1 Existing Stimulus as a Function of Income and Family Status

Taking advantage of snw_stimulus_checks from the PrjOptiSNW Package, this function presents stimulus checks at different income levels for households with different children count and martial status. The function considers the first as well as the second stimulus check.

1.1 Trump Stimulus Checks for Unmarried Households

Check base amount per adult and per child for the first and second rounds.

[fl_stimulus_adult_first, fl_stimulus_child_first] = deal(1200, 500);
[fl_stimulus_adult_second, fl_stimulus_child_second] = deal(600, 600);
bl_visualize = true;

Visualize stimulus check amounts.

bl_marital = 0;
for it_kids=0:1:4
    snw_stimulus_checks(it_kids, bl_marital, ...
        fl_stimulus_adult_first, fl_stimulus_child_first, ...
        fl_stimulus_adult_second, fl_stimulus_child_second, ...

1.2 Trump Stimulus Checks for Married Households

Visualize stimulus check amounts.

bl_marital = 1;
for it_kids=0:1:4
    snw_stimulus_checks(it_kids, bl_marital, ...
        fl_stimulus_adult_first, fl_stimulus_child_first, ...
        fl_stimulus_adult_second, fl_stimulus_child_second, ...