Analyze Distributional Results

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function [tb_outcomes, support_map] = ff_az_test_analyze(varargin)

FF_AZ_TEST_ANALYZE post solution simulation

Simulate the model along various dimensions, and produce graphical outputs to show aggregate/distributional statistics.

@ar_it_plot_sets array integer array of which statistics graphs to generate, see line 128. Could add additional statistics to that conditional list.

@param st_simu_type string cross vs gridd simulation. cross: with (x,y), vary X fixing y, vary Y fixing x. grid: all (x,y) \in (X,Y)

  1. st_simu_type = 'c' for cross simulate, if 'c', then each array value of param_tstar_map container is simulated over one by one. So if there are two arrays associated with two keys in param_tstar_map with length N1 and N2, the total number of simulations equals to N1 + N2.
  2. st_simu_type = 'g' for grid simulate, if 'g', then all possible combinations of the arrays in param_tstar_map are used to create combinations of parameter values. So if there are two arrays with lengths N1 and N2, there will be N1*N2 number of simulations
  3. st_simu_type = 'r' for random simulate, if 'r', then should specify param_map('it_st_simu_type_g_seed') value. Only the minimum and the maximum values for each array in param_tstar_map matters. Based on these minimum and maximum, and also what is in param_map('it_st_simu_type_g_simun'). Random parameter values will be drawn.

@param it_size_type integer:

  1. it_size_type = 1 is quick grid
  2. it_size_type = 2 is standard grid
  3. it_size_type = 3 is denser grid

@param cl_st_param_keys cell string cell array container parameters that we are simulating over

@param param_map container parameter container

@param support_map container support container

@param param_tstar_map container map of arrays with keys that are parameter keys. This could be specified outside with array values to override defaults here.

@param param_desc_map container map of strings for each parameter key.

@param tb_outcomes table table of simulation outcomes for various statistics for each set of parameters. Columns are statistics, rows are outcome variables, groups of rows are different simulations.



If Funcion Default Invoke

if (isempty(varargin))
    close all;

Default Parameter

it_param_set = 9;
[param_map, support_map] = ffs_az_set_default_param(it_param_set);
support_map('bl_replacefile') = false;
support_map('bl_graph_onebyones') = true;
support_map('bl_display_graph_stats') = true;

Array Parameters

initiate empty map

st_simu_type = 'g';

it_size_type = 2;
cl_st_param_keys = {'fl_crra', 'fl_beta'};

if (strcmp(st_simu_type, 'c'))
    ar_it_plot_sets = [1,2,4,5,6,7];
    it_simu_vec_len = 10;
    param_tstar_map = containers.Map('KeyType','char', 'ValueType','any');
    param_tstar_map('fl_crra') = linspace(1, 5, it_simu_vec_len);
    param_tstar_map('fl_beta') = linspace(0.87, 0.97, it_simu_vec_len);

if (strcmp(st_simu_type, 'g'))
    ar_it_plot_sets = [3,5,51];
    % assume always plot the first parameter listed under cl_st_param_keys as x-axis variable
    param_tstar_map = containers.Map('KeyType','char', 'ValueType','any');
    param_tstar_map('fl_crra') = linspace(1, 5, 15);
    param_tstar_map('fl_beta') = linspace(0.87, 0.97, 15);

param_desc_map = containers.Map('KeyType','char', 'ValueType','any');
param_desc_map('fl_crra') = {'CRRA'};
param_desc_map('fl_beta') = {'Discount'};

it_grid_var_color_n = 3;


default_params = {ar_it_plot_sets ...
                    st_simu_type it_size_type cl_st_param_keys ...
                    param_map support_map param_tstar_map param_desc_map it_grid_var_color_n};

Parse Parameters 1

override default set above if any parameters are updated

params_len = length(varargin);
[default_params{1:params_len}] = varargin{:};

ar_it_plot_sets = default_params{1};
st_simu_type = default_params{2};
it_size_type = default_params{3};
cl_st_param_keys = default_params{4};

param_map = [param_map; default_params{5}];
support_map = [support_map; default_params{6}];
param_tstar_map = [param_tstar_map; default_params{7}];
param_desc_map = [param_desc_map; default_params{8}];

% if grid simulation, how many colors groups to include?
it_grid_var_color_n = default_params{9};

Parse Parameters 2

params_group = values(param_map, {'st_model'});
[st_model] = params_group{:};

params_group = values(support_map, {'bl_graph_onebyones', 'bl_display_graph_stats'});
[bl_graph_onebyones, bl_display_graph_stats] = params_group{:};

Cross-Simulate Model Along Parameters

[tb_outcomes, support_map, param_desc_map] = ff_az_test_gen( ...
    st_simu_type, it_size_type, cl_st_param_keys, ...
    param_map, support_map, param_tstar_map, param_desc_map);
Begin: Show all key and value pairs from container
  Map with properties:

        Count: 48
      KeyType: char
    ValueType: any

pos = 1 ; key = bl_display ; val = false
pos = 2 ; key = bl_display_defparam ; val = false
pos = 3 ; key = bl_display_dist ; val = false
pos = 4 ; key = bl_display_final ; val = false
pos = 5 ; key = bl_display_final_dist ; val = true
pos = 6 ; key = bl_display_final_dist_detail ; val = false
pos = 7 ; key = bl_display_funcgrids ; val = false
pos = 8 ; key = bl_display_graph_stats ; val = true
pos = 9 ; key = bl_display_simu_stats ; val = true
pos = 10 ; key = bl_graph ; val = true
pos = 11 ; key = bl_graph_coh_t_coh ; val = false
pos = 12 ; key = bl_graph_funcgrids ; val = false
pos = 13 ; key = bl_graph_onebyones ; val = true
pos = 14 ; key = bl_graph_pol_lvl ; val = false
pos = 15 ; key = bl_graph_pol_pct ; val = false
pos = 16 ; key = bl_graph_val ; val = false
pos = 17 ; key = bl_img_save ; val = false
pos = 18 ; key = bl_mat ; val = false
pos = 19 ; key = bl_mat_test ; val = true
pos = 20 ; key = bl_post ; val = true
pos = 21 ; key = bl_profile ; val = false
pos = 22 ; key = bl_profile_dist ; val = false
pos = 23 ; key = bl_replacefile ; val = false
pos = 24 ; key = bl_time ; val = false
pos = 25 ; key = bl_timer ; val = true
pos = 26 ; key = it_display_every ; val = 20
pos = 27 ; key = it_display_final_colmax ; val = 12
pos = 28 ; key = it_display_final_rowmax ; val = 100
pos = 29 ; key = it_display_summmat_colmax ; val = 5
pos = 30 ; key = it_display_summmat_rowmax ; val = 5
pos = 31 ; key = st_img_name_main ; val = _default
pos = 32 ; key = st_img_path ; val = C:/Users/fan/CodeDynaAsset//m_az//solve/img/
pos = 33 ; key = st_img_prefix ; val = 
pos = 34 ; key = st_img_suffix ; val = _p9.png
pos = 35 ; key = st_mat_name_main ; val = _default
pos = 36 ; key = st_mat_path ; val = C:/Users/fan/CodeDynaAsset//m_az//solve/mat/
pos = 37 ; key = st_mat_prefix ; val = 
pos = 38 ; key = st_mat_suffix ; val = _p9
pos = 39 ; key = st_mat_test_name_main ; val = r
pos = 40 ; key = st_mat_test_path ; val = C:/Users/fan/CodeDynaAsset//m_az//test/ff_az_ds_vecsv/mat/
pos = 41 ; key = st_mat_test_prefix ; val = 
pos = 42 ; key = st_mat_test_suffix ; val = _g12_cg_t2l30
pos = 43 ; key = st_matimg_path_root ; val = C:/Users/fan/CodeDynaAsset//m_az/
pos = 44 ; key = st_profile_name_main ; val = _default
pos = 45 ; key = st_profile_path ; val = C:/Users/fan/CodeDynaAsset//m_az//solve/profile/
pos = 46 ; key = st_profile_prefix ; val = 
pos = 47 ; key = st_profile_suffix ; val = _p9
pos = 48 ; key = st_title_prefix ; val = 
Scalars in Container and Sizes and Basic Statistics
                                    i     idx    value
                                    __    ___    _____

