Test Borrowing Default (Save + Borr Distribution)

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Loop over Savings Bounds

clear all;
close all;

ar_fl_a_max = linspace(0,50,2);

for fl_a_max = ar_fl_a_max

Generate Data A: Varying Savings Bounds, Compare Two Borrowing Interest Rates along all AZ points

Do not allow for savings, Compare V(a,z;low borrow r) vs V(a,z;high borrow r)

    % Number of Borrowing Interest Rates
    it_size = 2;
    % Do not Allow for Savings
    ar_fl_a_max = zeros([1,it_size]) + fl_a_max;
    % fl_z_r_borr_poiss_mean: see fft_gen_discrete_var
    ar_fl_z_r_borr_max = linspace(0.035, 0.065, it_size);

    % default or not
    bl_default = true;
    ar_bl_default = zeros([1,it_size]) + bl_default;
    % cmin
    fl_c_min = 0.01;
    ar_fl_c_min = zeros([1,it_size]) + fl_c_min;
    % borrow bound
    fl_b_bd = -30;
    ar_fl_b_bd = zeros([1,it_size]) + fl_b_bd;

    % Accuracy
    ar_fl_z_r_borr_n_hg = 1;
    ar_it_a_n_hg = zeros([1,length(ar_fl_z_r_borr_n_hg)]) + 750;
    it_z_wage_n = 15;

    % other parameters
    fl_crra = 1.5;
    fl_beta = 0.96;
    fl_r_save = 0.025;

    % Results Map Collection
    cl_result_map = [];
    it_cl_res_map_ctr = 0;

    % Simulate Model
    for it_cur_param = 1:1:length(ar_bl_default)

        disp(['bl_default = ' num2str(ar_bl_default(it_cur_param))]);
        disp(['fl_c_min = ' num2str(ar_fl_c_min(it_cur_param))]);
        disp(['fl_b_bd = ' num2str(ar_fl_b_bd(it_cur_param))]);
        disp(['fl_a_max = ' num2str(ar_fl_a_max(it_cur_param))]);
        disp(['z_r_borr_max = ' num2str(ar_fl_z_r_borr_max(it_cur_param))]);

        % Call Default Parameters <https://fanwangecon.github.io/CodeDynaAsset/m_az/paramfunc/html/ffs_abz_set_default_param.html ffs_abz_set_default_param>
        bl_input_override = true;
        it_param_set = 9;
        [param_map, support_map] = ffs_abz_set_default_param(it_param_set);

        % Changing Savings Allowed
        param_map('fl_a_max') = fl_a_max;

        % Borrowing Interest Rates, Same borrow and save rate, no random rate
        param_map('fl_z_r_borr_max') = ar_fl_z_r_borr_max(it_cur_param);
        param_map('fl_z_r_borr_min') = ar_fl_z_r_borr_max(it_cur_param);

        % Borrowing Parameters
        param_map('bl_default') = ar_bl_default(it_cur_param);
        param_map('fl_b_bd') = ar_fl_b_bd(it_cur_param);
        param_map('fl_c_min') = ar_fl_c_min(it_cur_param);

        param_map('fl_beta') = fl_beta;

        % Display Parameters
        support_map('bl_display') = false;
        support_map('bl_display_final') = false;
        support_map('bl_time') = true;
        support_map('bl_profile') = false;

        support_map('bl_graph_funcgrids') = false;

