In 2008, the Bush administration sent out stimulus checks as tax rebates (Economic Stimulus Act of 2008). The checks are a function of income, marital status, and the number of children. We have functions that computable taxable income given income, tax liability given income, and also stimulus amount given income.

Taxable Income and Tax Liability in 2008

First, we test the taxable income function.

ar_income <- c(1e4, 2e4, 4e4, 8e4, 1.6e5)
ls_taxable <- ffp_snw_tax_liability(ar_income)
mn_taxable_income <- ls_taxable$mn_taxable_income
mn_tax_liability <- ls_taxable$mn_tax_liability

Second, show the taxable income schedule.

## [1] "mn_taxable_income"
## , , kids=0
##               married=0 married=1
## income=10000       1050     -7900
## income=20000      11050      2100
## income=40000      31050     22100
## income=80000      71050     62100
## income=160000    151050    142100
## , , kids=1
##               married=0 married=1
## income=10000      -5000    -11400
## income=20000       5000     -1400
## income=40000      25000     18600
## income=80000      65000     58600
## income=160000    145000    138600
## , , kids=2
##               married=0 married=1
## income=10000      -8500    -14900
## income=20000       1500     -4900
## income=40000      21500     15100
## income=80000      61500     55100
## income=160000    141500    135100
## , , kids=3
##               married=0 married=1
## income=10000     -12000    -18400
## income=20000      -2000     -8400
## income=40000      18000     11600
## income=80000      58000     51600
## income=160000    138000    131600
## , , kids=4
##               married=0 married=1
## income=10000     -15500    -21900
## income=20000      -5500    -11900
## income=40000      14500      8100
## income=80000      54500     48100
## income=160000    134500    128100

Third, show the tax liability schedule.

## [1] "mn_tax_liability"
## , , kids=0
##               married=0 married=1
## income=10000     105.00       0.0
## income=20000    1256.25     210.0
## income=40000    4256.25    2512.5
## income=80000   14106.25    8512.5
## income=160000  36272.25   28532.0
## , , kids=1
##               married=0 married=1
## income=10000        0.0       0.0
## income=20000      500.0       0.0
## income=40000     3177.5    1987.5
## income=80000    11312.5    7987.5
## income=160000   32283.0   27552.0
## , , kids=2
##               married=0 married=1
## income=10000        0.0       0.0
## income=20000      150.0       0.0
## income=40000     2652.5    1510.0
## income=80000    10437.5    7462.5
## income=160000   31303.0   26572.0
## , , kids=3
##               married=0 married=1
## income=10000        0.0       0.0
## income=20000        0.0       0.0
## income=40000     2127.5    1160.0
## income=80000     9562.5    6937.5
## income=160000   30323.0   25592.0
## , , kids=4
##               married=0 married=1
## income=10000        0.0       0.0
## income=20000        0.0       0.0
## income=40000     1602.5     810.0
## income=80000     8687.5    6412.5
## income=160000   29343.0   24712.5

Stimulus Checks (Tax Rebate) Under Bush Economic Stimulus Act of 2008

Find taxable income, tax liability, and then finally stimulus checks (tax-rebates) amounts for households with 10k, 20k, 30k, 40k, 50k, 60k, 70k, 80k, 90k, 100k, and 160k income, and all kids and marital status combinations.

# Income array
ar_income <- c(1e4, 2e4, 3e4, 4e4, 5e4, 6e4, 7e4, 8e4, 9e4, 1.6e5)

# Store stimulus checks amounts
mn_stimulus_check <- array(NA, dim=c(length(ar_income), 2, 5))

# Solve and Store stimulus by kids count and marital status
for (it_kids in 0:4){
  for (bl_marital in c(0,1)){
    # Solve and Store
    ar_stimulus_check <- ffp_snw_stimulus_checks_bush(ar_income, it_kids, bl_marital)
    mn_stimulus_check[, bl_marital+1, it_kids+1] <- ar_stimulus_check

# Labeling
dimnames(mn_stimulus_check)[[1]] = paste0('income=', round(ar_income, 0))
dimnames(mn_stimulus_check)[[2]] = paste0('married=', 0:1)
dimnames(mn_stimulus_check)[[3]] = paste0('kids=', 0:4)