    bl_display                       1     1        0 
    bl_display_defparam              2     2        0 
    bl_display_dist                  3     3        0 
    bl_display_final                 4     4        0 
    bl_display_final_dist            5     5        1 
    bl_display_final_dist_detail     6     6        0 
    bl_display_funcgrids             7     7        0 
    bl_display_graph_stats           8     8        1 
    bl_display_simu_stats            9     9        1 
    bl_graph                        10    10        1 
    bl_graph_coh_t_coh              11    11        0 
    bl_graph_funcgrids              12    12        0 
    bl_graph_onebyones              13    13        1 
    bl_graph_pol_lvl                14    14        0 
    bl_graph_pol_pct                15    15        0 
    bl_graph_val                    16    16        0 
    bl_img_save                     17    17        0 
    bl_mat                          18    18        0 
    bl_mat_test                     19    19        1 
    bl_post                         20    20        1 
    bl_profile                      21    21        0 
    bl_profile_dist                 22    22        0 
    bl_replacefile                  23    23        0 
    bl_time                         24    24        0 
    bl_timer                        25    25        1 
    it_display_every                26    26       20 
    it_display_final_colmax         27    27       12 
    it_display_final_rowmax         28    28      100 
    it_display_summmat_colmax       29    29        5 
    it_display_summmat_rowmax       30    30        5 

Strings in Container and Sizes and Basic Statistics
                             i     idx
                             __    ___

    st_img_name_main          1    31 
    st_img_path               2    32 
    st_img_prefix             3    33 
    st_img_suffix             4    34 
    st_mat_name_main          5    35 
    st_mat_path               6    36 
    st_mat_prefix             7    37 
    st_mat_suffix             8    38 
    st_mat_test_name_main     9    39 
    st_mat_test_path         10    40 
    st_mat_test_prefix       11    41 
    st_mat_test_suffix       12    42 
    st_matimg_path_root      13    43 
    st_profile_name_main     14    44 
    st_profile_path          15    45 
    st_profile_prefix        16    46 
    st_profile_suffix        17    47 
    st_title_prefix          18    48 

Begin: Show all key and value pairs from container
  Map with properties:

        Count: 29
      KeyType: char
    ValueType: any

pos = 1 ; key = ar_param_keys_idx ;rown= 1 ,coln= 2
ar_param_keys_idx :mu= 1.5 ,sd= 0.70711 ,min= 1 ,max= 2
               zi_1_c1    zi_2_c2
               _______    _______

    zi_1_r1       1          2   

pos = 2 ; key = bl_loglin ; val = false
pos = 3 ; key = cl_st_param_keys ; val = fl_crra
pos = 4 ; key = fl_a_max ; val = 50
pos = 5 ; key = fl_a_min ; val = 0
pos = 6 ; key = fl_b_bd ; val = 0
pos = 7 ; key = fl_beta ; val = 0.94
pos = 8 ; key = fl_crra ; val = 1.5
pos = 9 ; key = fl_loglin_threshold ; val = 1
pos = 10 ; key = fl_nan_replace ; val = -9999
pos = 11 ; key = fl_r_save ; val = 0.025
pos = 12 ; key = fl_tol_dist ; val = 1e-05
pos = 13 ; key = fl_tol_pol ; val = 1e-05
pos = 14 ; key = fl_tol_val ; val = 1e-05
pos = 15 ; key = fl_w ; val = 1.28
pos = 16 ; key = fl_z_mu ; val = 0
pos = 17 ; key = fl_z_rho ; val = 0.8
pos = 18 ; key = fl_z_sig ; val = 0.2
pos = 19 ; key = it_a_n ; val = 750
pos = 20 ; key = it_maxiter_dist ; val = 1000
pos = 21 ; key = it_maxiter_val ; val = 1000
pos = 22 ; key = it_size_type ; val = 2
pos = 23 ; key = it_st_simu_type_g_seed ; val = 123
pos = 24 ; key = it_st_simu_type_g_simun ; val = 20
pos = 25 ; key = it_tol_pol_nochange ; val = 25
pos = 26 ; key = it_trans_power_dist ; val = 1000
pos = 27 ; key = it_z_n ; val = 15
pos = 28 ; key = st_analytical_stationary_type ; val = eigenvector
pos = 29 ; key = st_model ; val = az
Matrix in Container and Sizes and Basic Statistics
                         i    idx    rowN    colN    mean      std      min    max
                         _    ___    ____    ____    ____    _______    ___    ___

    ar_param_keys_idx    1     1      1       2      1.5     0.70711     1      2 

Scalars in Container and Sizes and Basic Statistics
                               i     idx    value
                               __    ___    _____

    bl_loglin                   1     2         0
    fl_a_max                    2     4        50
    fl_a_min                    3     5         0
    fl_b_bd                     4     6         0
    fl_beta                     5     7      0.94
    fl_crra                     6     8       1.5
    fl_loglin_threshold         7     9         1
    fl_nan_replace              8    10     -9999
    fl_r_save                   9    11     0.025
    fl_tol_dist                10    12     1e-05
    fl_tol_pol                 11    13     1e-05
    fl_tol_val                 12    14     1e-05
    fl_w                       13    15      1.28
    fl_z_mu                    14    16         0
    fl_z_rho                   15    17       0.8
    fl_z_sig                   16    18       0.2
    it_a_n                     17    19       750
    it_maxiter_dist            18    20      1000
    it_maxiter_val             19    21      1000
    it_size_type               20    22         2
    it_st_simu_type_g_seed     21    23       123
    it_st_simu_type_g_simun    22    24        20
    it_tol_pol_nochange        23    25        25
    it_trans_power_dist        24    26      1000
    it_z_n                     25    27        15

Strings in Container and Sizes and Basic Statistics
                                     i    idx
                                     _    ___

    cl_st_param_keys                 1     3 
    st_analytical_stationary_type    2    28 
    st_model                         3    29 

Begin: Show all key and value pairs from container
  Map with properties:

