Set Model Functions

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function [f_util_log, f_util_crra, f_util_standin, f_inc, f_coh, f_cons] = ffs_az_set_functions(varargin)

FFS_AZ_SET_FUNCTIONS setting model functions

define functions here to avoid copy paste mistakes

@param fl_crra float crra utility

@param fl_r_save float savings interest rate

@param fl_w float wage rate

@return f_util_log handle log utility

@return f_util_crra handle crra utility general

@return f_util_standin handle log utility with coh for testing graphing codes

@return f_inc income handle equation wage and interests

@return f_coh handle cash on hand equation given current period shock

@return f_cons handle consumption equation given coh and asset choice


[f_util_log, f_util_crra, f_util_standin, f_inc, f_coh, f_cons] = ...
     ffs_az_set_functions(fl_crra, fl_r_save, fl_w);



[fl_crra] = deal(1);
[fl_r_save, fl_w] = deal(0.02, 1.23);
default_params = {fl_crra fl_r_save fl_w};

Parse Parameters

% numvarargs is the number of varagin inputted
[default_params{1:length(varargin)}] = varargin{:};
[fl_crra, fl_r_save, fl_w] = default_params{:};


% utility
f_util_log = @(c) log(c);
f_util_crra = @(c) (((c).^(1-fl_crra)-1)./(1-fl_crra));
% Production Function
f_inc = @(z, b) (z*fl_w + b.*(fl_r_save)); % z already exp
% Cash on Hand, b is principle
f_coh = @(z, b) (z*fl_w + b.*(1+fl_r_save));
% Simple Consumption b and k
f_cons = @(z, b, bprime) (f_coh(z, b) - bprime);
% Simple Consumption b and k
f_util_standin = @(z, b) f_util_log(f_coh(z,b));
ans =

  function_handle with value:
