Skip to contents
#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
#> Attaching package: 'kableExtra'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:dplyr':
#>     group_rows


# If resave outputs to data, only do this during development
bl_resave_to_data <- FALSE

In this file, we compute percentage changes in school resources and population. We interpolate when there is gaps in the data.

For all variables, for each country/location, we compute:

  • percentage changes year by year
  • percentage changes every 5, 10, 15, and 20 years.

We interpolate and generate interval changes for all countries. We also extrapolate for up to 3 years, to reach the closest decade break-off points.

To illustrate what we do, we print results from Afghanistan and Austria, where there are gaps in the data.

In the case of Afghanistan, we:

  1. Interpolate to fill-in gap years, 1983, 1987, and 1992, for example.
  2. Extrapolate to fill-in value for 2020 given 2018 to 2019 changes.

In the case of Austria, in earlier decades, data is not annual, so we interpolate to obtain more annualized predictions.

We also show results illustration from Busan Korea.

Load and select

# A. Load and select ----
ppts_easia_weuro_sel <- ppts_easia_weuro_world %>%
  select(location_code, location_level, year,
         contains("stats"), -stats_enroll_ratio)

Transform data

# B. Long to wide ----
ppts_easia_weuro_long <- ppts_easia_weuro_sel %>%
  pivot_longer(cols = starts_with('stats'),
               names_to = c('variable'),
               names_pattern = paste0("stats_(.*)"),
               values_to = "value")
#> tibble [88,560 × 5] (S3: tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
#>  $ location_code : Factor w/ 286 levels "ABW","AFE","AFG",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
#>  $ location_level: Factor w/ 4 levels "country","multicountry",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
#>  $ year          : num [1:88560] 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 ...
#>  $ variable      : chr [1:88560] "youthpop" "student" "teacher" "school" ...
#>  $ value         : num [1:88560] 23769 NA NA NA NA ...
# View(ppts_easia_weuro_long)

# C sort and group ----
ppts_easia_weuro_long <- ppts_easia_weuro_long %>%
  arrange(location_code, location_level, variable, year) %>%
  group_by(location_code, location_level, variable)
# kable(ppts_easia_weuro_long %>% 
#   filter(location_code == 'AFG' & variable == 'student'))

Annual percentage changes, Interpolate and Extrapolate

Raw percentage changes

We compute annual percentage changes below. Note that

# D. Annual percentage changes ----
# Compute these
# - annual: for all possible consecutive years
# - annual_interp1: annual based on consecutive year if possible, 
# when that is not possible, find closest years of available data, 
# and derive annual (considering compounding) growth rates

# D.1 annual
ppts_easia_weuro_long <- ppts_easia_weuro_long %>%
  mutate(pchg_yr1 = (value - lag(value)) / lag(value))

# View(ppts_easia_weuro_long)
kable(ppts_easia_weuro_long %>% 
        filter(location_code == 'AFG' & variable == 'student'))
location_code location_level year variable value pchg_yr1
AFG country 1960 student NA NA
AFG country 1961 student NA NA
AFG country 1962 student NA NA
AFG country 1963 student NA NA
AFG country 1964 student NA NA
AFG country 1965 student NA NA
AFG country 1966 student NA NA
AFG country 1967 student NA NA
AFG country 1968 student NA NA
AFG country 1969 student NA NA
AFG country 1970 student 540685 NA
AFG country 1971 student 572933 0.0596429
AFG country 1972 student 597509 0.0428951
AFG country 1973 student 624374 0.0449617
AFG country 1974 student 654209 0.0477839
AFG country 1975 student 692342 0.0582887
AFG country 1976 student 729667 0.0539112
AFG country 1977 student 764175 0.0472928
AFG country 1978 student 810657 0.0608264
AFG country 1979 student NA NA
AFG country 1980 student 959583 NA
AFG country 1981 student 1024741 0.0679024
AFG country 1982 student 365458 -0.6433655
AFG country 1983 student NA NA
AFG country 1984 student 447351 NA
AFG country 1985 student 479150 0.0710829
AFG country 1986 student 512809 0.0702473
AFG country 1987 student NA NA
AFG country 1988 student 651622 NA
AFG country 1989 student 622135 -0.0452517
AFG country 1990 student 622513 0.0006076
AFG country 1991 student 627888 0.0086344
AFG country 1992 student NA NA
AFG country 1993 student 786532 NA
AFG country 1994 student 1161444 0.4766646
AFG country 1995 student 1312197 0.1297979
AFG country 1996 student NA NA
AFG country 1997 student NA NA
AFG country 1998 student 1046338 NA
AFG country 1999 student 875605 -0.1631719
AFG country 2000 student 749360 -0.1441803
AFG country 2001 student 773623 0.0323783
AFG country 2002 student 2667629 2.4482287
AFG country 2003 student 3781015 0.4173691
AFG country 2004 student 4430142 0.1716806
AFG country 2005 student 4318819 -0.0251285
AFG country 2006 student 4669110 0.0811081
AFG country 2007 student 4718077 0.0104874
AFG country 2008 student 4974836 0.0544203
AFG country 2009 student 4945632 -0.0058703
AFG country 2010 student 5279326 0.0674725
AFG country 2011 student 5291624 0.0023295
AFG country 2012 student 5767543 0.0899382
AFG country 2013 student 5986268 0.0379234
AFG country 2014 student 6217756 0.0386698
AFG country 2015 student 6199329 -0.0029636
AFG country 2016 student 6265011 0.0105950
AFG country 2017 student 6350404 0.0136301
AFG country 2018 student 6544906 0.0306283
AFG country 2019 student 6777785 0.0355817
AFG country 2020 student NA NA
AFG country 2021 student NA NA
kable(ppts_easia_weuro_long %>%
        filter(location_code == 'KOR_Busan' & variable == 'school'))
location_code location_level year variable value pchg_yr1
KOR_Busan province 1965 school 79 NA
KOR_Busan province 1966 school 86 0.0886076
KOR_Busan province 1967 school 93 0.0813953
KOR_Busan province 1968 school 96 0.0322581
KOR_Busan province 1969 school 98 0.0208333
KOR_Busan province 1970 school 99 0.0102041
KOR_Busan province 1971 school 100 0.0101010
KOR_Busan province 1972 school 103 0.0300000
KOR_Busan province 1973 school 106 0.0291262
KOR_Busan province 1974 school 107 0.0094340
KOR_Busan province 1975 school 112 0.0467290
KOR_Busan province 1976 school 114 0.0178571
KOR_Busan province 1977 school 114 0.0000000
KOR_Busan province 1978 school 128 0.1228070
KOR_Busan province 1979 school 131 0.0234375
KOR_Busan province 1980 school 137 0.0458015
KOR_Busan province 1981 school 149 0.0875912
KOR_Busan province 1982 school 158 0.0604027
KOR_Busan province 1983 school 169 0.0696203
KOR_Busan province 1984 school 184 0.0887574
KOR_Busan province 1985 school 193 0.0489130
KOR_Busan province 1986 school 196 0.0155440
KOR_Busan province 1987 school 200 0.0204082
KOR_Busan province 1988 school 202 0.0100000
KOR_Busan province 1989 school 217 0.0742574
KOR_Busan province 1990 school 221 0.0184332
KOR_Busan province 1991 school 222 0.0045249
KOR_Busan province 1992 school 227 0.0225225
KOR_Busan province 1993 school 230 0.0132159
KOR_Busan province 1994 school 228 -0.0086957
KOR_Busan province 1995 school 245 0.0745614
KOR_Busan province 1996 school 250 0.0204082
KOR_Busan province 1997 school 257 0.0280000
KOR_Busan province 1998 school 259 0.0077821
KOR_Busan province 1999 school 265 0.0231660
KOR_Busan province 2000 school 267 0.0075472
KOR_Busan province 2001 school 269 0.0074906
KOR_Busan province 2002 school 273 0.0148699
KOR_Busan province 2003 school 279 0.0219780
KOR_Busan province 2004 school 283 0.0143369
KOR_Busan province 2005 school 285 0.0070671
KOR_Busan province 2006 school 292 0.0245614
KOR_Busan province 2007 school 293 0.0034247
KOR_Busan province 2008 school 293 0.0000000
KOR_Busan province 2009 school 297 0.0136519
KOR_Busan province 2010 school 298 0.0033670
KOR_Busan province 2011 school 297 -0.0033557
KOR_Busan province 2012 school 299 0.0067340
KOR_Busan province 2013 school 302 0.0100334
KOR_Busan province 2014 school 305 0.0099338
KOR_Busan province 2015 school 306 0.0032787
KOR_Busan province 2016 school 308 0.0065359
KOR_Busan province 2017 school 308 0.0000000
KOR_Busan province 2018 school 305 -0.0097403
KOR_Busan province 2019 school 304 -0.0032787
KOR_Busan province 2020 school 304 0.0000000
KOR_Busan province 2021 school 304 0.0000000


We drop all NA values, only keeping the rows where we have observed levels. We then take the difference in levels between consecutive rows and divide by prior level to get percentage changes. This is potential percentage changes across multiple years if there were gaps with NA values.

