1 Row and Column Names for Table based on Arrays

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1.1 Generate Table with Row and Column Names based on Multiple Numeric Array

Two numeric arrays describe the column names, combine numeric arrays together to form string array which becomes table variable/column names.

close all;

% Generate Table 1
ar_fl_abc1 = [0.4 0.1 0.25 0.3 0.4];
ar_fl_abc2 = [0.4 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4];
number1 = '123';
number2 = '456';
mt_data_a = [ar_fl_abc1' ar_fl_abc2'];

tb_test_a = array2table(mt_data_a);
cl_col_names_a = {['col' num2str(number1)], ['col' num2str(number2)]};
cl_row_names_a = strcat('rowA=', string((1:size(mt_data_a,1))));

tb_test_a.Properties.VariableNames = cl_col_names_a;
tb_test_a.Properties.RowNames = cl_row_names_a;

              col123    col456
              ______    ______

    rowA=1      0.4      0.4  
    rowA=2      0.1      0.1  
    rowA=3     0.25      0.2  
    rowA=4      0.3      0.3  
    rowA=5      0.4      0.4  

1.2 Include Row Names as a a String Cell Variable

% a and b must have the same row names
cl_st_varrownames = tb_test_a.Properties.RowNames;
tb_test_a = addvars(tb_test_a, cl_st_varrownames, 'Before', 1);


              cl_st_varrownames    col123    col456
              _________________    ______    ______

    rowA=1       {'rowA=1'}          0.4      0.4  
    rowA=2       {'rowA=2'}          0.1      0.1  
    rowA=3       {'rowA=3'}         0.25      0.2  
    rowA=4       {'rowA=4'}          0.3      0.3  
    rowA=5       {'rowA=5'}          0.4      0.4  

1.3 Include Row Names as a String Variable

% a and b must have the same row names
st_varrownames = string(cl_st_varrownames);
tb_test_a = addvars(tb_test_a, st_varrownames, 'Before', 1);

              st_varrownames    cl_st_varrownames    col123    col456
              ______________    _________________    ______    ______

    rowA=1       "rowA=1"          {'rowA=1'}          0.4      0.4  
    rowA=2       "rowA=2"          {'rowA=2'}          0.1      0.1  
    rowA=3       "rowA=3"          {'rowA=3'}         0.25      0.2  
    rowA=4       "rowA=4"          {'rowA=4'}          0.3      0.3  
    rowA=5       "rowA=5"          {'rowA=5'}          0.4      0.4  

1.4 Remove Row Names

Remove row names

tb_test_a.Properties.RowNames = {};

    st_varrownames    cl_st_varrownames    col123    col456
    ______________    _________________    ______    ______

       "rowA=1"          {'rowA=1'}          0.4      0.4  
       "rowA=2"          {'rowA=2'}          0.1      0.1  
       "rowA=3"          {'rowA=3'}         0.25      0.2  
       "rowA=4"          {'rowA=4'}          0.3      0.3  
       "rowA=5"          {'rowA=5'}          0.4      0.4  

1.5 Generate String Based on Row Values and Column Names

Suppose we are looping over meshed grid of parameter values, want to generate a KEY that is based on three of the parameters, but not the remaining parameter. One strategy is to use the current values of the three parameters, combine them with the string column names, and concatenate together. This generate a string key.

cl_ar_identifier = cell([size(tb_test_a,1), 1]);
for esti_row_idx=1:size(tb_test_a,1)
    % Get the current row, 3rd and 4th columns
    ar_fl_colvals = tb_test_a{esti_row_idx,[3,4]};
    ar_st_colnames = tb_test_a.Properties.VariableNames([3,4]);
    ar_st_colvals = cellfun(@(x) strtrim(x), cellstr(num2str(ar_fl_colvals')), 'UniformOutput', false);
    ar_st_identifier = strcat(ar_st_colnames', '=', ar_st_colvals);
    esti_identifier = strjoin(ar_st_identifier, "#");
    % add to cell
    cl_ar_identifier{esti_row_idx} = esti_identifier;
% this is a group identifier
ar_st_identifier = string(cl_ar_identifier);
tb_test_a = addvars(tb_test_a, cl_ar_identifier, 'Before', 1);
tb_test_a = addvars(tb_test_a, ar_st_identifier, 'Before', 1);

        ar_st_identifier             cl_ar_identifier         st_varrownames    cl_st_varrownames    col123    col456
    ________________________    __________________________    ______________    _________________    ______    ______

    "col123=0.4#col456=0.4"     {'col123=0.4#col456=0.4' }       "rowA=1"          {'rowA=1'}          0.4      0.4  
    "col123=0.1#col456=0.1"     {'col123=0.1#col456=0.1' }       "rowA=2"          {'rowA=2'}          0.1      0.1  
    "col123=0.25#col456=0.2"    {'col123=0.25#col456=0.2'}       "rowA=3"          {'rowA=3'}         0.25      0.2  
    "col123=0.3#col456=0.3"     {'col123=0.3#col456=0.3' }       "rowA=4"          {'rowA=4'}          0.3      0.3  
    "col123=0.4#col456=0.4"     {'col123=0.4#col456=0.4' }       "rowA=5"          {'rowA=5'}          0.4      0.4