Test dataset simulated for NSW id_i: individual ID martial: binary marital status (0 = unmarried, 1 = married) kids: the number of kids in household age_group: age-group households belong to, aggregated to a single group between 17 and 64. mass: mass of population in this household given income, marital, and kids status. hhsize: number of household members given kids count and marital status





Vegard M. Nygaard, Bent E. Sørensen, and Fan Wang (2021), Optimal Allocations to Heterogeneous Agents with an Application to Stimulus Checks


head(df_nsw_tiny_chk168_df_id, 10)
#> # A tibble: 10 x 7
#>     id_i marital  kids age_group ymin_group        mass hhsize
#>    <dbl>   <int> <int> <fct>     <fct>            <dbl>  <dbl>
#>  1     1       0     0 (17,64]   (0,0.363]     0.0317        1
#>  2     2       0     0 (17,64]   (0.363,0.544] 0.0606        1
#>  3     3       0     0 (17,64]   (0.544,0.725] 0.0994        1
#>  4     4       0     0 (17,64]   (0.725,0.907] 0.0437        1
#>  5     5       0     0 (17,64]   (0.907,1.09]  0.0508        1
#>  6     6       0     0 (17,64]   (1.09,1.27]   0.0218        1
#>  7     7       0     0 (17,64]   (1.27,1.45]   0.0191        1
#>  8     8       0     0 (17,64]   (1.45,1.63]   0.0307        1
#>  9     9       0     0 (17,64]   (1.63,1.81]   0.000942      1
#> 10    10       0     0 (17,64]   (1.81,1.99]   0.0119        1