        for it_accuracy = 1:length(ar_it_a_n_hg)
            % Accuracy Regular
            param_map('it_a_n') = ar_it_a_n_hg(it_accuracy);
            param_map('it_z_wage_n') = it_z_wage_n;
            param_map('fl_z_r_borr_n') = ar_fl_z_r_borr_n_hg(it_accuracy);
            it_z_n = param_map('it_z_wage_n') * param_map('fl_z_r_borr_n');
            param_map('it_z_n') = it_z_n;
            disp(['it_a_n = ' num2str(ar_it_a_n_hg(it_accuracy)) ', it_z_n = ' num2str(it_z_n)]);
            % Call Grid Generator <https://fanwangecon.github.io/CodeDynaAsset/m_az/paramfunc/html/ffs_abz_get_funcgrid.html ffs_abz_get_funcgrid>
            [armt_map, func_map] = ffs_abz_get_funcgrid(param_map, support_map, bl_input_override);
            % Call Dynamic Programming Problem <https://fanwangecon.github.io/CodeDynaAsset/m_az/solve/html/ff_abz_vf_vecsv.html ff_abz_vf_vecsv>
            result_map = ff_abz_vf_vecsv(param_map, support_map, armt_map, func_map);
            % Call Distribution CProgram
            result_map = ff_az_ds_vecsv(param_map, support_map, armt_map, func_map, result_map, bl_input_override);
            % Collect
            it_cl_res_map_ctr = it_cl_res_map_ctr + 1;
            cl_result_map{it_cl_res_map_ctr} = result_map;
        % Snap

bl_default = 1
fl_c_min = 0.01
fl_b_bd = -30
fl_a_max = 0
z_r_borr_max = 0.035
it_a_n = 750, it_z_n = 15
Elapsed time is 8.498366 seconds.
Elapsed time is 3.953699 seconds.
                     mean        sd       coefofvar      min       max       pYis0       pYls0      pYgr0       pYisMINY      pYisMAXY      p0_1        p1         p5         p10        p15        p20        p25        p35        p50        p65        p75        p80        p85        p90        p95        p99      p99_9     fl_cov_cl_mt_val    fl_cor_cl_mt_val    fl_cov_cl_mt_pol_a    fl_cor_cl_mt_pol_a    fl_cov_cl_mt_coh    fl_cor_cl_mt_coh    fl_cov_cl_mt_pol_c    fl_cor_cl_mt_pol_c    fracByP0_1     fracByP1     fracByP5    fracByP10    fracByP15    fracByP20    fracByP25    fracByP35    fracByP50    fracByP65    fracByP75    fracByP80    fracByP85    fracByP90    fracByP95    fracByP99    fracByP99_9
                   ________    _______    _________    _______    ______    ________    _______    ________    __________    __________    _______    _______    _______    _______    _______    _______    _______    _______    _______    _______    _______    _______    _______    _______    ________    ______    ______    ________________    ________________    __________________    __________________    ________________    ________________    __________________    __________________    __________    __________    ________    _________    _________    _________    _________    _________    _________    _________    _________    _________    _________    _________    _________    _________    ___________

    cl_mt_val      -0.41897     5.4354     -12.973     -13.572    9.0406           0      0.463       0.537    0.00010153    0.00041717    -12.956    -12.199    -10.533    -8.7695    -7.2146    -5.8015     -4.503    -2.2043     0.6371     2.9001     4.1842     4.7698     5.3112     5.9417      6.6537    7.8575    8.6918         29.543                   1               40.062                0.8645               47.014              0.9802               0.96313              0.69721            0.072111       0.37743      1.3844      2.5343       3.4857       4.2616       4.8745       5.6668       5.9264       5.2781       4.4286       3.8933       3.2903       2.6201       1.8749      1.1934         1.015   
    cl_mt_pol_a     -11.666     8.5259    -0.73084     -28.986         0    0.030483    0.96952           0      0.020353      0.030483    -28.986    -28.986    -27.051     -24.69    -22.484    -20.394    -18.421     -14.86    -10.255    -6.3853    -4.1408    -3.0959    -2.1284    -1.2384    -0.42569         0         0         40.062              0.8645                72.69                     1               66.581             0.88498               0.68251              0.31498             0.05057       0.05057     0.12339     0.23323      0.33339      0.42555      0.50907      0.65098      0.81147      0.91778      0.96277       0.9781      0.98923      0.99627      0.99966           1             1   
    cl_mt_coh       -12.029     8.8243    -0.73357     -29.955    0.0448           0    0.96892    0.031081      0.020353      0.030483    -29.955    -29.955    -27.953    -25.509    -23.226    -21.063    -19.021    -15.336    -10.569     -6.564    -4.2409    -3.1595    -2.1581    -1.2369    -0.39579    0.0448    0.0448         47.014              0.9802               66.581               0.88498               77.868                   1                 1.513              0.67462            0.050683      0.050683     0.12366     0.23372      0.33407      0.42639      0.51003       0.6521      0.81263      0.91877      0.96356      0.97876      0.98975      0.99662      0.99984           1             1   
    cl_mt_pol_c      1.4298    0.25415     0.17775        0.01    3.2858           0          0           1      0.019286    0.00041717       0.01       0.01     1.2284     1.2982     1.3252     1.3428     1.3588     1.3912     1.4417     1.4958     1.5349     1.5566     1.5799     1.6114      1.6653    1.9375    2.8484        0.96313             0.69721              0.68251               0.31498                1.513             0.67462              0.064593                    1          0.00013488    0.00013488    0.024254     0.06862      0.11456      0.16121      0.20844      0.30467      0.45316       0.6073      0.71319      0.76721      0.82201      0.87777      0.93789      0.9839        0.9988   

