Derive Distributions for Risky + Safe Asset (Save + Borr + R Shock) Interpolated-Percentage (Wrapper)
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function [result_map] = ff_ipwkbzr_ds_wrapper(varargin)
FF_IPWKBZR_DS_WRAPPER finds the stationary asset distributions
This is a warpper function.
- it_subset = 5 is basic invoke quick test
- it_subset = 6 is invoke full test
- it_subset = 7 is profiling invoke
- it_subset = 8 is matlab publish
- it_subset = 9 is invoke operational (only final stats) and coh graph
it_param_set = 8;
[param_map, support_map] = ffs_ipwkbzr_set_default_param(it_param_set);
param_map('bl_default') = true;
Change Parameter to Main Options
st_param_which = 'default'; if (ismember(st_param_which, ["default"])) % default elseif ismember(st_param_which, ["ff_ipwkbz_ds_wrapper"]) % ff_ipwkbzr_evf default param_map('fl_z_r_borr_min') = 0.095; param_map('fl_z_r_borr_max') = 0.095; param_map('fl_z_r_borr_n') = 1; param_map('fl_r_save') = 0.025; param_map('it_z_n') = param_map('it_z_wage_n') * param_map('fl_z_r_borr_n'); end
Adjust Parametesr
% Note: param_map and support_map can be adjusted here or outside to override defaults % param_map('it_w_perc_n') = 50; % param_map('it_ak_perc_n') = param_map('it_w_perc_n'); % param_map('it_z_n') = 15; % param_map('fl_coh_interp_grid_gap') = 0.025; % param_map('it_c_interp_grid_gap') = 0.001; % param_map('fl_w_interp_grid_gap') = 0.25; % param_map('it_w_perc_n') = 100; % param_map('it_ak_perc_n') = param_map('it_w_perc_n'); % param_map('it_z_n') = 11; % param_map('fl_coh_interp_grid_gap') = 0.1; % param_map('it_c_interp_grid_gap') = 10^-4; % param_map('fl_w_interp_grid_gap') = 0.1; % param_map('it_w_perc_n') = 100; % param_map('fl_r_save') = 0.025; % param_map('fl_c_min') = 0.02;
Set Distribution Derivation Types
% param_map('st_analytical_stationary_type') = 'loop'; % param_map('st_analytical_stationary_type') = 'vector'; param_map('st_analytical_stationary_type') = 'eigenvector';
Generate Grids
get armt and func map
[armt_map, func_map] = ffs_ipwkbzr_get_funcgrid(param_map, support_map); % 1 for override
default_params = {param_map support_map armt_map func_map};
Parse Parameters 1
% if varargin only has param_map and support_map, params_len = length(varargin); [default_params{1:params_len}] = varargin{:}; param_map = [param_map; default_params{1}]; support_map = [support_map; default_params{2}]; if params_len >= 1 && params_len <= 2 % If override param_map, re-generate armt and func if they are not % provided [armt_map, func_map] = ffs_ipwkbzr_get_funcgrid(param_map, support_map); else % Override all armt_map = [armt_map; default_params{3}]; func_map = [func_map; default_params{4}]; end % if profile, profile DP + Dist here support_map('bl_profile_dist') = false; % append function name st_func_name = 'ff_ipwkbzr_ds_wrapper'; support_map('st_profile_name_main') = [st_func_name support_map('st_profile_name_main')]; support_map('st_mat_name_main') = [st_func_name support_map('st_mat_name_main')]; support_map('st_img_name_main') = [st_func_name support_map('st_img_name_main')];
Parse Parameters
