time | Calls | line |
| | 7 | function [ar_aprime_nobridge, ar_b_bridge, ar_c_bridge] = ffs_fibs_inf_bridge(varargin)
| | 8 | %% FFS_FIBS_INF_BRIDGE Amount of Informal Borrowing Needed as Bridge Loans
| | 9 | % Bridge loan needed to pay for debt that is still unpaid due to
| | 10 | % insufficient cash on hand. Potentially, only informal lender is willing
| | 11 | % to extend this loan offers. So some existing debts are paid back with
| | 12 | % revenue, parts that revenue can not cover is paid back potentially with
| | 13 | % informal borrowing. This works with single and multiple assets.
| | 14 | %
| | 15 | % @param bl_b_is_principle boolean solving with aggregate save/borr as
| | 16 | % principles + interests, or just principles no interests. If true,
| | 17 | % principels only, no interests. These refer to the _ar_aprime_ vector.
| | 18 | %
| | 19 | % @param fl_r_bridge float interest rate for bridge loan
| | 20 | %
| | 21 | % @param fl_r_fsv float (formal) savings interest rate
| | 22 | %
| | 23 | % @param fl_r_fbr float borrowing interest rate
| | 24 | %
| | 25 | % @param ar_aprime array N by 1 level of aggregate borrowing including
| | 26 | % potentially bridge loan. Note that bridge loan is needed if coh is
| | 27 | % negative and households can not pay back principle and interests.
| | 28 | %
| | 29 | % @param ar_coh_today array N by 1 the level of cash-on-hand today, when the
| | 30 | % borrowing and savings decisions are made. If this is positive, then
| | 31 | % households freely borrow, do not need bridge loans. If this is negative
| | 32 | % households need to first borrow to meet bridge loan needs.
| | 33 | %
| | 34 | % @return ar_aprime_nobridge array next period asset choice without debt
| | 35 | % incurred for bridge loans. This is the difference between _ar_coh_today_
| | 36 | % and _ar_b_bridge_.
| | 37 | %
| | 38 | % @return ar_b_bridge array bridge loan debt to pay for unpaid uncovered
| | 39 | % cash-on-hand. Includes interests and principle if _bl_b_is_principle_ is
| | 40 | % false. If _bl_b_is_principle_ is true, only includes principle.
| | 41 | %
| | 42 | % @return ar_c_bridge array consumption gain (for today) from bridge loan,
| | 43 | % or consumption costs (for next period) of bridge loans. Both consider the
| | 44 | % impact of principles as well as interest rates on bridge loans.
| | 45 | %
| | 46 | % @example
| | 47 | %
| | 48 | % bl_input_override = true;
| | 49 | % [ar_aprime_nobridge, ar_c_bridge] = ...
| | 50 | % ffs_fibs_inf_bridge(bl_b_is_principle, fl_r_bridge, ...
| | 51 | % ar_aprime, ar_coh_today, ...
| | 52 | % bl_display_infbridge, bl_input_override);
| | 53 | %
| | 54 | % @seealso
| | 55 | %
| | 56 | % * Formal Borrowing Grid: <https://fanwangecon.github.io/CodeDynaAsset/m_fibs/paramfunc_fibs/html/ffs_for_br_block_gen.html ffs_for_br_block_gen>
| | 57 | % * Informal Interest Rates: <https://fanwangecon.github.io/CodeDynaAsset/m_fibs/paramfunc_fibs/html/ffs_r_inf.html ffs_r_inf>
| | 58 | % * Match Borrowing to Formal Grid: <https://fanwangecon.github.io/CodeDynaAsset/m_fibs/paramfunc_fibs/html/ffs_for_br_block_match.html ffs_for_br_block_match>
| | 59 | % * Optimize Formal and Informal, Borrowing and Savings Joint Choices: <https://fanwangecon.github.io/CodeDynaAsset/m_fibs/paramfunc_fibs/html/ffs_fibs_min_c_cost.html ffs_fibs_min_c_cost>
| | 60 | % * Bridge Loan: <https://fanwangecon.github.io/CodeDynaAsset/m_fibs/paramfunc_fibs/html/ffs_fibs_inf_bridge.html ffs_fibs_inf_bridge>
| | 61 | % * Overall Optimization: <https://fanwangecon.github.io/CodeDynaAsset/m_fibs/paramfunc_fibs/html/ffs_fibs_min_c_cost_bridge.html ffs_fibs_min_c_cost_bridge>
| | 62 | % * Discrete Choices: <https://fanwangecon.github.io/CodeDynaAsset/m_fibs/paramfunc_fibs/html/ffs_fibs_identify_discrete.html ffs_fibs_identify_discrete>
| | 63 | %
| | 64 |
| | 65 | %% Default and Parse Parameters
| | 66 |
0.001 | 17010 | 67 | if (~isempty(varargin))
| | 68 |
| | 69 | % override when called from outside
0.080 | 17010 | 70 | [bl_b_is_principle, fl_r_bridge, ar_aprime, ar_coh_today, bl_display_infbridge] = varargin{:};
| | 71 |
| | 72 | else
| | 73 | close all
| | 74 |
| | 75 | % Default
| | 76 | it_param_set = 4;
| | 77 | [param_map, ~] = ffs_ipwkbz_fibs_set_default_param(it_param_set);
| | 78 |
| | 79 | % Gather Inputs from param_map
| | 80 | params_group = values(param_map, {'bl_b_is_principle', 'fl_r_inf'});
| | 81 | [bl_b_is_principle, fl_r_inf] = params_group{:};
| | 82 | % bl_b_is_principle = true;
| | 83 |
| | 84 | % For benchmark, assume that the informal lender
| | 85 | fl_r_bridge = fl_r_inf;
| | 86 |
| | 87 | % Testing COH and Aprime Vectors
| | 88 | ar_aprime = [-20. -5,-5, -4.5,-4.5, -0.1,-0.1]';
| | 89 | ar_coh_today = [-19, 1, -1, 1,-1, 1,0 ]';
| | 90 |
| | 91 | % % Testing COH and Aprime coh is row vector, aprime is column vector
| | 92 | % ar_aprime = linspace(-5, 10, 5)';
| | 93 | % ar_coh_today = linspace(-10, 0, 10);
| | 94 |
| | 95 | % Set Display Control
| | 96 | bl_display_infbridge = true;
0.001 | 17010 | 97 | end
| | 98 |
| | 99 | %% Bridge Loan Required
| | 100 | % when coh <= cmin/0. Income does not fully repay debts. Suppose formal
| | 101 | % lenders have strict rules about not allowing for roll-over. Then when
| | 102 | % this happens, households would go to default state if default is allowed.
