solves allocation
problems after first processing input files to generate MPCs. This file
contains the initial parts of ffp_snw_process_inputs
and only processes inputs files to generate MPCs so that MPC tables etc
can be generated. This file does not proceed to do optimal allocation.
Should be merged with ffp_snw_process_inputs
so that
code does not repeat.
srt_simu_path = "C:/Users/fan/Documents/Dropbox (UH-ECON)/PrjNygaardSorensenWang/Output/",
snm_simu_csv = "snwx_v_planner_moredense_a100zh266_e2m2.csv",
df_plan_v_tilde_full = df_plan_v_tilde_full,
fl_max_phaseout = 238000,
it_bin_dollar_before_phaseout = 2500,
it_bin_dollar_after_phaseout = 10000,
fl_percheck_dollar = 100,
fl_multiple = 58056,
it_max_checks = 44,
fl_tax_hh = 128580000,
it_max_age = 64,
it_min_age = 18,
ar_ycut = NULL,
ar_agecut = c(17, 29, 39, 49, 64),
ar_svr_csv = c("age", "marital", "kids", "checks", "ymin", "mass", "survive",
"vtilde", "ctilde"),
ar_svr_groups = c("marital", "kids", "age_group", "ymin_group"),
ar_svr_groups_stats = c("mass", "survive"),
svr_checks = "checks",
svr_v_value = "vtilde",
svr_c_value = "ctilde",
svr_mass = "mass",
ar_rho = c(1),
bl_threshold = FALSE,
ls_stimulus_specs = list(st_biden_or_trump = "bidenchk", it_check_headorspouse = 12,
it_check_perkids = 5),
bl_given_firstcheck = FALSE,
bl_non_inc_adjust = FALSE,
bl_print = TRUE,
bl_print_verbose = FALSE