% param_map params_group = values(param_map, {'st_analytical_stationary_type'}); [st_analytical_stationary_type] = params_group{:}; % support_map params_group = values(support_map, ... {'st_profile_path', 'st_profile_prefix', 'st_profile_name_main', 'st_profile_suffix','bl_time'}); [st_profile_path, st_profile_prefix, st_profile_name_main, st_profile_suffix, bl_time] = params_group{:};
Start Profiler and Timer
Start Profile
if (it_param_set == 7) close all; profile off; profile on; end % Start Timer if (bl_time) tic; end
Solve DP
bl_input_override = true; result_map = ff_ipwkbzr_vf_vecsv(param_map, support_map, armt_map, func_map);
Elapsed time is 54.340936 seconds. ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Begin: Show all key and value pairs from container CONTAINER NAME: SUPPORT_MAP ---------------------------------------- Map with properties: Count: 43 KeyType: char ValueType: any xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- pos = 29 ; key = st_img_name_main ; val = ff_ipwkbzr_vf_vecsvff_ipwkbzr_ds_wrapper_default pos = 30 ; key = st_img_path ; val = C:/Users/fan/CodeDynaAsset//m_ipwkbzr//solve/img/ pos = 31 ; key = st_img_prefix ; val = pos = 32 ; key = st_img_suffix ; val = _p8.png pos = 33 ; key = st_mat_name_main ; val = ff_ipwkbzr_vf_vecsvff_ipwkbzr_ds_wrapper_default pos = 34 ; key = st_mat_path ; val = C:/Users/fan/CodeDynaAsset//m_ipwkbzr//solve/mat/ pos = 35 ; key = st_mat_prefix ; val = pos = 36 ; key = st_mat_suffix ; val = _p8 pos = 37 ; key = st_mat_test_path ; val = C:/Users/fan/CodeDynaAsset//m_ipwkbzr//test/ff_ipwkbzr_ds_vecsv/mat/ pos = 38 ; key = st_matimg_path_root ; val = C:/Users/fan/CodeDynaAsset//m_ipwkbzr/ pos = 39 ; key = st_profile_name_main ; val = ff_ipwkbzr_vf_vecsvff_ipwkbzr_ds_wrapper_default pos = 40 ; key = st_profile_path ; val = C:/Users/fan/CodeDynaAsset//m_ipwkbzr//solve/profile/ pos = 41 ; key = st_profile_prefix ; val = pos = 42 ; key = st_profile_suffix ; val = _p8 pos = 43 ; key = st_title_prefix ; val = ---------------------------------------- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Scalars in Container and Sizes and Basic Statistics xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx i idx value __ ___ _____ bl_display 1 1 0 bl_display_defparam 2 2 1 bl_display_dist 3 3 0 bl_display_evf 4 4 0 bl_display_final 5 5 0 bl_display_final_dist 6 6 1 bl_display_final_dist_detail 7 7 1 bl_display_funcgrids 8 8 0 bl_graph 9 9 1 bl_graph_coh_t_coh 10 10 1 bl_graph_evf 11 11 0 bl_graph_funcgrids 12 12 0 bl_graph_funcgrids_detail 13 13 0 bl_graph_onebyones 14 14 1 bl_graph_pol_lvl 15 15 0 bl_graph_pol_pct 16 16 0 bl_graph_val 17 17 0 bl_img_save 18 18 0 bl_mat 19 19 0 bl_post 20 20 1 bl_profile 21 21 0 bl_profile_dist 22 22 0 bl_time 23 23 1 it_display_every 24 24 20 it_display_final_colmax 25 25 12 it_display_final_rowmax 26 26 100 it_display_summmat_colmax 27 27 7 it_display_summmat_rowmax 28 28 7 ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Begin: Show all key and value pairs from container CONTAINER NAME: ARMT_MAP ---------------------------------------- Map with properties: Count: 34 KeyType: char ValueType: any xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Matrix in Container and Sizes and Basic Statistics xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx i idx rowN colN mean std min max __ ___ ________ __________ ________ ________ __________ _______ ar_a_meshk 1 1 772 1 18.605 22.341 -20 57.258 ar_a_meshk_ori 2 2 35000 1 -2.5107 15.618 -20 50 ar_ak_perc 3 3 1 50 0.5 0.2975 0 1 ar_aplusk_mesh 4 4 35000 1 14.979 20.23 -20 50 ar_interp_c_grid 5 5 1 7.7238e+05 38.639 22.297 0.02 77.258 ar_interp_coh_grid 6 6 1 772 18.605 22.341 -20 57.258 ar_k_mesha 7 7 772 1 0 0 0 0 ar_k_mesha_ori 8 8 35000 1 17.489 15.618 0 70 ar_w_level 9 9 1 700 14.979 20.244 -20 50 ar_w_perc 10 10 1 50 0.5 0.2975 0 1 ar_z_r_borr 11 11 1 5 0.06 0.02767 0.025 0.095 ar_z_r_borr_mesh_wage_r1w2 12 12 1 55 0.06 0.024977 0.025 0.095 ar_z_r_borr_mesh_wage_w1r2 13 13 1 55 0.06 0.024977 0.025 0.095 ar_z_r_borr_prob 14 14 1 5 0.2 0.34803 0.00012164 0.81093 ar_z_wage 15 15 1 11 1.1422 0.72828 0.34664 2.5613 ar_z_wage_mesh_r_borr_r1w2 16 16 1 55 1.1422 0.70079 0.34664 2.5613 ar_z_wage_mesh_r_borr_w1r2 17 17 1 55 1.1422 0.70079 0.34664 2.5613 ar_z_wage_prob 18 18 1 11 0.090909 0.084822 0.0039324 0.23011 cl_mt_coh_wkb_mesh_z_r_borr 19 19 35000 55 16.785 20.517 -20.056 57.258 mt_coh_wkb 20 21 772 55 18.605 22.327 -20 57.258 mt_coh_wkb_mesh_z_r_borr 21 22 1.75e+05 55 16.507 20.684 -21.456 57.258 mt_coh_wkb_ori 22 23 1.75e+05 11 16.507 20.684 -21.456 57.258 mt_interp_coh_grid_mesh_w_perc 23 24 50 772 18.605 22.327 -20 57.258 mt_interp_coh_grid_mesh_z 24 25 772 55 18.605 22.327 -20 57.258 mt_interp_coh_grid_mesh_z_wage 25 26 772 11 18.605 22.328 -20 57.258 mt_k 26 27 50 700 17.489 15.618 0 70 mt_w_perc_mesh_interp_coh_grid 27 28 50 772 -0.6976 17.237 -20 57.258 mt_z_mesh_coh_wkb 28 29 1.75e+05 55 28 15.875 1 55 mt_z_mesh_coh_wkb_seg 29 30 35000 55 28 15.875 1 55 mt_z_mesh_interp_coh_grid 30 31 772 55 28 15.875 1 55 mt_z_trans 31 32 55 55 0.018182 0.055867 0 0.31053 mt_z_wage_mesh_coh_wkb 32 33 1.75e+05 11 1.1422 0.69439 0.34664 2.5613 mt_z_wage_mesh_interp_coh_grid 33 34 772 11 1.1422 0.69443 0.34664 2.5613 ---------------------------------------- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Scalars in Container and Sizes and Basic Statistics xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx i idx value _ ___ _____ it_ameshk_n 1 20 772 ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Begin: Show all key and value pairs from container CONTAINER NAME: PARAM_MAP ---------------------------------------- Map with properties: Count: 41 KeyType: char ValueType: any xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- pos = 37 ; key = st_analytical_stationary_type ; val = eigenvector pos = 38 ; key = st_model ; val = ipwkbzr pos = 39 ; key = st_v_coh_z_interp_method ; val = method_cell pos = 40 ; key = st_z_r_borr_drv_ele_type ; val = unif pos = 41 ; key = st_z_r_borr_drv_prb_type ; val = poiss ---------------------------------------- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Scalars in Container and Sizes and Basic Statistics xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx i idx value __ ___ _______ bl_default 1 1 1 fl_Amean 2 2 1 fl_alpha 3 3 0.36 fl_b_bd 4 4 -20 fl_beta 5 5 0.94 fl_c_min 6 6 0.02 fl_coh_interp_grid_gap 7 7 0.1 fl_crra 8 8 1.5 fl_default_wprime 9 9 0 fl_delta 10 10 0.08 fl_k_max 11 11 70 