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#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
#> Attaching package: 'kableExtra'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:dplyr':
#>     group_rows

# If resave outputs to data, only do this during development
bl_resave_to_data <- FALSE

In this file, we compute all potential elasticities of school resource changes given changes in school age populations.

Elasticity of schools with respect to (school-age) population is the percentage change in the number of schools divided by percentage change in the school-age population.

Elasticity of teachers with respect to (school-age) population is the percentage change in the number of teachers divided by percentage change in the school-age population.

Load data inputs and review

We load in the global population data.

# File use
bl_interp <- FALSE
ppts_wrk <- ppts_easia_weuro_world_pchg %>% 
  filter(!str_detect(year_bins_type, "1940t2020i01"))

#> tibble [25,765 × 9] (S3: tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
#>  $ location_code : Factor w/ 286 levels "ABW","AFE","AFG",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
#>  $ location_level: Factor w/ 4 levels "country","multicountry",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
#>  $ variable      : Factor w/ 5 levels "gdp","school",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 ...
#>  $ year_bins_type: Factor w/ 5 levels "1920t2020i05",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
#>  $ year_bins     : chr [1:25765] "1981-1985" "1986-1990" "1991-1995" "1996-2000" ...
#>  $ pchg          : num [1:25765] NA NA 0.0532 0.064 -0.0504 ...
#>  $ pchg_interp1  : num [1:25765] 1.2489 0.903 0.0532 0.064 -0.0504 ...
#>  $ value         : num [1:25765] NA 27884 29367 31246 29670 ...
#>  $ value_interp1 : num [1:25765] 14653 27884 29367 31246 29670 ...

We review all unique values in variables. We get all unique “variable” values, drop enroll_ratio

ar_st_vars <- unique(ppts_wrk %>% pull(variable))
ar_year_bins_type <- unique(ppts_wrk %>% pull(year_bins_type))
#> [1] gdp      student  teacher  youthpop school  
#> Levels: gdp school student teacher youthpop
#> [1] 1920t2020i05 1920t2020i10 1920t2020i20 1925t2015i15
#> Levels: 1920t2020i05 1920t2020i10 1920t2020i20 1925t2015i15 1940t2020i01

Numerator and denominator percentage changes and Elasticity

We generate separate columns for each of the “variables”, containing the percentage change value for each variable. These columns will be numerators, and the original column will be the denominator.

Then, we reshape the file just created, so that all “numerators” will be in the same column.

We compute elasticities after

it_avg_type <- 1
for (it_avg_type in c(1, 2)) {
  if (it_avg_type == 1) {
    svr_var_val_exclude <- c("value_interp1", "pchg_interp1")
    svr_var_val <- "value"
    svr_chg_var <- "pchg"
    svr_chg_var_num <- "pchg_numerator"
    svr_elas_var <- "elasticity"
  } else if (it_avg_type == 2) {
    svr_var_val_exclude <- c("value", "pchg")
    svr_var_val <- "value_interp1"
    svr_chg_var <- "pchg_interp1"
    svr_chg_var_num <- "pchg_interp1_numerator"
    svr_elas_var <- "elasticity_interp1"
  ppts_wrk_jnt <- ppts_wrk %>% 
  ar_st_cur_col_var <- ar_st_vars
  for (st_cur_col_var in ar_st_cur_col_var) {
    #   st_cur_col_var <- "school"
    st_new_col_var <- paste0("pchgnum_", st_cur_col_var)
    # 20. Generate "variable"-specific dataframes
    ppts_one_var <- ppts_wrk %>%
      select(-one_of(svr_var_val_exclude)) %>%
      filter(variable == st_cur_col_var) %>%
      select(-!!sym(svr_var_val), - variable) %>%
      rename(!!sym(st_new_col_var) := !!sym(svr_chg_var))
    # 30. Merge "variable"-specific dataframe to main
    ppts_wrk_jnt <- ppts_wrk_jnt %>%
                by = (c(
                  "location_code" = "location_code",
                  "location_level" = "location_level",
                  "year_bins_type" = "year_bins_type",
                  "year_bins" = "year_bins"
  # Show variable names
  # 60. Reshape from wide to long, rename variable numerator, variable denominator
  ppts_wrk_jnt_long <- ppts_wrk_jnt %>% 
    pivot_longer(cols = starts_with('pchgnum'),
                 names_to = c('variable_numerator'),
                 names_pattern = paste0("pchgnum_(.*)"),
                 values_to = svr_chg_var_num)
  # 70. Compute elasticity
  # Now, we simply divide the numerator from the variable "pchg_yrspan_interp1_numerator" by the values in "pchg_yrspan_interp1", which is the denominator. 
  # Compute elasticities
  ppts_wrk_jnt_long <- ppts_wrk_jnt_long %>%
    mutate(!!sym(svr_elas_var) :=   
  # Keep the elasticity column 
  # ppts_wrk_jnt_long <- ppts_wrk_jnt_long %>% 
  #   select(-contains("value"))
  # 61. save files 
  if (it_avg_type == 1) {
    ppts_wrk_jnt_long_val <- ppts_wrk_jnt_long
  } else if (it_avg_type == 2) {
    ppts_wrk_jnt_long_interp1 <- ppts_wrk_jnt_long
#>  [1] "location_code"    "location_level"   "variable"         "year_bins_type"  
#>  [5] "year_bins"        "pchg"             "value"            "pchgnum_gdp"     
#>  [9] "pchgnum_student"  "pchgnum_teacher"  "pchgnum_youthpop" "pchgnum_school"  
#> [1] 25765    12
#>  [1] "location_code"    "location_level"   "variable"         "year_bins_type"  
#>  [5] "year_bins"        "pchg_interp1"     "value_interp1"    "pchgnum_gdp"     
#>  [9] "pchgnum_student"  "pchgnum_teacher"  "pchgnum_youthpop" "pchgnum_school"  
#> [1] 25765    12