We assume constant growth rate in the in-between years, and compute percentage annualized percentage changes. Given these, our annual percentage change formula is shown as below:

annualPercentChange(from t to t+1)=((schoolTeacherOrStudentt+τschoolTeacherOrStudentt)1τ1), \text{annualPercentChange}_{\left(\text{from } t' \text{ to } t'+1\right)} = \left(\left( \frac{\text{schoolTeacherOrStudent}_{t+\tau}}{\text{schoolTeacherOrStudent}_{t}} \right)^{\frac{1}{\tau}} - 1\right), where, the percentage change is for all ttt+τ1t \le t' \le t+\tau-1.

The annual percentage change is exact where we know the level of schools, teachers, or students in the the current year and the year immediately after. But it is based growth trend “linear” interpolation when we have years of missing data in between.

We use the interpolated annual percentage changes to fill in gaps in levels. We interpolate with this function: ff_ppts_interp_linear. We test out the contents of the function via scripts below, and then confirm that the script and the function produce the same result. We first proceed with the script, and then the function.

Construct script-based results:

# D.2 annual_interp1
# D.2.1 compute linearly interpolated annual change
# create new sorting var, to take difference across years even if not
# consecutive
ppts_easia_weuro_interp1 <- ppts_easia_weuro_long %>%
  drop_na(value) %>%
  # New sorting variable, +1 regardless of year gap
  mutate(year_with_gap_ctr = row_number()) %>%
  arrange(location_code, location_level, variable, year_with_gap_ctr) %>%
  group_by(location_code, location_level, variable) %>%
  # compute percentage change over span and years gap over span
  mutate(pchg_span_interp1 = (value - lag(value)) / lag(value),
         span_yr = (year - lag(year))) %>%
  # linear-interpolated annualized (with compounding) percentage change
  mutate(pchg_yr1_interp1 = abs(1 + pchg_span_interp1) ^ (1 / span_yr) - 1) %>%
  # adjust values given percentages interpolated
  select(location_code, location_level,
         year, variable, span_yr, value, pchg_yr1_interp1)

# D.2.2 expand to all interpolating years
# the pchg_yr1_interp1 variable is only shown at start year, 
# due to drop_na(value) earlier
# need to expand to all years
ppts_easia_weuro_interp1 <- ppts_easia_weuro_interp1 %>%
  ungroup() %>% mutate(span_yr_dup = span_yr) %>%
  drop_na(span_yr) %>%
  tidyr::uncount(span_yr) %>%
  group_by(location_code, location_level, variable, year) %>%
  mutate(year_adj = row_number() + year - span_yr_dup, 
         gap_ctr = row_number()) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  select(location_code, location_level,
         year_adj, variable, value, pchg_yr1_interp1, gap_ctr, span_yr_dup) %>%
  rename(year = year_adj)

# D.2.3, Fill in missing values
ppts_easia_weuro_interp1 <- ppts_easia_weuro_interp1 %>%
  arrange(location_code, location_level, variable, year) %>%
  group_by(location_code, location_level, variable) %>%
  mutate(value_interp1 = case_when(
    # Conditions A and B are both gap_ctr == span_yr_dup
    # A. value is correct, originally not NA
    gap_ctr == 1 & span_yr_dup == 1 ~ value,
    # B. value is also correct, next available year with non NA
    gap_ctr == span_yr_dup & span_yr_dup > 1 ~ value,
    # C. in-between years, where values were NA
    gap_ctr < span_yr_dup ~ (value/((1+pchg_yr1_interp1)^(span_yr_dup-gap_ctr)))
    )) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  select(-gap_ctr, -span_yr_dup, -value)

# D.3 merge together
ppts_easia_weuro_interp1_script <- ppts_easia_weuro_long %>%
            by = (c('location_code' = 'location_code',
                    'location_level' = 'location_level',
                    'year' = 'year',
                    'variable' = 'variable'))) %>%
  # add in data from the first year of raw data availability
  mutate(value_interp1 = case_when(
    ! & ~ value,
    TRUE ~ value_interp1

# Print interpolated results
#> tibble [52,118 × 6] (S3: tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
#>  $ location_code   : Factor w/ 286 levels "ABW","AFE","AFG",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
#>  $ location_level  : Factor w/ 4 levels "country","multicountry",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
#>  $ year            : num [1:52118] 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 ...
#>  $ variable        : chr [1:52118] "gdp" "gdp" "gdp" "gdp" ...
#>  $ pchg_yr1_interp1: num [1:52118] 0.176 0.2014 0.122 0.0209 0.0384 ...
#>  $ value_interp1   : num [1:52118] 20263 24343 27313 27884 28954 ...
kable(ppts_easia_weuro_interp1 %>% select(-location_level) %>%
        filter(location_code == 'AFG' & variable == 'student'))
location_code year variable pchg_yr1_interp1 value_interp1
AFG 1971 student 0.0596429 572933.0
AFG 1972 student 0.0428951 597509.0
AFG 1973 student 0.0449617 624374.0
AFG 1974 student 0.0477839 654209.0
AFG 1975 student 0.0582887 692342.0
AFG 1976 student 0.0539112 729667.0
AFG 1977 student 0.0472928 764175.0
AFG 1978 student 0.0608264 810657.0
AFG 1979 student 0.0879845 881982.2
AFG 1980 student 0.0879845 959583.0
AFG 1981 student 0.0679024 1024741.0
AFG 1982 student -0.6433655 365458.0
AFG 1983 student 0.1063829 404336.5
AFG 1984 student 0.1063829 447351.0
AFG 1985 student 0.0710829 479150.0
AFG 1986 student 0.0702473 512809.0
AFG 1987 student 0.1272495 578063.7
AFG 1988 student 0.1272495 651622.0
AFG 1989 student -0.0452517 622135.0
AFG 1990 student 0.0006076 622513.0
AFG 1991 student 0.0086344 627888.0
AFG 1992 student 0.1192242 702747.5
AFG 1993 student 0.1192242 786532.0
AFG 1994 student 0.4766646 1161444.0
AFG 1995 student 0.1297979 1312197.0
AFG 1996 student -0.0726913 1216811.7
AFG 1997 student -0.0726913 1128360.0
AFG 1998 student -0.0726913 1046338.0
AFG 1999 student -0.1631719 875605.0
AFG 2000 student -0.1441803 749360.0
AFG 2001 student 0.0323783 773623.0
AFG 2002 student 2.4482287 2667629.0
AFG 2003 student 0.4173691 3781015.0
AFG 2004 student 0.1716806 4430142.0
AFG 2005 student -0.0251285 4318819.0
AFG 2006 student 0.0811081 4669110.0
AFG 2007 student 0.0104874 4718077.0
AFG 2008 student 0.0544203 4974836.0
AFG 2009 student -0.0058703 4945632.0
AFG 2010 student 0.0674725 5279326.0
AFG 2011 student 0.0023295 5291624.0
AFG 2012 student 0.0899382 5767543.0
AFG 2013 student 0.0379234 5986268.0
AFG 2014 student 0.0386698 6217756.0
AFG 2015 student -0.0029636 6199329.0
AFG 2016 student 0.0105950 6265011.0
AFG 2017 student 0.0136301 6350404.0
AFG 2018 student 0.0306283 6544906.0
AFG 2019 student 0.0355817 6777785.0

Functionalizing the script, we have the function output below:

# Function parameters
df_data <- ppts_easia_weuro_long
ar_svr_group <- c("location_code", "location_level", "variable")
svr_data <- c("value")
svr_date <- c("year")
svr_interp <- c("value_interp1_func")
# Run function
ppts_easia_weuro_interp1_func <- PrjCompPPTS::ff_ppts_interp_linear(
  ar_svr_group = ar_svr_group,
  svr_data = svr_data,
  svr_date = svr_date,
  svr_interp = svr_interp,
  verbose = FALSE
) %>% rename(value_interp1 = value_interp1_func)
# Test if identical
bl_func_script_consistency <- identical(
  ppts_easia_weuro_interp1_func, ppts_easia_weuro_interp1_script)
print(glue::glue("bl_func_script_consistency = {bl_func_script_consistency}"))
#> bl_func_script_consistency = TRUE

Year selection:

# Only consider years in this range
it_min_year <- 1920
it_max_year <- 2020
ppts_easia_weuro_long <- ppts_easia_weuro_interp1_func
ppts_easia_weuro_long <- ppts_easia_weuro_long %>%
    filter(year <= it_max_year & year >= it_min_year)


We will extrapolate for several years before the start and after the end of the data timeframes. Extrapolation will not exceed going 5 years forward and going 5 years backwards. And extrapolation will only happen within years in which there is at least one variable, among variables for the country, has non-NA values. In cases where a country’s data is available only starting after 1980, we allow for extrapolation back to up to 1980 for 5 years.

Specifically, because we generally have population data from 1960 to 2020 for all countries, we will not be extrapolating prior to 1960 or after 2020. But data for Korea starts in 1965, so we will not extrapolate to any years before 1965, but if one of the Korean variables has data starting from 1970, we will extrapolate between 1965 and 1970. But if the other variable only has data starting in 1980, we will extrapolate at most five years, back to 1975. For Germany, unification happened in 1992. We do not have data in 1990, preventing us from computing change from 1990 to 2000. We extrapolate from 1992 back 5 years to 1987, generating a value for 1990.