        Count: 18
      KeyType: char
    ValueType: any

pos = 1 ; key = fl_a_max ;rown= 1 ,coln= 5
fl_a_max :mu= 65 ,sd= 11.8585 ,min= 50 ,max= 80
               zi_1_c1    zi_2_c2    zi_3_c3    zi_4_c4    zi_5_c5
               _______    _______    _______    _______    _______

    zi_1_r1      50        57.5        65        72.5        80   

pos = 2 ; key = fl_alpha ;rown= 1 ,coln= 5
fl_alpha :mu= 0.4 ,sd= 0.079057 ,min= 0.3 ,max= 0.5
               zi_1_c1    zi_2_c2    zi_3_c3    zi_4_c4    zi_5_c5
               _______    _______    _______    _______    _______

    zi_1_r1      0.3       0.35        0.4       0.45        0.5  

pos = 3 ; key = fl_b_bd ;rown= 1 ,coln= 5
fl_b_bd :mu= -12.5 ,sd= 5.9293 ,min= -20 ,max= -5
               zi_1_c1    zi_2_c2    zi_3_c3    zi_4_c4    zi_5_c5
               _______    _______    _______    _______    _______

    zi_1_r1      -20      -16.25      -12.5      -8.75       -5   

pos = 4 ; key = fl_beta ;rown= 1 ,coln= 15
fl_beta :mu= 0.92 ,sd= 0.031944 ,min= 0.87 ,max= 0.97
               zi_1_C1    zi_2_C2    zi_3_C3    zi_8_C8    zi_13_c13    zi_14_c14    zi_15_c15
               _______    _______    _______    _______    _________    _________    _________

    zi_1_r1     0.87      0.87714    0.88429     0.92       0.95571      0.96286       0.97   

pos = 5 ; key = fl_c_min ;rown= 1 ,coln= 5
fl_c_min :mu= 0.0155 ,sd= 0.011463 ,min= 0.001 ,max= 0.03
               zi_1_c1    zi_2_c2    zi_3_c3    zi_4_c4    zi_5_c5
               _______    _______    _______    _______    _______

    zi_1_r1     0.03      0.02275    0.0155     0.00825     0.001 

pos = 6 ; key = fl_crra ;rown= 1 ,coln= 15
fl_crra :mu= 3 ,sd= 1.2778 ,min= 1 ,max= 5
               zi_1_C1    zi_2_C2    zi_3_C3    zi_8_C8    zi_13_c13    zi_14_c14    zi_15_c15
               _______    _______    _______    _______    _________    _________    _________

    zi_1_r1       1       1.2857     1.5714        3        4.4286       4.7143          5    

pos = 7 ; key = fl_delta ;rown= 1 ,coln= 5
fl_delta :mu= 0.08 ,sd= 0.047434 ,min= 0.02 ,max= 0.14
               zi_1_c1    zi_2_c2    zi_3_c3    zi_4_c4    zi_5_c5
               _______    _______    _______    _______    _______

    zi_1_r1     0.02       0.05       0.08       0.11       0.14  

pos = 8 ; key = fl_r_save ;rown= 1 ,coln= 5
fl_r_save :mu= 0.025 ,sd= 0.011859 ,min= 0.01 ,max= 0.04
               zi_1_c1    zi_2_c2    zi_3_c3    zi_4_c4    zi_5_c5
               _______    _______    _______    _______    _______

    zi_1_r1     0.01      0.0175      0.025     0.0325      0.04  

pos = 9 ; key = fl_w ;rown= 1 ,coln= 5
fl_w :mu= 1.25 ,sd= 0.11859 ,min= 1.1 ,max= 1.4
               zi_1_c1    zi_2_c2    zi_3_c3    zi_4_c4    zi_5_c5
               _______    _______    _______    _______    _______

    zi_1_r1      1.1       1.175      1.25       1.325       1.4  

pos = 10 ; key = fl_z_r_borr_max ;rown= 1 ,coln= 5
fl_z_r_borr_max :mu= 0.1225 ,sd= 0.021741 ,min= 0.095 ,max= 0.15
               zi_1_c1    zi_2_c2    zi_3_c3    zi_4_c4    zi_5_c5
               _______    _______    _______    _______    _______

    zi_1_r1     0.095     0.10875    0.1225     0.13625     0.15  

pos = 11 ; key = fl_z_r_borr_n ;rown= 1 ,coln= 6
fl_z_r_borr_n :mu= 15 ,sd= 7.4833 ,min= 5 ,max= 25
               zi_1_c1    zi_2_c2    zi_3_c3    zi_4_c4    zi_5_c5    zi_6_c6
               _______    _______    _______    _______    _______    _______

    zi_1_r1       5          9         13         17         21         25   

pos = 12 ; key = fl_z_r_borr_poiss_mean ;rown= 1 ,coln= 5
fl_z_r_borr_poiss_mean :mu= 12.5 ,sd= 5.9293 ,min= 5 ,max= 20
               zi_1_c1    zi_2_c2    zi_3_c3    zi_4_c4    zi_5_c5
               _______    _______    _______    _______    _______

    zi_1_r1       5        8.75       12.5       16.25       20   

pos = 13 ; key = fl_z_rho ;rown= 1 ,coln= 5
fl_z_rho :mu= 0.495 ,sd= 0.39133 ,min= 0 ,max= 0.99
               zi_1_c1    zi_2_c2    zi_3_c3    zi_4_c4    zi_5_c5
               _______    _______    _______    _______    _______

    zi_1_r1       0       0.2475      0.495     0.7425      0.99  

pos = 14 ; key = fl_z_sig ;rown= 1 ,coln= 5
fl_z_sig :mu= 0.255 ,sd= 0.19369 ,min= 0.01 ,max= 0.5
               zi_1_c1    zi_2_c2    zi_3_c3    zi_4_c4    zi_5_c5
               _______    _______    _______    _______    _______

    zi_1_r1     0.01      0.1325      0.255     0.3775       0.5  

pos = 15 ; key = fl_z_wage_rho ;rown= 1 ,coln= 5
fl_z_wage_rho :mu= 0.495 ,sd= 0.39133 ,min= 0 ,max= 0.99
               zi_1_c1    zi_2_c2    zi_3_c3    zi_4_c4    zi_5_c5
               _______    _______    _______    _______    _______

    zi_1_r1       0       0.2475      0.495     0.7425      0.99  

pos = 16 ; key = fl_z_wage_sig ;rown= 1 ,coln= 5
fl_z_wage_sig :mu= 0.255 ,sd= 0.19369 ,min= 0.01 ,max= 0.5
               zi_1_c1    zi_2_c2    zi_3_c3    zi_4_c4    zi_5_c5
               _______    _______    _______    _______    _______

    zi_1_r1     0.01      0.1325      0.255     0.3775       0.5  

pos = 17 ; key = it_a_n ;rown= 1 ,coln= 5
it_a_n :mu= 1300 ,sd= 948.6833 ,min= 100 ,max= 2500
               zi_1_c1    zi_2_c2    zi_3_c3    zi_4_c4    zi_5_c5
               _______    _______    _______    _______    _______

    zi_1_r1      100        700       1300       1900       2500  

pos = 18 ; key = it_z_n ;rown= 1 ,coln= 5
it_z_n :mu= 15 ,sd= 7.9057 ,min= 5 ,max= 25
               zi_1_c1    zi_2_c2    zi_3_c3    zi_4_c4    zi_5_c5
               _______    _______    _______    _______    _______

    zi_1_r1       5         10         15         20         25   

Matrix in Container and Sizes and Basic Statistics
                              i     idx    rowN    colN     mean       std        min     max 
                              __    ___    ____    ____    ______    ________    _____    ____

    fl_a_max                   1     1      1        5         65      11.859       50      80
    fl_alpha                   2     2      1        5        0.4    0.079057      0.3     0.5
    fl_b_bd                    3     3      1        5      -12.5      5.9293      -20      -5
    fl_beta                    4     4      1       15       0.92    0.031944     0.87    0.97
    fl_c_min                   5     5      1        5     0.0155    0.011463    0.001    0.03
    fl_crra                    6     6      1       15          3      1.2778        1       5
    fl_delta                   7     7      1        5       0.08    0.047434     0.02    0.14
    fl_r_save                  8     8      1        5      0.025    0.011859     0.01    0.04
    fl_w                       9     9      1        5       1.25     0.11859      1.1     1.4
    fl_z_r_borr_max           10    10      1        5     0.1225    0.021741    0.095    0.15
    fl_z_r_borr_n             11    11      1        6         15      7.4833        5      25
    fl_z_r_borr_poiss_mean    12    12      1        5       12.5      5.9293        5      20
    fl_z_rho                  13    13      1        5      0.495     0.39133        0    0.99
    fl_z_sig                  14    14      1        5      0.255     0.19369     0.01     0.5
    fl_z_wage_rho             15    15      1        5      0.495     0.39133        0    0.99
    fl_z_wage_sig             16    16      1        5      0.255     0.19369     0.01     0.5
    it_a_n                    17    17      1        5       1300      948.68      100    2500
    it_z_n                    18    18      1        5         15      7.9057        5      25