# Print
## [1] "mn_stimulus_check"
## , , kids=0
##               married=0 married=1
## income=10000        300       600
## income=20000        600       600
## income=30000        600      1200
## income=40000        600      1200
## income=50000        600      1200
## income=60000        600      1200
## income=70000        600      1200
## income=80000        350      1200
## income=90000          0      1200
## income=160000         0       700
## , , kids=1
##               married=0 married=1
## income=10000        600       900
## income=20000        800       900
## income=30000        900      1160
## income=40000        900      1500
## income=50000        900      1500
## income=60000        900      1500
## income=70000        900      1500
## income=80000        650      1500
## income=90000        150      1500
## income=160000         0      1000
## , , kids=2
##               married=0 married=1
## income=10000        900      1200
## income=20000        900      1200
## income=30000       1200      1200
## income=40000       1200      1800
## income=50000       1200      1800
## income=60000       1200      1800
## income=70000       1200      1800
## income=80000        950      1800
## income=90000        450      1800
## income=160000         0      1300
## , , kids=3
##               married=0 married=1
## income=10000       1200      1500
## income=20000       1200      1500
## income=30000       1500      1500
## income=40000       1500      2060
## income=50000       1500      2100
## income=60000       1500      2100
## income=70000       1500      2100
## income=80000       1250      2100
## income=90000        750      2100
## income=160000         0      1600
## , , kids=4
##               married=0 married=1
## income=10000       1500      1800
## income=20000       1500      1800
## income=30000       1650      1800
## income=40000       1800      2010
## income=50000       1800      2400
## income=60000       1800      2400
## income=70000       1800      2400
## income=80000       1550      2400
## income=90000       1050      2400
## income=160000         0      1900

Compute Average Stimulus by Income Bin for Multiple Households in Dataframe

We have a dataframe of households, where each household is defined by the number of kids in the household, marital status, and also income bin. Note that this is an income bin, not a specific income level. We computes an approximate income-bin (and marital status and kids count) specific stimulus amount by evaluating the stimulus checks function along a fine grid of income levels from the min to the max point of the income-bin, and simply take the average.

We do this first for the actual stimulus that households should receive under the Economic Stimulus Act of 2008. We then adjust parameters for the stimulus function and compute alternative max-stimulus bounds for each income bin.

Test the Stimulus Determiniation Function Line by ine

We develop the function by testing out the code line by line first.

First, load in the testing dataframe df_nsw_tiny_chk168_df_id.

# Load file
df_id <- df_nsw_tiny_chk168_df_id
# Print results
## # A tibble: 111 x 7
##     id_i marital  kids age_group ymin_group        mass hhsize
##    <dbl>   <int> <int> <fct>     <fct>            <dbl>  <dbl>
##  1     1       0     0 (17,64]   (0,0.363]     0.0317        1
##  2     2       0     0 (17,64]   (0.363,0.544] 0.0606        1
##  3     3       0     0 (17,64]   (0.544,0.725] 0.0994        1
##  4     4       0     0 (17,64]   (0.725,0.907] 0.0437        1
##  5     5       0     0 (17,64]   (0.907,1.09]  0.0508        1
##  6     6       0     0 (17,64]   (1.09,1.27]   0.0218        1
##  7     7       0     0 (17,64]   (1.27,1.45]   0.0191        1
##  8     8       0     0 (17,64]   (1.45,1.63]   0.0307        1
##  9     9       0     0 (17,64]   (1.63,1.81]   0.000942      1
## 10    10       0     0 (17,64]   (1.81,1.99]   0.0119        1
## # ... with 101 more rows

Second, parse the ymin_group group.

# what 1 in model equals to
fl_multiple <- 58056

# Define input variables
svr_ymin_group <- 'ymin_group'

# Parse the ymin group
df_id <- df_id %>%
    rowwise() %>%
    mutate(!!sym(svr_ymin_group) := as.character(!!sym(svr_ymin_group))) %>%
    mutate(y_group_min = substring(strsplit(!!sym(svr_ymin_group), ",")[[1]][1], 2),
           y_group_max = gsub(strsplit(!!sym(svr_ymin_group), ",")[[1]][2],  pattern = "]", replacement = "")) %>%
    mutate(y_group_min = fl_multiple*as.numeric(y_group_min), 
           y_group_max = fl_multiple*as.numeric(y_group_max)) %>%
# Print results
## # A tibble: 10 x 9
##     id_i marital  kids age_group ymin_group        mass hhsize y_group_min
##    <dbl>   <int> <int> <fct>     <chr>            <dbl>  <dbl>       <dbl>
##  1     1       0     0 (17,64]   (0,0.363]     0.0317        1          0 
##  2     2       0     0 (17,64]   (0.363,0.544] 0.0606        1      21074.
##  3     3       0     0 (17,64]   (0.544,0.725] 0.0994        1      31582.
##  4     4       0     0 (17,64]   (0.725,0.907] 0.0437        1      42091.
##  5     5       0     0 (17,64]   (0.907,1.09]  0.0508        1      52657.
##  6     6       0     0 (17,64]   (1.09,1.27]   0.0218        1      63281.
##  7     7       0     0 (17,64]   (1.27,1.45]   0.0191        1      73731.
##  8     8       0     0 (17,64]   (1.45,1.63]   0.0307        1      84181.
##  9     9       0     0 (17,64]   (1.63,1.81]   0.000942      1      94631.
## 10    10       0     0 (17,64]   (1.81,1.99]   0.0119        1     105081.
## # ... with 1 more variable: y_group_max <dbl>