Extrapolation is meant to help with situations where we have data up to 2019, but for consistency of comparison, would be useful to extend the data to 2020 by extrapolating 1 year forward.

Compute start and end year for each variable and each country. For the interpolated value column, NaN values are before and after the start and end of available data. First go forward, value = lag(value) x lag(1+change), fill in if value is NaN and current year is less than 5 above terimal data availability time. Then do the same going backwards, but there, value = lead(value, n=1) / lead(1 + change, n=2)

First, we generate end and start years and interpolating percentages, etc.

# Generate start and end times
ppts_easia_weuro_extrapolate <- ppts_easia_weuro_long %>%
  drop_na(value) %>%
  arrange(location_code, location_level, variable, year) %>%
  group_by(location_code, location_level, variable) %>%
  mutate(year_start = first(year, na_rm=TRUE), year_end = last(year, na_rm=TRUE),
         value_start = first(value, na_rm=TRUE), value_end = last(value, na_rm=TRUE),
         pchg_yr1_interp1_start = first(pchg_yr1_interp1, na_rm=TRUE),
         pchg_yr1_interp1_end = last(pchg_yr1_interp1, na_rm=TRUE)) %>% 
  slice(1) %>%
  select(location_code, location_level, variable, 
         contains("_start"), contains("_end"))

Second extrapolate.

# How many years to extrapolate back
it_year_extrplt_backmost <- 5
it_year_extrplt_fordmost <- 5

# Merge with full skeleton for expansion
ppts_easia_weuro_extrapolate <- ppts_easia_weuro_long %>%
  select(location_code, location_level, variable, year, value) %>%
            by = (c('location_code' = 'location_code',
                    'location_level' = 'location_level',
                    'variable' = 'variable'))) 

# Extrapolate forward
ppts_easia_weuro_extrapolate <- ppts_easia_weuro_extrapolate %>%
  mutate(value_extrapolate =
    case_when( & (year_end + it_year_extrplt_fordmost >= year) & (year > year_end) ~
          (value_end*((1+pchg_yr1_interp1_end)^(year-year_end))), & (year_start - it_year_extrplt_backmost <= year) & (year < year_start) ~
          (value_start/((1+pchg_yr1_interp1_start)^(year_start - year))),
        TRUE ~ NA
      )) %>%
  mutate(pchg_yr1_interp1_extrapolate =
        (year_end + it_year_extrplt_fordmost >= year) & (year >= year_end) ~
        (year_start - it_year_extrplt_backmost <= year) & (year <= year_start) ~
        TRUE ~ NA

# Get extrapolated values
ppts_easia_weuro_extrapolate <- ppts_easia_weuro_extrapolate %>%
  drop_na(pchg_yr1_interp1_extrapolate) %>% 
  select(location_code, location_level, variable, year, 
         value_extrapolate, pchg_yr1_interp1_extrapolate) %>%
  rename(value_interp1 = value_extrapolate, 
         pchg_yr1_interp1 = pchg_yr1_interp1_extrapolate)

# Print
kable(ppts_easia_weuro_extrapolate %>% select(-location_level) %>%
        filter(location_code == 'AFG' & variable == 'student'))
#> Adding missing grouping variables: `location_level`
location_level location_code variable year value_interp1 pchg_yr1_interp1
country AFG student 1965 404712.6 0.0596429
country AFG student 1966 428850.8 0.0596429
country AFG student 1967 454428.7 0.0596429
country AFG student 1968 481532.2 0.0596429
country AFG student 1969 510252.1 0.0596429
country AFG student 1970 NA 0.0596429
country AFG student 2019 NA 0.0355817
country AFG student 2020 7018950.2 0.0355817
# kable(ppts_easia_weuro_extrapolate %>% select(-location_level) %>%
#         filter(location_code == 'KOR_Busan' & variable == 'school'))

Merge raw and interpolated results together with extrapolated results

Merge extrpolated results back to main dataframe.

# Merge
ppts_easia_weuro_long <- ppts_easia_weuro_long %>%
            by = (c('location_code' = 'location_code',
                    'location_level' = 'location_level',
                    'year' = 'year',
                    'variable' = 'variable'))) 

# Combine columns
ppts_easia_weuro_long <- ppts_easia_weuro_long %>%            
  mutate(value_interp1 = coalesce(value_interp1.x, value_interp1.y)) %>%
  select(-value_interp1.x, -value_interp1.y) %>%
  mutate(pchg_yr1_interp1 = coalesce(pchg_yr1_interp1.x, pchg_yr1_interp1.y)) %>%
  select(-pchg_yr1_interp1.x, -pchg_yr1_interp1.y) %>%

Interpolation and Extrapolation Results Overview

The results in the value_interp1 column below contains below interpolation and extrapolation results.

Afghanistan Interpolate and Extrapolate Results

We illustrate the interpolation results by showing outputs from Afghanistan for student counts. Here, we are extrapolating several years back to 1965, and forward 1 year to 2020. And we fill in several years of missing data.

By extrapolating data in 2020, we are able to generate percentage change between 2000 and 2020, 2010 and 2020, etc. We are also able to see levels in 2020. These percentages and levels were not available without interpolation/extrapolation. We can see that our data for Afghanistan is much more complete after interpolating/extrapolating.

# str(ppts_easia_weuro_long)
# print
kable(ppts_easia_weuro_long %>% 
        filter(location_code == 'AFG' & variable == 'student') %>%
        ungroup() %>%
        select(location_code, year, variable, 
          value, value_interp1, pchg_yr1, pchg_yr1_interp1), 
      caption="Raw and interpolated Afghanistan students results")
Raw and interpolated Afghanistan students results
location_code year variable value value_interp1 pchg_yr1 pchg_yr1_interp1
AFG 1965 student NA 404712.6 NA 0.0596429
AFG 1966 student NA 428850.8 NA 0.0596429
AFG 1967 student NA 454428.7 NA 0.0596429
AFG 1968 student NA 481532.2 NA 0.0596429
AFG 1969 student NA 510252.1 NA 0.0596429
AFG 1970 student 540685 540685.0 NA 0.0596429
AFG 1971 student 572933 572933.0 0.0596429 0.0596429
AFG 1972 student 597509 597509.0 0.0428951 0.0428951
AFG 1973 student 624374 624374.0 0.0449617 0.0449617
AFG 1974 student 654209 654209.0 0.0477839 0.0477839
AFG 1975 student 692342 692342.0 0.0582887 0.0582887
AFG 1976 student 729667 729667.0 0.0539112 0.0539112
AFG 1977 student 764175 764175.0 0.0472928 0.0472928
AFG 1978 student 810657 810657.0 0.0608264 0.0608264
AFG 1979 student NA 881982.2 NA 0.0879845
AFG 1980 student 959583 959583.0 NA 0.0879845
AFG 1981 student 1024741 1024741.0 0.0679024 0.0679024
AFG 1982 student 365458 365458.0 -0.6433655 -0.6433655
AFG 1983 student NA 404336.5 NA 0.1063829
AFG 1984 student 447351 447351.0 NA 0.1063829
AFG 1985 student 479150 479150.0 0.0710829 0.0710829
AFG 1986 student 512809 512809.0 0.0702473 0.0702473
AFG 1987 student NA 578063.7 NA 0.1272495
AFG 1988 student 651622 651622.0 NA 0.1272495
AFG 1989 student 622135 622135.0 -0.0452517 -0.0452517
AFG 1990 student 622513 622513.0 0.0006076 0.0006076
AFG 1991 student 627888 627888.0 0.0086344 0.0086344
AFG 1992 student NA 702747.5 NA 0.1192242
AFG 1993 student 786532 786532.0 NA 0.1192242
AFG 1994 student 1161444 1161444.0 0.4766646 0.4766646
AFG 1995 student 1312197 1312197.0 0.1297979 0.1297979
AFG 1996 student NA 1216811.7 NA -0.0726913
AFG 1997 student NA 1128360.0 NA -0.0726913
AFG 1998 student 1046338 1046338.0 NA -0.0726913
AFG 1999 student 875605 875605.0 -0.1631719 -0.1631719
AFG 2000 student 749360 749360.0 -0.1441803 -0.1441803
AFG 2001 student 773623 773623.0 0.0323783 0.0323783
AFG 2002 student 2667629 2667629.0 2.4482287 2.4482287
AFG 2003 student 3781015 3781015.0 0.4173691 0.4173691
AFG 2004 student 4430142 4430142.0 0.1716806 0.1716806
AFG 2005 student 4318819 4318819.0 -0.0251285 -0.0251285
AFG 2006 student 4669110 4669110.0 0.0811081 0.0811081
AFG 2007 student 4718077 4718077.0 0.0104874 0.0104874
AFG 2008 student 4974836 4974836.0 0.0544203 0.0544203
AFG 2009 student 4945632 4945632.0 -0.0058703 -0.0058703
AFG 2010 student 5279326 5279326.0 0.0674725 0.0674725
AFG 2011 student 5291624 5291624.0 0.0023295 0.0023295
AFG 2012 student 5767543 5767543.0 0.0899382 0.0899382
AFG 2013 student 5986268 5986268.0 0.0379234 0.0379234
AFG 2014 student 6217756 6217756.0 0.0386698 0.0386698
AFG 2015 student 6199329 6199329.0 -0.0029636 -0.0029636
AFG 2016 student 6265011 6265011.0 0.0105950 0.0105950
AFG 2017 student 6350404 6350404.0 0.0136301 0.0136301
AFG 2018 student 6544906 6544906.0 0.0306283 0.0306283
AFG 2019 student 6777785 6777785.0 0.0355817 0.0355817
AFG 2020 student NA 7018950.2 NA 0.0355817

Austria Interpolate and Extrapolate Results

The Austrian data starts in 1923, and school count is available in that year. Hence, we do not extrapolate prior to that. If the data starts in 1923 (meaning any measures of any information is available in 1923), but the school count data starts in 1925, we would extrapolate back 2 years to 1923. Austrian data for initial decades is spotty, hence we interpolate to fill in the gaps.