fl_k_min 12 12 0 fl_nan_replace 13 13 -9999 fl_r_save 14 14 0.025 fl_tol_dist 15 15 1e-05 fl_tol_pol 16 16 1e-05 fl_tol_val 17 17 1e-05 fl_w 18 18 0.44365 fl_w_interp_grid_gap 19 19 0.1 fl_w_max 20 20 50 fl_w_min 21 21 -20 fl_z_r_borr_max 22 22 0.095 fl_z_r_borr_min 23 23 0.025 fl_z_r_borr_n 24 24 5 fl_z_r_borr_poiss_mean 25 25 20 fl_z_wage_mu 26 26 0 fl_z_wage_rho 27 27 0.8 fl_z_wage_sig 28 28 0.2 it_ak_perc_n 29 29 50 it_c_interp_grid_gap 30 30 0.0001 it_maxiter_dist 31 31 1000 it_maxiter_val 32 32 250 it_tol_pol_nochange 33 33 25 it_w_perc_n 34 34 50 it_z_n 35 35 55 it_z_wage_n 36 36 11 ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Begin: Show all key and value pairs from container CONTAINER NAME: FUNC_MAP ---------------------------------------- Map with properties: Count: 8 KeyType: char ValueType: any xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- pos = 1 ; key = f_coh ; val = @(fl_r_borr,z,b,k)(f_prod(z,k)+k*(1-fl_delta)+fl_w+b.*(1+fl_r_save).*(b>0)+b.*(1+fl_r_borr).*(b<=0)) pos = 2 ; key = f_cons ; val = @(coh,bprime,kprime)(coh-kprime-bprime) pos = 3 ; key = f_inc ; val = @(fl_r_borr,z,b,k)(f_prod(z,k)-(fl_delta)*k+fl_w+b.*(fl_r_save).*(b>0)+b.*(fl_r_borr).*(b<=0)) pos = 4 ; key = f_prod ; val = @(z,k)((fl_Amean.*(z)).*(k.^(fl_alpha))) pos = 5 ; key = f_util_crra ; val = @(c)(((c).^(1-fl_crra)-1)./(1-fl_crra)) pos = 6 ; key = f_util_log ; val = @(c)log(c) pos = 7 ; key = f_util_standin ; val = @(fl_r_borr,z,b,k)f_util_log((f_coh(fl_r_borr,z,b,k)-fl_b_bd).*((f_coh(fl_r_borr,z,b,k)-fl_b_bd)>fl_c_min)+fl_c_min.*((f_coh(fl_r_borr,z,b,k)-fl_b_bd)<=fl_c_min)) pos = 8 ; key = f_util_standin_coh ; val = @(coh,fl_r_borr)f_util_log((coh-fl_b_bd).*((coh>0)&(((coh-fl_b_bd)./(1))>fl_c_min))+((coh-fl_b_bd)./(1)).*((coh<=0)&(((coh-fl_b_bd)./(1))>fl_c_min))+(fl_c_min./(1+fl_r_borr)).*((((coh-fl_b_bd)./(1))<=fl_c_min))) ---------------------------------------- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Scalars in Container and Sizes and Basic Statistics xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx i idx xFunction _ ___ _________ f_coh 1 1 1 f_cons 2 2 2 f_inc 3 3 3 f_prod 4 4 4 f_util_crra 5 5 5 f_util_log 6 6 6 f_util_standin 7 7 7 f_util_standin_coh 8 8 8 ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Begin: Show all key and value pairs from container CONTAINER NAME: RESULT_MAP ---------------------------------------- Map with properties: Count: 12 KeyType: char ValueType: any xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- pos = 2 ; key = ar_st_pol_names ; val = cl_mt_val cl_mt_coh cl_mt_pol_a cl_mt_pol_k cl_mt_pol_c ---------------------------------------- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Matrix in Container and Sizes and Basic Statistics xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx i idx rowN colN mean std min max __ ___ ____ ____ ________ _______ __________ ______ ar_pol_diff_norm 1 1 151 1 99.709 531.21 0 4777.2 ar_val_diff_norm 2 3 151 1 16.897 50.793 0.00091128 344.08 cl_mt_coh 3 4 772 55 18.605 22.327 -20 57.258 cl_mt_cons 4 5 772 55 2.8757 2.9357 -20 7.8835 cl_mt_pol_a 5 6 772 55 8.7882 19.576 -20 49.154 cl_mt_pol_c 6 7 772 55 3.1163 1.5811 0.02 7.8835 cl_mt_pol_k 7 8 772 55 6.9409 5.4654 0 22.186 cl_mt_val 8 9 772 55 8.6496 6.9578 -9.749 16.595 mt_pol_idx 9 10 772 55 19319 11146 1 38595 mt_pol_perc_change 10 11 151 55 0.077753 0.22502 0 1 mt_val 11 12 772 55 8.6496 6.9578 -9.749 16.595