Show Stats Only

Display the effect of changing parameters on mean cl_mt_pol_k and mean cl_st_param_keys = {'fl_z_r_borr_poiss_mean', 'fl_z_r_borr_max', 'fl_b_bd', 'fl_c_min', 'fl_z_r_borr_n'};

cl_st_outcome = {'cl_mt_pol_c', 'cl_mt_pol_k', 'cl_mt_coh'};
if (strcmp(st_simu_type, 'c'))
    for st_param_keys = cl_st_param_keys
        for st_outcome = cl_st_outcome
            if (sum(strcmp(tb_outcomes.variablenames, st_outcome) > 0))
                tb_outcomes_show = tb_outcomes((strcmp(tb_outcomes.var_param_key, st_param_keys) & strcmp(tb_outcomes.variablenames, st_outcome)), :);
                tb_outcomes_show = movevars(tb_outcomes_show, {st_param_keys{1}, 'mean', 'sd'}, 'Before', 'variablenames');

Specify Outcome Variables to Plot

it_plot_n = length(ar_it_plot_sets);
[it_plot_rows, it_plot_cols] = deal(round(it_plot_n/3), 3);

cl_ar_st_variablenames = cell([it_plot_n,1]);
cl_ar_st_legend = cell([it_plot_n,1]);
cl_ar_st_colnames = cell([it_plot_n,1]);
cl_st_title = cell([it_plot_n,1]);
cl_st_ytitle = cell([it_plot_n,1]);

it_plot_ctr = 0;
for it_plot = ar_it_plot_sets
    it_plot_ctr = it_plot_ctr + 1;

List graphing options for az and abz models, some also for akz models

    if (it_plot == 1)
        ar_st_colnames_plot =  {'p1', 'p25', 'p50', 'mean', 'p75', 'p99'};
        ar_st_variablenames_plot =  repmat({'cl_mt_pol_c'}, [1, length(ar_st_colnames_plot)]);
        ar_st_legend_plot =  ar_st_colnames_plot;
        st_title = 'Consumption Percentiles';
        st_ytitle = 'C Distribution';
    elseif (it_plot == 2)
        ar_st_colnames_plot =  {'p1', 'p25', 'p50', 'mean', 'p75', 'p99'};
        ar_st_variablenames_plot =  repmat({'cl_mt_pol_a'}, [1, length(ar_st_colnames_plot)]);
        ar_st_legend_plot =  ar_st_colnames_plot;
        st_title = 'Savings Percentiles';
        st_ytitle = 'A Distribution';
    elseif (it_plot == 3)
        ar_st_colnames_plot =  {'mean', 'sd'};
        ar_st_variablenames_plot =  repmat({'cl_mt_pol_c'}, [1, length(ar_st_colnames_plot)]);
        ar_st_legend_plot =  ar_st_colnames_plot;
        st_title = 'Consumption Mean and SD';
        st_ytitle = 'C Mean and SD';
    elseif (it_plot == 4)
        ar_st_colnames_plot =  {'mean', 'sd'};
        ar_st_variablenames_plot =  repmat({'cl_mt_pol_a'}, [1, length(ar_st_colnames_plot)]);
        ar_st_legend_plot =  ar_st_colnames_plot;
        st_title = 'Savings Mean and SD';
        st_ytitle = 'A Mean and SD';
    elseif (it_plot == 5)
        ar_st_colnames_plot =  {'sd'};
        ar_st_variablenames_plot =  repmat({'cl_mt_pol_c'}, [1, length(ar_st_colnames_plot)]);
        ar_st_legend_plot =  ar_st_colnames_plot;
        st_title = 'Consumption Standard Deviation';
        st_ytitle = 'Standard Deviation';
    elseif (it_plot == 6)
        ar_st_colnames_plot =  {'sd'};
        ar_st_variablenames_plot =  repmat({'cl_mt_pol_a'}, [1, length(ar_st_colnames_plot)]);
        ar_st_legend_plot =  ar_st_colnames_plot;
        st_title = 'Savings Standard Deviation';
        st_ytitle = 'Standard Deviation';
    elseif (it_plot == 7)
        ar_st_variablenames_plot =  {'cl_mt_coh', 'cl_mt_pol_a', 'cl_mt_pol_c'};
        ar_st_legend_plot =  {'coh=wealth', 'savings', 'consumption'};
        ar_st_colnames_plot =  repmat({'mean'}, [1, length(ar_st_variablenames_plot)]);
        st_title = 'Aggregate Outcomes (wealth, savings, consumption)';
        st_ytitle = 'Aggregate Levels';
    elseif (it_plot == 8)
        ar_st_variablenames_plot =  {'cl_mt_coh', 'cl_mt_pol_a', 'cl_mt_pol_c'};
        ar_st_legend_plot =  {'coh=wealth', 'savings', 'consumption'};
        ar_st_colnames_plot =  repmat({'coefofvar'}, [1, length(ar_st_variablenames_plot)]);
        st_title = 'Coef of Variation (wealth, savings, consumption)';
        st_ytitle = 'Coefficient of Variation (SD/Mean)';
    elseif (it_plot == 9)
        ar_st_variablenames_plot =  {'cl_mt_coh', 'cl_mt_pol_a', 'cl_mt_pol_c'};
        ar_st_legend_plot =  {'coh=wealth', 'savings', 'consumption'};
        ar_st_colnames_plot =  repmat({'fl_cor_cl_mt_pol_c'}, [1, length(ar_st_variablenames_plot)]);
        st_title = 'Correlation with Consumption';
        st_ytitle = 'Correlation Coefficient';
    elseif (it_plot == 10)
        ar_st_variablenames_plot =  {'cl_mt_pol_c'};
        ar_st_legend_plot =  {'consumption'};
        ar_st_colnames_plot =  repmat({'pYisMINY'}, [1, length(ar_st_variablenames_plot)]);
        st_title = 'Default Fraction';
        st_ytitle = 'Default Fraction';

list Means

    if (it_plot == 51)
        ar_st_colnames_plot =  {'mean'};
        ar_st_variablenames_plot =  repmat({'cl_mt_pol_c'}, [1, length(ar_st_colnames_plot)]);
        ar_st_legend_plot =  ar_st_colnames_plot;
        st_title = 'Consumption Mean';
        st_ytitle = 'Average (Total)';
    elseif (it_plot == 52)
        ar_st_colnames_plot =  {'mean'};
        ar_st_variablenames_plot =  repmat({'cl_mt_pol_a'}, [1, length(ar_st_colnames_plot)]);
        ar_st_legend_plot =  ar_st_colnames_plot;
        st_title = 'Savings Mean';
        st_ytitle = 'Average (Total)';
    elseif (it_plot == 53)
        ar_st_colnames_plot =  {'mean'};
        ar_st_variablenames_plot =  repmat({'cl_mt_pol_k'}, [1, length(ar_st_colnames_plot)]);
        ar_st_legend_plot =  ar_st_colnames_plot;
        st_title = 'Risky Capial Mean';
        st_ytitle = 'Average (Total)';