# str(ppts_easia_weuro_long)
# print
kable(ppts_easia_weuro_long %>% 
        filter(location_code == 'AUT' & variable == 'school') %>%
        ungroup() %>%
        select(location_code, year, variable, 
          value, value_interp1, pchg_yr1, pchg_yr1_interp1), 
      caption="Raw and interpolated Austria schools results")
Raw and interpolated Austria schools results
location_code year variable value value_interp1 pchg_yr1 pchg_yr1_interp1
AUT 1923 school 4655 4655.000 NA 0.0045011
AUT 1924 school NA 4675.953 NA 0.0045011
AUT 1925 school 4697 4697.000 NA 0.0045011
AUT 1926 school NA 4697.400 NA 0.0000851
AUT 1927 school NA 4697.800 NA 0.0000851
AUT 1928 school NA 4698.200 NA 0.0000851
AUT 1929 school NA 4698.600 NA 0.0000851
AUT 1930 school 4699 4699.000 NA 0.0000851
AUT 1931 school NA 4693.989 NA -0.0010663
AUT 1932 school NA 4688.984 NA -0.0010663
AUT 1933 school NA 4683.984 NA -0.0010663
AUT 1934 school NA 4678.989 NA -0.0010663
AUT 1935 school 4674 4674.000 NA -0.0010663
AUT 1936 school NA 4634.460 NA -0.0084595
AUT 1937 school NA 4595.255 NA -0.0084595
AUT 1938 school NA 4556.381 NA -0.0084595
AUT 1939 school NA 4517.836 NA -0.0084595
AUT 1940 school NA 4479.618 NA -0.0084595
AUT 1941 school NA 4441.722 NA -0.0084595
AUT 1942 school NA 4404.147 NA -0.0084595
AUT 1943 school NA 4366.891 NA -0.0084595
AUT 1944 school NA 4329.949 NA -0.0084595
AUT 1945 school NA 4293.319 NA -0.0084595
AUT 1946 school 4257 4257.000 NA -0.0084595
AUT 1947 school NA 4292.308 NA 0.0082942
AUT 1948 school NA 4327.909 NA 0.0082942
AUT 1949 school NA 4363.806 NA 0.0082942
AUT 1950 school 4400 4400.000 NA 0.0082942
AUT 1951 school 4417 4417.000 0.0038636 0.0038636
AUT 1952 school 4417 4417.000 0.0000000 0.0000000
AUT 1953 school 4426 4426.000 0.0020376 0.0020376
AUT 1954 school 4426 4426.000 0.0000000 0.0000000
AUT 1955 school 4427 4427.000 0.0002259 0.0002259
AUT 1956 school 4426 4426.000 -0.0002259 -0.0002259
AUT 1957 school 4418 4418.000 -0.0018075 -0.0018075
AUT 1958 school 4403 4403.000 -0.0033952 -0.0033952
AUT 1959 school 4402 4402.000 -0.0002271 -0.0002271
AUT 1960 school 4393 4393.000 -0.0020445 -0.0020445
AUT 1961 school 4387 4387.000 -0.0013658 -0.0013658
AUT 1962 school 4374 4374.000 -0.0029633 -0.0029633
AUT 1963 school 4374 4374.000 0.0000000 0.0000000
AUT 1964 school 4375 4375.000 0.0002286 0.0002286
AUT 1965 school 4295 4295.000 -0.0182857 -0.0182857
AUT 1966 school 4175 4175.000 -0.0279395 -0.0279395
AUT 1967 school 4094 4094.000 -0.0194012 -0.0194012
AUT 1968 school 4059 4059.000 -0.0085491 -0.0085491
AUT 1969 school 4018 4018.000 -0.0101010 -0.0101010
AUT 1970 school 3973 3973.000 -0.0111996 -0.0111996
AUT 1971 school 3839 3839.000 -0.0337277 -0.0337277
AUT 1972 school 3783 3783.000 -0.0145871 -0.0145871
AUT 1973 school 3711 3711.000 -0.0190325 -0.0190325
AUT 1974 school 3644 3644.000 -0.0180544 -0.0180544
AUT 1975 school 3590 3590.000 -0.0148189 -0.0148189
AUT 1976 school 3548 3548.000 -0.0116992 -0.0116992
AUT 1977 school 3508 3508.000 -0.0112740 -0.0112740
AUT 1978 school 3494 3494.000 -0.0039909 -0.0039909
AUT 1979 school 3466 3466.000 -0.0080137 -0.0080137
AUT 1980 school 3450 3450.000 -0.0046163 -0.0046163
AUT 1981 school 3451 3451.000 0.0002899 0.0002899
AUT 1982 school 3434 3434.000 -0.0049261 -0.0049261
AUT 1983 school 3421 3421.000 -0.0037857 -0.0037857
AUT 1984 school 3414 3414.000 -0.0020462 -0.0020462
AUT 1985 school 3411 3411.000 -0.0008787 -0.0008787
AUT 1986 school 3395 3395.000 -0.0046907 -0.0046907
AUT 1987 school 3394 3394.000 -0.0002946 -0.0002946
AUT 1988 school 3385 3385.000 -0.0026517 -0.0026517
AUT 1989 school 3383 3383.000 -0.0005908 -0.0005908
AUT 1990 school 3386 3386.000 0.0008868 0.0008868
AUT 1991 school 3384 3384.000 -0.0005907 -0.0005907
AUT 1992 school 3381 3381.000 -0.0008865 -0.0008865
AUT 1993 school 3382 3382.000 0.0002958 0.0002958
AUT 1994 school 3378 3378.000 -0.0011827 -0.0011827
AUT 1995 school 3383 3383.000 0.0014802 0.0014802
AUT 1996 school 3367 3367.000 -0.0047295 -0.0047295
AUT 1997 school 3362 3362.000 -0.0014850 -0.0014850
AUT 1998 school 3366 3366.000 0.0011898 0.0011898
AUT 1999 school 3364 3364.000 -0.0005942 -0.0005942
AUT 2000 school 3360 3360.000 -0.0011891 -0.0011891
AUT 2001 school 3309 3309.000 -0.0151786 -0.0151786
AUT 2002 school 3299 3299.000 -0.0030221 -0.0030221
AUT 2003 school 3336 3336.000 0.0112155 0.0112155
AUT 2004 school 3324 3324.000 -0.0035971 -0.0035971
AUT 2005 school 3296 3296.000 -0.0084236 -0.0084236
AUT 2006 school 3248 3248.000 -0.0145631 -0.0145631
AUT 2007 school 3225 3225.000 -0.0070813 -0.0070813
AUT 2008 school 3207 3207.000 -0.0055814 -0.0055814
AUT 2009 school 3197 3197.000 -0.0031182 -0.0031182
AUT 2010 school 3171 3171.000 -0.0081326 -0.0081326
AUT 2011 school 3135 3135.000 -0.0113529 -0.0113529
AUT 2012 school 3095 3095.000 -0.0127592 -0.0127592
AUT 2013 school 3066 3066.000 -0.0093700 -0.0093700
AUT 2014 school 3051 3051.000 -0.0048924 -0.0048924
AUT 2015 school 3039 3039.000 -0.0039331 -0.0039331
AUT 2016 school 3040 3040.000 0.0003291 0.0003291
AUT 2017 school 3033 3033.000 -0.0023026 -0.0023026
AUT 2018 school 3026 3026.000 -0.0023079 -0.0023079
AUT 2019 school 3014 3014.000 -0.0039656 -0.0039656
AUT 2020 school 3014 3014.000 0.0000000 0.0000000

Switzerland Example

We have some historical data on Switzerland, and also some recent data.