Third, generate an income array with y_group_min and y_group_max, and call the stimulus function to solve for stimulus along the income array, and then take average. Set various parameters

# Dollar per Check
fl_percheck_dollar <- 100

# Define input variables
svr_id <- 'id_i'
svr_marital <- 'marital'
svr_kids <- 'kids'

# Define other parameters
fl_stimulus_child <- 300
fl_stimulus_adult_min <- 300
fl_stimulus_adult_max <- 600
fl_per_adult_phase_out <- 75000
fl_phase_out_per_dollar_income <- 0.05

# fl_stimulus_child <- ls_stimulus_specs$fl_stimulus_child
# fl_stimulus_adult_min <- ls_stimulus_specs$fl_stimulus_adult_min
# fl_stimulus_adult_max <- ls_stimulus_specs$fl_stimulus_adult_max
# fl_per_adult_phase_out <- ls_stimulus_specs$fl_per_adult_phase_out
# fl_phase_out_per_dollar_income <- ls_stimulus_specs$fl_phase_out_per_dollar_income

# Compute stimulus, averaging over array of income-specific stimulus
df_id <- df_id %>% 
  group_by(!!sym(svr_id)) %>%
  do(bush_rebate = 
         ar_income = seq(.[['y_group_min']],
         it_kids = .[[svr_kids]], 
         bl_marital = .[[svr_marital]],
       ))) %>%
  unnest(c(bush_rebate)) %>%
  mutate(bush_rebate_n_checks = round(bush_rebate/fl_percheck_dollar)) %>% 
  left_join(df_id, by=svr_id)

# Display results
## # A tibble: 111 x 11
##     id_i bush_rebate bush_rebate_n_c~ marital  kids age_group ymin_group    mass
##    <dbl>       <dbl>            <dbl>   <int> <int> <fct>     <chr>        <dbl>
##  1     1       409.                 4       0     0 (17,64]   (0,0.363]  3.17e-2
##  2     2       600                  6       0     0 (17,64]   (0.363,0.~ 6.06e-2
##  3     3       600                  6       0     0 (17,64]   (0.544,0.~ 9.94e-2
##  4     4       600                  6       0     0 (17,64]   (0.725,0.~ 4.37e-2
##  5     5       600                  6       0     0 (17,64]   (0.907,1.~ 5.08e-2
##  6     6       600                  6       0     0 (17,64]   (1.09,1.2~ 2.18e-2
##  7     7       398.                 4       0     0 (17,64]   (1.27,1.4~ 1.91e-2
##  8     8        19.5                0       0     0 (17,64]   (1.45,1.6~ 3.07e-2
##  9     9         0                  0       0     0 (17,64]   (1.63,1.8~ 9.42e-4
## 10    10         0                  0       0     0 (17,64]   (1.81,1.9~ 1.19e-2
## # ... with 101 more rows, and 3 more variables: hhsize <dbl>,
## #   y_group_min <dbl>, y_group_max <dbl>

Test the Function

Now we test the function ffp_snw_stimulus_checks_bush_add2dfid().

Test Actual Stimulus Allocation

First, we add in the actual policy bounds:

# Call and solve
df_id <- df_nsw_tiny_chk168_df_id
df_id_checkadded_actual <- ffp_snw_stimulus_checks_bush_add2dfid(
  it_income_n_in_seg = 100,
  fl_multiple = 58056,
  fl_percheck_dollar = 100,
  fl_stimulus_adult_min=300, fl_stimulus_adult_max=600,
# Display
## # A tibble: 10 x 11
##     id_i bush_rebate bush_rebate_n_c~ marital  kids age_group ymin_group    mass
##    <dbl>       <dbl>            <dbl>   <int> <int> <fct>     <chr>        <dbl>
##  1     1       409.                 4       0     0 (17,64]   (0,0.363]  3.17e-2
##  2     2       600                  6       0     0 (17,64]   (0.363,0.~ 6.06e-2
##  3     3       600                  6       0     0 (17,64]   (0.544,0.~ 9.94e-2
##  4     4       600                  6       0     0 (17,64]   (0.725,0.~ 4.37e-2
##  5     5       600                  6       0     0 (17,64]   (0.907,1.~ 5.08e-2
##  6     6       600                  6       0     0 (17,64]   (1.09,1.2~ 2.18e-2
##  7     7       398.                 4       0     0 (17,64]   (1.27,1.4~ 1.91e-2
##  8     8        19.5                0       0     0 (17,64]   (1.45,1.6~ 3.07e-2
##  9     9         0                  0       0     0 (17,64]   (1.63,1.8~ 9.42e-4
## 10    10         0                  0       0     0 (17,64]   (1.81,1.9~ 1.19e-2
## # ... with 3 more variables: hhsize <dbl>, y_group_min <dbl>, y_group_max <dbl>
# Summarize <- c('kids', 'marital')
var.numeric <- 'bush_rebate' <- 'allperc'
ar.perc <- c(0.01, 0.05, 0.10, 0.20, 0.30, 0.40, 0.50, 0.70, 0.90)
ls_summ_by_group <- ff_summ_bygroup(df_id_checkadded_actual, 
                          , var.numeric,, ar.perc)
## Warning: `funs()` was deprecated in dplyr 0.8.0.
## Please use a list of either functions or lambdas: 
##   # Simple named list: 
##   list(mean = mean, median = median)
##   # Auto named with `tibble::lst()`: 
##   tibble::lst(mean, median)
##   # Using lambdas
##   list(~ mean(., trim = .2), ~ median(., na.rm = TRUE))
## This warning is displayed once every 8 hours.
## Call `lifecycle::last_lifecycle_warnings()` to see where this warning was generated.
## Warning: attributes are not identical across measure variables;
## they will be dropped
df_table_grp_stats <- ls_summ_by_group$df_table_grp_stats
print(round(df_table_grp_stats,0) %>% 
        select(, one_of(
          'mean', '1%', '5%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '50%', '90%')))
## Note: Using an external vector in selections is ambiguous.
## i Use `all_of(` instead of `` to silence this message.
## i See <>.
## This message is displayed once per session.
## # A tibble: 6 x 10
## # Groups:   kids [3]
##    kids marital  mean  `1%`  `5%` `10%` `20%` `30%` `50%` `90%`
##   <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1     0       0   213     0     0     0     0     0     0   600
## 2     0       1   860     0     0     0   357   707  1200  1200
## 3     1       0   334     0     0     0     0     0     0   900
## 4     1       1  1099     0     0     3   634   934  1500  1500
## 5     2       0   465     0     0     0     0     0    23  1200
## 6     2       1  1348     0     0    99   934  1201  1800  1800

Test Tripling Tax Rebate Bound for Higher Income Households

Second, we will triple the amount of stimulus received for adult and for kids, but keep the base amount the same, and set phase-out per_dollar income to 0. By doing this, we are no longer finding the stimulus under the actual policy, but generating upper allocation bounds based on tax-liability.

# Child stimulus triple
# Call and solve
df_id <- df_nsw_tiny_chk168_df_id
df_id_checkadded_x3chd_x3adthgbd <- ffp_snw_stimulus_checks_bush_add2dfid(
  fl_multiple = 58056,
  fl_percheck_dollar = 100,
  fl_stimulus_adult_min=300, fl_stimulus_adult_max=fl_stimulus_adult_max,
# Display
## # A tibble: 10 x 11
##     id_i bush_rebate bush_rebate_n_c~ marital  kids age_group ymin_group    mass
##    <dbl>       <dbl>            <dbl>   <int> <int> <fct>     <chr>        <dbl>
##  1     1        521.                5       0     0 (17,64]   (0,0.363]  3.17e-2
##  2     2       1752.               18       0     0 (17,64]   (0.363,0.~ 6.06e-2
##  3     3       1800                18       0     0 (17,64]   (0.544,0.~ 9.94e-2
##  4     4       1800                18       0     0 (17,64]   (0.725,0.~ 4.37e-2
##  5     5       1800                18       0     0 (17,64]   (0.907,1.~ 5.08e-2
##  6     6       1800                18       0     0 (17,64]   (1.09,1.2~ 2.18e-2
##  7     7       1800                18       0     0 (17,64]   (1.27,1.4~ 1.91e-2
##  8     8       1800                18       0     0 (17,64]   (1.45,1.6~ 3.07e-2
##  9     9       1800                18       0     0 (17,64]   (1.63,1.8~ 9.42e-4
## 10    10       1800                18       0     0 (17,64]   (1.81,1.9~ 1.19e-2
## # ... with 3 more variables: hhsize <dbl>, y_group_min <dbl>, y_group_max <dbl>
# Summarize
ls_summ_by_group <- ff_summ_bygroup(df_id_checkadded_x3chd_x3adthgbd, 
                          , var.numeric,, ar.perc)
## Warning: attributes are not identical across measure variables;
## they will be dropped
df_table_grp_stats <- ls_summ_by_group$df_table_grp_stats
print(round(df_table_grp_stats,0) %>% 
        select(, one_of(
          'mean', '1%', '5%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '50%', '90%')))
## # A tibble: 6 x 10
## # Groups:   kids [3]
##    kids marital  mean  `1%`  `5%` `10%` `20%` `30%` `50%` `90%`
##   <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1     0       0  1726   730  1567  1786  1800  1800  1800  1800
## 2     0       1  3208   651   854  1818  3524  3600  3600  3600
## 3     1       0  2584  1371  1961  2517  2700  2700  2700  2700
## 4     1       1  4055  1515  1576  2313  4287  4500  4500  4500
## 5     2       0  3458  2183  2517  3259  3600  3600  3600  3600
## 6     2       1  4903  2400  2402  2878  4976  5400  5400  5400