Examine elasticities

We now examine elasticity results. We show the percentage changes in schools and teachers, divided by the percentage change in students, these are the elasticity measures.

Elasticities in Afghanistan

We do not have data on schools. We show elasticity of teachers with respect to students, per decade.

# Display
st_year_bin_type <- "1920t2020i10"
st_cur_col_var <- c("teacher")
# print(ppts_wrk_jnt_long[1:50,])
st_caption <- paste0(
  "Elastiicty with percentage change in students in the denominator ", 
  "and percentage change in ", st_cur_col_var, " in the numerator, ", 
  "using as bin-type=", st_year_bin_type)
kable(ppts_wrk_jnt_long_interp1 %>% 
        filter(location_code == 'AFG' & 
                 variable == 'student' & 
                 year_bins_type == st_year_bin_type &
                 variable_numerator == st_cur_col_var) %>%
        select(-location_level, -year_bins_type, 
      caption = st_caption)
Afghanistan:Elastiicty with percentage change in students in the denominator and percentage change in teacher in the numerator, using as bin-type=1920t2020i10
location_code variable year_bins pchg_interp1 variable_numerator pchg_interp1_numerator elasticity_interp1
AFG student 1961-1970 NA teacher NA NA
AFG student 1971-1980 0.7747542 teacher 0.4731653 0.6107295
AFG student 1981-1990 -0.3512672 teacher -0.2181983 0.6211749
AFG student 1991-2000 0.2037660 teacher 1.1426953 5.6078794
AFG student 2001-2010 6.0451132 teacher 2.6721340 0.4420321
AFG student 2011-2020 0.3295164 teacher 0.1558013 0.4728180

Elasticities in Germany

# Display
st_year_bin_type <- "1920t2020i10"
st_cur_col_var <- "school"
# print(ppts_wrk_jnt_long[1:50,])
st_caption <- paste0(
  "Elastiicty with percentage change in students in the denominator ", 
  "and percentage change in ", st_cur_col_var, " in the numerator, ", 
  "using as bin-type=", st_year_bin_type)
kable(ppts_wrk_jnt_long_interp1 %>% 
        filter(location_code == 'DEU' & 
                 variable == 'student' & 
                 year_bins_type == st_year_bin_type &
                 variable_numerator == st_cur_col_var) %>%
        select(-location_level, -year_bins_type, 
      caption = st_caption)
Germany:Elastiicty with percentage change in students in the denominator and percentage change in school in the numerator, using as bin-type=1920t2020i10
location_code variable year_bins pchg_interp1 variable_numerator pchg_interp1_numerator elasticity_interp1
DEU student 1991-2000 NA school -0.0403391 NA
DEU student 2001-2010 -0.1536558 school -0.0570188 0.3710814
DEU student 2011-2020 0.0016087 school -0.0517495 -32.1690215

Elasticities in Switzerland

In Switerland, elasticity of teachers to students, schools to students, every 10 years

# Display
st_year_bin_type <- "1920t2020i10"
st_cur_col_var <- "teacher"
# print(ppts_wrk_jnt_long[1:50,])
st_caption <- paste0(
  "Elastiicty with percentage change in students in the denominator ", 
  "and percentage change in ", st_cur_col_var, " in the numerator, ", 
  "using as bin-type=", st_year_bin_type)
kable(ppts_wrk_jnt_long_interp1 %>% 
        filter(location_code == 'CHE' & 
                 variable == 'student' & 
                 year_bins_type == st_year_bin_type &
                 variable_numerator == st_cur_col_var) %>%
        select(-location_level, -year_bins_type, 
      caption = st_caption)
Switerland:Elastiicty with percentage change in students in the denominator and percentage change in teacher in the numerator, using as bin-type=1920t2020i10
location_code variable year_bins pchg_interp1 variable_numerator pchg_interp1_numerator elasticity_interp1
CHE student 1921-1930 -0.1088153 teacher -0.0167073 0.1535385
CHE student 1931-1940 -0.0422086 teacher 0.0197445 -0.4677836
CHE student 1941-1950 0.0277636 teacher 0.0594144 2.1400096
CHE student 1951-1960 0.2337117 teacher 0.2169864 0.9284365
CHE student 1961-1970 -0.0725023 teacher 0.2003332 -2.7631297
CHE student 1971-1980 -0.1714082 teacher 0.2046066 -1.1936806
CHE student 1981-1990 -0.0664079 teacher 0.2046066 -3.0810588
CHE student 1991-2000 0.1522173 teacher 0.2046066 1.3441745
CHE student 2001-2010 -0.0795079 teacher 0.2046066 -2.5734116
CHE student 2011-2020 0.2159203 teacher 0.2420525 1.1210273