# str(ppts_easia_weuro_long)
# print
kable(ppts_easia_weuro_long %>% 
        filter(location_code == 'CHE' & variable == 'teacher') %>%
        ungroup() %>%
        select(location_code, year, variable, 
          value, value_interp1, pchg_yr1, pchg_yr1_interp1), 
      caption="Raw and interpolated Switzerland schools results")
Raw and interpolated Switzerland schools results
location_code year variable value value_interp1 pchg_yr1 pchg_yr1_interp1
CHE 1920 teacher NA 13497.39 NA -0.0023365
CHE 1921 teacher NA 13465.85 NA -0.0023365
CHE 1922 teacher NA 13434.39 NA -0.0023365
CHE 1923 teacher 13403 13403.00 NA -0.0023365
CHE 1924 teacher NA 13345.89 NA -0.0042613
CHE 1925 teacher NA 13289.02 NA -0.0042613
CHE 1926 teacher NA 13232.39 NA -0.0042613
CHE 1927 teacher 13176 13176.00 NA -0.0042613
CHE 1928 teacher NA 13207.88 NA 0.0024199
CHE 1929 teacher NA 13239.85 NA 0.0024199
CHE 1930 teacher NA 13271.88 NA 0.0024199
CHE 1931 teacher 13304 13304.00 NA 0.0024199
CHE 1932 teacher NA 13371.73 NA 0.0050910
CHE 1933 teacher NA 13439.81 NA 0.0050910
CHE 1934 teacher NA 13508.23 NA 0.0050910
CHE 1935 teacher 13577 13577.00 NA 0.0050910
CHE 1936 teacher NA 13572.50 NA -0.0003316
CHE 1937 teacher NA 13568.00 NA -0.0003316
CHE 1938 teacher NA 13563.50 NA -0.0003316
CHE 1939 teacher 13559 13559.00 NA -0.0003316
CHE 1940 teacher NA 13533.93 NA -0.0018489
CHE 1941 teacher NA 13508.91 NA -0.0018489
CHE 1942 teacher NA 13483.93 NA -0.0018489
CHE 1943 teacher 13459 13459.00 NA -0.0018489
CHE 1944 teacher NA 13575.72 NA 0.0086725
CHE 1945 teacher NA 13693.46 NA 0.0086725
CHE 1946 teacher NA 13812.21 NA 0.0086725
CHE 1947 teacher 13932 13932.00 NA 0.0086725
CHE 1948 teacher NA 14066.05 NA 0.0096219
CHE 1949 teacher NA 14201.40 NA 0.0096219
CHE 1950 teacher NA 14338.04 NA 0.0096219
CHE 1951 teacher 14476 14476.00 NA 0.0096219
CHE 1952 teacher NA 14847.08 NA 0.0256342
CHE 1953 teacher NA 15227.67 NA 0.0256342
CHE 1954 teacher NA 15618.02 NA 0.0256342
CHE 1955 teacher NA 16018.38 NA 0.0256342
CHE 1956 teacher 16429 16429.00 NA 0.0256342
CHE 1957 teacher NA 16678.32 NA 0.0151754
CHE 1958 teacher NA 16931.42 NA 0.0151754
CHE 1959 teacher NA 17188.36 NA 0.0151754
CHE 1960 teacher NA 17449.20 NA 0.0151754
CHE 1961 teacher 17714 17714.00 NA 0.0151754
CHE 1962 teacher NA 18046.84 NA 0.0187896
CHE 1963 teacher NA 18385.93 NA 0.0187896
CHE 1964 teacher NA 18731.40 NA 0.0187896
CHE 1965 teacher NA 19083.36 NA 0.0187896
CHE 1966 teacher NA 19441.92 NA 0.0187896
CHE 1967 teacher NA 19807.23 NA 0.0187896
CHE 1968 teacher NA 20179.40 NA 0.0187896
CHE 1969 teacher NA 20558.57 NA 0.0187896
CHE 1970 teacher NA 20944.85 NA 0.0187896
CHE 1971 teacher NA 21338.40 NA 0.0187896
CHE 1972 teacher NA 21739.34 NA 0.0187896
CHE 1973 teacher NA 22147.82 NA 0.0187896
CHE 1974 teacher NA 22563.97 NA 0.0187896
CHE 1975 teacher NA 22987.94 NA 0.0187896
CHE 1976 teacher NA 23419.87 NA 0.0187896
CHE 1977 teacher NA 23859.92 NA 0.0187896
CHE 1978 teacher NA 24308.24 NA 0.0187896
CHE 1979 teacher NA 24764.98 NA 0.0187896
CHE 1980 teacher NA 25230.31 NA 0.0187896
CHE 1981 teacher NA 25704.38 NA 0.0187896
CHE 1982 teacher NA 26187.35 NA 0.0187896
CHE 1983 teacher NA 26679.41 NA 0.0187896
CHE 1984 teacher NA 27180.70 NA 0.0187896
CHE 1985 teacher NA 27691.42 NA 0.0187896
CHE 1986 teacher NA 28211.73 NA 0.0187896
CHE 1987 teacher NA 28741.82 NA 0.0187896
CHE 1988 teacher NA 29281.87 NA 0.0187896
CHE 1989 teacher NA 29832.06 NA 0.0187896
CHE 1990 teacher NA 30392.60 NA 0.0187896
CHE 1991 teacher NA 30963.66 NA 0.0187896
CHE 1992 teacher NA 31545.46 NA 0.0187896
CHE 1993 teacher NA 32138.19 NA 0.0187896
CHE 1994 teacher NA 32742.05 NA 0.0187896
CHE 1995 teacher NA 33357.26 NA 0.0187896
CHE 1996 teacher NA 33984.04 NA 0.0187896
CHE 1997 teacher NA 34622.58 NA 0.0187896
CHE 1998 teacher NA 35273.13 NA 0.0187896
CHE 1999 teacher NA 35935.90 NA 0.0187896
CHE 2000 teacher NA 36611.12 NA 0.0187896
CHE 2001 teacher NA 37299.03 NA 0.0187896
CHE 2002 teacher NA 37999.87 NA 0.0187896
CHE 2003 teacher NA 38713.87 NA 0.0187896
CHE 2004 teacher NA 39441.29 NA 0.0187896
CHE 2005 teacher NA 40182.38 NA 0.0187896
CHE 2006 teacher NA 40937.39 NA 0.0187896
CHE 2007 teacher NA 41706.59 NA 0.0187896
CHE 2008 teacher NA 42490.25 NA 0.0187896
CHE 2009 teacher NA 43288.62 NA 0.0187896
CHE 2010 teacher 44102 44102.00 NA 0.0187896
CHE 2011 teacher 45666 45666.00 0.0354632 0.0354632
CHE 2012 teacher 46104 46104.00 0.0095914 0.0095914
CHE 2013 teacher 48345 48345.00 0.0486075 0.0486075
CHE 2014 teacher 47223 47223.00 -0.0232082 -0.0232082
CHE 2015 teacher 48595 48595.00 0.0290536 0.0290536
CHE 2016 teacher 50672 50672.00 0.0427410 0.0427410
CHE 2017 teacher 50879 50879.00 0.0040851 0.0040851
CHE 2018 teacher 51844 51844.00 0.0189666 0.0189666
CHE 2019 teacher 52738 52738.00 0.0172440 0.0172440
CHE 2020 teacher 54777 54777.00 0.0386628 0.0386628

Germany Example

Germany reunified in 1992, we extrapolate to obtain data predictions for 1990 to facilitate computing percentage changes.

# str(ppts_easia_weuro_long)
# print
kable(ppts_easia_weuro_long %>% 
        filter(location_code == 'DEU' & variable == 'school') %>%
        ungroup() %>%
        select(location_code, year, variable, 
          value, value_interp1, pchg_yr1, pchg_yr1_interp1), 
      caption="Raw and interpolated Germany schools results")
Raw and interpolated Germany schools results
location_code year variable value value_interp1 pchg_yr1 pchg_yr1_interp1
DEU 1987 school NA 18091.76 NA -0.0016721
DEU 1988 school NA 18061.50 NA -0.0016721
DEU 1989 school NA 18031.30 NA -0.0016721
DEU 1990 school NA 18001.15 NA -0.0016721
DEU 1991 school NA 17971.05 NA -0.0016721
DEU 1992 school 17941 17941.00 NA -0.0016721
DEU 1993 school 17911 17911.00 -0.0016721 -0.0016721
DEU 1994 school 17895 17895.00 -0.0008933 -0.0008933
DEU 1995 school 17910 17910.00 0.0008382 0.0008382
DEU 1996 school 17892 17892.00 -0.0010050 -0.0010050
DEU 1997 school 17829 17829.00 -0.0035211 -0.0035211
DEU 1998 school 17662 17662.00 -0.0093668 -0.0093668
DEU 1999 school 17503 17503.00 -0.0090024 -0.0090024
DEU 2000 school 17275 17275.00 -0.0130263 -0.0130263
DEU 2001 school 17175 17175.00 -0.0057887 -0.0057887
DEU 2002 school 17075 17075.00 -0.0058224 -0.0058224
DEU 2003 school 16992 16992.00 -0.0048609 -0.0048609
DEU 2004 school 16932 16932.00 -0.0035311 -0.0035311
DEU 2005 school 16814 16814.00 -0.0069691 -0.0069691
DEU 2006 school 16743 16743.00 -0.0042227 -0.0042227
DEU 2007 school 16649 16649.00 -0.0056143 -0.0056143
DEU 2008 school 16500 16500.00 -0.0089495 -0.0089495
DEU 2009 school 16431 16431.00 -0.0041818 -0.0041818
DEU 2010 school 16290 16290.00 -0.0085813 -0.0085813
DEU 2011 school 16103 16103.00 -0.0114794 -0.0114794
DEU 2012 school 15971 15971.00 -0.0081972 -0.0081972
DEU 2013 school 15749 15749.00 -0.0139002 -0.0139002
DEU 2014 school 15578 15578.00 -0.0108578 -0.0108578
DEU 2015 school 15483 15483.00 -0.0060983 -0.0060983
DEU 2016 school 15456 15456.00 -0.0017438 -0.0017438
DEU 2017 school 15409 15409.00 -0.0030409 -0.0030409
DEU 2018 school 15398 15398.00 -0.0007139 -0.0007139
DEU 2019 school 15431 15431.00 0.0021431 0.0021431
DEU 2020 school 15447 15447.00 0.0010369 0.0010369

Korean Busan Interpolate and Extrapolate Results

We do not do any extrapolation or interpolation in Busan Korea, because the data is available for school counts between 1965 and 2020, the min and max years of the Korean data, and data is available every single year.

