_condi_z_max_bp13    mt_ev_condi_z_max_bp14    mt_ev_condi_z_max_bp15
    _____________________    _____________________    _____________________    _____________________    _____________________    _____________________    _____________________    _____________________    _____________________    ______________________    ______________________    ______________________    ______________________    ______________________    ______________________

               -20                      -20                      -20                      -20                      -20                      -20                      -20                      -20                      -20                      -20                       -20                     -20                       -20                       -20                       -20          
               -20                      -20                      -20                      -20                      -20                      -20                      -20                      -20                      -20                      -20                       -20                     -20                       -20                       -20                       -20          
               -20                      -20                      -20                      -20                      -20                      -20                      -20                      -20                      -20                      -20                       -20                     -20                       -20                       -20                       -20          
               -20                      -20                      -20                      -20                      -20                      -20                      -20                      -20                      -20                      -20                       -20                     -20                       -20                       -20                       -20          
           -19.868                  -19.914                  -19.991                      -20                      -20                      -20                      -20                      -20                      -20                      -20                       -20                     -20                       -20                       -20                       -20          
           -19.385                  -19.516                  -19.687                  -19.898                      -20                      -20                      -20                      -20                      -20                      -20                       -20                     -20                       -20                       -20                       -20          
           -19.126                  -19.262                   -19.44                  -19.659                  -19.911                      -20                      -20                      -20                      -20                      -20                       -20                     -20                       -20                       -20                       -20          
           -18.845                  -18.988                  -19.171                  -19.395                  -19.649                   -19.96                      -20                      -20                      -20                      -20                       -20                     -20                       -20                       -20                       -20          
            -18.57                  -18.716                  -18.898                  -19.117                  -19.381                    -19.7                      -20                      -20                      -20                      -20                       -20                     -20                       -20                       -20                       -20          
           -18.289                  -18.433                  -18.617                  -18.842                  -19.109                  -19.426                  -19.805                      -20                      -20                      -20                       -20                     -20                       -20                       -20                       -20          
           -18.008                  -18.156                  -18.338                  -18.566                  -18.828                  -19.146                  -19.533                  -19.977                      -20                      -20                       -20                     -20                       -20                       -20                       -20          
           -17.721                  -17.872                  -18.059                  -18.285                  -18.548                  -18.873                  -19.249                  -19.712                      -20                      -20                       -20                     -20                       -20                       -20                       -20          
           -17.446                  -17.596                  -17.774                  -18.006                  -18.279                  -18.593                  -18.976                  -19.426                  -19.973                      -20                       -20                     -20                       -20                       -20                       -20          
           -17.159                  -17.307                  -17.499                  -17.721                  -17.988                  -18.313                  -18.698                  -19.157                  -19.704                      -20                       -20                     -20                       -20                       -20                       -20          
           -16.877                   -17.02                  -17.212                  -17.435                  -17.705                   -18.04                  -18.423                  -18.885                  -19.426                      -20                       -20                     -20                       -20                       -20                       -20          
           -16.586                  -16.739                  -16.927                  -17.166                  -17.439                  -17.764                  -18.139                    -18.6                  -19.146                  -19.795                       -20                     -20                       -20                       -20                       -20          
           -16.303                  -16.467                  -16.649                  -16.886                  -17.141                  -17.469                  -17.869                  -18.325                  -18.871                  -19.527                       -20                     -20                       -20                       -20                       -20          
           -16.034                  -16.169                  -16.362                  -16.595                  -16.866                  -17.194                  -17.581                  -18.046                  -18.588                  -19.245                       -20                     -20                       -20                       -20                       -20          
           -15.739                  -15.903                  -16.087                  -16.312                  -16.579                  -16.906                  -17.296                  -17.767                   -18.32                  -18.976                   -19.754                     -20                       -20                       -20                       -20          
           -15.459                   -15.61                  -15.805                  -16.021                  -16.302                  -16.627                  -17.016                  -17.492                  -18.032                  -18.681                   -19.459                     -20                       -20                       -20                       -20          

    mt_ev_condi_z_max_bp1    mt_ev_condi_z_max_bp2    mt_ev_condi_z_max_bp3    mt_ev_condi_z_max_bp4    mt_ev_condi_z_max_bp5    mt_ev_condi_z_max_bp6    mt_ev_condi_z_max_bp7    mt_ev_condi_z_max_bp8    mt_ev_condi_z_max_bp9    mt_ev_condi_z_max_bp10    mt_ev_condi_z_max_bp11    mt_ev_condi_z_max_bp12    mt_ev_condi_z_max_bp13    mt_ev_condi_z_max_bp14    mt_ev_condi_z_max_bp15
    _____________________    _____________________    _____________________    _____________________    _____________________    _____________________    _____________________    _____________________    _____________________    ______________________    ______________________    ______________________    ______________________    ______________________    ______________________