list graphing options only for akz models

    if (it_plot == 101)
        ar_st_colnames_plot =  {'p1', 'p25', 'p50', 'mean', 'p75', 'p99'};
        ar_st_variablenames_plot =  repmat({'cl_mt_pol_k'}, [1, length(ar_st_colnames_plot)]);
        ar_st_legend_plot =  ar_st_colnames_plot;
        st_title = 'Risky Capital Percentiles';
        st_ytitle = 'K Distribution';
    elseif (it_plot == 102)
        ar_st_colnames_plot =  {'mean', 'sd'};
        ar_st_variablenames_plot =  repmat({'cl_mt_pol_k'}, [1, length(ar_st_colnames_plot)]);
        ar_st_legend_plot =  ar_st_colnames_plot;
        st_title = 'Risky Capital Mean and SD';
        st_ytitle = 'K Mean and SD';
    elseif (it_plot == 103)
        ar_st_colnames_plot =  {'sd'};
        ar_st_variablenames_plot =  repmat({'cl_mt_pol_k'}, [1, length(ar_st_colnames_plot)]);
        ar_st_legend_plot =  ar_st_colnames_plot;
        st_title = 'Risky Capital Standard Deviation';
        st_ytitle = 'Standard Deviation';
    elseif (it_plot == 104)
        ar_st_variablenames_plot =  {'cl_mt_coh', 'cl_mt_pol_a', 'cl_mt_pol_c', 'cl_mt_pol_k'};
        ar_st_legend_plot =  {'coh=wealth', 'savings', 'consumption', 'risky k'};
        ar_st_colnames_plot =  repmat({'mean'}, [1, length(ar_st_variablenames_plot)]);
        st_title = 'Aggregate Outcomes (wealth, a, consumption, k)';
        st_ytitle = 'Aggregate Levels';
    elseif (it_plot == 105)
        ar_st_variablenames_plot =  {'cl_mt_coh', 'cl_mt_pol_a', 'cl_mt_pol_c', 'cl_mt_pol_k'};
        ar_st_legend_plot =  {'coh=wealth', 'savings', 'consumption', 'risky k'};
        ar_st_colnames_plot =  repmat({'coefofvar'}, [1, length(ar_st_variablenames_plot)]);
        st_title = 'Coef of Variation (wealth, a, consumption, k)';
        st_ytitle = 'Coefficient of Variation (SD/Mean)';
    elseif (it_plot == 106)
        ar_st_variablenames_plot =  {'cl_mt_coh', 'cl_mt_pol_a', 'cl_mt_pol_c', 'cl_mt_pol_k'};
        ar_st_legend_plot =  {'coh=wealth', 'savings', 'consumption', 'risky k'};
        ar_st_colnames_plot =  repmat({'fl_cor_cl_mt_pol_c'}, [1, length(ar_st_variablenames_plot)]);
        st_title = 'Correlation with Consumption';
        st_ytitle = 'Correlation Coefficient';

Inequality Measures, Consumption Shares

Asset Shares could look strange due to negative levels

    if (it_plot == 201)
        ar_st_colnames_plot =  {'fracByP99', 'fracByP90', 'fracByP80'};
        ar_st_variablenames_plot =  repmat({'cl_mt_pol_c'}, [1, length(ar_st_colnames_plot)]);
        ar_st_legend_plot =  {'share Excluding top 1%', 'share Excluding top 10%', 'share Excluding top 20%'};
        st_title = 'Share of C for HHs Excluding Highest X Cons. Percentile HHs';
        st_ytitle = 'Share of Aggregate Consumption';
    elseif (it_plot == 202)
        ar_st_colnames_plot =  {'fracByP1', 'fracByP10', 'fracByP20'};
        ar_st_variablenames_plot =  repmat({'cl_mt_pol_c'}, [1, length(ar_st_colnames_plot)]);
        ar_st_legend_plot =  {'share of bottom 1%', 'share of bottom 10%', 'share of bottom 20%'};
        st_title = 'Share of C for Lowest X Cons. Percentile HHs';
        st_ytitle = 'Share of Aggregate Consumption';
    elseif (it_plot == 203)
        ar_st_colnames_plot =  {'fracByP99', 'fracByP90', 'fracByP80'};
        ar_st_variablenames_plot =  repmat({'cl_mt_pol_a'}, [1, length(ar_st_colnames_plot)]);
        ar_st_legend_plot =  {'share Excluding top 1%', 'share Excluding top 10%', 'share Excluding top 20%'};
        st_title = 'Share of Savings for HHs Excluding Highest X Savings Percentile HHs';
        st_ytitle = 'Share of Aggregate Savings';
    elseif (it_plot == 204)
        ar_st_colnames_plot =  {'fracByP1', 'fracByP10', 'fracByP20'};
        ar_st_variablenames_plot =  repmat({'cl_mt_pol_a'}, [1, length(ar_st_colnames_plot)]);
        ar_st_legend_plot =  {'share of bottom 1%', 'share of bottom 10%', 'share of bottom 20%'};
        st_title = 'Share of Savings for Lowest X Savings Percentile HHs';
        st_ytitle = 'Share of Aggregate Savings';
    elseif (it_plot == 205)
        ar_st_colnames_plot =  {'fracByP99', 'fracByP90', 'fracByP80'};
        ar_st_variablenames_plot =  repmat({'cl_mt_coh'}, [1, length(ar_st_colnames_plot)]);
        ar_st_legend_plot =  {'share Excluding top 1%', 'share Excluding top 10%', 'share Excluding top 20%'};
        st_title = 'Share of Wealth for HHs Excluding Highest X Wealth Percentile HHs';
        st_ytitle = 'Share of Aggregate Wealth (cash-on-hand)';
    elseif (it_plot == 206)
        ar_st_colnames_plot =  {'fracByP1', 'fracByP10', 'fracByP20'};
        ar_st_variablenames_plot =  repmat({'cl_mt_coh'}, [1, length(ar_st_colnames_plot)]);
        ar_st_legend_plot =  {'share of bottom 1%', 'share of bottom 10%', 'share of bottom 20%'};
        st_title = 'Share of Wealth for Lowest X Wealth Percentile HHs';
        st_ytitle = 'Share of Aggregate Wealth (cash-on-hand)';
    elseif (it_plot == 207)
        ar_st_colnames_plot =  {'fracByP99', 'fracByP90', 'fracByP80'};
        ar_st_variablenames_plot =  repmat({'cl_mt_pol_k'}, [1, length(ar_st_colnames_plot)]);
        ar_st_legend_plot =  {'share Excluding top 1%', 'share Excluding top 10%', 'share Excluding top 20%'};
        st_title = 'Share of K for HHs Excluding Highest X Capital Percentile HHs';
        st_ytitle = 'Share of Aggregate Capital';
    elseif (it_plot == 208)
        ar_st_colnames_plot =  {'fracByP1', 'fracByP10', 'fracByP20'};
        ar_st_variablenames_plot =  repmat({'cl_mt_pol_k'}, [1, length(ar_st_colnames_plot)]);
        ar_st_legend_plot =  {'share of bottom 1%', 'share of bottom 10%', 'share of bottom 20%'};
        st_title = 'Share of K for Lowest X Capital Percentile HHs';
        st_ytitle = 'Share of Aggregate Capital';

Store to cells

    cl_ar_st_variablenames{it_plot_ctr} = ar_st_variablenames_plot;
    cl_ar_st_legend{it_plot_ctr} = ar_st_legend_plot;
    cl_ar_st_colnames{it_plot_ctr} = ar_st_colnames_plot;
    cl_st_title{it_plot_ctr} = st_title;
    cl_st_ytitle{it_plot_ctr} = st_ytitle;