Derive Distribution
if (strcmp(st_analytical_stationary_type, 'loop')) result_map = ff_iwkz_ds(param_map, support_map, armt_map, func_map, result_map, bl_input_override); elseif (strcmp(st_analytical_stationary_type, 'vector')) result_map = ff_iwkz_ds_vec(param_map, support_map, armt_map, func_map, result_map, bl_input_override); elseif (strcmp(st_analytical_stationary_type, 'eigenvector')) result_map = ff_iwkz_ds_vecsv(param_map, support_map, armt_map, func_map, result_map, bl_input_override); end
Elapsed time is 17.689325 seconds. ---------------------------------------- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Summary Statistics for: cl_mt_val xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ---------------------------------------- fl_choice_mean 6.5883 fl_choice_sd 3.4850 fl_choice_coefofvar 0.5290 fl_choice_prob_zero 0 fl_choice_prob_below_zero 0.0584 fl_choice_prob_above_zero 0.9416 fl_choice_prob_max 2.6835e-13 tb_disc_cumu cl_mt_valDiscreteVal cl_mt_valDiscreteValProbMass CDF cumsumFrac ____________________ ____________________________ _________ ___________ -9.749 2.8725e-05 0.0028725 -4.2506e-05 -9.7379 5.7087e-06 0.0034434 -5.0944e-05 -9.7214 8.5299e-07 0.0035287 -5.2203e-05 -9.7036 8.5298e-08 0.0035372 -5.2328e-05 -9.6806 4.2649e-09 0.0035377 -5.2334e-05 -9.6087 2.4435e-08 0.0035401 -5.237e-05 -9.4071 0.00010666 0.014206 -0.00020467 -9.3903 2.1129e-05 0.016319 -0.00023478 -9.3715 3.1638e-06 0.016635 -0.00023928 -9.3627 2.3543e-08 0.016638 -0.00023931 cl_mt_valDiscreteVal cl_mt_valDiscreteValProbMass CDF cumsumFrac ____________________ ____________________________ ___ __________ 16.548 6.7026e-13 100 1 16.548 1.995e-13 100 1 16.552 5.0888e-13 100 1 16.559 4.1988e-13 100 1 16.566 3.5767e-13 100 1 16.572 4.1041e-13 100 1 16.579 1.0416e-12 100 1 16.584 3.7859e-13 100 1 16.589 6.1486e-13 100 1 16.595 2.6835e-13 100 1 tb_prob_drv percentiles cl_mt_valDiscreteValPercentileValues fracOfSumHeldBelowThisPercentile ___________ ____________________________________ ________________________________ 0.1 -8.518 -0.0016019 1 -6.0451 -0.01101 5 -0.69984 -0.029571 10 2.1676 -0.0222 15 3.5876 0.00029155 20 4.551 0.031074 25 5.3166 0.068807 35 6.416 0.15835 50 7.4553 0.3184 65 8.1888 0.49624 75 8.7111 0.62452 80 9.0358 0.6919 85 9.408 0.76228 90 9.925 0.83565 95 10.669 0.91282 99 12.011 0.98095 99.9 13.306 0.99793 ---------------------------------------- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Summary Statistics for: cl_mt_coh xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ---------------------------------------- fl_choice_mean 4.5366 fl_choice_sd 5.7525 fl_choice_coefofvar 1.2680 fl_choice_prob_zero 0.0020 fl_choice_prob_below_zero 0.1395 fl_choice_prob_above_zero 0.8585 fl_choice_prob_max 2.6835e-13 tb_disc_cumu cl_mt_cohDiscreteVal cl_mt_cohDiscreteValProbMass CDF cumsumFrac ____________________ ____________________________ _______ __________ -20 0.0046957 0.46957 -0.020701 -19.9 8.0481e-07 0.46965 -0.020705 -19.799 2.8811e-06 0.46993 -0.020717 -19.699 5.9665e-06 0.47053 -0.020743 -19.599 8.2138e-06 0.47135 -0.020779 -19.498 8.7723e-06 0.47223 -0.020817 -19.398 1.3998e-05 0.47363 -0.020876 -19.298 1.5593e-05 0.47519 -0.020943 -19.197 1.6562e-05 0.47684 -0.021013 -19.097 2.7518e-05 0.4796 -0.021129 cl_mt_cohDiscreteVal cl_mt_cohDiscreteValProbMass CDF cumsumFrac ____________________ ____________________________ ___ __________ 56.355 6.7026e-13 100 1 56.455 1.995e-13 100 1 56.556 5.0888e-13 100 1 56.656 4.1988e-13 100 1 56.756 3.5767e-13 100 1 56.857 4.1041e-13 100 1 56.957 1.0416e-12 100 1 57.057 3.7859e-13 100 1 57.158 6.1486e-13 100 1 57.258 2.6835e-13 100 1 tb_prob_drv percentiles cl_mt_cohDiscreteValPercentileValues fracOfSumHeldBelowThisPercentile ___________ ____________________________________ ________________________________ 0.1 -20 -0.020701 1 -16.689 -0.041982 5 -5.9531 -0.13496 10 -1.3377 -0.16868 15 0.26765 -0.17333 20 1.271 -0.16376 25 2.174 -0.14463 35 3.7794 -0.075748 50 5.4851 0.082587 65 6.5887 0.29746 75 7.1908 0.43403 80 7.6924 0.51316 85 8.5954 0.60635 90 10 0.70381 95 12.609 0.82639 99 18.228 0.95376 99.9 25.652 0.99379 ---------------------------------------- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Summary Statistics for: cl_mt_pol_a xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ---------------------------------------- fl_choice_mean -1.4623 fl_choice_sd 3.9386 fl_choice_coefofvar -2.6934 fl_choice_prob_zero 0 fl_choice_prob_below_zero 0.6150 fl_choice_prob_above_zero 0.3850 fl_choice_prob_max 4.8469e-35 tb_disc_cumu cl_mt_pol_aDiscreteVal cl_mt_pol_aDiscreteValProbMass CDF cumsumFrac ______________________ ______________________________ __________ __________ -20 1.2131e-10 1.2131e-08 1.6591e-09 -20 0.0087053 0.87053 0.11906 -19.998 5.2106e-08 0.87053 0.11906 -19.992 2.142e-07 0.87055 0.11907 -19.99 1.4008e-09 0.87055 0.11907 -19.989 1.1549e-05 0.87171 0.11922 -19.988 4.0482e-06 0.87211 0.11928 -19.985 2.5052e-05 0.87462 0.11962 -19.982 1.9903e-06 0.87482 0.11965 -19.982 1.4312e-07 0.87483 0.11965 cl_mt_pol_aDiscreteVal cl_mt_pol_aDiscreteValProbMass CDF cumsumFrac ______________________ ______________________________ ___ __________ 48.51 3.7798e-35 100 1 48.556 9.0771e-35 100 1 48.601 1.439e-35 100 1 48.65 3.8563e-36 100 1 48.693 1.189e-36 100 1 48.785 2.7358e-35 100 1 48.878 -6.2905e-35 100 1 48.97 -2.2819e-35 100 1 49.062 7.2011e-35 100 1 49.154 4.8469e-35 100 1 tb_prob_drv percentiles cl_mt_pol_aDiscreteValPercentileValues fracOfSumHeldBelowThisPercentile ___________ ______________________________________ ________________________________ 0.1 -20 0.11906 1 -19.593 0.13665 5 -9.4201 0.51429 10 -5.2253 0.74329 15 -3.7375 0.89299 20 -2.8974 1.0062 25 -2.0408 1.0923 35 -0.70987 1.1834 50 -0.13444 1.2137 65 0.02164 1.2185 75 0.13017 1.2134 80 0.21475 1.2077 85 0.29933 1.1975 90 0.50451 1.1863 95 1.8664 1.1487 99 5.8136 1.0573 99.9 11.688 1.0095 ---------------------------------------- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Summary Statistics for: cl_mt_pol_k xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ---------------------------------------- fl_choice_mean 4.3404 fl_choice_sd 2.2055 