           42.799                    42.28                    42.02                   41.501                   40.723                   40.204                   39.166                   38.128                    36.83                    35.273                    33.457                    31.381                    28.786                    25.931                    22.817        
           43.074                   42.553                   42.292                   41.771                   40.989                   40.468                   39.425                   38.383                    37.08                    35.776                    33.952                    31.606                    29.261                    26.394                    23.005        
            43.35                   42.826                   42.564                   42.041                   41.517                   40.732                   39.685                   38.638                   37.329                     36.02                    34.188                    32.093                    29.476                    26.596                    23.455        
           43.625                   43.362                   42.836                   42.311                   41.785                   40.996                   39.944                   38.893                   37.841                    36.264                    34.423                     32.32                    29.691                    26.799                    23.644        
           43.901                   43.637                   43.108                    42.58                   42.052                    41.26                   40.468                   39.412                   38.091                    36.507                    34.659                    32.546                    29.906                    27.001                    23.833        
           44.176                   43.911                    43.38                    42.85                    42.32                   41.524                   40.729                   39.668                   38.342                    36.751                    34.894                    32.773                    30.386                    27.469                    24.287        
           44.451                   44.185                   43.653                    43.12                   42.587                   41.788                   40.989                   39.924                   38.592                    36.994                    35.396                    33.266                    30.602                    27.673                    24.477        
           44.727                   44.459                   43.925                    43.39                   42.855                   42.052                    41.25                    40.18                   38.843                    37.238                    35.633                    33.493                    30.819                    27.877                    24.934        
           45.002                   44.734                   44.197                   43.659                   43.122                   42.316                    41.51                   40.436                   39.093                     37.75                     35.87                    33.721                    31.035                    28.349                    25.126        
           45.278                   45.008                   44.469                   43.929                    43.39                    42.58                   41.771                   40.692                   39.343                    37.995                    36.107                    33.949                    31.521                    28.554                    25.317        
           45.553                   45.282                   44.741                   44.199                   43.657                   42.844                   42.032                   40.948                   39.594                    38.239                    36.343                    34.176                    31.738                    28.759                    25.779        
           45.829                   45.557                   45.013                   44.469                   43.925                   43.108                   42.292                   41.204                   40.116                    38.484                     36.58                    34.676                    31.956                    28.963                    25.971        
           46.104                   45.831                   45.285                   44.738                   44.192                   43.373                   42.553                    41.46                   40.368                    38.729                     37.09                    34.905                    32.173                    29.441                    26.164        
            46.38                   46.105                   45.557                   45.008                   44.459                   43.637                   42.814                   41.717                   40.619                    38.974                    37.328                    35.133                    32.665                    29.647                     26.63        
           46.655                    46.38                   45.829                   45.278                   44.727                   44.176                   43.074                   42.248                   40.871                    39.218                    37.566                    35.362                    32.883                    29.854                    26.824        
            46.93                   46.654                   46.101                   45.824                   44.994                   44.441                   43.335                   42.505                   41.122                     39.74                    37.804                    35.591                    33.102                    30.336                    27.017        
           47.206                   46.928                   46.373                   46.095                   45.262                   44.706                   43.873                   42.762                   41.374                    39.985                    38.041                    36.097                     33.32                    30.543                    27.488        
           47.481                   47.202                   46.645                   46.366                   45.529                   44.972                   44.135                    43.02                   41.625                    40.231                    38.279                    36.327                    33.818                     30.75                    27.683        
           47.757                   47.477                   47.197                   46.637                   45.797                   45.237                   44.397                   43.277                   41.877                    40.477                    38.797                    36.557                    34.037                    30.958                    27.878        
           48.032                   47.751                    47.47                   46.908                   46.345                   45.502                   44.659                   43.534                    42.41                    40.723                    39.036                    36.787                    34.257                    31.446                    28.072        


if (bl_graph_evf)

Graph 1, V and EV

    if (~bl_graph_onebyones)
        figure('PaperPosition', [0 0 14 4]);
        hold on;

    for subplot_j=1:1:2

        if (~bl_graph_onebyones)
            hAxis(subplot_j) = subplot(1,2,subplot_j);
            figure('PaperPosition', [0 0 7 4]);

        if (subplot_j==1)
            chart = plot(mt_val);
        if (subplot_j==2)
            chart = plot(mt_ev_condi_z);

        clr = jet(numel(chart));
        for m = 1:numel(chart)

        legend2plot = fliplr([1 round(numel(chart)/3) round((2*numel(chart))/3)  numel(chart)]);
        legendCell = cellstr(num2str(ar_z', 'shock=%3.2f'));
        legend(chart(legend2plot), legendCell(legend2plot), 'Location','southeast');

        if (subplot_j==1)
            title('V(coh,zp); w(k+b),k,z');
        if (subplot_j==2)

        ylabel('Next Period Value');
        xlabel({'Index of Cash-on-Hand Discrete Point'...
            'Each Segment is a w=k+b; within segment increasing k'...
            'EV and V identical if shock is fully persistent'});
        grid on;
        grid minor;

    % Share y axis
    if (~bl_graph_onebyones)

    % save file
    if (bl_img_save)
        st_file_name = [st_img_prefix st_img_name_main '_vev' st_img_suffix];
        saveas(gcf, strcat(st_img_path, st_file_name));

Graph 2, max(EV)

        figure('PaperPosition', [0 0 7 4]);

    for sub_j=1:1:1

            mt_outcome = mt_ev_condi_z_max;
            st_y_label = 'max_{k''}(E(V(coh(k'',b''=w-k''),z''|z,w))';

            figure('PaperPosition', [0 0 7 4]);
        hold on;

        ar_it_z_graph = ([1 round((it_z_n)/4) round(2*((it_z_n)/4)) round(3*((it_z_n)/4)) (it_z_n)]);
        clr = jet(length(ar_it_z_graph));
        i_ctr = 0;
        for i = ar_it_z_graph
            i_ctr = i_ctr + 1;
            ar_x = ar_w_level;
            ar_y = mt_outcome(:, i);
            scatter(ar_x, ar_y, 5, ...
                'MarkerEdgeColor', clr(i_ctr,:), ...
                'MarkerFaceColor', clr(i_ctr,:));

        grid on;
        grid minor;
        title(['2nd Stage Exp Value at Optimal K given W=K''+B'''])
        xlabel({'Aggregate Savings'})

        legendCell = cellstr(num2str(ar_z', 'shock=%3.2f'));
        legendCell{length(legendCell) + 1} = 'max-agg-save';
        legend(legendCell([ar_it_z_graph length(legendCell)]), 'Location','southeast');

        xline0 = xline(0);
        xline0.HandleVisibility = 'off';
        yline0 = yline(0);
        yline0.HandleVisibility = 'off';


    % save file
    if (bl_img_save)
        st_file_name = [st_img_prefix st_img_name_main '_maxev' st_img_suffix];
        saveas(gcf, strcat(st_img_path, st_file_name));
Warning: Ignoring extra legend entries. 

