1 2019 Age, Income, Kids, Marry EV and EC of One Check

This is the example vignette for function: snw_evuvw19_jmky from the PrjOptiSNW Package. 2019 integrated over VU and VW

1.1 Test SNW_EVUVW19_JMKY Defaults Dense

Set Parameters

Call the function with defaults.

clear all;
st_solu_type = 'bisec_vec';

% Solve the VFI Problem and get Value Function
% mp_params = snw_mp_param('default_tiny');
% mp_params = snw_mp_param('default_dense');
mp_params = snw_mp_param('default_docdense');
mp_params('beta') = 0.95;
mp_controls = snw_mp_control('default_test');

% set Unemployment Related Variables
xi=0.5; % Proportional reduction in income due to unemployment (xi=0 refers to 0 labor income; xi=1 refers to no drop in labor income)
b=0; % Unemployment insurance replacement rate (b=0 refers to no UI benefits; b=1 refers to 100 percent labor income replacement)
TR=100/58056; % Value of a welfare check (can receive multiple checks). TO DO: Update with alternative values

mp_params('xi') = xi;
mp_params('b') = b;
mp_params('TR') = TR;

% Check Numbers
% n_incgrid=201; % Number of income groups
% n_incgrid_aux=round(0.75*n_incgrid);
% inc_grid1=linspace(0,4,n_incgrid_aux)'; % 4 refers to 4*58056=232224 dollars in 2012USD
% inc_grid=[inc_grid1;linspace(4+((7-4)/(n_incgrid-n_incgrid_aux)),7,n_incgrid-n_incgrid_aux)']; % 7 refers to 7*58056=406392 dollars in 2012USD
n_incgrid=201; % Number of income groups
mp_params('n_incgrid') = n_incgrid;
mp_params('inc_grid') = inc_grid;

% Solve for Unemployment Values
mp_controls('bl_print_vfi') = false;
mp_controls('bl_print_vfi_verbose') = false;
mp_controls('bl_print_ds') = false;
mp_controls('bl_print_ds_verbose') = false;    
mp_controls('bl_print_precompute') = false;
mp_controls('bl_print_precompute_verbose') = false;
mp_controls('bl_print_a4chk') = false;
mp_controls('bl_print_a4chk_verbose') = false;
mp_controls('bl_print_evuvw20_jaeemk') = false;
mp_controls('bl_print_evuvw20_jaeemk_verbose') = false;
mp_controls('bl_print_evuvw19_jaeemk') = false;
mp_controls('bl_print_evuvw19_jaeemk_verbose') = false;
mp_controls('bl_print_evuvw19_jmky') = false;

1.2 Solve VFI and Distributon

% Solve the Model to get V working and unemployed
[V_ss,ap_ss,cons_ss,mp_valpol_more_ss] = snw_vfi_main_bisec_vec(mp_params, mp_controls);

Completed SNW_VFI_MAIN_BISEC_VEC;SNW_MP_PARAM=default_docdense;SNW_MP_CONTROL=default_test;time=533.8122

inc_VFI = mp_valpol_more_ss('inc_VFI');
spouse_inc_VFI = mp_valpol_more_ss('spouse_inc_VFI');
total_inc_VFI = inc_VFI + spouse_inc_VFI;

% COVID year tax
mp_params('a2_covidyr') = mp_params('a2_covidyr_manna_heaven');
% 2020 V and C same as V_SS and cons_ss if tax the same
if (mp_params('a2_covidyr') == mp_params('a2'))
    % mana from heaven
    V_ss_2020 = V_ss;
    cons_ss_2020 = cons_ss;
    % change xi and b to for people without unemployment shock
    % solving for employed but 2020 tax results
    % a2_covidyr > a2, we increased tax in 2020 to pay for covid and other
    % costs resolve for both employed and unemployed
    xi = mp_params('xi');
    b = mp_params('b');
    mp_params('xi') = 1;
    mp_params('b') = 0;
    [V_ss_2020,~,cons_ss_2020,~] = snw_vfi_main_bisec_vec(mp_params, mp_controls, V_ss);
    mp_params('xi') = xi;
    mp_params('b') = b;
% Solve unemployment
[V_unemp_2020,~,cons_unemp_2020] = snw_vfi_main_bisec_vec(mp_params, mp_controls, V_ss);