Test Tripling Tax Rebate Bound for Higher Income Households and Tripling Upper Bound for Lower Income Households As Well

Third, we will triple the amount of stimulus received for adult and for kids, and also triple the base amount (upper-bound) for lowest income group, and set phase-out per_dollar income to 0.

# Child stimulus triple
# Call and solve
df_id <- df_nsw_tiny_chk168_df_id
df_id_checkadded_x3chd_x3adthgbdlwbd <- ffp_snw_stimulus_checks_bush_add2dfid(
  fl_multiple = 58056,
  fl_percheck_dollar = 100,
  fl_stimulus_adult_min=fl_stimulus_adult_min, fl_stimulus_adult_max=fl_stimulus_adult_max,
# Display
## # A tibble: 10 x 11
##     id_i bush_rebate bush_rebate_n_c~ marital  kids age_group ymin_group    mass
##    <dbl>       <dbl>            <dbl>   <int> <int> <fct>     <chr>        <dbl>
##  1     1        945.                9       0     0 (17,64]   (0,0.363]  3.17e-2
##  2     2       1752.               18       0     0 (17,64]   (0.363,0.~ 6.06e-2
##  3     3       1800                18       0     0 (17,64]   (0.544,0.~ 9.94e-2
##  4     4       1800                18       0     0 (17,64]   (0.725,0.~ 4.37e-2
##  5     5       1800                18       0     0 (17,64]   (0.907,1.~ 5.08e-2
##  6     6       1800                18       0     0 (17,64]   (1.09,1.2~ 2.18e-2
##  7     7       1800                18       0     0 (17,64]   (1.27,1.4~ 1.91e-2
##  8     8       1800                18       0     0 (17,64]   (1.45,1.6~ 3.07e-2
##  9     9       1800                18       0     0 (17,64]   (1.63,1.8~ 9.42e-4
## 10    10       1800                18       0     0 (17,64]   (1.81,1.9~ 1.19e-2
## # ... with 3 more variables: hhsize <dbl>, y_group_min <dbl>, y_group_max <dbl>
# Summarize
ls_summ_by_group <- ff_summ_bygroup(df_id_checkadded_x3chd_x3adthgbdlwbd, 
                          , var.numeric,, ar.perc)
## Warning: attributes are not identical across measure variables;
## they will be dropped
df_table_grp_stats <- ls_summ_by_group$df_table_grp_stats
print(round(df_table_grp_stats,0) %>% 
        select(, one_of(
          'mean', '1%', '5%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '50%', '90%')))
## # A tibble: 6 x 10
## # Groups:   kids [3]
##    kids marital  mean  `1%`  `5%` `10%` `20%` `30%` `50%` `90%`
##   <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1     0       0  1750  1082  1631  1786  1800  1800  1800  1800
## 2     0       1  3323  1800  1800  2069  3524  3600  3600  3600
## 3     1       0  2619  1857  2083  2530  2700  2700  2700  2700
## 4     1       1  4192  2700  2700  2765  4287  4500  4500  4500
## 5     2       0  3502  2715  2774  3318  3600  3600  3600  3600
## 6     2       1  5061  3600  3600  3600  4976  5400  5400  5400