Graph 3, at max(EV) optimal choice category, color regions, borrow save

    % Borrow Vs Save
    [ar_z_mw, ar_w_mz] = meshgrid(ar_z, ar_w_level);
    mt_it_borr_idx = (mt_ev_condi_z_max_bp < 0);
    mt_it_riskyhalf_idx = ((mt_ev_condi_z_max_kp./mt_ev_condi_z_max_bp) > 0.5);
    mt_it_kzero_idx = (mt_ev_condi_z_max_kp == 0);
    mt_it_isnan_idx = (isnan(mt_ev_condi_z_max_kp));

    figure('PaperPosition', [0 0 7 4]);
    % States: ar_w, ar_z
    % Choices: mt_ev_condi_z_max_kp, mt_ev_condi_z_max_bp
    hold on;
    it_sca_size = 10;
    chart_br = scatter(ar_w_mz(mt_it_borr_idx),...
        it_sca_size, 'blue', 'filled');
    %     legend([chart_br], {'Borrow'}, 'Location','northeast');
    chart_khalf = scatter(ar_w_mz(~mt_it_borr_idx & mt_it_riskyhalf_idx),...
        ar_z_mw(~mt_it_borr_idx & mt_it_riskyhalf_idx),...
        it_sca_size, 'black', 'filled');
    %     legend([chart_khalf], {'Save >0.5 K'}, 'Location','northeast');
    chart_sv = scatter(ar_w_mz(~mt_it_borr_idx & ~mt_it_riskyhalf_idx),...
        ar_z_mw(~mt_it_borr_idx & ~mt_it_riskyhalf_idx),...
        it_sca_size, 'red', 'filled');
    %     legend([chart_sv], {'Save <0.5 K'}, 'Location','northeast');
    chart_invalid = scatter(ar_w_mz(mt_it_kzero_idx | mt_it_isnan_idx),...
        ar_z_mw(mt_it_kzero_idx | mt_it_isnan_idx),...
        it_sca_size, 'yellow', 'filled');
    legend([chart_br, chart_khalf, chart_sv, chart_invalid], ...
        {'Borrow','Save >0.5 K','Save <0.5 K', 'k=0 or k=nan'}, 'Location','northeast');
    title('Borrow and Save Regions')
    xlabel({'Total Savings w=k+b'})
    grid on;

    % save file
    if (bl_img_save)
        st_file_name = [st_img_prefix st_img_name_main '_maxbrsv' st_img_suffix];
        saveas(gcf, strcat(st_img_path, st_file_name));

Graph 4, Optimal K' and B' Levels

    [~, ar_w_mz] = meshgrid(ar_z, ar_w_level);
    for sub_j=1:1:4

        if (bl_graph_onebyones)
            figure('PaperPosition', [0 0 7 4]);

        if (sub_j==1)
                figure('PaperPosition', [0 0 14 4]);
            mt_y = mt_ev_condi_z_max_bp;
        if (sub_j==2)

            mt_y = mt_ev_condi_z_max_kp;
        if (sub_j==3)
                figure('PaperPosition', [0 0 14 4]);
            mt_y = zeros(size(mt_ev_condi_z_max_bp));
            mt_it_borr_idx = (mt_ev_condi_z_max_bp < 0);
            mt_y(mt_it_borr_idx) = -mt_ev_condi_z_max_bp(mt_it_borr_idx)/fl_b_bd;
            mt_y(~mt_it_borr_idx) = mt_ev_condi_z_max_bp(~mt_it_borr_idx)./ar_w_mz(~mt_it_borr_idx);
        if (sub_j==4)
            mt_y = mt_ev_condi_z_max_kp./(ar_w_level'-fl_b_bd);

        hold on;
        chart = plot(ar_w_level, mt_y);
        clr = jet(numel(chart));

        if (length(ar_w_level) <= 100)
            scatter(ar_w_mz(:), mt_y(:), 3, 'filled', 'MarkerEdgeColor', 'b', 'MarkerFaceColor', 'b');

        for m = 1:numel(chart)
        legend2plot = fliplr([1 round(numel(chart)/3) round((2*numel(chart))/3)  numel(chart)]);
        legendCell = cellstr(num2str(ar_z', 'shock=%3.2f'));

        xline0 = xline(0);
        xline0.HandleVisibility = 'off';
        yline0 = yline(0);
        yline0.HandleVisibility = 'off';
        grid on;
        if (sub_j<=2)
            hline = refline([1 0]);
            hline.Color = 'k';
            hline.LineStyle = ':';
            hline.HandleVisibility = 'off';

        if (sub_j==1)
            title('B Choices of W');
            ylabel('B Choices');
            xlabel({'Total Savings w=k+b'});
            legend(chart(legend2plot), legendCell(legend2plot), 'Location','northwest');
        if (sub_j==2)
            title('K Choices of W');
            ylabel('K Choices');
            xlabel({'Total Savings w=k+b'});
            legend(chart(legend2plot), legendCell(legend2plot), 'Location','northwest');

        if (sub_j==3)
            title('B Fraction of Borrow Max and Save');
            ylabel('B/bar(B) if br or B/W if sv');
            xlabel({'Total Savings w=k+b'});
            %             set(gca, 'YScale', 'log');
            ylim([-1.1 1.1]);
            legend(chart(legend2plot), legendCell(legend2plot), 'Location','northwest');
        if (sub_j==4)
            title('K Fraction Choices of Total K Possible');
            ylabel('K/(W-bar(b)) ');
            xlabel({'Total Savings w=k+b'});
            %             set(gca, 'YScale', 'log');
            ylim([0 1.1]);
            legend(chart(legend2plot), legendCell(legend2plot), 'Location','northeast');


