1 2019/2020 Age, Income, Kids, Marry EV and EC All Checks (Biden Checks)

This is the example vignette for function: snw_evuvw19_jmky_allchecks from the PrjOptiSNW Package. 2019 integrated over VU and VW

The key features of the Biden stimulus check are: i) determined based on 2020 information; ii) checks received in 2021, ex-post the realization of the second one-time MIT shock, which similar to the first MIT shock, is conditional on income and age groups; iii) state of the economy returns to steady-state in 2022; iv) trump checks were provided in 2020, which changes saves and consumption and distributions in 2020, and appropriate adjustments are made so that the biden check is conditional on the distributional changes in endogenous savings due to the Trump checks.

1.1 Test SNW_EVUVW19_JMKY_ALLCHECKS Parameters for Biden Checks

Save a result that is low in memory cost so that it can be loaded quickly for various allocation tests. Turn off Various Printing Controls. Call function with wide income bins to reduce memory storage and retrievel costs

clear all;
% Start mp contorls
mp_controls = snw_mp_control('default_test');
% Solve for Unemployment Values
mp_controls('bl_timer') = true;
mp_controls('bl_print_vfi') = false;
mp_controls('bl_print_vfi_verbose') = false;
mp_controls('bl_print_ds') = false;
mp_controls('bl_print_ds_verbose') = true;
mp_controls('bl_print_precompute') = false;
mp_controls('bl_print_precompute_verbose') = false;
mp_controls('bl_print_a4chk') = false;
mp_controls('bl_print_a4chk_verbose') = false;
mp_controls('bl_print_evuvw20_jaeemk') = false;
mp_controls('bl_print_evuvw20_jaeemk_verbose') = false;
mp_controls('bl_print_evuvw19_jaeemk') = false;
mp_controls('bl_print_evuvw19_jaeemk_verbose') = false;
mp_controls('bl_print_evuvw19_jmky') = false;
mp_controls('bl_print_evuvw19_jmky_verbose') = false;

Dense default, and unemployment parameters:

% default dense load
% mp_params = snw_mp_param('default_dense');
mp_params = snw_mp_param('default_docdense')

mp_params = 
  Map with properties:

        Count: 64
      KeyType: char
    ValueType: any

mp_params('beta') = 0.95;
fl_scaleconvertor = 62502;
mp_more_inputs('fl_scaleconvertor') = fl_scaleconvertor;
% Unemployment
xi = 0.651; % Proportional reduction in income due to unemployment (xi=0 refers to 0 labor income; xi=1 refers to no drop in labor income)
b=1; % Unemployment insurance replacement rate (b=0 refers to no UI benefits; b=1 refers to 100 percent labor income replacement)
TR=100/fl_scaleconvertor; % Value of a wezlfare check (can receive multiple checks). TO DO: Update with alternative values
mp_params('pi_unemp') = mp_params('pi_unemp_2020_juneadj');
mp_params('xi') = xi;
mp_params('b') = b;
mp_params('TR') = TR;
% Check Count: 89 checks to allow for both the first and the second round
n_welfchecksgrid = 3;
mp_params('n_welfchecksgrid') = n_welfchecksgrid;
mp_params('a2_covidyr') = mp_params('a2_covidyr_manna_heaven');

Income bins:

% Income Grid
% 4 refers to 4*58056=232224 dollars in 2012USD
% max 7 refers to 7*58056=406392 dollars in 2012USD
% all phase out = (4400/5)*100 + 150000 = 238000
% if 500 dollar interval, need 476 inc groups before 238000  
% if have 85 percent of points betwen 238000, 
fl_max_phaseout = 238000;
fl_multiple = fl_scaleconvertor;
it_bin_dollar_before_phaseout = 5000;
it_bin_dollar_after_phaseout = 25000;
fl_thres = fl_max_phaseout/fl_multiple;
inc_grid1 = linspace(0,fl_thres,(fl_max_phaseout)/it_bin_dollar_before_phaseout);
inc_grid2 = linspace(fl_thres, 7, (7*fl_multiple-fl_max_phaseout)/it_bin_dollar_after_phaseout); 
inc_grid=sort(unique([inc_grid1 inc_grid2]'));
mp_params('n_incgrid') = length(inc_grid);
mp_params('inc_grid') = inc_grid;

1.2 SNW_EVUVW19_JMKY_ALLCHECKS Low Storage Invoke for Biden Checks

The simulation here (dense) requires less than 10 GB of memory with 8 workers (8 threads needed), simulating over 88 checks takes with 8 workers

st_biden_or_trump = 'bidenchk';
st_solu_type = 'bisec_vec';
bl_parfor = false;
it_workers = 1;
bl_export = false; 
bl_load_mat = false;
snm_suffix = ['_test_ybin' num2str(it_bin_dollar_before_phaseout)];
[ev19_jmky_allchecks, ec19_jmky_allchecks, output] = ...
    snw_evuvw19_jmky_allchecks(mp_params, mp_controls, ...
    st_biden_or_trump, st_solu_type, ...
    bl_parfor, it_workers, ...
    bl_export, bl_load_mat, snm_suffix);