| | 103 | % If default is not allowed, households would never borrow such that coh
| | 104 | % ends up lower than 0. But now informal lender comes in and is willing to
| | 105 | % offer bridge loan. This bridge loan might be a fraction of total debt
| | 106 | % taken out last period, and it will become share of the debt carried on
| | 107 | % today. Or households after using bridge loan to cover debt, actually end
| | 108 | % up saving in net.
| | 109 |
0.012 | 17010 | 110 | ar_b_bridge = zeros(size(ar_coh_today));
| | 111 |
< 0.001 | 17010 | 112 | if (bl_b_is_principle)
| | 113 |
| | 114 | % c_bridge is cost of borrowing in next period consumption
| | 115 | ar_b_bridge(ar_coh_today<0) = ar_coh_today(ar_coh_today<0);
| | 116 | ar_c_bridge = ar_b_bridge.*(1+fl_r_bridge);
| | 117 |
< 0.001 | 17010 | 118 | else
| | 119 |
| | 120 | % c_bridge is the gain from borrowing in current period consumption
0.035 | 17010 | 121 | ar_b_bridge(ar_coh_today<0) = ar_coh_today(ar_coh_today<0).*(1+fl_r_bridge);
< 0.001 | 17010 | 122 | ar_c_bridge = (-1)*ar_b_bridge./(1+fl_r_bridge);
| | 123 |
< 0.001 | 17010 | 124 | end
| | 125 |
| | 126 | % remaining aprime after allocating to pay debt not covered by coh
< 0.001 | 17010 | 127 | ar_aprime_nobridge = ar_aprime - ar_b_bridge;
| | 128 |
| | 129 | %% Display
< 0.001 | 17010 | 130 | if (bl_display_infbridge)
| | 131 |
| | 132 | disp(['bl_b_is_principle:', num2str(bl_b_is_principle)]);
| | 133 | disp(['fl_r_bridge:', num2str(fl_r_bridge)]);
| | 134 | disp(['ar_aprime:', num2str(ar_aprime')]);
| | 135 | disp(['ar_b_bridge:', num2str(ar_coh_today')]);
| | 136 | disp(['bl_display_infbridge:', num2str(bl_display_infbridge)]);
| | 137 |
| | 138 | tab_aprime_bridge = table(ar_coh_today, ar_aprime, ar_b_bridge, ar_c_bridge, ar_aprime_nobridge);
| | 139 | tab_aprime_bridge.Properties.VariableDescriptions{'ar_coh_today'} = ...
| | 140 | '*ar_coh_today*: cash on hand someone arrives in the period with given debt and current income';
| | 141 | tab_aprime_bridge.Properties.VariableDescriptions{'ar_aprime'} = ...
| | 142 | '*ar_aprime*: func called during finding optimal aprime, this is the current aprime overall choice';
| | 143 | tab_aprime_bridge.Properties.VariableDescriptions{'ar_b_bridge'} = ...
| | 144 | '*ar_b_bridge*: amount of bridge loan required to cover negative coh (includes interest if bl_b_is_principle = false)';
| | 145 | tab_aprime_bridge.Properties.VariableDescriptions{'ar_c_bridge'} = ...
| | 146 | '*ar_c_bridge*: consumption gain today from the bridge loan to cover negative coh; or consumption cost tomorrow for debt which increases c today';
| | 147 | tab_aprime_bridge.Properties.VariableDescriptions{'ar_aprime_nobridge'} = ...
| | 148 | ['*ar_aprime_nobridge*ar_aprime_nobridge:' ...
| | 149 | 'aprime = -10, -5 for bridge; -5 left for other borrowing choices;' ...
| | 150 | 'aprime = -10, -11 for bridge (given r), +1 savings left, reduces consumption, back to neg coh, infeasible state;'];
| | 151 |
| | 152 | disp(tab_aprime_bridge);
| | 153 | sc_summary = summary(tab_aprime_bridge);
| | 154 | cl_var_name = fieldnames(sc_summary);
| | 155 | for it_var_name = 1:length(cl_var_name)
| | 156 | disp(sc_summary.(cl_var_name{it_var_name}).Description);
| | 157 | end
| | 158 |
| | 159 | end
| | 160 |
0.023 | 17010 | 161 | end
Other subfunctions in this file are not included in this listing.