    % save file
    if (bl_img_save)
        st_file_name = [st_img_prefix st_img_name_main '_wkbopti' st_img_suffix];
        saveas(gcf, strcat(st_img_path, st_file_name));

Display Various Containers

if (bl_display_evf)

Display 1 support_map

    fft_container_map_display(support_map, it_display_summmat_rowmax, it_display_summmat_colmax);
Begin: Show all key and value pairs from container
  Map with properties:

        Count: 43
      KeyType: char
    ValueType: any

pos = 1 ; key = bl_display ; val = false
pos = 2 ; key = bl_display_defparam ; val = true
pos = 3 ; key = bl_display_dist ; val = false
pos = 4 ; key = bl_display_evf ; val = true
pos = 5 ; key = bl_display_final ; val = true
pos = 6 ; key = bl_display_final_dist ; val = false
pos = 7 ; key = bl_display_final_dist_detail ; val = false
pos = 8 ; key = bl_display_funcgrids ; val = false
pos = 9 ; key = bl_graph ; val = true
pos = 10 ; key = bl_graph_coh_t_coh ; val = true
pos = 11 ; key = bl_graph_evf ; val = true
pos = 12 ; key = bl_graph_funcgrids ; val = false
pos = 13 ; key = bl_graph_funcgrids_detail ; val = false
pos = 14 ; key = bl_graph_onebyones ; val = true
pos = 15 ; key = bl_graph_pol_lvl ; val = true
pos = 16 ; key = bl_graph_pol_pct ; val = true
pos = 17 ; key = bl_graph_val ; val = true
pos = 18 ; key = bl_img_save ; val = false
pos = 19 ; key = bl_mat ; val = false
pos = 20 ; key = bl_post ; val = true
pos = 21 ; key = bl_profile ; val = false
pos = 22 ; key = bl_profile_dist ; val = false
pos = 23 ; key = bl_time ; val = false
pos = 24 ; key = it_display_every ; val = 5
pos = 25 ; key = it_display_final_colmax ; val = 12
pos = 26 ; key = it_display_final_rowmax ; val = 100
pos = 27 ; key = it_display_summmat_colmax ; val = 7
pos = 28 ; key = it_display_summmat_rowmax ; val = 7
pos = 29 ; key = st_img_name_main ; val = _default
pos = 30 ; key = st_img_path ; val = C:/Users/fan/CodeDynaAsset//m_ipwkbzr//solve/img/
pos = 31 ; key = st_img_prefix ; val = 
pos = 32 ; key = st_img_suffix ; val = _p4.png
pos = 33 ; key = st_mat_name_main ; val = _default
pos = 34 ; key = st_mat_path ; val = C:/Users/fan/CodeDynaAsset//m_ipwkbzr//solve/mat/
pos = 35 ; key = st_mat_prefix ; val = 
pos = 36 ; key = st_mat_suffix ; val = _p4
pos = 37 ; key = st_mat_test_path ; val = C:/Users/fan/CodeDynaAsset//m_ipwkbzr//test/ff_ipwkbz_ds_vecsv/mat/
pos = 38 ; key = st_matimg_path_root ; val = C:/Users/fan/CodeDynaAsset//m_ipwkbzr/
pos = 39 ; key = st_profile_name_main ; val = _default
pos = 40 ; key = st_profile_path ; val = C:/Users/fan/CodeDynaAsset//m_ipwkbzr//solve/profile/
pos = 41 ; key = st_profile_prefix ; val = 
pos = 42 ; key = st_profile_suffix ; val = _p4
pos = 43 ; key = st_title_prefix ; val = 
Scalars in Container and Sizes and Basic Statistics
                                    i     idx    value
                                    __    ___    _____

    bl_display                       1     1        0 
    bl_display_defparam              2     2        1 
    bl_display_dist                  3     3        0 
    bl_display_evf                   4     4        1 
    bl_display_final                 5     5        1 
    bl_display_final_dist            6     6        0 
    bl_display_final_dist_detail     7     7        0 
    bl_display_funcgrids             8     8        0 
    bl_graph                         9     9        1 
    bl_graph_coh_t_coh              10    10        1 
    bl_graph_evf                    11    11        1 
    bl_graph_funcgrids              12    12        0 
    bl_graph_funcgrids_detail       13    13        0 
    bl_graph_onebyones              14    14        1 
    bl_graph_pol_lvl                15    15        1 
    bl_graph_pol_pct                16    16        1 
    bl_graph_val                    17    17        1 
    bl_img_save                     18    18        0 
    bl_mat                          19    19        0 
    bl_post                         20    20        1 
    bl_profile                      21    21        0 
    bl_profile_dist                 22    22        0 
    bl_time                         23    23        0 
    it_display_every                24    24        5 
    it_display_final_colmax         25    25       12 
    it_display_final_rowmax         26    26      100 
    it_display_summmat_colmax       27    27        7 
    it_display_summmat_rowmax       28    28        7 