fl_choice_coefofvar 0.5081 fl_choice_prob_zero 0.0047 fl_choice_prob_below_zero 0 fl_choice_prob_above_zero 0.9953 fl_choice_prob_max 2.2524e-10 tb_disc_cumu cl_mt_pol_kDiscreteVal cl_mt_pol_kDiscreteValProbMass CDF cumsumFrac ______________________ ______________________________ _______ __________ 0 0.0046954 0.46954 0 0.39929 4.886e-36 0.46954 4.4948e-37 0.41772 1.3447e-14 0.46954 1.2941e-15 0.42591 1.1417e-16 0.46954 1.3053e-15 0.43001 7.7877e-20 0.46954 1.3053e-15 0.45253 4.0605e-15 0.46954 1.7287e-15 0.46072 -6.2641e-35 0.46954 1.7287e-15 0.46686 2.246e-13 0.46954 2.5887e-14 0.48734 9.6772e-14 0.46954 3.6752e-14 0.49144 5.7974e-13 0.46954 1.0239e-13 cl_mt_pol_kDiscreteVal cl_mt_pol_kDiscreteValProbMass CDF cumsumFrac ______________________ ______________________________ ___ __________ 22.09 2.3409e-10 100 1 22.091 5.4705e-12 100 1 22.103 2.969e-09 100 1 22.115 8.8896e-12 100 1 22.122 2.1456e-10 100 1 22.137 4.6343e-09 100 1 22.145 1.1186e-11 100 1 22.154 1.9869e-10 100 1 22.175 1.7617e-11 100 1 22.186 2.2524e-10 100 1 tb_prob_drv percentiles cl_mt_pol_kDiscreteValPercentileValues fracOfSumHeldBelowThisPercentile ___________ ______________________________________ ________________________________ 0.1 0 0 1 1.1231 0.0011775 5 1.6532 0.014311 10 2.0376 0.034899 15 2.2587 0.060796 20 2.572 0.087183 25 2.7988 0.1185 35 3.3505 0.19294 50 4.0137 0.31839 65 4.6731 0.4718 75 5.1338 0.58949 80 5.5664 0.64664 85 6.0702 0.71402 90 7.064 0.78782 95 8.2873 0.8768 99 12.505 0.96732 99.9 16.962 0.99577 ---------------------------------------- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Summary Statistics for: cl_mt_pol_c xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ---------------------------------------- fl_choice_mean 1.7531 fl_choice_sd 0.5070 fl_choice_coefofvar 0.2892 fl_choice_prob_zero 0 fl_choice_prob_below_zero 0 fl_choice_prob_above_zero 1.0000 fl_choice_prob_max 2.6835e-13 tb_disc_cumu cl_mt_pol_cDiscreteVal cl_mt_pol_cDiscreteValProbMass CDF cumsumFrac ______________________ ______________________________ _______ __________ 0.02 0.0047272 0.47272 5.393e-05 0.50167 9.6022e-07 0.47281 5.4205e-05 0.60201 8.718e-06 0.47368 5.7199e-05 0.70234 1.5058e-05 0.47519 6.3231e-05 0.71258 5.7759e-13 0.47519 6.3231e-05 0.73715 2.246e-13 0.47519 6.3231e-05 0.74534 4.4765e-12 0.47519 6.3231e-05 0.7863 1.3447e-14 0.47519 6.3231e-05 0.79858 5.9414e-12 0.47519 6.3231e-05 0.80268 1.6549e-05 0.47685 7.0808e-05 cl_mt_pol_cDiscreteVal cl_mt_pol_cDiscreteValProbMass CDF cumsumFrac ______________________ ______________________________ ___ __________ 7.8118 5.0888e-13 100 1 7.822 4.1988e-13 100 1 7.8323 3.5767e-13 100 1 7.8425 4.1041e-13 100 1 7.8527 1.0416e-12 100 1 7.8527 -2.0641e-34 100 1 7.863 3.7859e-13 100 1 7.8732 6.1486e-13 100 1 7.8835 3.6152e-37 100 1 7.8835 2.6835e-13 100 1 tb_prob_drv percentiles cl_mt_pol_cDiscreteValPercentileValues fracOfSumHeldBelowThisPercentile ___________ ______________________________________ ________________________________ 0.1 0.02 5.393e-05 1 1.0934 0.0033924 5 1.1917 0.029507 10 1.2654 0.065241 15 1.3187 0.10207 20 1.3637 0.1401 25 1.4129 0.18332 35 1.4866 0.26554 50 1.5726 0.39344 65 1.6525 0.53413 75 2.2115 0.65306 