# str(ppts_easia_weuro_long)
# print
kable(ppts_easia_weuro_long %>% 
        filter(location_code == 'KOR_Busan' & variable == 'school') %>%
        ungroup() %>%
        select(location_code, year, variable, 
          value, value_interp1, pchg_yr1, pchg_yr1_interp1), 
      caption="Raw and interpolated Korean Busan province schools results")
Raw and interpolated Korean Busan province schools results
location_code year variable value value_interp1 pchg_yr1 pchg_yr1_interp1
KOR_Busan 1965 school 79 79 NA 0.0886076
KOR_Busan 1966 school 86 86 0.0886076 0.0886076
KOR_Busan 1967 school 93 93 0.0813953 0.0813953
KOR_Busan 1968 school 96 96 0.0322581 0.0322581
KOR_Busan 1969 school 98 98 0.0208333 0.0208333
KOR_Busan 1970 school 99 99 0.0102041 0.0102041
KOR_Busan 1971 school 100 100 0.0101010 0.0101010
KOR_Busan 1972 school 103 103 0.0300000 0.0300000
KOR_Busan 1973 school 106 106 0.0291262 0.0291262
KOR_Busan 1974 school 107 107 0.0094340 0.0094340
KOR_Busan 1975 school 112 112 0.0467290 0.0467290
KOR_Busan 1976 school 114 114 0.0178571 0.0178571
KOR_Busan 1977 school 114 114 0.0000000 0.0000000
KOR_Busan 1978 school 128 128 0.1228070 0.1228070
KOR_Busan 1979 school 131 131 0.0234375 0.0234375
KOR_Busan 1980 school 137 137 0.0458015 0.0458015
KOR_Busan 1981 school 149 149 0.0875912 0.0875912
KOR_Busan 1982 school 158 158 0.0604027 0.0604027
KOR_Busan 1983 school 169 169 0.0696203 0.0696203
KOR_Busan 1984 school 184 184 0.0887574 0.0887574
KOR_Busan 1985 school 193 193 0.0489130 0.0489130
KOR_Busan 1986 school 196 196 0.0155440 0.0155440
KOR_Busan 1987 school 200 200 0.0204082 0.0204082
KOR_Busan 1988 school 202 202 0.0100000 0.0100000
KOR_Busan 1989 school 217 217 0.0742574 0.0742574
KOR_Busan 1990 school 221 221 0.0184332 0.0184332
KOR_Busan 1991 school 222 222 0.0045249 0.0045249
KOR_Busan 1992 school 227 227 0.0225225 0.0225225
KOR_Busan 1993 school 230 230 0.0132159 0.0132159
KOR_Busan 1994 school 228 228 -0.0086957 -0.0086957
KOR_Busan 1995 school 245 245 0.0745614 0.0745614
KOR_Busan 1996 school 250 250 0.0204082 0.0204082
KOR_Busan 1997 school 257 257 0.0280000 0.0280000
KOR_Busan 1998 school 259 259 0.0077821 0.0077821
KOR_Busan 1999 school 265 265 0.0231660 0.0231660
KOR_Busan 2000 school 267 267 0.0075472 0.0075472
KOR_Busan 2001 school 269 269 0.0074906 0.0074906
KOR_Busan 2002 school 273 273 0.0148699 0.0148699
KOR_Busan 2003 school 279 279 0.0219780 0.0219780
KOR_Busan 2004 school 283 283 0.0143369 0.0143369
KOR_Busan 2005 school 285 285 0.0070671 0.0070671
KOR_Busan 2006 school 292 292 0.0245614 0.0245614
KOR_Busan 2007 school 293 293 0.0034247 0.0034247
KOR_Busan 2008 school 293 293 0.0000000 0.0000000
KOR_Busan 2009 school 297 297 0.0136519 0.0136519
KOR_Busan 2010 school 298 298 0.0033670 0.0033670
KOR_Busan 2011 school 297 297 -0.0033557 -0.0033557
KOR_Busan 2012 school 299 299 0.0067340 0.0067340
KOR_Busan 2013 school 302 302 0.0100334 0.0100334
KOR_Busan 2014 school 305 305 0.0099338 0.0099338
KOR_Busan 2015 school 306 306 0.0032787 0.0032787
KOR_Busan 2016 school 308 308 0.0065359 0.0065359
KOR_Busan 2017 school 308 308 0.0000000 0.0000000
KOR_Busan 2018 school 305 305 -0.0097403 -0.0097403
KOR_Busan 2019 school 304 304 -0.0032787 -0.0032787
KOR_Busan 2020 school 304 304 0.0000000 0.0000000

Generate percentage changes every 5, 10, 15, 20 years

We now consider several different cuts, over the end-points of which we compute percentage changes.

# Every five years from 1940 until 2020
ar_it_cuts_1940t2020_i05 <- seq(1920, 2020, length.out = 21)
st_cuts_1940t2020_i05 <- "1920t2020i05"
# Every ten years from 1940 until 2020
ar_it_cuts_1940t2020_i10 <- seq(1920, 2020, length.out = 11)
st_cuts_1940t2020_i10 <- "1920t2020i10"
# Every 15 years from 1940 until 2020
ar_it_cuts_1940t2020_i15 <- seq(1925, 2015, length.out = 7)
st_cuts_1940t2020_i15 <- "1925t2015i15"
# Every 20 years from 1940 until 2020
ar_it_cuts_1940t2020_i20 <- seq(1920, 2020, length.out = 6)
st_cuts_1940t2020_i20 <- "1920t2020i20"

We put the cuts and the associated string names into two lists.

# List of cuts
ls_ar_it_cuts <- list(
# Add names
names(ls_ar_it_cuts) <- c(
# Display
for (st_cuts_name in names(ls_ar_it_cuts)) {
#> cutTypeName=1920t2020i05:
#> bins=c(1920, 1925, 1930, 1935, 1940, 1945, 1950, 1955, 1960, 1965, 1970, 1975, 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015, 2020)
#> cutTypeName=1920t2020i10:
#> bins=c(1920, 1930, 1940, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000, 2010, 2020)
#> cutTypeName=1925t2015i15:
#> bins=c(1925, 1940, 1955, 1970, 1985, 2000, 2015)
#> cutTypeName=1920t2020i20:
#> bins=c(1920, 1940, 1960, 1980, 2000, 2020)

Generate percentage changes across start end end points of each bin, for bins of varying length. For both raw and interpolated data.

# E. Generate cuts -----
it_avg_type <- 1
it_cut_type <- 1
for (it_avg_type in c(1, 2)) {
  if (it_avg_type == 1) {
    svr_chg_var <- "pchg_yr1"
    # common var across all spans
    svr_chg_var_new <- "pchg"
    svr_var_val <- "value"
  } else if (it_avg_type == 2) {
    svr_chg_var <- "pchg_yr1_interp1"
    # common var across all spans
    svr_chg_var_new <- "pchg_interp1"
    svr_var_val <- "value_interp1"
  # Add to stack the annual results
  ppts_easia_weuro_pchg <- ppts_easia_weuro_long %>%
    select(location_code, location_level,
           variable, year, one_of(svr_chg_var, svr_var_val)) %>%
    filter(!!!sym(svr_chg_var)) | !!!sym(svr_var_val))) %>%
    rename(!!sym(svr_chg_var_new) := !!sym(svr_chg_var),
           year_bins = year) %>%
    mutate(year_bins = as.factor(year_bins)) %>%
    mutate(year_bins_type = "1940t2020i01") %>%
  # Loop over cut types    
  for (st_cuts_name in names(ls_ar_it_cuts)) {
    # temp dataframe
    ppts_easia_weuro_long_cut <- ppts_easia_weuro_long %>%
      select(location_code, location_level,
             variable, year,
             one_of(svr_chg_var, svr_var_val))
    # E.1 Cut types
    ar_it_cuts <- ls_ar_it_cuts[[st_cuts_name]]
    it_gap <- ar_it_cuts[2] - ar_it_cuts[1]
    ar_it_end_seg <- ar_it_cuts[2:length(ar_it_cuts)]
    ar_it_start_seg <- ar_it_end_seg - it_gap + 1
    ar_st_lab <- paste0(ar_it_start_seg, "-", ar_it_end_seg)
    # E.2 Generate new year groupings, consider only full-segments
    # consider only sub-segments with observations in all years
    ppts_easia_weuro_long_cut <- ppts_easia_weuro_long_cut %>%
      mutate(year_bins = cut(year,
                             breaks = ar_it_cuts,
                             labels = ar_st_lab,
                             right = TRUE)) %>%
      group_by(location_code, location_level,
               variable, year_bins) %>%
      mutate(val_n_in_bin = sum(!!!sym(svr_chg_var))))
    # filter(val_n_in_bin == it_gap)
    # E.3 cumulative product
    ppts_easia_weuro_long_cut <- ppts_easia_weuro_long_cut %>%
      arrange(location_code, location_level, variable, year_bins, year) %>%
      group_by(location_code, location_level, variable, year_bins) %>%
      mutate(!!sym(svr_chg_var_new) := cumprod(1 + !!sym(svr_chg_var)) - 1) %>% 
      mutate(!!sym(svr_chg_var_new) := 
        case_when(val_n_in_bin == it_gap ~ !!sym(svr_chg_var_new),
                  TRUE ~ NA))