Strings in Container and Sizes and Basic Statistics
                            i     idx
                            __    ___

    st_img_name_main         1    29 
    st_img_path              2    30 
    st_img_prefix            3    31 
    st_img_suffix            4    32 
    st_mat_name_main         5    33 
    st_mat_path              6    34 
    st_mat_prefix            7    35 
    st_mat_suffix            8    36 
    st_mat_test_path         9    37 
    st_matimg_path_root     10    38 
    st_profile_name_main    11    39 
    st_profile_path         12    40 
    st_profile_prefix       13    41 
    st_profile_suffix       14    42 
    st_title_prefix         15    43 

Display 2 armt_map

    fft_container_map_display(armt_map, it_display_summmat_rowmax, it_display_summmat_colmax);
Begin: Show all key and value pairs from container
  Map with properties:

        Count: 18
      KeyType: char
    ValueType: any

pos = 1 ; key = ar_a_meshk ;rown= 62250 ,coln= 1
ar_a_meshk :mu= -2.5301 ,sd= 15.4852 ,min= -20 ,max= 50

    zi_1_R1                -20
    zi_2_R2                -20
    zi_3_R3                -20
    zi_31125_r31125    -2.5009
    zi_62248_r62248    -19.438
    zi_62249_r62249    -19.719
    zi_62250_r62250        -20

pos = 2 ; key = ar_ak_perc ;rown= 1 ,coln= 250
ar_ak_perc :mu= 0.5 ,sd= 0.29041 ,min= 0 ,max= 1
               zi_1_C1     zi_2_C2      zi_3_C3     zi_125_c125    zi_248_c248    zi_249_c249    zi_250_c250
               _______    _________    _________    ___________    ___________    ___________    ___________

    zi_1_r1       0       0.0040161    0.0080321      0.49799        0.99197        0.99598           1     

pos = 3 ; key = ar_interp_c_grid ;rown= 1 ,coln= 772572
ar_interp_c_grid :mu= 38.6486 ,sd= 22.3023 ,min= 0.02 ,max= 77.2773
               zi_1_C1    zi_2_C2    zi_3_C3    zi_386286_c386286    zi_772570_c772570    zi_772571_c772571    zi_772572_c772572
               _______    _______    _______    _________________    _________________    _________________    _________________

    zi_1_r1     0.02      0.0201     0.0202          38.649               77.277               77.277               77.277      

pos = 4 ; key = ar_interp_coh_grid ;rown= 1 ,coln= 772
ar_interp_coh_grid :mu= 18.6145 ,sd= 22.347 ,min= -20 ,max= 57.2773
               zi_1_C1    zi_2_C2    zi_3_C3    zi_386_c386    zi_770_c770    zi_771_c771    zi_772_c772
               _______    _______    _______    ___________    ___________    ___________    ___________

    zi_1_r1      -20       -19.9     -19.799      18.538         57.077         57.177         57.277   

pos = 5 ; key = ar_k_mesha ;rown= 62250 ,coln= 1
ar_k_mesha :mu= 17.4699 ,sd= 15.4852 ,min= 0 ,max= 70

    zi_1_R1                 0 
    zi_2_R2                 0 
    zi_3_R3                 0 
    zi_31125_r31125    17.359 
    zi_62248_r62248    69.438 
    zi_62249_r62249    69.719 
    zi_62250_r62250        70 

pos = 6 ; key = ar_stationary ;rown= 1 ,coln= 15
ar_stationary :mu= 0.066667 ,sd= 0.060897 ,min= 0.0027089 ,max= 0.16757
                zi_1_C1      zi_2_C2     zi_3_C3     zi_8_C8    zi_13_c13    zi_14_c14    zi_15_c15
               _________    _________    ________    _______    _________    _________    _________

    zi_1_r1    0.0027089    0.0069499    0.018507    0.16757    0.018507     0.0069499    0.0027089

pos = 7 ; key = ar_w_level ;rown= 1 ,coln= 249
ar_w_level :mu= 14.9398 ,sd= 20.3112 ,min= -20 ,max= 50
               zi_1_C1    zi_2_C2    zi_3_C3    zi_125_c125    zi_247_c247    zi_248_c248    zi_249_c249
               _______    _______    _______    ___________    ___________    ___________    ___________

    zi_1_r1      -20      -19.717    -19.433      14.858         49.433         49.717           50     

pos = 8 ; key = ar_w_perc ;rown= 1 ,coln= 50
ar_w_perc :mu= 0.5 ,sd= 0.2975 ,min= 0 ,max= 1
               zi_1_C1    zi_2_C2     zi_3_C3     zi_25_c25    zi_48_c48    zi_49_c49    zi_50_c50
               _______    ________    ________    _________    _________    _________    _________

    zi_1_r1       0       0.020408    0.040816     0.4898       0.95918      0.97959         1    

pos = 9 ; key = ar_z ;rown= 1 ,coln= 15
ar_z :mu= 1.1347 ,sd= 0.69878 ,min= 0.34741 ,max= 2.567
               zi_1_C1    zi_2_C2    zi_3_C3    zi_8_C8    zi_13_c13    zi_14_c14    zi_15_c15
               _______    _______    _______    _______    _________    _________    _________

    zi_1_r1    0.34741    0.40076    0.4623     0.94436     1.9291       2.2253        2.567  

pos = 10 ; key = it_ameshk_n ; val = 62250
pos = 11 ; key = mt_coh_wkb ;rown= 62250 ,coln= 15
mt_coh_wkb :mu= 16.1912 ,sd= 20.8936 ,min= -21.4564 ,max= 57.2773
                       zi_1_C1    zi_2_C2    zi_3_C3    zi_8_C8    zi_13_c13    zi_14_c14    zi_15_c15
                       _______    _______    _______    _______    _________    _________    _________

