function ff_u_c_partrepeat(varargin)
% Use Cell array indexing to avoid redoing u(c) computation
params_len = length(varargin); if params_len > 2 error('ff_defaultmap:Can only have 2 container map parameters'); end % Defaults param_map = containers.Map('KeyType','char', 'ValueType','any'); param_map('it_z') = 15; param_map('it_rown') = 50; param_map('it_rown_update') = floor(param_map('it_rown')/7); param_map('it_coln') = round(((param_map('it_rown')-1)*param_map('it_rown'))/2 + param_map('it_rown')); param_map('it_iter') = 50; support_map = containers.Map('KeyType','char', 'ValueType','any'); support_map('bl_display') = true; support_map('bl_time') = true; support_map('bl_profile') = false; support_map('st_profile_path') = [pwd '/profile']; default_maps = {param_map, support_map}; % Parse Parameters % see: C:\Users\fan\M4Econ\support\dtype\map_override.m [default_maps{1:params_len}] = varargin{:}; param_map = [param_map; default_maps{1}]; support_map = [support_map; default_maps{2}]; params_group = values(param_map, {'it_z', 'it_rown', 'it_rown_update', 'it_coln', 'it_iter'}); [it_z, it_rown, it_rown_update, it_coln, it_iter] = params_group{:}; % support params_group = values(support_map, {'bl_display'}); [bl_display] = params_group{:}; params_group = values(support_map, {'bl_time', 'bl_profile', 'st_profile_path'}); [bl_time, bl_profile, st_profile_path] = params_group{:}; % Profile On if (bl_profile) close all; profile off; profile on; end if (bl_time); tic; end
Function Core
it_coll = 0; ar_it_rows_replace = sort(datasample(1:it_rown, it_rown_update, 'Replace', false)); % define Functions f_c = @(coh, kp, bp) coh - (kp + bp/(1+0.02)); f_u = @(c) log(c); % define Arrays ar_coh = rand([1,it_coln]); ar_kp = rand([1,it_rown]); ar_bp = rand([1,it_rown]); % Method Cell Replace f_ff_subset_update_func = @() ffs_full_replace(ar_coh, ar_kp', ar_bp', f_u, f_c, it_iter, it_z); fl_exe_time = timeit(f_ff_subset_update_func); it_coll = it_coll + 1; ar_fl_exe_times(it_coll) = fl_exe_time; ar_fl_exe_desc{it_coll} = 'Recompute u(c) every time: mt_u=f_u(f_c(coh,k,b))'; f_ff_subset_update_func = @() ffs_cellpart_replace(ar_it_rows_replace, ar_coh, ar_kp', ar_bp', f_u, f_c, it_iter, it_z); fl_exe_time = timeit(f_ff_subset_update_func); it_coll = it_coll + 1; ar_fl_exe_times(it_coll) = fl_exe_time; ar_fl_exe_desc{it_coll} = 'Update u(c): str{i}(rows,:)=f_u(f_c(coh,k(rows),b(rows)));'; % Display Resuplts tb_exe_times = array2table([ar_fl_exe_times', ar_fl_exe_times'*it_z*it_iter]); tb_exe_times.Properties.RowNames = ar_fl_exe_desc; tb_exe_times.Properties.VariableNames = {'speedmat', 'speedfull'}; if (bl_display) disp(param_map.keys); disp(param_map.values); disp(tb_exe_times); end
if (bl_profile) profile off profile viewer profsave(profile('info'), st_profile_path); end if (bl_time); toc; end
Elapsed time is 0.137935 seconds.
Partial Replace with Cell Indexing
function ffs_cellpart_replace(ar_it_rows_replace, ar_coh, ar_kp, ar_bp, f_u, f_c, it_iter, it_z) % This is the most efficient method cl_u_store = cell([it_z, 1]); tic; for it_iter_n=1:1:it_iter for it_z_m=1:1:it_z if (it_iter_n == 1) mt_c = f_c(ar_coh, ar_kp, ar_bp); mt_u = f_u(mt_c); cl_u_store{it_z_m} = mt_u; else cl_u_store{it_z_m}(ar_it_rows_replace,:) = f_u(f_c(ar_coh, ar_kp(ar_it_rows_replace), ar_bp(ar_it_rows_replace))); mt_u = cl_u_store{it_z_m}; end end end end
'it_coln' 'it_iter' 'it_rown' 'it_rown_update' 'it_z' [1275] [50] [50] [7] [15] speedmat speedfull ________ _________ Recompute u(c) every time: mt_u=f_u(f_c(coh,k,b)) 0.23609 177.07 Update u(c): str{i}(rows,:)=f_u(f_c(coh,k(rows),b(rows))); 0.12169 91.267
Full Replace
function ffs_full_replace(ar_coh, ar_kp, ar_bp, f_u, f_c, it_iter, it_z) for it_iter_n=1:1:it_iter for it_z_m=1:1:it_z mt_u = f_u(f_c(ar_coh, ar_kp, ar_bp)); end end end