    # View(ppts_easia_weuro_long_cut)
    # E.4, slices last row
    ppts_easia_weuro_long_cut <- ppts_easia_weuro_long_cut %>%
      slice(n()) %>%
      select(location_code, location_level,
             variable, year_bins, one_of(svr_chg_var_new, svr_var_val)) %>%
      ungroup() %>%
      mutate(year_bins_type = st_cuts_name) %>%
      filter(!!!sym(svr_chg_var_new)) | !!!sym(svr_var_val))) %>% 
    # E.5 Stack
    ppts_easia_weuro_pchg <- bind_rows(
      ppts_easia_weuro_pchg, ppts_easia_weuro_long_cut)
  # export
  if (it_avg_type == 1) {
    ppts_easia_weuro_pchg_raw <- ppts_easia_weuro_pchg
  } else if (it_avg_type == 2) {
    ppts_easia_weuro_pchg_interp1 <- ppts_easia_weuro_pchg
  # # Print results
  # print(kable(ppts_easia_weuro_long %>% 
  #         filter(location_code == 'AFG' & variable == 'student'), 
  #        caption= paste0("breaks=", st_cuts_name, ", variable=", svr_chg_var_new)))
#> cutTypeName=1920t2020i05:
#> bins=c(1920, 1925, 1930, 1935, 1940, 1945, 1950, 1955, 1960, 1965, 1970, 1975, 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015, 2020)
#> cutTypeName=1920t2020i10:
#> bins=c(1920, 1930, 1940, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000, 2010, 2020)
#> cutTypeName=1925t2015i15:
#> bins=c(1925, 1940, 1955, 1970, 1985, 2000, 2015)
#> cutTypeName=1920t2020i20:
#> bins=c(1920, 1940, 1960, 1980, 2000, 2020)
#> cutTypeName=1920t2020i05:
#> bins=c(1920, 1925, 1930, 1935, 1940, 1945, 1950, 1955, 1960, 1965, 1970, 1975, 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015, 2020)
#> cutTypeName=1920t2020i10:
#> bins=c(1920, 1930, 1940, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000, 2010, 2020)
#> cutTypeName=1925t2015i15:
#> bins=c(1925, 1940, 1955, 1970, 1985, 2000, 2015)
#> cutTypeName=1920t2020i20:
#> bins=c(1920, 1940, 1960, 1980, 2000, 2020)

Merge raw and interpolated results together, again

After generating percentage changes over different spans, merge again.

# D.3 merge together
# full_join same as left_join, 
ppts_easia_weuro_world_pchg <- ppts_easia_weuro_pchg_interp1 %>%
            by = (c('location_code' = 'location_code',
                    'location_level' = 'location_level',
                    'variable' = 'variable', 
                    'year_bins_type' = 'year_bins_type',
                    'year_bins' = 'year_bins'
            ))) %>% 
  mutate(variable = as.factor(variable), 
         year_bins_type = as.factor(year_bins_type), 
         # year_bins as string to allow for correct sorting
         year_bins = as.character(year_bins)) %>%
  select(location_code, location_level, 
         year_bins_type, year_bins, 
         pchg, pchg_interp1, 
         value, value_interp1) 
# %>% 
  # value has missing data at the start year of each perentage calculation
  # value_interp1 is just raw data but complete
  # select(-value) %>% rename(value = value_interp1)

#> tibble [82,685 × 9] (S3: tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
#>  $ location_code : Factor w/ 286 levels "ABW","AFE","AFG",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
#>  $ location_level: Factor w/ 4 levels "country","multicountry",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
#>  $ variable      : Factor w/ 5 levels "gdp","school",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
#>  $ year_bins_type: Factor w/ 5 levels "1920t2020i05",..: 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 ...
#>  $ year_bins     : chr [1:82685] "1981" "1982" "1983" "1984" ...
#>  $ pchg          : num [1:82685] NA NA NA NA NA ...
#>  $ pchg_interp1  : num [1:82685] 0.176 0.176 0.176 0.176 0.176 ...
#>  $ value         : num [1:82685] NA NA NA NA NA ...
#>  $ value_interp1 : num [1:82685] 7662 9010 10596 12460 14653 ...
# print(ppts_easia_weuro_world_pchg[1:50,])

Sort and Display

We sort variables for more clearly organized output file.

# Arrange results 
ppts_easia_weuro_world_pchg <- ppts_easia_weuro_world_pchg %>%
          location_level, location_code, 
          variable, year_bins)

Afghanistan as Example

We print results from year year group aggregation. The Afghanistan example demonstrates that we are able to compute more interval-percentage changes after interpolation, given filled out values at key years. We use student count as example.

Note that the “value” column shows value at the last year in the interval, if this was observed.

# print
for (st_cuts_name in names(ls_ar_it_cuts)) {
    kable(ppts_easia_weuro_world_pchg %>% 
            filter(location_code == 'AFG' & 
                     variable == 'student' &
                     year_bins_type == st_cuts_name) %>% 
            select(-location_level, -year_bins_type),
          caption = paste0("Afghanistan example, aggregate=", st_cuts_name)))
Afghanistan example, aggregate=1920t2020i05
location_code variable year_bins pchg pchg_interp1 value value_interp1
AFG student 1961-1965 NA NA NA 404712.6
AFG student 1966-1970 NA 0.3359727 540685 540685.0
AFG student 1971-1975 0.2804905 0.2804905 692342 692342.0
AFG student 1976-1980 NA 0.3859956 959583 959583.0
AFG student 1981-1985 NA -0.5006685 479150 479150.0
AFG student 1986-1990 NA 0.2992028 622513 622513.0
AFG student 1991-1995 NA 1.1079030 1312197 1312197.0
AFG student 1996-2000 NA -0.4289272 749360 749360.0
AFG student 2001-2005 4.7633434 4.7633434 4318819 4318819.0
AFG student 2006-2010 0.2224004 0.2224004 5279326 5279326.0
AFG student 2011-2015 0.1742652 0.1742652 6199329 6199329.0
AFG student 2016-2020 NA 0.1322113 NA 7018950.2
Afghanistan example, aggregate=1920t2020i10
location_code variable year_bins pchg pchg_interp1 value value_interp1
AFG student 1961-1970 NA NA 540685 540685
AFG student 1971-1980 NA 0.7747542 959583 959583
AFG student 1981-1990 NA -0.3512672 622513 622513
AFG student 1991-2000 NA 0.2037660 749360 749360
AFG student 2001-2010 6.045113 6.0451132 5279326 5279326
AFG student 2011-2020 NA 0.3295164 NA 7018950
Afghanistan example, aggregate=1925t2015i15
location_code variable year_bins pchg pchg_interp1 value value_interp1
AFG student 1956-1970 NA NA 540685 540685
AFG student 1971-1985 NA -0.1138093 479150 479150
AFG student 1986-2000 NA 0.5639361 749360 749360
AFG student 2001-2015 7.272831 7.2728315 6199329 6199329
Afghanistan example, aggregate=1920t2020i20
location_code variable year_bins pchg pchg_interp1 value value_interp1
AFG student 1961-1980 NA NA 959583 959583
AFG student 1981-2000 NA -0.2190775 749360 749360
AFG student 2001-2020 NA 8.3665931 NA 7018950

Austria as Example

Below we illustrate with Austria as example, showing data for school count. We are able to fill out some initial decades/years a little bit more with interpolation.

