1 Matlab Graph Scatter Plot Examples

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1.1 Scatter Plot Example

The plot below as square scatter points, each one with think border. Can set transparency of border/edge and inside separately.

close all;
size = 100;
s = scatter(1:10,1:10,size);

s.Marker = 's';
% color picked by using: uisetcolor
s.MarkerEdgeColor = [0    0.4471    0.7412];
s.MarkerEdgeAlpha = 0.5;
s.MarkerFaceColor = [.61 .51 .74];
s.MarkerFaceAlpha = 1.0;
s.LineWidth = 10;
grid on;
grid minor;

% 'o'   Circle
% '+'   Plus sign
% '*'   Asterisk
% '.'   Point
% 'x'   Cross
% 'square' or 's'   Square
% 'diamond' or 'd'  Diamond
% '^'   Upward-pointing triangle
% 'v'   Downward-pointing triangle
% '>'   Right-pointing triangle
% '<'   Left-pointing triangle
% 'pentagram' or 'p'    Five-pointed star (pentagram)
% 'hexagram' or 'h' Six-pointed star (hexagram)
% 'none'    No markers

1.2 Scatter with Edge and Face Color and Transparency

Here is another way to Set Scatter Edge and Fac Colors and Transparencies.

% Generate Data
it_x_n = 10;
it_x_groups_n = 3;
mat_y = rand([it_x_n, it_x_groups_n]);
mat_y = mat_y + sqrt(1:it_x_groups_n);
mat_y = mat_y + log(1:it_x_n)';
ar_x = 1:1:it_x_n;

% Colors
blue = [57 106 177]./255;
red = [204 37 41]./255;
black = [83 81 84]./255;
green = [62 150 81]./255;
brown = [146 36 40]./255;
purple = [107 76 154]./255;
cl_colors = {blue, red, black, ...
             green, brown, purple};

% Scatter Shapes
cl_scatter_shapes = {'s','x','o','d','p','*'};
% Scatter Sizes
cl_scatter_sizes = {100,100,50,50,50,50};
% Legend Keys
cl_legend = {'For Borr', 'Inf Borr', 'For+Inf Br'};

% Plot
hold on;
for it_m = 1:it_x_groups_n
    scatter(ar_x, mat_y(:,it_m), cl_scatter_sizes{it_m}, ...
        'Marker', cl_scatter_shapes{it_m}, ...
        'MarkerEdgeColor', cl_colors{it_m}, 'MarkerFaceAlpha', 0.8, ...
        'MarkerFaceColor', cl_colors{it_m}, 'MarkerEdgeAlpha', 0.8);
    cl_legend{it_m} = cl_legend{it_m};
legend(cl_legend, 'Location', 'best');
grid on; 
grid minor;