Completed SNW_VFI_MAIN_BISEC_VEC 1 Period Unemp Shock;SNW_MP_PARAM=default_docdense;SNW_MP_CONTROL=default_test;time=328.3878

[Phi_true] = snw_ds_main(mp_params, mp_controls, ap_ss, cons_ss, mp_valpol_more_ss);

Completed SNW_DS_MAIN;SNW_MP_PARAM=default_docdense;SNW_MP_CONTROL=default_test;time=1486.9836

% Get Matrixes
cl_st_precompute_list = {'a', ...
    'inc', 'inc_unemp', 'spouse_inc', 'spouse_inc_unemp', 'ref_earn_wageind_grid', ...
    'ap_idx_lower_ss', 'ap_idx_higher_ss', 'ap_idx_lower_weight_ss', ...
mp_controls('bl_print_precompute_verbose') = false;

1.3 Pre-Compute Matrixes and YMKY Mass

% Pre-compute
[mp_precompute_res] = snw_hh_precompute(mp_params, mp_controls, cl_st_precompute_list, ap_ss, Phi_true);

Wage quintile cutoffs=0.4645     0.71528      1.0335      1.5632
Completed SNW_HH_PRECOMPUTE;SNW_MP_PARAM=default_docdense;SNW_MP_CONTROL=default_test;time cost=405.413

inc_tot_ygroup_grid = mp_precompute_res('inc_tot_ygroup_grid');
% YMKY Mass
[Phi_true_jmky] = snw_evuvw19_jmky_mass(mp_params, mp_controls, Phi_true, inc_tot_ygroup_grid);

Completed SNW_EVUVW19_JMKY_MASS;SNW_MP_PARAM=default_docdense;SNW_MP_CONTROL=default_test;time=12.0748
CONTAINER NAME: mp_outcomes ND Array (Matrix etc)
                     i    idx    ndim      numel       rowN      colN        sum         mean          std        coefvari    min       max   
                     _    ___    ____    __________    ____    _________    ______    __________    __________    ________    ___    _________

    Phi_true         1     1      6        4.37e+07     83     5.265e+05    45.793    1.0479e-06    1.5274e-05     14.576      0     0.0062366
    Phi_true_jmky    2     2      4      1.6482e+05     82          2010    45.787     0.0002778     0.0011622     4.1836      0      0.050802

1.4 Solve for 2019 Evuvw With 0 and 2 Checks

Zero checks:

% Solve ev 19 JAEEMK
welf_checks = 0;
[ev19_jaeemk_check0, ec19_jaeemk_check0, ev20_jaeemk_check0, ec20_jaeemk_check0] = ...
    welf_checks, st_solu_type, mp_params, mp_controls, ...
    V_ss_2020, cons_ss_2020, V_unemp_2020, cons_unemp_2020, mp_precompute_res);

Completed SNW_A4CHK_WRK_BISEC_VEC;SNW_MP_PARAM=st_biden_or_trump_undefined;welf_checks=0;TR=0.0017225;SNW_MP_PARAM=default_docdense;SNW_MP_CONTROL=default_test;time cost=70.147
Completed SNW_A4CHK_UNEMP_BISEC_VEC;welf_checks=0;TR=0.0017225;xi=0.5;b=0;SNW_MP_PARAM=default_docdense;SNW_MP_CONTROL=default_test;time cost=69.9973
Completed SNW_EVUVW20_JAEEMK;SNW_MP_PARAM=default_docdense;SNW_MP_CONTROL=default_test;timeEUEC=8.0308
Completed SNW_EVUVW19_JAEEMK;SNW_MP_PARAM=default_docdense;SNW_MP_CONTROL=default_test;time=4262.1969

% Solve ev 19 JMKY
[ev19_jmky_check0, ec19_jmky_check0] = snw_evuvw19_jmky(...
    mp_params, mp_controls, ...
    ev19_jaeemk_check0, ec19_jaeemk_check0, ...
    Phi_true, Phi_true_jmky, inc_tot_ygroup_grid);

Completed SNW_EVUVW19_JMKY;SNW_MP_PARAM=default_docdense;SNW_MP_CONTROL=default_test;time=18.7645
CONTAINER NAME: mp_outcomes ND Array (Matrix etc)
                     i    idx    ndim      numel       rowN      colN           sum           mean          std        coefvari      min          max   
                     _    ___    ____    __________    ____    _________    ___________    __________    __________    ________    ________    _________

