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% Generate Table 1
ar_fl_abc1 = [0.4 0.1 0.25 0.3 0.4];
ar_fl_abc2 = [0.4 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4];
number1 = '123';
number2 = '456';
mt_data_a = [ar_fl_abc1' ar_fl_abc2'];
tb_test_a = array2table(mt_data_a);
cl_col_names_a = {['col' num2str(number1)], ['col' num2str(number2)]};
cl_row_names_a = strcat('rowA=', string((1:size(mt_data_a,1))));
tb_test_a.Properties.VariableNames = cl_col_names_a;
tb_test_a.Properties.RowNames = cl_row_names_a;
col123 col456
______ ______
rowA=1 0.4 0.4
rowA=2 0.1 0.1
rowA=3 0.25 0.2
rowA=4 0.3 0.3
rowA=5 0.4 0.4
% Generate Table 2
ar_fl_abc3 = rand(size(ar_fl_abc1));
ar_fl_abc4 = rand(size(ar_fl_abc1));
ar_fl_abc5 = rand(size(ar_fl_abc1));
mt_data_b = [ar_fl_abc3' ar_fl_abc4' ar_fl_abc5'];
tb_test_b = array2table(mt_data_b);
cl_col_names_b = {['col' num2str(33)], ['col' num2str(44)], ['col' num2str(55)]};
cl_row_names_b = strcat('rowB=', string((1:size(mt_data_a,1))));
tb_test_b.Properties.VariableNames = cl_col_names_b;
tb_test_b.Properties.RowNames = cl_row_names_b;
col33 col44 col55
_______ _______ ________
rowB=1 0.69647 0.42311 0.34318
rowB=2 0.28614 0.98076 0.72905
rowB=3 0.22685 0.68483 0.43857
rowB=4 0.55131 0.48093 0.059678
rowB=5 0.71947 0.39212 0.39804
Tables with the same number of rows, add more columns with named variables
% a and b must have the same row names
tb_test_b_withArownames = tb_test_b;
tb_test_b_withArownames.Properties.RowNames = tb_test_a.Properties.RowNames;
tb_ab_col_stacked = [tb_test_a tb_test_b_withArownames];
col123 col456 col33 col44 col55
______ ______ _______ _______ ________
rowA=1 0.4 0.4 0.69647 0.42311 0.34318
rowA=2 0.1 0.1 0.28614 0.98076 0.72905
rowA=3 0.25 0.2 0.22685 0.68483 0.43857
rowA=4 0.3 0.3 0.55131 0.48093 0.059678
rowA=5 0.4 0.4 0.71947 0.39212 0.39804
Tables with the same number of columns, dd more rows variables
% Select only 2 columns to match table a column count
tb_test_b_subset = tb_test_b(:,1:2);
% Make Column Names consistent
tb_test_b_subset.Properties.VariableNames = cl_col_names_a;
% Reset Row Names, can not have identical row names
tb_test_a.Properties.RowNames = strcat('row=', string((1:size(mt_data_a,1))));
tb_test_b_subset.Properties.RowNames = ...
strcat('row=', string(((size(mt_data_a,1)+1):(size(mt_data_a,1)+size(tb_test_b_subset,1)))));
% tb_test_b_subset.Properties.RowNames =
% Stack Rows
tb_ab_row_stacked = [tb_test_a; tb_test_b_subset];
col123 col456
_______ _______
row=1 0.4 0.4
row=2 0.1 0.1
row=3 0.25 0.2
row=4 0.3 0.3
row=5 0.4 0.4
row=6 0.69647 0.42311
row=7 0.28614 0.98076
row=8 0.22685 0.68483
row=9 0.55131 0.48093
row=10 0.71947 0.39212