    zi_1_R1            -21.456    -21.456    -21.456    -21.456     -21.456      -21.456      -21.456 
    zi_2_R2            -21.456    -21.456    -21.456    -21.456     -21.456      -21.456      -21.456 
    zi_3_R3            -21.456    -21.456    -21.456    -21.456     -21.456      -21.456      -21.456 
    zi_31125_r31125     14.646     14.795     14.967     16.314      19.065       19.893       20.848 
    zi_62248_r62248     44.641     44.886      45.17     47.388       51.92       53.284       54.856 
    zi_62249_r62249     44.594      44.84     45.124     47.345      51.884       53.249       54.824 
    zi_62250_r62250     44.547     44.793     45.077     47.302      51.848       53.215       54.792 

pos = 12 ; key = mt_interp_coh_grid_mesh_w_perc ;rown= 50 ,coln= 772
mt_interp_coh_grid_mesh_w_perc :mu= 18.6145 ,sd= 22.3329 ,min= -20 ,max= 57.2773
                 zi_1_C1    zi_2_C2    zi_3_C3    zi_386_c386    zi_770_c770    zi_771_c771    zi_772_c772
                 _______    _______    _______    ___________    ___________    ___________    ___________

    zi_1_R1        -20       -19.9     -19.799      18.538         57.077         57.177         57.277   
    zi_2_R2        -20       -19.9     -19.799      18.538         57.077         57.177         57.277   
    zi_3_R3        -20       -19.9     -19.799      18.538         57.077         57.177         57.277   
    zi_25_r25      -20       -19.9     -19.799      18.538         57.077         57.177         57.277   
    zi_48_r48      -20       -19.9     -19.799      18.538         57.077         57.177         57.277   
    zi_49_r49      -20       -19.9     -19.799      18.538         57.077         57.177         57.277   
    zi_50_r50      -20       -19.9     -19.799      18.538         57.077         57.177         57.277   

pos = 13 ; key = mt_interp_coh_grid_mesh_z ;rown= 772 ,coln= 15
mt_interp_coh_grid_mesh_z :mu= 18.6145 ,sd= 22.3335 ,min= -20 ,max= 57.2773
                   zi_1_C1    zi_2_C2    zi_3_C3    zi_8_C8    zi_13_c13    zi_14_c14    zi_15_c15
                   _______    _______    _______    _______    _________    _________    _________

    zi_1_R1            -20        -20        -20        -20         -20          -20          -20 
    zi_2_R2          -19.9      -19.9      -19.9      -19.9       -19.9        -19.9        -19.9 
    zi_3_R3        -19.799    -19.799    -19.799    -19.799     -19.799      -19.799      -19.799 
    zi_386_r386     18.538     18.538     18.538     18.538      18.538       18.538       18.538 
    zi_770_r770     57.077     57.077     57.077     57.077      57.077       57.077       57.077 
    zi_771_r771     57.177     57.177     57.177     57.177      57.177       57.177       57.177 
    zi_772_r772     57.277     57.277     57.277     57.277      57.277       57.277       57.277 

pos = 14 ; key = mt_k ;rown= 250 ,coln= 249
mt_k :mu= 17.4699 ,sd= 15.4852 ,min= 0 ,max= 70
                   zi_1_C1     zi_2_C2      zi_3_C3     zi_125_c125    zi_247_c247    zi_248_c248    zi_249_c249
                   _______    _________    _________    ___________    ___________    ___________    ___________

    zi_1_R1           0               0            0            0              0              0              0  
    zi_2_R2           0       0.0011382    0.0022763      0.13999        0.27885        0.27999        0.28112  
    zi_3_R3           0       0.0022763    0.0045526      0.27999         0.5577        0.55997        0.56225  
    zi_125_r125       0         0.14113      0.28226       17.359         34.577         34.718         34.859  
    zi_248_r248       0         0.28112      0.56225       34.578         68.876         69.157         69.438  
    zi_249_r249       0         0.28226      0.56453       34.718         69.154         69.437         69.719  
    zi_250_r250       0          0.2834       0.5668       34.858         69.433         69.717             70  

pos = 15 ; key = mt_w_by_interp_coh_interp_grid ;rown= 50 ,coln= 772
mt_w_by_interp_coh_interp_grid :mu= -0.69276 ,sd= 17.2418 ,min= -20 ,max= 57.2773
                 zi_1_C1    zi_2_C2    zi_3_C3    zi_386_c386    zi_770_c770    zi_771_c771    zi_772_c772
                 _______    _______    _______    ___________    ___________    ___________    ___________

    zi_1_R1        -20          -20        -20          -20            -20            -20            -20  
    zi_2_R2        -20      -19.998    -19.996      -19.214        -18.427        -18.425        -18.423  
    zi_3_R3        -20      -19.996    -19.992      -18.427        -16.854         -16.85        -16.846  
    zi_25_r25      -20      -19.951    -19.902      -1.1241         17.752         17.801          17.85  
    zi_48_r48      -20      -19.904    -19.807       16.965         53.931         54.027         54.123  
    zi_49_r49      -20      -19.902    -19.803       17.752         55.504         55.602           55.7  
    zi_50_r50      -20        -19.9    -19.799       18.538         57.077         57.177         57.277  

pos = 16 ; key = mt_z_mesh_coh_interp_grid ;rown= 772 ,coln= 15
mt_z_mesh_coh_interp_grid :mu= 1.1347 ,sd= 0.67511 ,min= 0.34741 ,max= 2.567
                   zi_1_C1    zi_2_C2    zi_3_C3    zi_8_C8    zi_13_c13    zi_14_c14    zi_15_c15
                   _______    _______    _______    _______    _________    _________    _________