bl_default = 1
fl_c_min = 0.01
fl_b_bd = -30
fl_a_max = 0
z_r_borr_max = 0.065
it_a_n = 750, it_z_n = 15
Elapsed time is 6.513409 seconds.
Elapsed time is 3.153783 seconds.
                    mean        sd       coefofvar      min       max      pYis0      pYls0      pYgr0      pYisMINY     pYisMAXY      p0_1        p1         p5         p10        p15        p20         p25        p35        p50         p65          p75        p80       p85       p90       p95       p99      p99_9     fl_cov_cl_mt_val    fl_cor_cl_mt_val    fl_cov_cl_mt_pol_a    fl_cor_cl_mt_pol_a    fl_cov_cl_mt_coh    fl_cor_cl_mt_coh    fl_cov_cl_mt_pol_c    fl_cor_cl_mt_pol_c    fracByP0_1     fracByP1     fracByP5    fracByP10    fracByP15    fracByP20    fracByP25    fracByP35    fracByP50    fracByP65    fracByP75    fracByP80    fracByP85    fracByP90    fracByP95    fracByP99    fracByP99_9
                   _______    _______    _________    _______    ______    ______    _______    _______    __________    _________    _______    _______    _______    _______    _______    ________    _______    _______    ________    ________    _________    ______    ______    ______    ______    ______    ______    ________________    ________________    __________________    __________________    ________________    ________________    __________________    __________________    __________    __________    ________    _________    _________    _________    _________    _________    _________    _________    _________    _________    _________    _________    _________    _________    ___________

    cl_mt_val       1.8123     4.5947      2.5354     -16.325     7.657         0    0.22406    0.77594    3.8048e-05    0.0021127    -14.933    -13.348    -9.1242    -5.2745    -2.5296    -0.66494    0.58056     2.0992      3.3804      4.3386       4.9213    4.9461      5.45    5.9045    6.3799    6.8545     7.657         21.111                   1                  24.4               0.88693               27.918             0.95287              0.28647                0.1736          -0.014737     -0.078389    -0.32287    -0.51857     -0.62395     -0.66624     -0.66611     -0.58768     -0.35549     -0.029654     0.23669      0.36122      0.60965      0.65333      0.81587      0.96671          1     
    cl_mt_pol_a    -3.3364     5.9875     -1.7946     -28.169         0    0.2296     0.7704          0      0.008895       0.2296    -28.169    -26.251    -18.579    -11.621    -7.2209     -4.6635    -3.1968    -1.6924    -0.67696    -0.18804    -0.037609         0         0         0         0         0         0           24.4             0.88693                 35.85                     1               34.245             0.89694             -0.33624              -0.15637           0.075101      0.083889     0.35339     0.57617      0.71489      0.80107      0.85912      0.92928      0.97934       0.99732           1            1            1            1            1            1          1     
    cl_mt_coh        -3.47     6.3767     -1.8376     -29.917    0.0832         0     0.7099     0.2901      0.008895       0.2296    -29.917    -27.874    -19.703    -12.293    -7.6071     -4.8834    -3.3213    -1.7192    -0.63776    -0.11707     0.043147    0.0832    0.0832    0.0832    0.0832    0.0832    0.0832         27.918             0.95287                34.245               0.89694               40.662                   1             0.016683             0.0072846           0.076688      0.085661     0.36067     0.58758      0.72842      0.81548      0.87371      0.94314      0.99074        1.0054      1.0055            1            1            1            1            1          1     
    cl_mt_pol_c     1.3187    0.35914     0.27235        0.01    3.2858         0          0          1     0.0088609    0.0021127       0.01     1.0064     1.0296     1.0419     1.0531       1.067     1.0832     1.1157      1.2063      1.3555       1.4585    1.5525    1.6085     1.819    2.1004    2.4692    3.2858        0.28647              0.1736              -0.33624              -0.15637             0.016683           0.0072846              0.12898                     1         6.7197e-05    0.00099679    0.032092    0.071412      0.11125      0.15122      0.19248      0.27857      0.41547       0.55267     0.65904      0.71614      0.80583      0.83942      0.91069      0.98202          1     

