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This is a work-in-progress Matlab package consisting of functions that facilitate Dynamic Programming and Related Tasks. Materials gathered from various projects in which Matlab code is used. Some of the solutions/algorithms are research outputs developed for specific research papers, other algorithms and methods are commonly-used. Files are the MEconTools repository. Matlab files are linked below by section with livescript files. Tested with Matlab 2019a (The MathWorks Inc 2019).

Download and install the Matlab toolbox: MEconTools.mltbx

This bookdown file is a collection of mlx based vignettes for functions that are available from MEconTools. Each Vignette file contains various examples for invoking each function. The goal of this repository is to make it easier to find/re-use codes produced for various projects.

From other repositories: For dynamic borrowing and savings problems, see Dynamic Asset Repository; For code examples, see also R Example Code, Matlab Example Code, Python Example Code, and Stata Example Code; For intro stat with R, see Intro Statistics for Undergraduates, and intro Math with Matlab, see Intro Mathematics for Economists. See here for all of Fan’s public repositories.

The site is built using Bookdown (Xie 2020).

Please contact FanWangEcon for issues or problems.