Get Var Descs

cl_st_param_desc = values(param_desc_map, cl_st_param_keys);
cl_st_param_desc = cellfun(@(m) m{1}, cl_st_param_desc, 'UniformOutput', false);

Graph Outcomes

close all;

for it_pcombi_ctr = 1:length(cl_st_param_keys)
    st_param_key = cl_st_param_keys{it_pcombi_ctr};
    st_param_desc = cl_st_param_desc(it_pcombi_ctr);

    if (~bl_graph_onebyones)
        figure('PaperPosition', [0 0 it_plot_cols*7 it_plot_rows*4]);

    % get data
    if (strcmp(st_simu_type, 'c'))
        tb_cur_data = tb_outcomes(strcmp(tb_outcomes.var_param_key, st_param_key), :);
    elseif (ismember(st_simu_type, ["g", "r"]))
        tb_cur_data = tb_outcomes;
    st_x_label = st_param_desc;

Loop over Subplots (different sets of Outcomes)

    for it_plot=1:1:it_plot_n
        % Get x variable and label
        cl_legend = cl_ar_st_legend{it_plot};
        ar_st_variablenames_plot = cl_ar_st_variablenames{it_plot};
        ar_st_colnames_plot = cl_ar_st_colnames{it_plot};
        st_title = cl_st_title{it_plot};
        st_ytitle = cl_st_ytitle{it_plot};

        if (bl_display_graph_stats)
            disp(['xxxxx ' st_title ' xxxxx'])
            disp(['xxxxx ' st_ytitle ' xxxxx'])
            tb_graph_data = tb_cur_data(:, [{st_param_key}, ar_st_colnames_plot]);
            if (size(tb_graph_data,1) >= 25)
                disp(head(tb_graph_data, 13));
                disp(tail(tb_graph_data, 13));
xxxxx Consumption Mean and SD xxxxx
xxxxx C Mean and SD xxxxx
                      fl_crra      mean         sd   
                      _______    ________    ________

    cl_mt_pol_a_v1         1     0.014958    0.070101
    cl_mt_coh_v1           1       1.2953     0.47883
    cl_mt_pol_c_v1         1       1.2804     0.43668
    cl_mt_pol_a_v2    1.2857     0.048699     0.15681
    cl_mt_coh_v2      1.2857       1.3299     0.54002
    cl_mt_pol_c_v2    1.2857       1.2812     0.42642
    cl_mt_pol_a_v3    1.5714     0.096585     0.26402
    cl_mt_coh_v3      1.5714        1.379     0.62258
    cl_mt_pol_c_v3    1.5714       1.2824     0.41549
    cl_mt_pol_a_v4    1.8571      0.17542     0.38119
    cl_mt_coh_v4      1.8571       1.4598     0.72719
    cl_mt_pol_c_v4    1.8571       1.2844     0.40254
    cl_mt_pol_a_v5    2.1429      0.26682     0.50518

                        fl_crra     mean       sd   
                        _______    ______    _______

    cl_mt_pol_c_v221    3.8571     1.6613    0.32713
    cl_mt_pol_a_v222    4.1429     16.617     10.303
    cl_mt_coh_v222      4.1429     18.312     10.631
    cl_mt_pol_c_v222    4.1429     1.6954    0.33544
    cl_mt_pol_a_v223    4.4286     17.999     10.722
    cl_mt_coh_v223      4.4286     19.729     11.058
    cl_mt_pol_c_v223    4.4286       1.73    0.34306
    cl_mt_pol_a_v224    4.7143      19.39     11.075
    cl_mt_coh_v224      4.7143     21.155     11.418
    cl_mt_pol_c_v224    4.7143     1.7648    0.34974
    cl_mt_pol_a_v225         5     20.769     11.359
    cl_mt_coh_v225           5     22.568     11.708
    cl_mt_pol_c_v225         5     1.7992    0.35534

xxxxx Consumption Standard Deviation xxxxx
xxxxx Standard Deviation xxxxx
                      fl_crra       sd   
                      _______    ________

    cl_mt_pol_a_v1         1     0.070101
    cl_mt_coh_v1           1      0.47883
    cl_mt_pol_c_v1         1      0.43668
    cl_mt_pol_a_v2    1.2857      0.15681
    cl_mt_coh_v2      1.2857      0.54002
    cl_mt_pol_c_v2    1.2857      0.42642
    cl_mt_pol_a_v3    1.5714      0.26402
    cl_mt_coh_v3      1.5714      0.62258
    cl_mt_pol_c_v3    1.5714      0.41549
    cl_mt_pol_a_v4    1.8571      0.38119
    cl_mt_coh_v4      1.8571      0.72719
    cl_mt_pol_c_v4    1.8571      0.40254
    cl_mt_pol_a_v5    2.1429      0.50518

                        fl_crra      sd   
                        _______    _______

    cl_mt_pol_c_v221    3.8571     0.32713
    cl_mt_pol_a_v222    4.1429      10.303
    cl_mt_coh_v222      4.1429      10.631
    cl_mt_pol_c_v222    4.1429     0.33544
    cl_mt_pol_a_v223    4.4286      10.722
    cl_mt_coh_v223      4.4286      11.058
    cl_mt_pol_c_v223    4.4286     0.34306
    cl_mt_pol_a_v224    4.7143      11.075
    cl_mt_coh_v224      4.7143      11.418
    cl_mt_pol_c_v224    4.7143     0.34974
    cl_mt_pol_a_v225         5      11.359
    cl_mt_coh_v225           5      11.708
    cl_mt_pol_c_v225         5     0.35534

xxxxx Consumption Mean xxxxx
xxxxx Average (Total) xxxxx
                      fl_crra      mean  
                      _______    ________

    cl_mt_pol_a_v1         1     0.014958
    cl_mt_coh_v1           1       1.2953
    cl_mt_pol_c_v1         1       1.2804
    cl_mt_pol_a_v2    1.2857     0.048699
    cl_mt_coh_v2      1.2857       1.3299
    cl_mt_pol_c_v2    1.2857       1.2812
    cl_mt_pol_a_v3    1.5714     0.096585
    cl_mt_coh_v3      1.5714        1.379
    cl_mt_pol_c_v3    1.5714       1.2824
    cl_mt_pol_a_v4    1.8571      0.17542
    cl_mt_coh_v4      1.8571       1.4598
    cl_mt_pol_c_v4    1.8571       1.2844
    cl_mt_pol_a_v5    2.1429      0.26682

                        fl_crra     mean 
                        _______    ______

    cl_mt_pol_c_v221    3.8571     1.6613
    cl_mt_pol_a_v222    4.1429     16.617
    cl_mt_coh_v222      4.1429     18.312
    cl_mt_pol_c_v222    4.1429     1.6954
    cl_mt_pol_a_v223    4.4286     17.999
    cl_mt_coh_v223      4.4286     19.729
    cl_mt_pol_c_v223    4.4286       1.73
    cl_mt_pol_a_v224    4.7143      19.39
    cl_mt_coh_v224      4.7143     21.155
    cl_mt_pol_c_v224    4.7143     1.7648
    cl_mt_pol_a_v225         5     20.769
    cl_mt_coh_v225           5     22.568
    cl_mt_pol_c_v225         5     1.7992

xxxxx Consumption Mean and SD xxxxx
xxxxx C Mean and SD xxxxx
                      fl_beta      mean         sd   
                      _______    ________    ________

    cl_mt_pol_a_v1     0.87      0.014958    0.070101
    cl_mt_coh_v1       0.87        1.2953     0.47883
    cl_mt_pol_c_v1     0.87        1.2804     0.43668
    cl_mt_pol_a_v2     0.87      0.048699     0.15681
    cl_mt_coh_v2       0.87        1.3299     0.54002
    cl_mt_pol_c_v2     0.87        1.2812     0.42642
    cl_mt_pol_a_v3     0.87      0.096585     0.26402
    cl_mt_coh_v3       0.87         1.379     0.62258
    cl_mt_pol_c_v3     0.87        1.2824     0.41549
    cl_mt_pol_a_v4     0.87       0.17542     0.38119
    cl_mt_coh_v4       0.87        1.4598     0.72719
    cl_mt_pol_c_v4     0.87        1.2844     0.40254
    cl_mt_pol_a_v5     0.87       0.26682     0.50518