bl_default = 1
fl_c_min = 0.01
fl_b_bd = -30
fl_a_max = 50
z_r_borr_max = 0.035
it_a_n = 750, it_z_n = 15
Elapsed time is 10.347854 seconds.
Elapsed time is 0.348654 seconds.
                     mean        sd       coefofvar      min       max       pYis0       pYls0      pYgr0       pYisMINY      pYisMAXY      p0_1        p1         p5         p10        p15        p20        p25        p35        p50        p65        p75        p80        p85        p90        p95       p99      p99_9     fl_cov_cl_mt_val    fl_cor_cl_mt_val    fl_cov_cl_mt_pol_a    fl_cor_cl_mt_pol_a    fl_cov_cl_mt_coh    fl_cor_cl_mt_coh    fl_cov_cl_mt_pol_c    fl_cor_cl_mt_pol_c    fracByP0_1     fracByP1     fracByP5    fracByP10    fracByP15    fracByP20    fracByP25    fracByP35    fracByP50    fracByP65    fracByP75    fracByP80    fracByP85    fracByP90    fracByP95    fracByP99    fracByP99_9
                   ________    _______    _________    _______    ______    ________    _______    ________    __________    __________    _______    _______    _______    _______    _______    _______    _______    _______    _______    _______    _______    _______    _______    ________    ______    ______    ______    ________________    ________________    __________________    __________________    ________________    ________________    __________________    __________________    __________    __________    ________    _________    _________    _________    _________    _________    _________    _________    _________    _________    _________    _________    _________    _________    ___________

    cl_mt_val      -0.25773     5.5161     -21.402     -13.576     20.49           0    0.45519     0.54481    9.9918e-05    1.2824e-20    -12.958    -12.194    -10.484    -8.7131    -7.1481     -5.696     -4.394    -2.0664    0.78554     3.0599     4.3392     4.9306     5.4981       6.123    6.9781    8.6449    10.525         30.427                   1               41.842               0.87138               48.738             0.98079               0.94789              0.71026             0.11514       0.59912      2.2528      4.1071       5.6337       6.8858       7.8589       9.0951        9.431       8.2858       6.8358       5.9355        4.932       3.8086       2.5477       1.3635       1.0433   
    cl_mt_pol_a     -11.375     8.7051    -0.76528     -28.986     48.78    0.020778    0.94369    0.035528      0.020309    8.3345e-20    -28.986    -28.986    -27.022    -24.645    -22.372    -20.202    -18.239    -14.622    -9.9718    -6.0451    -3.8751    -2.8417    -1.8084    -0.77501         0    2.3477    6.7301         41.842             0.87138                75.78                     1               69.903             0.89137               0.69504                 0.33             0.05175       0.05175     0.12724     0.23952      0.34224      0.43822      0.52159      0.66641      0.82771      0.93219      0.97409      0.98843      0.99824       1.0044       1.0057       1.0037       1.0007   
    cl_mt_coh       -11.729     9.0087    -0.76806     -29.955    50.045           0    0.94369    0.056306      0.020309    8.3345e-20    -29.955    -29.955    -27.923    -25.463     -23.11    -20.864    -18.832    -15.089    -10.276    -6.2119    -3.9659    -2.8964    -1.8269    -0.75734    0.0448    2.4512    6.9432         48.738             0.98079               69.903               0.89137               81.156                   1                1.5132              0.69428            0.051867      0.051867     0.12753     0.24003      0.34296       0.4391      0.52259      0.66757       0.8289       0.9332      0.97488      0.98909      0.99875       1.0047       1.0058       1.0038       1.0007   
    cl_mt_pol_c      1.4303    0.24194     0.16916        0.01    4.5053           0          0           1      0.018973    1.2824e-20       0.01       0.01     1.2228      1.291     1.3212      1.342     1.3617     1.3944     1.4466      1.501     1.5431     1.5652      1.587      1.6162    1.6898    1.8549     2.074        0.94789             0.71026              0.69504                  0.33               1.5132             0.69428              0.058537                    1          0.00013265    0.00013265    0.024521    0.068823      0.11458      0.16116      0.20831      0.30478      0.45367      0.60817      0.71488      0.76925      0.82464      0.88255      0.93758      0.98637       0.9985   