    Phi_true         1     1      6        4.37e+07     83     5.265e+05         45.793    1.0479e-06    1.5274e-05     14.576            0    0.0062366
    Phi_true_jmky    2     2      4      1.6482e+05     82          2010         45.787     0.0002778     0.0011622     4.1836            0     0.050802
    ec19_jaeemk      3     3      6      4.3173e+07     82     5.265e+05     1.9659e+08        4.5535        5.3256     1.1696     0.032905       64.526
    ec19_jmky        4     4      4      1.6482e+05     82          2010     3.4206e+05        2.0753        2.1275     1.0251            0       15.419
    ev19_jaeemk      5     5      6      4.3173e+07     82     5.265e+05     -6.521e+08       -15.104        21.412    -1.4176       -486.8     -0.01597
    ev19_jmky        6     6      4      1.6482e+05     82          2010    -2.1785e+06       -13.217         18.17    -1.3747      -360.71            0

Two checks:

% Solve ev 19 JAEEMK
welf_checks = 1;
[ev19_jaeemk_check2, ec19_jaeemk_check2, ev20_jaeemk_check2, ec20_jaeemk_check2] = ...
    welf_checks, st_solu_type, mp_params, mp_controls, ...
    V_ss_2020, cons_ss_2020, V_unemp_2020, cons_unemp_2020, mp_precompute_res);

Completed SNW_A4CHK_WRK_BISEC_VEC;SNW_MP_PARAM=st_biden_or_trump_undefined;welf_checks=1;TR=0.0017225;SNW_MP_PARAM=default_docdense;SNW_MP_CONTROL=default_test;time cost=70.5745
Completed SNW_A4CHK_UNEMP_BISEC_VEC;welf_checks=1;TR=0.0017225;xi=0.5;b=0;SNW_MP_PARAM=default_docdense;SNW_MP_CONTROL=default_test;time cost=71.0724
Completed SNW_EVUVW20_JAEEMK;SNW_MP_PARAM=default_docdense;SNW_MP_CONTROL=default_test;timeEUEC=7.8471
Completed SNW_EVUVW19_JAEEMK;SNW_MP_PARAM=default_docdense;SNW_MP_CONTROL=default_test;time=4279.3292

% Solve ev 19 JMKY
[ev19_jmky_check2, ec19_jmky_check2] = snw_evuvw19_jmky(...
    mp_params, mp_controls, ...
    ev19_jaeemk_check2, ec19_jaeemk_check2, ...
    Phi_true, Phi_true_jmky, inc_tot_ygroup_grid);

Completed SNW_EVUVW19_JMKY;SNW_MP_PARAM=default_docdense;SNW_MP_CONTROL=default_test;time=19.3794
CONTAINER NAME: mp_outcomes ND Array (Matrix etc)
                     i    idx    ndim      numel       rowN      colN           sum           mean          std        coefvari      min          max   
                     _    ___    ____    __________    ____    _________    ___________    __________    __________    ________    ________    _________

    Phi_true         1     1      6        4.37e+07     83     5.265e+05         45.793    1.0479e-06    1.5274e-05     14.576            0    0.0062366
    Phi_true_jmky    2     2      4      1.6482e+05     82          2010         45.787     0.0002778     0.0011622     4.1836            0     0.050802
    ec19_jaeemk      3     3      6      4.3173e+07     82     5.265e+05      1.966e+08        4.5538        5.3256     1.1695     0.034479       64.528
    ec19_jmky        4     4      4      1.6482e+05     82          2010      3.421e+05        2.0756        2.1275      1.025            0       15.419
    ev19_jaeemk      5     5      6      4.3173e+07     82     5.265e+05    -6.5176e+08       -15.096        21.377     -1.416      -482.41     -0.01597
    ev19_jmky        6     6      4      1.6482e+05     82          2010    -2.1774e+06       -13.211        18.125     -1.372      -358.58            0

Differences between Checks in Expected Value and Expected Consumption

mn_V_U_gain_check = ev19_jmky_check2 - ev19_jmky_check0;
mn_MPC_U_gain_share_check = (ec19_jmky_check2 - ec19_jmky_check0)./(welf_checks*mp_params('TR'));

1.5 Dense Param Results Define Frames

Define the matrix dimensions names and dimension vector values. Policy and Value Functions share the same ND dimensional structure.