                        fl_beta     mean       sd   
                        _______    ______    _______

    cl_mt_pol_c_v221     0.97      1.6613    0.32713
    cl_mt_pol_a_v222     0.97      16.617     10.303
    cl_mt_coh_v222       0.97      18.312     10.631
    cl_mt_pol_c_v222     0.97      1.6954    0.33544
    cl_mt_pol_a_v223     0.97      17.999     10.722
    cl_mt_coh_v223       0.97      19.729     11.058
    cl_mt_pol_c_v223     0.97        1.73    0.34306
    cl_mt_pol_a_v224     0.97       19.39     11.075
    cl_mt_coh_v224       0.97      21.155     11.418
    cl_mt_pol_c_v224     0.97      1.7648    0.34974
    cl_mt_pol_a_v225     0.97      20.769     11.359
    cl_mt_coh_v225       0.97      22.568     11.708
    cl_mt_pol_c_v225     0.97      1.7992    0.35534

xxxxx Consumption Standard Deviation xxxxx
xxxxx Standard Deviation xxxxx
                      fl_beta       sd   
                      _______    ________

    cl_mt_pol_a_v1     0.87      0.070101
    cl_mt_coh_v1       0.87       0.47883
    cl_mt_pol_c_v1     0.87       0.43668
    cl_mt_pol_a_v2     0.87       0.15681
    cl_mt_coh_v2       0.87       0.54002
    cl_mt_pol_c_v2     0.87       0.42642
    cl_mt_pol_a_v3     0.87       0.26402
    cl_mt_coh_v3       0.87       0.62258
    cl_mt_pol_c_v3     0.87       0.41549
    cl_mt_pol_a_v4     0.87       0.38119
    cl_mt_coh_v4       0.87       0.72719
    cl_mt_pol_c_v4     0.87       0.40254
    cl_mt_pol_a_v5     0.87       0.50518

                        fl_beta      sd   
                        _______    _______

    cl_mt_pol_c_v221     0.97      0.32713
    cl_mt_pol_a_v222     0.97       10.303
    cl_mt_coh_v222       0.97       10.631
    cl_mt_pol_c_v222     0.97      0.33544
    cl_mt_pol_a_v223     0.97       10.722
    cl_mt_coh_v223       0.97       11.058
    cl_mt_pol_c_v223     0.97      0.34306
    cl_mt_pol_a_v224     0.97       11.075
    cl_mt_coh_v224       0.97       11.418
    cl_mt_pol_c_v224     0.97      0.34974
    cl_mt_pol_a_v225     0.97       11.359
    cl_mt_coh_v225       0.97       11.708
    cl_mt_pol_c_v225     0.97      0.35534

xxxxx Consumption Mean xxxxx
xxxxx Average (Total) xxxxx
                      fl_beta      mean  
                      _______    ________

    cl_mt_pol_a_v1     0.87      0.014958
    cl_mt_coh_v1       0.87        1.2953
    cl_mt_pol_c_v1     0.87        1.2804
    cl_mt_pol_a_v2     0.87      0.048699
    cl_mt_coh_v2       0.87        1.3299
    cl_mt_pol_c_v2     0.87        1.2812
    cl_mt_pol_a_v3     0.87      0.096585
    cl_mt_coh_v3       0.87         1.379
    cl_mt_pol_c_v3     0.87        1.2824
    cl_mt_pol_a_v4     0.87       0.17542
    cl_mt_coh_v4       0.87        1.4598
    cl_mt_pol_c_v4     0.87        1.2844
    cl_mt_pol_a_v5     0.87       0.26682

                        fl_beta     mean 
                        _______    ______

    cl_mt_pol_c_v221     0.97      1.6613
    cl_mt_pol_a_v222     0.97      16.617
    cl_mt_coh_v222       0.97      18.312
    cl_mt_pol_c_v222     0.97      1.6954
    cl_mt_pol_a_v223     0.97      17.999
    cl_mt_coh_v223       0.97      19.729
    cl_mt_pol_c_v223     0.97        1.73
    cl_mt_pol_a_v224     0.97       19.39
    cl_mt_coh_v224       0.97      21.155
    cl_mt_pol_c_v224     0.97      1.7648
    cl_mt_pol_a_v225     0.97      20.769
    cl_mt_coh_v225       0.97      22.568
    cl_mt_pol_c_v225     0.97      1.7992

Color Options

        blue = [57 106 177]./255;
        red = [204 37 41]./255;
        black = [83 81 84]./255;
        green = [62 150 81]./255;
        brown = [146 36 40]./255;
        purple = [107 76 154]./255;
        cl_colors = {blue, red, black, ...
            green, brown, purple};
        cl_scatter_shapes = {'s','x','o','d','p','*'};
        cl_linestyle = {'-','-','-','-','-','-'};
        it_line_bs = 2;
        cl_line_csizes = {1*it_line_bs, 1*it_line_bs, 1*it_line_bs, 1*it_line_bs, 1*it_line_bs, 1*it_line_bs};


        % Generate Graphs for Cross and Random Graphs
        if (ismember(st_simu_type, ["r", "c"]) || length(cl_st_param_keys) == 1)

Graph By Cross of Full

each parameter as x one at a time

            it_sca_bs = 6;
            cl_scatter_csizes = {10*it_sca_bs, 10*it_sca_bs, 10*it_sca_bs, 10*it_sca_bs, 10*it_sca_bs, 10*it_sca_bs};

            if (bl_graph_onebyones)
                figure('PaperPosition', [0 0 7 4]);

            hold on;

            st_legend_loc = 'southeast';

            it_graph_counter = 0;
            ls_chart = [];
            for it_outcome = 1:length(cl_ar_st_variablenames{it_plot})

                % Counter
                it_graph_counter = it_graph_counter + 1;

                % Color and Size etc
                it_csize = cl_scatter_csizes{it_outcome};
                ar_color = cl_colors{it_outcome};
                st_shape = cl_scatter_shapes{it_outcome};
                st_lnsty = cl_linestyle{it_outcome};
                st_lnwth = cl_line_csizes{it_outcome};

                % Access Y Outcomes
                ar_it_rows_outcome = strcmp(tb_cur_data.variablenames, ar_st_variablenames_plot(it_outcome));
                st_cur_stat_col = ar_st_colnames_plot{it_outcome};

                % Access X and Y Values
                mt_graph_data = tb_cur_data(ar_it_rows_outcome, {st_param_key, st_cur_stat_col});
                ar_y = real(mt_graph_data{:, st_cur_stat_col});
                ar_x = real(mt_graph_data{:, st_param_key});
                ar_it_real = (imag(ar_y) == 0) & (imag(ar_x) == 0);
                ar_y = ar_y(ar_it_real);
                ar_x = ar_x(ar_it_real);