bl_default = 1
fl_c_min = 0.01
fl_b_bd = -30
fl_a_max = 50
z_r_borr_max = 0.065
it_a_n = 750, it_z_n = 15
Elapsed time is 7.534197 seconds.
Elapsed time is 0.338167 seconds.
                     mean        sd       coefofvar      min       max      pYis0      pYls0      pYgr0     pYisMINY      pYisMAXY      p0_1        p1         p5         p10        p15        p20        p25        p35         p50       p65       p75       p80       p85       p90       p95       p99      p99_9     fl_cov_cl_mt_val    fl_cor_cl_mt_val    fl_cov_cl_mt_pol_a    fl_cor_cl_mt_pol_a    fl_cov_cl_mt_coh    fl_cor_cl_mt_coh    fl_cov_cl_mt_pol_c    fl_cor_cl_mt_pol_c    fracByP0_1    fracByP1     fracByP5    fracByP10    fracByP15    fracByP20    fracByP25    fracByP35    fracByP50    fracByP65    fracByP75    fracByP80    fracByP85    fracByP90    fracByP95    fracByP99    fracByP99_9
                   ________    _______    _________    _______    ______    ______    _______    _______    _________    __________    _______    _______    _______    _______    _______    _______    _______    ________    _______    ______    ______    ______    ______    ______    ______    ______    ______    ________________    ________________    __________________    __________________    ________________    ________________    __________________    __________________    __________    _________    ________    _________    _________    _________    _________    _________    _________    _________    _________    _________    _________    _________    _________    _________    ___________

