Data from INCAP and CEBU, used in various projects,, note po stands for project optimal choice, to differentiate this from the files in REconTools





"Early life height and weight production functions with endogenous energy and protein inputs", September 2016, 65-81, Economics & Human Biology, 22, Esteban Puentes, Fan Wang, Jere R. Behrman, Flavio Cunha, John Hoddinott, John A. Maluccio, Linda S. Adair, Judith Borja and Reynaldo Martorell


var_wgt <- df_opt_dtgch_aorig$wgt
head(df_opt_dtgch_aorig, 10)
#> # A tibble: 10 x 15
#> sex   svymthRound momEdu wealthIdx   hgt   wgt  hgt0
#>    <chr>      <dbl>   <dbl> <chr>       <dbl>  <dbl>     <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1 Cebu           1       1 Male            0    5.3       6.3  45    985.  44.2
#>  2 Cebu           1       1 Male            2    5.3       6.3  54.6 3679.  44.2
#>  3 Cebu           1       1 Male            4    5.3       6.3  58.8 7954.  44.2
#>  4 Cebu           1       1 Male            6    5.3       6.3  65.6 6386.  44.2
#>  5 Cebu           1       1 Male            8    5.3       6.3  67.4 6039.  44.2
#>  6 Cebu           1       1 Male           10    5.3       6.3  70.4 8892.  44.2
#>  7 Cebu           1       1 Male           12    5.3       6.3  70.8 7325.  44.2
#>  8 Cebu           1       1 Male           14    5.3       6.3  NA     NA   44.2
#>  9 Cebu           1       1 Male           16    5.3       6.3  NA     NA   44.2
#> 10 Cebu           1       1 Male           18    5.3       6.3  NA     NA   44.2
#> # ... with 5 more variables: wgt0 <dbl>, prot <dbl>, cal <dbl>, p.A.prot <dbl>,
#> #   p.A.nProt <dbl>
#>  [1]  985.4 3678.8 7954.4 6386.3 6038.7 8892.4 7325.1     NA     NA     NA