Go back to fan’s Tex4Econ and Miscellaneous Repository.

1 Download Programs

  1. Install git for windows: after install, try “cd ~/PyFan”
  2. Install atom
  3. Might need to install putty possibly

2 git and Github Security Set-up

  1. open up git bash
  2. generate rsa
    • ssh-keygen -t rsa -C “
    • when prompted, do not enter “file in which save the key”, when prompted for passphrase, enter “WHATEVERPASSWORDIS”
  3. copy key
    • WINDOWS: clip < ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
    • LINUX: cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
  4. log on to github ssh section, generate new ssh rsa key
    • SSH and GPG keys, choose New SSH key, paste in clipped text.
# inside git bash
ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "wangfanbsg75@live.com"
# this copies the text in the .pub file generated
clip < ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub

3 Start and Sync Key Repositories

Inside git bash (open as administrator), Sync Several Key Repositories that should be synced on all computers:

  1. fanwangecon.github.io: Github root repo
  2. PyFan: Private Repo with Python Support Files
  3. Tex4Econ: Latex, installation, and various other support files, public repo.
  4. R4Econ: Public repo, R package, R research programs
  5. M4Econ: Public repo, Matlab package, Matlab examples and research files
  6. Py4Econ: Public repo, Python package, Python research programs
  7. Teaching: Private teaching repository

Other repositories can be synced when needed on an ad-hoc basis. The repositories above are essential repositories.

3.1 Repo Folders and Global config

Remember git bash or bash should be in windows opened as administrator.

# cd to root folder
cd ~
# generate all needed key repositories
mkdir fanwangecon.github.io PyFan Tex4Econ R4Econ M4Econ Py4Econ Teaching

# Set global config settings, in ~/.gitconfig
git config --global user.name "Fan Wang"
git config --global user.email wangfanbsg75@live.com

3.2 Initialize and add remote repo for each:

# Initialize Repositories
cd ~/fanwangecon.github.io
git init
git remote add github git@github.com:fanwangecon/fanwangecon.github.io.git
cd ~/PyFan
git init
git remote add github git@github.com:fanwangecon/PyFan
cd ~/Tex4Econ
git init
git remote add github git@github.com:fanwangecon/Tex4Econ
cd ~/R4Econ
git init
git remote add github git@github.com:fanwangecon/R4Econ
cd ~/M4Econ
git init
git remote add github git@github.com:fanwangecon/M4Econ
cd ~/Py4Econ
git init
git remote add github git@github.com:fanwangecon/Py4Econ
cd ~/Teaching
git init
git remote add github git@github.com:fanwangecon/Teaching

3.3 Sync Repo in SSH Secure Session

Pull latest from multiple repositories. Just Paste the following lines.

  1. start ssh-agent secure session
  2. pull from multiple Repositories upon start of working session.
  3. commit changes as work on one computer
  4. upon leaving a computer with committed changes, push all
  5. create bash file to make it easier to repeat steps

Start and end ssh session:

# To avoid having to enter password each time, start background authentication agent.
eval "$(ssh-agent)"
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa

# to stop the ssh session

Pull from repos:

# Pull from Repositories, do these one by one first
cd ~/fanwangecon.github.io
git pull github master
cd ~/PyFan
git pull github master
cd ~/Tex4Econ
git pull github master
cd ~/R4Econ
git pull github master
cd ~/M4Econ
git pull github master
cd ~/Py4Econ
git pull github master
cd ~/Teaching
git pull github master

Push from repos committed changes

# Push to Repositories, do these one by one first
cd ~/fanwangecon.github.io
git push -u github master
cd ~/PyFan
git push -u github master
cd ~/Tex4Econ
git push -u github master
cd ~/R4Econ
git push -u github master
cd ~/M4Econ
git push -u github master
cd ~/Py4Econ
git push -u github master
cd ~/Teaching
git push -u github master

to create bash file to store these (from git bash in windows), generate a pull_repos and push_repos file.

# store bash file in ~\PyFan\bin
mkdir ~/PyFan/bin
cd ~/PyFan/bin

# create bash file
vim pull_repos
vim push_repos

What pull_repos could look like, push_repos will look similar:

# paste the text below over, comfirm bash loc with: which bash
echo start fan github pull

# Security, will prompt for password once.
eval "$(ssh-agent)"
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa

# Pull from Persistent Repos
cd ~/fanwangecon.github.io
git pull github master
cd ~/PyFan
git pull github master
cd ~/Teaching
git pull github master

# Conditional Pull, pull if some conditional satisfied
# For example, if a computer has some folder, pull to that.
if [ -d "D:/Dropbox (UH-ECON)/Project_Nguyen_Townsend_Wang_ThaiFinChoice/draft" ]
  echo "On Office Precision Desktop, Pull also for NTW Dropbox from Git Repo"
  cd "D:/Dropbox (UH-ECON)/Project_Nguyen_Townsend_Wang_ThaiFinChoice/draft"
  git pull github master
  echo "Not on office Precision, do not pull from NTW git repo to NTW Dropbox"

# Stop Secured SSH

# Open Atom with the Projects
atom ~/fanwangecon.github.io ~/PyFan ~/Teaching

Possibly do this:

# change permission to make file an executable
chmod u+x ~/PyFan/bin/pull_repos
chmod u+x ~/PyFan/bin/push_repos
# execute script
bash ~/PyFan/bin/pull_repos

3.4 Quick Pull and Push Single Repo and Delete

Suppose temporarily need to work on a repo, but don’t want it to take up too much space. Create two bash files with these single repo info

  1. initialize
  2. secure and pull
  3. push
  4. delete

Steps 1 and 2, note do not leave space when defining bash variables around the equality symbol:

echo pull single repository
echo going to pull from $STRREPO

# generate all needed key repositories
cd ~
mkdir $STRREPO

# Set global config settings, in ~/.gitconfig
git config --global user.name "Fan Wang"
git config --global user.email wangfanbsg75@live.com

# Initialize
cd ~
git init
git remote add github git@github.com:fanwangecon/$STRREPO

# Secure
eval "$(ssh-agent)"
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa

# Pull
cd ~
git pull github master

# Open Repository in Atom
atom ~/$STRREPO

Steps 3 and 4:

# push
cd ~
git push -u github master

# remove fully
cd ~
git rm -r $STR_REPO

bash scripts

# change permission to make file an executable
chmod u+x ~/PyFan/bin/pull_one
chmod u+x ~/PyFan/bin/push_one
# execute script
bash ~/PyFan/bin/pull_one