Completed SNW_VFI_MAIN_BISEC_VEC;SNW_MP_PARAM=default_docdense;SNW_MP_CONTROL=default_test;time=338.8603
Completed SNW_VFI_MAIN_BISEC_VEC 1 Period Unemp Shock;SNW_MP_PARAM=default_docdense;SNW_MP_CONTROL=default_test;time=330.6944
sum of Phi_adj:83
sum of Phi_true:45.7931
sum of Phiss:83
summ of diff of Phiss and Phi_adj:-3.4939e-12
summ of diff of Phiss and Phi_true:37.2069
Completed SNW_DS_MAIN_VEC;SNW_MP_PARAM=default_docdense;SNW_MP_CONTROL=default_test;time=951.9985
Biden Check, resolve for distributions given Trump check
Completed SNW_VFI_MAIN_BISEC_VEC 1 Period Unemp Shock;SNW_MP_PARAM=default_docdense;SNW_MP_CONTROL=default_test;time=534.8579
sum of Phi_adj:83
sum of Phi_true:45.7931
sum of Phiss:83
summ of diff of Phiss and Phi_adj:-1.0845e-13
summ of diff of Phiss and Phi_true:37.2069
summ of diff of Phi_adj_base and Phiss:1.0838e-13
Completed SNW_DS_MAIN_VEC;SNW_MP_PARAM=default_docdense;SNW_MP_CONTROL=default_test;time=1016.4233
Wage quintile cutoffs=0.4645     0.71528      1.0335      1.5632
Completed SNW_HH_PRECOMPUTE;SNW_MP_PARAM=default_docdense;SNW_MP_CONTROL=default_test;time cost=300.7993
Completed SNW_EVUVW19_JMKY_MASS;SNW_MP_PARAM=default_docdense;SNW_MP_CONTROL=default_test;time=5.3048
CONTAINER NAME: mp_outcomes ND Array (Matrix etc)
                     i    idx    ndim     numel      rowN      colN        sum         mean          std        coefvari    min       max   
                     _    ___    ____    ________    ____    _________    ______    __________    __________    ________    ___    _________

    Phi_true         1     1      6      4.37e+07     83     5.265e+05    45.793    1.0479e-06    1.5158e-05     14.465      0     0.0062366
    Phi_true_jmky    2     2      4         43460     82           530    45.787     0.0010535     0.0030972     2.9398      0      0.066875

Completed SNW_A4CHK_WRK_BISEC_VEC;SNW_MP_PARAM=bidenchk;welf_checks=0;TR=0.0015999;SNW_MP_PARAM=default_docdense;SNW_MP_CONTROL=default_test;time cost=77.8559
Completed SNW_A4CHK_UNEMP_BISEC_VEC;welf_checks=0;TR=0.0015999;xi=0.651;b=1;SNW_MP_PARAM=default_docdense;SNW_MP_CONTROL=default_test;time cost=76.9936
Completed SNW_EVUVW20_JAEEMK;SNW_MP_PARAM=default_docdense;SNW_MP_CONTROL=default_test;timeEUEC=8.3216
Completed SNW_EVUVW19_JAEEMK_FOC;st_biden_or_trump=bidenchk;SNW_MP_PARAM=default_docdense;SNW_MP_CONTROL=default_test;time=15.4896
Completed SNW_EVUVW19_JMKY;SNW_MP_PARAM=default_docdense;SNW_MP_CONTROL=default_test;time=9.5927
SNW_EVUVW19_JMKY_ALLCHECKS: Finished Check 0 of 2, time=190.7959
Completed SNW_A4CHK_WRK_BISEC_VEC;SNW_MP_PARAM=bidenchk;welf_checks=1;TR=0.0015999;SNW_MP_PARAM=default_docdense;SNW_MP_CONTROL=default_test;time cost=78.1092
Completed SNW_A4CHK_UNEMP_BISEC_VEC;welf_checks=1;TR=0.0015999;xi=0.651;b=1;SNW_MP_PARAM=default_docdense;SNW_MP_CONTROL=default_test;time cost=77.7622
Completed SNW_EVUVW20_JAEEMK;SNW_MP_PARAM=default_docdense;SNW_MP_CONTROL=default_test;timeEUEC=7.7507
Completed SNW_EVUVW19_JAEEMK_FOC;st_biden_or_trump=bidenchk;SNW_MP_PARAM=default_docdense;SNW_MP_CONTROL=default_test;time=15.1776
Completed SNW_EVUVW19_JMKY;SNW_MP_PARAM=default_docdense;SNW_MP_CONTROL=default_test;time=9.57
SNW_EVUVW19_JMKY_ALLCHECKS: Finished Check 1 of 2, time=190.7479
Completed SNW_A4CHK_WRK_BISEC_VEC;SNW_MP_PARAM=bidenchk;welf_checks=2;TR=0.0015999;SNW_MP_PARAM=default_docdense;SNW_MP_CONTROL=default_test;time cost=78.4265
Completed SNW_A4CHK_UNEMP_BISEC_VEC;welf_checks=2;TR=0.0015999;xi=0.651;b=1;SNW_MP_PARAM=default_docdense;SNW_MP_CONTROL=default_test;time cost=78.0681
Completed SNW_EVUVW20_JAEEMK;SNW_MP_PARAM=default_docdense;SNW_MP_CONTROL=default_test;timeEUEC=7.9871
Completed SNW_EVUVW19_JAEEMK_FOC;st_biden_or_trump=bidenchk;SNW_MP_PARAM=default_docdense;SNW_MP_CONTROL=default_test;time=15.0582
Completed SNW_EVUVW19_JMKY;SNW_MP_PARAM=default_docdense;SNW_MP_CONTROL=default_test;time=9.4891
SNW_EVUVW19_JMKY_ALLCHECKS: Finished Check 2 of 2, time=191.4103
Completed SNW_EVUVW19_JMKY_ALLCHECKS;ST_BIDEN_OR_TRUMP=bidenchk;SNW_MP_PARAM=default_docdense;SNW_MP_CONTROL=default_test;time=4165.4675
CONTAINER NAME: mp_outcomes ND Array (Matrix etc)
                                   i    idx    ndim      numel          rowN       colN         sum         mean        std      coefvari       min        max  
                                   _    ___    ____    __________    __________    _____    ___________    _______    _______    ________    _________    ______