80 2.2524 0.71171 85 2.3261 0.77742 90 2.449 0.84517 95 2.6619 0.91674 99 3.1616 0.98027 99.9 3.8332 0.99773 OriginalVariableNames cl_mt_val cl_mt_coh cl_mt_pol_a cl_mt_pol_k cl_mt_pol_c _____________________ __________ __________ ___________ ___________ ___________ 'mean' 6.5883 4.5366 -1.4623 4.3404 1.7531 'sd' 3.485 5.7525 3.9386 2.2055 0.50696 'coefofvar' 0.52897 1.268 -2.6934 0.50814 0.28918 'min' -9.749 -20 -20 0 0.02 'max' 16.595 57.258 49.154 22.186 7.8835 'pYis0' 0 0.0019731 0 0.0046954 0 'pYls0' 0.058386 0.1395 0.61501 0 0 'pYgr0' 0.94161 0.85853 0.38499 0.9953 1 'pYisMINY' 2.8725e-05 0.0046957 1.2131e-10 0.0046954 0.0047272 'pYisMAXY' 2.6835e-13 2.6835e-13 4.8469e-35 2.2524e-10 2.6835e-13 'p0_1' -8.518 -20 -20 0 0.02 'p1' -6.0451 -16.689 -19.593 1.1231 1.0934 'p5' -0.69984 -5.9531 -9.4201 1.6532 1.1917 'p10' 2.1676 -1.3377 -5.2253 2.0376 1.2654 'p15' 3.5876 0.26765 -3.7375 2.2587 1.3187 'p20' 4.551 1.271 -2.8974 2.572 1.3637 'p25' 5.3166 2.174 -2.0408 2.7988 1.4129 'p35' 6.416 3.7794 -0.70987 3.3505 1.4866 'p50' 7.4553 5.4851 -0.13444 4.0137 1.5726 'p65' 8.1888 6.5887 0.02164 4.6731 1.6525 'p75' 8.7111 7.1908 0.13017 5.1338 2.2115 'p80' 9.0358 7.6924 0.21475 5.5664 2.2524 'p85' 9.408 8.5954 0.29933 6.0702 2.3261 'p90' 9.925 10 0.50451 7.064 2.449 'p95' 10.669 12.609 1.8664 8.2873 2.6619 'p99' 12.011 18.228 5.8136 12.505 3.1616 'p99_9' 13.306 25.652 11.688 16.962 3.8332 'fl_cov_cl_mt_val' 12.145 19.242 11.294 5.4032 1.1976 'fl_cor_cl_mt_val' 1 0.95983 0.82279 0.70296 0.67787 'fl_cov_cl_mt_coh' 19.242 33.091 19.566 9.06 2.1434 'fl_cor_cl_mt_coh' 0.95983 1 0.8636 0.7141 0.73498 'fl_cov_cl_mt_pol_a' 11.294 19.566 15.513 3.1273 0.80741 'fl_cor_cl_mt_pol_a' 0.82279 0.8636 1 0.36001 0.40437 'fl_cov_cl_mt_pol_k' 5.4032 9.06 3.1273 4.8644 0.91501 'fl_cor_cl_mt_pol_k' 0.70296 0.7141 0.36001 1 0.81835 'fl_cov_cl_mt_pol_c' 1.1976 2.1434 0.80741 0.91501 0.25701 'fl_cor_cl_mt_pol_c' 0.67787 0.73498 0.40437 0.81835 1 'fracByP0_1' -0.0016019 -0.020701 0.11906 0 5.393e-05 'fracByP1' -0.01101 -0.041982 0.13665 0.0011775 0.0033924 'fracByP5' -0.029571 -0.13496 0.51429 0.014311 0.029507 'fracByP10' -0.0222 -0.16868 0.74329 0.034899 0.065241 'fracByP15' 0.00029155 -0.17333 0.89299 0.060796 0.10207 'fracByP20' 0.031074 -0.16376 1.0062 0.087183 0.1401 'fracByP25' 0.068807 -0.14463 1.0923 0.1185 0.18332 'fracByP35' 0.15835 -0.075748 1.1834 0.19294 0.26554 'fracByP50' 0.3184 0.082587 1.2137 0.31839 0.39344 'fracByP65' 0.49624 0.29746 1.2185 0.4718 0.53413 'fracByP75' 0.62452 0.43403 1.2134 0.58949 0.65306 'fracByP80' 0.6919 0.51316 1.2077 0.64664 0.71171 'fracByP85' 0.76228 0.60635 1.1975 0.71402 0.77742 'fracByP90' 0.83565 0.70381 1.1863 0.78782 0.84517 'fracByP95' 0.91282 0.82639 1.1487 0.8768 0.91674 'fracByP99' 0.98095 0.95376 1.0573 0.96732 0.98027 'fracByP99_9' 0.99793 0.99379 1.0095 0.99577 0.99773
End Profiler and Timer
End Timer
if (bl_time) toc; end % End Profile if (it_param_set == 7) profile off profile viewer st_file_name = [st_profile_prefix st_profile_name_main st_profile_suffix]; profsave(profile('info'), strcat(st_profile_path, st_file_name)); end
Elapsed time is 18.383842 seconds.
ans = Map with properties: Count: 15 KeyType: char ValueType: any