    zi_1_R1        0.34741    0.40076    0.4623     0.94436     1.9291       2.2253        2.567  
    zi_2_R2        0.34741    0.40076    0.4623     0.94436     1.9291       2.2253        2.567  
    zi_3_R3        0.34741    0.40076    0.4623     0.94436     1.9291       2.2253        2.567  
    zi_386_r386    0.34741    0.40076    0.4623     0.94436     1.9291       2.2253        2.567  
    zi_770_r770    0.34741    0.40076    0.4623     0.94436     1.9291       2.2253        2.567  
    zi_771_r771    0.34741    0.40076    0.4623     0.94436     1.9291       2.2253        2.567  
    zi_772_r772    0.34741    0.40076    0.4623     0.94436     1.9291       2.2253        2.567  

pos = 17 ; key = mt_z_mesh_coh_wkb ;rown= 62250 ,coln= 15
mt_z_mesh_coh_wkb :mu= 1.1347 ,sd= 0.67508 ,min= 0.34741 ,max= 2.567
                       zi_1_C1    zi_2_C2    zi_3_C3    zi_8_C8    zi_13_c13    zi_14_c14    zi_15_c15
                       _______    _______    _______    _______    _________    _________    _________

    zi_1_R1            0.34741    0.40076    0.4623     0.94436     1.9291       2.2253        2.567  
    zi_2_R2            0.34741    0.40076    0.4623     0.94436     1.9291       2.2253        2.567  
    zi_3_R3            0.34741    0.40076    0.4623     0.94436     1.9291       2.2253        2.567  
    zi_31125_r31125    0.34741    0.40076    0.4623     0.94436     1.9291       2.2253        2.567  
    zi_62248_r62248    0.34741    0.40076    0.4623     0.94436     1.9291       2.2253        2.567  
    zi_62249_r62249    0.34741    0.40076    0.4623     0.94436     1.9291       2.2253        2.567  
    zi_62250_r62250    0.34741    0.40076    0.4623     0.94436     1.9291       2.2253        2.567  

pos = 18 ; key = mt_z_trans ;rown= 15 ,coln= 15
mt_z_trans :mu= 0.066667 ,sd= 0.095337 ,min= 0 ,max= 0.27902
                  zi_1_C1       zi_2_C2       zi_3_C3       zi_8_C8      zi_13_c13     zi_14_c14     zi_15_c15 
                 __________    __________    __________    __________    __________    __________    __________

    zi_1_R1         0.26016       0.26831       0.25551    0.00012823    2.7001e-13    1.1102e-15             0
    zi_2_R2         0.11232       0.19622        0.2763    0.00098855    1.5289e-11    9.3592e-14    3.3307e-16
    zi_3_R3        0.037073       0.10492        0.2185     0.0055558    6.2811e-10    5.7438e-12    3.1863e-14
    zi_8_R8      1.7181e-06    4.1008e-05    0.00061112       0.27902    0.00061112    4.1008e-05    1.7181e-06
    zi_13_r13    3.1909e-14    5.7438e-12    6.2811e-10     0.0055558        0.2185       0.10492      0.037073
    zi_14_r14     3.474e-16    9.3597e-14    1.5289e-11    0.00098855        0.2763       0.19622       0.11232
    zi_15_r15    2.7412e-18    1.1057e-15    2.6998e-13    0.00012823       0.25551       0.26831       0.26016

Matrix in Container and Sizes and Basic Statistics
                                      i     idx    rowN        colN         mean        std          min         max  
                                      __    ___    _____    __________    ________    ________    _________    _______

    ar_a_meshk                         1     1     62250             1     -2.5301      15.485          -20         50
    ar_ak_perc                         2     2         1           250         0.5     0.29041            0          1
    ar_interp_c_grid                   3     3         1    7.7257e+05      38.649      22.302         0.02     77.277
    ar_interp_coh_grid                 4     4         1           772      18.614      22.347          -20     57.277
    ar_k_mesha                         5     5     62250             1       17.47      15.485            0         70
    ar_stationary                      6     6         1            15    0.066667    0.060897    0.0027089    0.16757
    ar_w_level                         7     7         1           249       14.94      20.311          -20         50
    ar_w_perc                          8     8         1            50         0.5      0.2975            0          1
    ar_z                               9     9         1            15      1.1347     0.69878      0.34741      2.567
    mt_coh_wkb                        10    11     62250            15      16.191      20.894      -21.456     57.277
    mt_interp_coh_grid_mesh_w_perc    11    12        50           772      18.614      22.333          -20     57.277
    mt_interp_coh_grid_mesh_z         12    13       772            15      18.614      22.334          -20     57.277
    mt_k                              13    14       250           249       17.47      15.485            0         70
    mt_w_by_interp_coh_interp_grid    14    15        50           772    -0.69276      17.242          -20     57.277
    mt_z_mesh_coh_interp_grid         15    16       772            15      1.1347     0.67511      0.34741      2.567
    mt_z_mesh_coh_wkb                 16    17     62250            15      1.1347     0.67508      0.34741      2.567
    mt_z_trans                        17    18        15            15    0.066667    0.095337            0    0.27902

Scalars in Container and Sizes and Basic Statistics
                   i    idx    value
                   _    ___    _____

    it_ameshk_n    1    10     62250

Display 3 param_map

    fft_container_map_display(param_map, it_display_summmat_rowmax, it_display_summmat_colmax);
Begin: Show all key and value pairs from container
  Map with properties:

