1 AWS Boto3

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1.1 Basics

Create local .aws folder under user for example that has credential information, this will be useful for AWS command line operations.

# IN C:\Users\fan\.aws
# config file
region = us-east-1
output = json
# credentials file
aws_access_key_id = XKIXXXGSXXXBZXX43XXX
aws_secret_access_key = xxTgp9r0f4XXXXXXX1XXlG1vTy07wydxXXXXXX11

Additionally, or alternatively, for boto3 operations, store in for example a yml file, so that appropriate value could be obtained.

- main_aws_id: 710673677961,
  aws_access_key_id: XKIXXXGSXXXBZXX43XXX
  aws_secret_access_key: xxTgp9r0f4XXXXXXX1XXlG1vTy07wydxXXXXXX11
  region: us-east-1
  main_ec2_instance_id: i-YYYxYYYYYYx2619xx
  main_ec2_linux_ami: ami-0xYYYYYxx95x71x9
  main_ec2_public_subnet: subnet-d9xxxxYY
  fargate_vpc_name: FanCluster
  fargate_vpc_id: vpc-xxx5xYYY
  fargate_public_subnet: subnet-e3dYYYxx
  fargate_security_group: sg-17xxxxYx
  fargate_task_executionRoleArn: ecsTaskExecutionRole
  batch_task_executionRoleArn: ecsExecutionRole
  fargate_route_table: rtb-5xxxYx25
  date_start: 20180701

1.2 Start Client Service

For the various AWS services, could use Boto3 to access and use programmatically. To use any particular service, first start the client for that service: boto3 client.

We load AWS access key and secret acess key etc in from a yaml file to start boto3 client. We then start the client for AWS Batch. And then describe a compute environment.

import boto3
import yaml
import pprint

# Load YAML file
son_aws_yml = "C:/Users/fan/fanwangecon.github.io/_data/aws.yml"
fl_yaml = open(son_aws_yml)
ls_dict_yml = yaml.load(fl_yaml, Loader=yaml.BaseLoader)
# Get the first element of the yml list of dicts
aws_yml_dict_yml = ls_dict_yml[0]

# Use AWS Personal Access Keys etc to start boto3 client
aws_batch = boto3.client('batch',

# Show a compute environment Delete some Personal Information
ob_response = aws_batch.describe_compute_environments(computeEnvironments=["SpotEnv2560"])
ob_response['ResponseMetadata'] = ''
ob_response['computeEnvironments'][0]['ecsClusterArn'] = ''
ob_response['computeEnvironments'][0]['serviceRole'] = ''
ob_response['computeEnvironments'][0]['computeResources']['instanceRole'] = ''
pprint.pprint(ob_response, width=1)
## {'ResponseMetadata': '',
##  'computeEnvironments': [{'computeEnvironmentArn': 'arn:aws:batch:us-east-1:710673677961:compute-environment/SpotEnv2560',
##                           'computeEnvironmentName': 'SpotEnv2560',
##                           'computeResources': {'desiredvCpus': 0,
##                                                'ec2KeyPair': 'fan_wang-key-pair-us_east_nv',
##                                                'instanceRole': '',
##                                                'instanceTypes': ['optimal'],
##                                                'maxvCpus': 2560,
##                                                'minvCpus': 0,
##                                                'securityGroupIds': ['sg-e6642399'],
##                                                'spotIamFleetRole': 'arn:aws:iam::710673677961:role/AmazonEC2SpotFleetRole',
##                                                'subnets': ['subnet-d9abbe82'],
##                                                'tags': {},
##                                                'type': 'SPOT'},
##                           'ecsClusterArn': '',
##                           'serviceRole': '',
##                           'state': 'ENABLED',
##                           'status': 'VALID',
##                           'statusReason': 'ComputeEnvironment '
##                                           'Healthy',
##                           'tags': {},
##                           'type': 'MANAGED'}]}