                % Plot Scatter
                ls_chart(it_graph_counter) = scatter(ar_x', ar_y', it_csize, ar_color, st_shape);

                if (strcmp(st_simu_type, 'c'))
                    % plot line do not include in legend
                    line = plot(ar_x, ar_y);
                    line.HandleVisibility = 'off';
                    line.Color = ar_color;
                    line.LineStyle = st_lnsty;
                    line.HandleVisibility = 'off';
                    line.LineWidth = st_lnwth;
                elseif (ismember(st_simu_type, ["r"]))


                cl_legend{it_graph_counter} = cl_legend{it_outcome};


            legend(ls_chart, cl_legend, 'Location', st_legend_loc, 'color', 'none');

            % 9. Titling etc
            grid on;
            grid minor;
            title(strrep(st_title, '_', '\_'));
            ylabel(strrep(st_ytitle, '_', '\_'));
            st_xlabel = strrep(st_x_label, '_', '\_');
            if (strcmp(st_simu_type, 'c'))
            elseif (ismember(st_simu_type, ["g"]))
                st_xlabel_randvars = string(['full grid of: ' strrep(strjoin(cl_st_param_desc, ' and '), '_', '\_')]);
                xlabel({st_xlabel{1} st_xlabel_randvars});
            elseif (ismember(st_simu_type, ["r"]))
                st_xlabel_randvars = string(['random vary by: ' strrep(strjoin(cl_st_param_desc, ' and '), '_', '\_')]);
                xlabel({st_xlabel{1} st_xlabel_randvars});
        elseif (ismember(st_simu_type, ["g"]))

Graph By N Parameters, Full Grid

first element of cl_st_param_keys is x, second element of cl_st_param_keys is color, and various outcomes are y. If there are additional parameters, those are given the same color. This works best with N=2, but also works when N>2

Several key concepts here: # for x-axis parameter, plot out all values # for y-axis parameters, plot only a subset (in case there are too many and it is confusing) # There are possibly multple outcomes of interests, and these are plotted out using different scattered markers on lines. That is, if we are plotting out both mean and sd for low and high wage, low and high wage would have different colors, and mean and sd would have different symbols.

            it_sca_bs = 20;
            cl_scatter_csizes = {10*it_sca_bs, 10*it_sca_bs, 10*it_sca_bs, 10*it_sca_bs, 10*it_sca_bs, 10*it_sca_bs};

            if (bl_graph_onebyones)
                figure('PaperPosition', [0 0 7 4]);

            hold on;

            st_legend_loc = 'southeast';

            % Count the number of outcomes that need to be graphed
            it_outcomes_n = length(ar_st_colnames_plot);

            % What is the color variable, first element excluding current
            cl_st_param_keys_full = cl_st_param_keys;
            cl_st_param_keys_full(it_pcombi_ctr) = [];
            st_var_color = cl_st_param_keys_full{1};

            % How many unique values of the color variable exists.
            ar_var_color_ndgrid = table2array(unique(tb_outcomes(:, {st_var_color})));
            it_var_color_ndgrid = length(ar_var_color_ndgrid);
            ar_fl_clr = jet(it_var_color_ndgrid);

            f_subset = @(it_subset_n, it_ar_n) unique(round(((0:1:(it_subset_n-1))/(it_subset_n-1))*(it_ar_n-1)+1));
            it_var_graph_subset = f_subset(it_grid_var_color_n, it_var_color_ndgrid);

            % Loop Over Different Outcomes
            it_graph_counter = 0;
            ls_chart = [];
            cl_legend_mesh = [];
            for it_outcome = 1:length(cl_ar_st_variablenames{it_plot})

                % Color and Size etc
                it_csize = cl_scatter_csizes{it_outcome};
                st_shape = cl_scatter_shapes{it_outcome};
                st_lnsty = cl_linestyle{it_outcome};
                st_lnwth = cl_line_csizes{it_outcome};

                % Select Rows including values for this outcome
                ar_it_rows_outcome = strcmp(tb_cur_data.variablenames, ar_st_variablenames_plot(it_outcome));
                st_cur_stat_col = ar_st_colnames_plot{it_outcome};
                mt_graph_data_outcome = tb_cur_data(ar_it_rows_outcome, [st_cur_stat_col, cl_st_param_keys]);

                % Loop over values of the second variable
                for it_color = 1:length(ar_var_color_ndgrid)

                    % Counter
                    it_graph_counter = it_graph_counter + 1;

                    % Get Data for for this outcome and only conditional
                    % on one value of the color variable
                    fl_cur_color_var_val = ar_var_color_ndgrid(it_color);
                    ar_it_rows_color_var_val = (mt_graph_data_outcome{:, st_var_color} == fl_cur_color_var_val);

                    % Select Rows including values for this outcome
                    mt_graph_data_outcome_color_var_val = mt_graph_data_outcome(ar_it_rows_color_var_val, {st_param_key, st_cur_stat_col});

                    % Access Y Values
                    ar_y = (mt_graph_data_outcome_color_var_val{:, st_cur_stat_col});
                    % Access X Values
                    ar_x = (mt_graph_data_outcome_color_var_val{:, st_param_key});

                    % plot only elements that are real
                    ar_it_real = (imag(ar_y) == 0) & (imag(ar_x) == 0);
                    ar_y = ar_y(ar_it_real);
                    ar_x = ar_x(ar_it_real);

                    % Choose color
                    ar_color = ar_fl_clr(it_color,:);

                    % Plot Scatter
                    ls_chart(it_graph_counter) = scatter(ar_x', ar_y', it_csize, ar_color, st_shape, ...
                                                         'MarkerFaceAlpha', 0.6, ...
                                                         'MarkerEdgeAlpha', 0.6);

                    % If has exactly two keys only
                    if (length(cl_st_param_keys) == 2)
                        % plot line do not include in legend
                        line = plot(ar_x, ar_y);
                        line.HandleVisibility = 'off';
                        line.Color = ar_color;
                        line.LineStyle = st_lnsty;
                        line.HandleVisibility = 'off';
                        line.LineWidth = st_lnwth;


                    % Add to Legend
                    cl_legend_mesh{it_graph_counter} = strrep([cl_legend{it_outcome} ';' st_var_color num2str(fl_cur_color_var_val, '=%3.2f') ], '_', '\_');



            legend(ls_chart(it_var_graph_subset), cl_legend_mesh(it_var_graph_subset), ...
                    'Location', 'northoutside', 'NumColumns', length(it_var_graph_subset));

            % 9. Titling etc
            grid on;
            grid minor;
            title(strrep(st_title, '_', '\_'));
            ylabel(strrep(st_ytitle, '_', '\_'));
            st_xlabel = strrep(st_x_label, '_', '\_');
            if (strcmp(st_simu_type, 'c'))
            elseif (ismember(st_simu_type, ["g"]))
                st_xlabel_randvars = string(['full grid of: ' strrep(strjoin(cl_st_param_desc, ' and '), '_', '\_')]);
                xlabel({st_xlabel{1} st_xlabel_randvars});
            elseif (ismember(st_simu_type, ["r"]))
                st_xlabel_randvars = string(['random vary by: ' strrep(strjoin(cl_st_param_desc, ' and '), '_', '\_')]);
                xlabel({st_xlabel{1} st_xlabel_randvars});

    % snap figure in place
    if (bl_graph_onebyones)
        st_img_path = 'C:\Users\fan\CodeDynaAsset\m_fibs\m_ipwkbzr_test\mat\';
        st_file_name = ['img1_s' num2str(it_size_type) '_m' num2str(it_pcombi_ctr)];
        saveas(gcf, strcat(st_img_path, st_file_name));