    Output                         1     1      2      1.0453e+06    1.1615e+05        9     7.7287e+06     7.3938     18.434     2.4932      -0.57722        99
    ec19_jmky_allchecks            2     2      5      1.3038e+05             3    43460     2.7167e+05     2.0836     1.9867    0.95347             0    14.589
    ec19_jmky_allchecks_posmass    3     3      2      1.1615e+05    1.1615e+05        1     2.7167e+05      2.339     1.9579    0.83706      0.068495    14.589
    ev19_jmky_allchecks            4     4      5      1.3038e+05             3    43460    -2.3026e+06    -17.661     21.876    -1.2387       -317.63         0
    ev19_jmky_allchecks_posmass    5     5      2      1.1615e+05    1.1615e+05        1          17652    0.15199    0.24067     1.5835     0.0031484    4.8247

xxx TABLE:Output xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
               c1    c2    c3    c4        c6           c7          c8           c9   
               __    __    __    __    __________    ________    _________    ________

    r1         18    0     0     0     2.1599e-05    -0.57722    0.0053864    0.068495
    r2         18    0     0     1     2.1599e-05    -0.57722    0.0053978    0.069683
    r3         18    0     0     2     2.1599e-05    -0.57722     0.005409    0.070689
    r4         19    0     0     0     1.9002e-05     0.42278    0.0056805    0.075684
    r5         19    0     0     1     1.9002e-05     0.42278    0.0056903     0.07644
    r116141    86    1     4     1     3.9923e-49      4.2268      0.97814      13.904
    r116142    86    1     4     2     3.9923e-49      4.2268      0.97816      13.904
    r116143    87    1     4     0      7.923e-63      4.2413        1.071      14.588
    r116144    87    1     4     1      7.923e-63      4.2413        1.071      14.588
    r116145    87    1     4     2      7.923e-63      4.2413       1.0711      14.589

xxx TABLE:ec19_jmky_allchecks xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
             c1          c2          c3          c4       c43457    c43458    c43459    c43460
          ________    ________    ________    ________    ______    ______    ______    ______

    r1    0.068495    0.075684    0.077039    0.075763      0         0         0         0   
    r2    0.069683     0.07644    0.077934    0.076696      0         0         0         0   
    r3    0.070689    0.077196    0.078828    0.077629      0         0         0         0   

xxx TABLE:ec19_jmky_allchecks_posmass xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    r1         0.068495
    r2         0.069683
    r3         0.070689
    r4         0.075684
    r5          0.07644
    r116141      13.904
    r116142      13.904
    r116143      14.588
    r116144      14.588
    r116145      14.589

xxx TABLE:ev19_jmky_allchecks xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
            c1         c2         c3         c4       c43457    c43458    c43459    c43460
          _______    _______    _______    _______    ______    ______    ______    ______

    r1    -185.65    -176.04    -169.67    -170.69      0         0         0         0   
    r2    -185.26    -175.74    -169.37    -170.39      0         0         0         0   
    r3    -184.88    -175.43    -169.08    -170.09      0         0         0         0   

xxx TABLE:ev19_jmky_allchecks_posmass xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    r1         0.0053864
    r2         0.0053978
    r3          0.005409
    r4         0.0056805
    r5         0.0056903
    r116141      0.97814
    r116142      0.97816
    r116143        1.071
    r116144        1.071
    r116145       1.0711