    cl_mt_val        3.9267     4.4984      1.1456     -16.225    20.435         0    0.13358    0.86642    2.315e-05    1.3316e-17    -14.777    -12.257    -6.3375    -1.7941    0.61646     1.8748     2.6905      3.7909     4.9313    5.9046    6.6372    7.0427    7.5339    8.1498    9.0543    10.714    12.442         20.235                   1               24.464               0.92278               26.815             0.95742               0.45437              0.37288          -0.0041275    -0.034284    -0.12683    -0.17569     -0.18143     -0.16463     -0.13497     -0.050937     0.11995      0.32449      0.48523      0.5707       0.66428      0.76376      0.87228      0.97082       0.99671  
    cl_mt_pol_a    -0.58517     5.8935     -10.071     -28.169     48.78    0.0261    0.39934    0.57456    0.0054298    8.6269e-17    -28.169    -25.558    -13.708    -6.2765    -3.1634    -1.8578    -1.1549    -0.35149     0.3652    1.3043    2.0347    2.6608    3.3912    4.3302    5.9997    9.4431    14.034         24.464             0.92278               34.733                     1               34.246              0.9333               0.25803              0.16163             0.26138       0.4829      1.7657      2.5727       2.9603       3.1658       3.2945        3.4025      3.3803       3.1713       2.9037      2.6833         2.438       2.1086       1.6785       1.1938        1.0258  
    cl_mt_coh      -0.59656     6.2261     -10.437     -29.917    50.083         0    0.38784    0.61216    0.0054298    8.6269e-17    -29.917    -27.136    -14.516    -6.6013    -3.2858    -1.8954    -1.1467    -0.29113    0.45753    1.4201    2.1688    2.8105    3.5591    4.5217    6.2329    9.7623    14.468         26.815             0.95742               34.246                0.9333               38.764                   1               0.47199              0.27986              0.2723      0.50302      1.8376      2.6736       3.0714       3.2791       3.4061        3.5057      3.4607       3.2305       2.9486      2.7194        2.4663       2.1282       1.6889       1.1963        1.0261  
    cl_mt_pol_c      1.3419    0.27088     0.20187        0.01    4.5053         0          0          1    0.0054262    1.3316e-17       0.01     0.9706      1.008     1.0407     1.0659     1.0924     1.1189      1.2088     1.3301    1.4348    1.5321    1.5751     1.607    1.6853     1.789    2.0065    2.2925        0.45437             0.37288              0.25803               0.16163              0.47199             0.27986              0.073376                    1          4.0438e-05    0.0033583    0.033289    0.071277      0.11095      0.15117      0.19308       0.27856     0.42295       0.5756      0.68499      0.7434       0.80225      0.86364      0.92822      0.98411        0.9982  

Graph A1: Value Graphs Difference in V(A,Z) for Lower and Higher Borrowing Rate

Left to right, increasing z, top to bottom, increasing savings. no borrowing, savings only model, lower borrowing interest rate V(a,z) uniformly higher than higher borrowing interest rate V(a,z).

    close all;

    cl_mt_pol_c = cl_result_map{1}('cl_mt_pol_c');

    mt_val_1 = cl_result_map{1}('mt_val');
    mt_val_2 = cl_result_map{2}('mt_val');

    st_y_title = ['V(a,z;r borrow=' num2str(ar_fl_z_r_borr_max(1)) ') - V(a,z;r borrow=' num2str(ar_fl_z_r_borr_max(2)) ')'];

    contour = contourf(mt_val_1, 10);
    xlabel('shock grid points');
    ylabel('asset grid points');
    title(['r borrow=' num2str(ar_fl_z_r_borr_max(1))]);

    contour = contourf(mt_val_2, 10);
    xlabel('shock grid points');
    ylabel('asset grid points');
    title(['r borrow=' num2str(ar_fl_z_r_borr_max(2))]);

    mt_val_diff = mt_val_1 - mt_val_2;

    contour = contourf(mt_val_1 - mt_val_2);
    xlabel('shock grid points');
    ylabel(['asset grid, ' st_y_title]);
    zlabel('value diff');
    title(['Save <= ' num2str(fl_a_max)]);

Graph A2: Distribution Graphs Difference in f(A,Z) for Lower and Higher Borrowing Rate

Left to right, increasing z, top to bottom, increasing savings. As interest rate decreases, more mass at lower a points. Households are more likely to borrow. Overall EV is a weighted sum of the previous and this graph.

    mt_dist_1 = cl_result_map{1}('mt_dist');
    mt_dist_2 = cl_result_map{2}('mt_dist');

    st_y_title = ['F(a,z;r borrow=' num2str(ar_fl_z_r_borr_max(1)) ') - F(a,z;r borrow=' num2str(ar_fl_z_r_borr_max(2)) ')'];

    xlabel('shock grid points');
    ylabel('asset grid points');
    title(['r br=' num2str(ar_fl_z_r_borr_max(1))]);

    xlabel('shock grid points');
    ylabel('asset grid points');
    title(['r br=' num2str(ar_fl_z_r_borr_max(2))]);

    contour = contourf(mt_dist_1 - mt_dist_2);
    xlabel('shock grid points');
    ylabel(['asset grid, ' st_y_title]);
    zlabel('dist diff');
    title(['Save <= ' num2str(fl_a_max)]);