Optimal ALlocation Queues for Discrete Problems, Allocation Amount, Value
bl_df_alloc_il = FALSE,
bl_return_V = TRUE,
bl_return_allQ_V = FALSE,
bl_return_inner_V = FALSE,
svr_rho = "rho",
svr_rho_val = "rho_val",
svr_id_i = "id_i",
svr_id_il = "id_il",
svr_D_max_i = "D_max_i",
svr_D_il = "D_il",
svr_D_star_i = "D_star_i",
svr_F_star_i = "F_star_i",
svr_EH_star_i = "EH_star_i",
svr_inpalc = "Q_il",
svr_D_Wbin_il = "D_Wbin_il",
svr_A_il = "A_il",
svr_alpha_il = "alpha_il",
svr_beta_i = "beta_i",
svr_measure_i = NA,
svr_mass_cumu_il = "mass_cumu_il",
svr_expout = "opti_exp_outcome",
svr_V_star_Q_il = "V_star_Q_il",
st_idcol_prefix = "sid_"
is the amount of resources (in measure if svr_measure_i is not NA) available for allocation.
boolean if true this will output a matrix where each column is a different i individual and each row is a position along the queue, and each cell is the level of allocation for individual i when the overall allocation queue is up to the current queue position.
string variable name for planner bias
string variable name for mass for this type of recipient, default NA mass of recipient is the measure of recipient of this type in the population. This measure does not impact relative ranking optimal allocation across types, but determines how much to push individual types further along the allocation queue back.