Elasticities in Austria

In Austria, elasticity of schools to students, every 20 years

# Display
st_year_bin_type <- "1920t2020i20"
st_cur_col_var <- "school"
# print(ppts_wrk_jnt_long[1:50,])
st_caption <- paste0(
  "Elastiicty with percentage change in students in the denominator ", 
  "and percentage change in ", st_cur_col_var, " in the numerator, ", 
  "using as bin-type=", st_year_bin_type)
kable(ppts_wrk_jnt_long_interp1 %>% 
        filter(location_code == 'AUT' & 
                 variable == 'student' & 
                 year_bins_type == st_year_bin_type &
                 variable_numerator == st_cur_col_var) %>%
        select(-location_level, -year_bins_type, 
      caption = st_caption)
Austria:Elastiicty with percentage change in students in the denominator and percentage change in school in the numerator, using as bin-type=1920t2020i20
location_code variable year_bins pchg_interp1 variable_numerator pchg_interp1_numerator elasticity_interp1
AUT student 1921-1940 NA school NA NA
AUT student 1941-1960 -0.2191390 school -0.0193360 0.0882361
AUT student 1961-1980 -0.2222666 school -0.2146597 0.9657758
AUT student 1981-2000 -0.0194571 school -0.0260870 1.3407426
AUT student 2001-2020 -0.1170392 school -0.1029762 0.8798434

Elasticities in Busan, Korea

In Busan, Korea, elasticity of teachers to students, schools to students, every 10 years

# Display
st_year_bin_type <- "1920t2020i10"
st_cur_col_var <- "teacher"
# print(ppts_wrk_jnt_long[1:50,])
kable(ppts_wrk_jnt_long_interp1 %>% 
        filter(location_code == 'KOR_Busan' & 
                 variable == 'student' & 
                 year_bins_type == st_year_bin_type &
                 variable_numerator == st_cur_col_var) %>%
        select(-location_level, -year_bins_type, 
      caption = "Busan Korea Elastiicty of teachers with respect to students")
Busan Korea Elastiicty of teachers with respect to students
location_code variable year_bins pchg_interp1 variable_numerator pchg_interp1_numerator elasticity_interp1
KOR_Busan student 1961-1970 NA teacher NA NA
KOR_Busan student 1971-1980 0.5542519 teacher 0.8009709 1.4451387
KOR_Busan student 1981-1990 0.0244194 teacher 0.4051213 16.5901539
KOR_Busan student 1991-2000 -0.3547216 teacher -0.0620564 0.1749439
KOR_Busan student 2001-2010 -0.3306965 teacher 0.1207690 -0.3651958
KOR_Busan student 2011-2020 -0.2222425 teacher -0.0740876 0.3333638

Save elasticity file

# Review file variable names
#>  [1] "location_code"          "location_level"         "variable"              
#>  [4] "year_bins_type"         "year_bins"              "pchg_interp1"          
#>  [7] "value_interp1"          "variable_numerator"     "pchg_interp1_numerator"
#> [10] "elasticity_interp1"
#> tibble [128,825 × 10] (S3: tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
#>  $ location_code         : Factor w/ 286 levels "ABW","AFE","AFG",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
#>  $ location_level        : Factor w/ 4 levels "country","multicountry",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
#>  $ variable              : Factor w/ 5 levels "gdp","school",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
#>  $ year_bins_type        : Factor w/ 5 levels "1920t2020i05",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
#>  $ year_bins             : chr [1:128825] "1981-1985" "1981-1985" "1981-1985" "1981-1985" ...
#>  $ pchg_interp1          : num [1:128825] 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 ...
#>  $ value_interp1         : num [1:128825] 14653 14653 14653 14653 14653 ...
#>  $ variable_numerator    : chr [1:128825] "gdp" "student" "teacher" "youthpop" ...
#>  $ pchg_interp1_numerator: num [1:128825] 1.2489 NA NA -0.0298 NA ...
#>  $ elasticity_interp1    : num [1:128825] 1 NA NA -0.0239 NA ...
# Save file
if (bl_resave_to_data) {
  ppts_easia_weuro_world_elas_interp1 <- ppts_wrk_jnt_long_interp1
  write_csv(ppts_easia_weuro_world_elas_interp1, "../data/ppts_easia_weuro_world_elas_interp1.csv")
  usethis::use_data(ppts_easia_weuro_world_elas_interp1, overwrite = TRUE)
  ppts_easia_weuro_world_elas_raw <- ppts_wrk_jnt_long_val
  write_csv(ppts_easia_weuro_world_elas_raw, "../data/ppts_easia_weuro_world_elas_raw.csv")
  usethis::use_data(ppts_easia_weuro_world_elas_raw, overwrite = TRUE)