% Grids:
age_grid = 18:99;
marry_grid = [0,1];
kids_grid = (1:1:mp_params('n_kidsgrid'))';
inc_grid = mp_params('inc_grid');
cl_mp_datasetdesc = {};
cl_mp_datasetdesc{1} = containers.Map({'name', 'labval'}, {'age', age_grid});
cl_mp_datasetdesc{2} = containers.Map({'name', 'labval'}, {'marry', marry_grid});
cl_mp_datasetdesc{3} = containers.Map({'name', 'labval'}, {'kids', kids_grid});
cl_mp_datasetdesc{4} = containers.Map({'name', 'labval'}, {'ylower', inc_grid});

1.6 Analyze Marginal Value and MPC over Y(a,eta), Conditional On Kids, Marry, Age, Education

Income is generated by savings and shocks, what are the income levels generated by all the shock and savings points conditional on kids, marital status, age and educational levels. Plot on the Y axis MPC, and plot on the X axis income levels, use colors to first distinguish between different a levels, then use colors to distinguish between different eta levles.

Set Up date, Select Age 37, unmarried, no kids, lower education:

% NaN(n_jgrid,n_agrid,n_etagrid,n_educgrid,n_marriedgrid,n_kidsgrid);
% 38 year old, unmarried, no kids, lower educated
% Only Household Head Shock Matters so select up to 'n_eta_H_grid'
mn_V_W_gain_check_use = ev19_jmky_check2 - ev19_jmky_check0;
mn_C_W_gain_check_use = ec19_jmky_check2 - ec19_jmky_check0;

Select Age, Education, Marital, Kids Count:s

% Selections
it_age = 21; % +18
it_marital = 1; % 1 = unmarried
it_kids = 1; % 1 = kids is zero
% Select: NaN(n_jgrid-1,n_marriedgrid,n_kidsgrid,n_incgrid);
mn_C_W_gain_check_jemk = mn_C_W_gain_check_use(it_age, it_marital, it_kids, :);
mn_V_W_gain_check_jemk = mn_V_W_gain_check_use(it_age, it_marital, it_kids, :);
% Reshape, so shock is the first dim, a is the second
ar_C_W_gain_check_jemk = mn_C_W_gain_check_jemk(:);
ar_V_W_gain_check_jemk = mn_V_W_gain_check_jemk(:);

Marginal Value Gains, Color as Shock, Conditional on Age, Marital, Kids, and Education

How do shocks and a impact marginal value. First plot one asset level, variation comes only from increasingly higher shocks:

scatter(inc_grid, ar_V_W_gain_check_jemk, 100);
title({'MN\_V\_W\_GAIN\_CHECK(Y(A, eta)), Lowest A, J38M0E0K0', ...
    'Each Circle is A Different Shock Level'});
xlabel('Y(a,eta) = Spouse + Household head Income Joint');
ylabel('MN\_V\_W\_GAIN\_CHECK(A, eta)');
grid on;
grid minor;

it_shock = 1;
scatter((inc_grid), log(ar_V_W_gain_check_jemk), 100);
title({'MN\_V\_W\_GAIN\_CHECK(Y(A, eta)), Lowest A, J38M0E0K0', ...
    'Each Circle is A Different Shock Level'});
xlabel(' of Y(a,eta) = Spouse + Household head Income Joint');
ylabel(' of MN\_V\_W\_GAIN\_CHECK(A, eta)');
grid on;
grid minor;

Marginal Consumption Gains, Color as Shock, Conditional on Age, Marital, Kids, and Education

Plot all asset levels:

scatter(inc_grid, ar_C_W_gain_check_jemk, 100);
title({'(MN\_C\_W\_GAIN\_CHECK(Y,eta)), All A (Savings) Levels, J38M0E0K0', ...
    'Color Represent different A Savings State, Circle-Group=Shock'});
grid on;
grid minor;

scatter((inc_grid), log(ar_C_W_gain_check_jemk), 100);
title({'(MN\_C\_W\_GAIN\_CHECK(Y,eta)), All A (Savings) Levels, J38M0E0K0', ...
    'Color Represent different A Savings State, Circle-Group=Shock'});
xlabel('log of income(a,eps)');
ylabel('log of (MN\_V\_W\_GAIN\_CHECK(EM,J))');
grid on;
grid minor;