# print
for (st_cuts_name in names(ls_ar_it_cuts)) {
    kable(ppts_easia_weuro_world_pchg %>% 
            filter(location_code == 'AUT' & 
                     variable == 'school' &
                     year_bins_type == st_cuts_name) %>%
            select(-location_level, -year_bins_type), 
          caption = paste0("Austria example, aggregate=", st_cuts_name)))
Austria example, aggregate=1920t2020i05
location_code variable year_bins pchg pchg_interp1 value value_interp1
AUT school 1921-1925 NA NA 4697 4697.000
AUT school 1926-1930 NA 0.0004258 4699 4699.000
AUT school 1931-1935 NA -0.0053203 4674 4674.000
AUT school 1936-1940 NA -0.0415880 NA 4479.618
AUT school 1941-1945 NA -0.0415880 NA 4293.319
AUT school 1946-1950 NA 0.0248480 4400 4400.000
AUT school 1951-1955 0.0061364 0.0061364 4427 4427.000
AUT school 1956-1960 -0.0076801 -0.0076801 4393 4393.000
AUT school 1961-1965 -0.0223082 -0.0223082 4295 4295.000
AUT school 1966-1970 -0.0749709 -0.0749709 3973 3973.000
AUT school 1971-1975 -0.0964007 -0.0964007 3590 3590.000
AUT school 1976-1980 -0.0389972 -0.0389972 3450 3450.000
AUT school 1981-1985 -0.0113043 -0.0113043 3411 3411.000
AUT school 1986-1990 -0.0073292 -0.0073292 3386 3386.000
AUT school 1991-1995 -0.0008860 -0.0008860 3383 3383.000
AUT school 1996-2000 -0.0067987 -0.0067987 3360 3360.000
AUT school 2001-2005 -0.0190476 -0.0190476 3296 3296.000
AUT school 2006-2010 -0.0379248 -0.0379248 3171 3171.000
AUT school 2011-2015 -0.0416272 -0.0416272 3039 3039.000
AUT school 2016-2020 -0.0082264 -0.0082264 3014 3014.000
Austria example, aggregate=1920t2020i10
location_code variable year_bins pchg pchg_interp1 value value_interp1
AUT school 1921-1930 NA NA 4699 4699.000
AUT school 1931-1940 NA -0.0466870 NA 4479.618
AUT school 1941-1950 NA -0.0177733 4400 4400.000
AUT school 1951-1960 -0.0015909 -0.0015909 4393 4393.000
AUT school 1961-1970 -0.0956066 -0.0956066 3973 3973.000
AUT school 1971-1980 -0.1316386 -0.1316386 3450 3450.000
AUT school 1981-1990 -0.0185507 -0.0185507 3386 3386.000
AUT school 1991-2000 -0.0076787 -0.0076787 3360 3360.000
AUT school 2001-2010 -0.0562500 -0.0562500 3171 3171.000
AUT school 2011-2020 -0.0495112 -0.0495112 3014 3014.000
Austria example, aggregate=1925t2015i15
location_code variable year_bins pchg pchg_interp1 value value_interp1
AUT school 1926-1940 NA -0.0462811 NA 4479.618
AUT school 1941-1955 NA -0.0117460 4427 4427.000
AUT school 1956-1970 -0.1025525 -0.1025525 3973 3973.000
AUT school 1971-1985 -0.1414548 -0.1414548 3411 3411.000
AUT school 1986-2000 -0.0149516 -0.0149516 3360 3360.000
AUT school 2001-2015 -0.0955357 -0.0955357 3039 3039.000
Austria example, aggregate=1920t2020i20
location_code variable year_bins pchg pchg_interp1 value value_interp1
AUT school 1921-1940 NA NA NA 4479.618
AUT school 1941-1960 NA -0.0193360 4393 4393.000
AUT school 1961-1980 -0.2146597 -0.2146597 3450 3450.000
AUT school 1981-2000 -0.0260870 -0.0260870 3360 3360.000
AUT school 2001-2020 -0.1029762 -0.1029762 3014 3014.000

Switerland as Example

Below we illustrate with Germany as example, where we filled in values.

# print
for (st_cuts_name in names(ls_ar_it_cuts)) {
    kable(ppts_easia_weuro_world_pchg %>% 
            filter(location_code == 'CHE' & 
                     variable == 'teacher' &
                     year_bins_type == st_cuts_name) %>%
            select(-location_level, -year_bins_type), 
          caption = paste0("Germany example, aggregate=", st_cuts_name)))
Germany example, aggregate=1920t2020i05
location_code variable year_bins pchg pchg_interp1 value value_interp1
CHE teacher 1921-1925 NA -0.0154381 NA 13289.02
CHE teacher 1926-1930 NA -0.0012891 NA 13271.88
CHE teacher 1931-1935 NA 0.0229897 13577 13577.00
CHE teacher 1936-1940 NA -0.0031722 NA 13533.93
CHE teacher 1941-1945 NA 0.0117872 NA 13693.46
CHE teacher 1946-1950 NA 0.0470723 NA 14338.04
CHE teacher 1951-1955 NA 0.1171946 NA 16018.38
CHE teacher 1956-1960 NA 0.0893236 NA 17449.20
CHE teacher 1961-1965 NA 0.0936521 NA 19083.36
CHE teacher 1966-1970 NA 0.0975457 NA 20944.85
CHE teacher 1971-1975 NA 0.0975457 NA 22987.94
CHE teacher 1976-1980 NA 0.0975457 NA 25230.31
CHE teacher 1981-1985 NA 0.0975457 NA 27691.42
CHE teacher 1986-1990 NA 0.0975457 NA 30392.60
CHE teacher 1991-1995 NA 0.0975457 NA 33357.26
CHE teacher 1996-2000 NA 0.0975457 NA 36611.12
CHE teacher 2001-2005 NA 0.0975457 NA 40182.38
CHE teacher 2006-2010 NA 0.0975457 44102 44102.00
CHE teacher 2011-2015 0.1018775 0.1018775 48595 48595.00
CHE teacher 2016-2020 0.1272147 0.1272147 54777 54777.00
Germany example, aggregate=1920t2020i10
location_code variable year_bins pchg pchg_interp1 value value_interp1
CHE teacher 1921-1930 NA -0.0167073 NA 13271.88
CHE teacher 1931-1940 NA 0.0197445 NA 13533.93
CHE teacher 1941-1950 NA 0.0594144 NA 14338.04
CHE teacher 1951-1960 NA 0.2169864 NA 17449.20
CHE teacher 1961-1970 NA 0.2003332 NA 20944.85
CHE teacher 1971-1980 NA 0.2046066 NA 25230.31
CHE teacher 1981-1990 NA 0.2046066 NA 30392.60
CHE teacher 1991-2000 NA 0.2046066 NA 36611.12
CHE teacher 2001-2010 NA 0.2046066 44102 44102.00
CHE teacher 2011-2020 0.2420525 0.2420525 54777 54777.00
Germany example, aggregate=1925t2015i15
location_code variable year_bins pchg pchg_interp1 value value_interp1
CHE teacher 1926-1940 NA 0.0184299 NA 13533.93
CHE teacher 1941-1955 NA 0.1835720 NA 16018.38
CHE teacher 1956-1970 NA 0.3075513 NA 20944.85
CHE teacher 1971-1985 NA 0.3221108 NA 27691.42
CHE teacher 1986-2000 NA 0.3221108 NA 36611.12
CHE teacher 2001-2015 NA 0.3273289 48595 48595.00
Germany example, aggregate=1920t2020i20
location_code variable year_bins pchg pchg_interp1 value value_interp1
CHE teacher 1921-1940 NA 0.0027073 NA 13533.93
CHE teacher 1941-1960 NA 0.2892929 NA 17449.20
CHE teacher 1961-1980 NA 0.4459293 NA 25230.31
CHE teacher 1981-2000 NA 0.4510770 NA 36611.12
CHE teacher 2001-2020 NA 0.4961846 54777 54777.00

Germany as Example

Below we illustrate with Germany as example, where we filled in values.

# print
for (st_cuts_name in names(ls_ar_it_cuts)) {
    kable(ppts_easia_weuro_world_pchg %>% 
            filter(location_code == 'DEU' & 
                     variable == 'school' &
                     year_bins_type == st_cuts_name) %>%
            select(-location_level, -year_bins_type), 
          caption = paste0("Germany example, aggregate=", st_cuts_name)))
Germany example, aggregate=1920t2020i05
location_code variable year_bins pchg pchg_interp1 value value_interp1
DEU school 1986-1990 NA NA NA 18001.15
DEU school 1991-1995 NA -0.0050636 17910 17910.00
DEU school 1996-2000 -0.0354551 -0.0354551 17275 17275.00
DEU school 2001-2005 -0.0266860 -0.0266860 16814 16814.00
DEU school 2006-2010 -0.0311645 -0.0311645 16290 16290.00
DEU school 2011-2015 -0.0495396 -0.0495396 15483 15483.00
DEU school 2016-2020 -0.0023251 -0.0023251 15447 15447.00
Germany example, aggregate=1920t2020i10
location_code variable year_bins pchg pchg_interp1 value value_interp1
DEU school 1981-1990 NA NA NA 18001.15
DEU school 1991-2000 NA -0.0403391 17275 17275.00
DEU school 2001-2010 -0.0570188 -0.0570188 16290 16290.00
DEU school 2011-2020 -0.0517495 -0.0517495 15447 15447.00
Germany example, aggregate=1925t2015i15
location_code variable year_bins pchg pchg_interp1 value value_interp1
DEU school 1986-2000 NA NA 17275 17275
DEU school 2001-2015 -0.1037337 -0.1037337 15483 15483
Germany example, aggregate=1920t2020i20
location_code variable year_bins pchg pchg_interp1 value value_interp1
DEU school 1981-2000 NA NA 17275 17275
DEU school 2001-2020 -0.1058177 -0.1058177 15447 15447

Store to file

Finally, we save results to file in the data folder.

# Write to CSV and write to rda
if (bl_resave_to_data) {
  write_csv(ppts_easia_weuro_world_pchg, "../data/ppts_easia_weuro_world_pchg.csv", na="")
  usethis::use_data(ppts_easia_weuro_world_pchg, overwrite = TRUE)