        Count: 35
      KeyType: char
    ValueType: any

pos = 1 ; key = bl_default ; val = true
pos = 2 ; key = fl_Amean ; val = 1
pos = 3 ; key = fl_alpha ; val = 0.36
pos = 4 ; key = fl_b_bd ; val = -20
pos = 5 ; key = fl_beta ; val = 0.94
pos = 6 ; key = fl_c_min ; val = 0.02
pos = 7 ; key = fl_coh_interp_grid_gap ; val = 0.1
pos = 8 ; key = fl_crra ; val = 1.5
pos = 9 ; key = fl_default_wprime ; val = 0
pos = 10 ; key = fl_delta ; val = 0.08
pos = 11 ; key = fl_k_max ; val = 70
pos = 12 ; key = fl_k_min ; val = 0
pos = 13 ; key = fl_nan_replace ; val = -9999
pos = 14 ; key = fl_r_borr ; val = 0.095
pos = 15 ; key = fl_r_save ; val = 0.025
pos = 16 ; key = fl_tol_dist ; val = 1e-05
pos = 17 ; key = fl_tol_pol ; val = 1e-05
pos = 18 ; key = fl_tol_val ; val = 1e-05
pos = 19 ; key = fl_w ; val = 0.44365
pos = 20 ; key = fl_w_interp_grid_gap ; val = 0.28
pos = 21 ; key = fl_w_max ; val = 50
pos = 22 ; key = fl_w_min ; val = -20
pos = 23 ; key = fl_z_mu ; val = 0
pos = 24 ; key = fl_z_rho ; val = 0.8
pos = 25 ; key = fl_z_sig ; val = 0.2
pos = 26 ; key = it_ak_perc_n ; val = 250
pos = 27 ; key = it_c_interp_grid_gap ; val = 0.0001
pos = 28 ; key = it_maxiter_dist ; val = 1000
pos = 29 ; key = it_maxiter_val ; val = 250
pos = 30 ; key = it_tol_pol_nochange ; val = 25
pos = 31 ; key = it_w_perc_n ; val = 50
pos = 32 ; key = it_z_n ; val = 15
pos = 33 ; key = st_analytical_stationary_type ; val = eigenvector
pos = 34 ; key = st_model ; val = ipwkbz
pos = 35 ; key = st_v_coh_z_interp_method ; val = method_cell
Scalars in Container and Sizes and Basic Statistics
                              i     idx     value 
                              __    ___    _______

    bl_default                 1     1           1
    fl_Amean                   2     2           1
    fl_alpha                   3     3        0.36
    fl_b_bd                    4     4         -20
    fl_beta                    5     5        0.94
    fl_c_min                   6     6        0.02
    fl_coh_interp_grid_gap     7     7         0.1
    fl_crra                    8     8         1.5
    fl_default_wprime          9     9           0
    fl_delta                  10    10        0.08
    fl_k_max                  11    11          70
    fl_k_min                  12    12           0
    fl_nan_replace            13    13       -9999
    fl_r_borr                 14    14       0.095
    fl_r_save                 15    15       0.025
    fl_tol_dist               16    16       1e-05
    fl_tol_pol                17    17       1e-05
    fl_tol_val                18    18       1e-05
    fl_w                      19    19     0.44365
    fl_w_interp_grid_gap      20    20        0.28
    fl_w_max                  21    21          50
    fl_w_min                  22    22         -20
    fl_z_mu                   23    23           0
    fl_z_rho                  24    24         0.8
    fl_z_sig                  25    25         0.2
    it_ak_perc_n              26    26         250
    it_c_interp_grid_gap      27    27      0.0001
    it_maxiter_dist           28    28        1000
    it_maxiter_val            29    29         250
    it_tol_pol_nochange       30    30          25
    it_w_perc_n               31    31          50
    it_z_n                    32    32          15

Strings in Container and Sizes and Basic Statistics
                                     i    idx
                                     _    ___

    st_analytical_stationary_type    1    33 
    st_model                         2    34 
    st_v_coh_z_interp_method         3    35 

Display 4 func_map

    fft_container_map_display(func_map, it_display_summmat_rowmax, it_display_summmat_colmax);
Begin: Show all key and value pairs from container
  Map with properties:

        Count: 7
      KeyType: char
    ValueType: any

pos = 1 ; key = f_coh ; val = @(z,b,k)(f_prod(z,k)+k*(1-fl_delta)+fl_w+b.*(1+fl_r_save).*(b>0)+b.*(1+fl_r_borr).*(b<=0))
pos = 2 ; key = f_cons ; val = @(coh,bprime,kprime)(coh-kprime-bprime)
pos = 3 ; key = f_inc ; val = @(z,b,k)(f_prod(z,k)-(fl_delta)*k+fl_w+b.*(fl_r_save).*(b>0)+b.*(fl_r_borr).*(b<=0))
pos = 4 ; key = f_prod ; val = @(z,k)((fl_Amean.*(z)).*(k.^(fl_alpha)))
pos = 5 ; key = f_util_crra ; val = @(c)(((c).^(1-fl_crra)-1)./(1-fl_crra))
pos = 6 ; key = f_util_log ; val = @(c)log(c)
pos = 7 ; key = f_util_standin ; val = @(z,b,k)f_util_log((f_coh(z,b,k)-fl_b_bd).*((f_coh(z,b,k)-fl_b_bd)>fl_c_min)+fl_c_min.*((f_coh(z,b,k)-fl_b_bd)<=fl_c_min))
Scalars in Container and Sizes and Basic Statistics
                      i    idx    xFunction
                      _    ___    _________

    f_coh             1     1         1    
    f_cons            2     2         2    
    f_inc             3     3         3    
    f_prod            4     4         4    
    f_util_crra       5     5         5    
    f_util_log        6     6         6    
    f_util_standin    7     7         7    
