• 1 ECMWF ERA5 Data
    • 1.1 Basic Conda Setup
    • 1.2 Account Registration
    • 1.3 Run API Request via Jupyter Notebook
    • 1.4 Run API request via Ipython
    • 1.5 Convert CRIB data to CSV
    • 1.6 More Advanced Download Setup and Instructions
      • 1.6.1 Conda Enviornment and Installation
      • 1.6.2 Config File .cdsapirc
    • 1.7 Generate API Requests
      • 1.7.1 API Request China Temp Test
    • 1.8 Learning
      • 1.8.1 Terminologies
      • 1.8.2 Single Level Parameters
    • 1.9 UTCI, NC Format Data, Download, Unzip, Convert to combined CSV


Go to the RMD, PDF, or HTML version of this file. Go back to Python Code Examples Repository (bookdown site) or the pyfan Package (API).

1.1 Basic Conda Setup

  1. Download Anaconda for Python 3. For more involved conda instructions see here

  2. Open up anaconda prompt with admin rights (right click choose as admin).

    # Inside anaconda prompt
    where python
    where anaconda
    # C:/ProgramData/Anaconda3/Scripts/anaconda.exe
    # C:/ProgramData/Anaconda3/python.exe
  3. Add to Path

  4. Install cdsapi and eccodes

    conda config --add channels conda-forge
    conda install -c anaconda pandas
    conda install -c conda-forge eccodes -y
    conda install -c conda-forge cfgrib -y
    conda install -c anaconda xarray

1.2 Account Registration

  1. Register for an account

  2. Agree to Licence

  3. Go to your CDS user page copy the url and key: Get url and key

    • this has UID, 4XXXX, and API KEY, 4XXXfXXX-XXXf-4XXX-9XXX-7XXXebXXfdXX
    • together they should look like: 4XXXX:4XXXfXXX-XXXf-4XXX-9XXX-7XXXebXXfdXX
  4. Open up an editor (notepad++ for example), create an empty file, paste the url and your UID:APIKEY into the file as below. Save file as: C:/Users/fan/.cdsapirc. Under user root, as .cdsapirc file. Note .cdsapirc is the file name, you are saving that under the directory C:/Users/fan/.

    url: https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/api/v2

1.3 Run API Request via Jupyter Notebook

  1. open up Jupyter Notebook (this opens up a browser page)

    • cd “C:/Users/fan/Downloads”
    • jupyter notebook
  2. create a new python3 file somewhere you like

  3. name the file cdstest (saved as ipynb file)

  4. paste the code below inside the ipynb file you opened (modify spt_root):

    import cdsapi
    import urllib.request
    # download folder
    spt_root = "C:/Users/fan/downloads/_data/"
    spn_dl_test_grib = spt_root + "test_china_temp.grib"
    # request
    c = cdsapi.Client()
    res = c.retrieve("reanalysis-era5-pressure-levels",
        'product_type': 'reanalysis',
        'variable': 'temperature',
        'pressure_level': '1000',
        'year': '2008',
        'month': '01',
        'day': '01',
        'time': '12:00',
        'format': 'netcdf',
        'area'          : [53.31, 73, 4.15, 135],
        'grid'          : [1.0, 1.0],
        "format": "grib"
    # show results
    print('print results')
  5. click run

1.4 Run API request via Ipython

  1. In Anaconda Prompt: ipython
  2. Open a file in notepad++ or elsewhere, copy the code above over and edit the spt_root to reflect your directories
  3. Select the entire code in the notepad++ page, and copy all lines
  4. Now inside ipython, type percentage and paste: %paste
  5. This should run the file above and save the grib file in the folder you specified with the name you specified.

1.5 Convert CRIB data to CSV

  1. inside conda prompt cd into the folder where you downloaded the grib file

  2. grib_ls shows what is in the grib file

  3. grib_get_data translates grib to csv

    cd "C:/Users/fan/downloads/_data/"
    grib_ls test_china_temp.grib
    grib_get_data test_china_temp.grib > test_china_temp_raw.csv

1.6 More Advanced Download Setup and Instructions

1.6.1 Conda Enviornment and Installation

In conda, set up a conda environment for downloading ECMWF data using the ECMWF API. (Conda Set-up)

# Set up
conda deactivate
conda list env
conda env remove -n wk_ecmwf
conda create -n wk_ecmwf -y
conda activate wk_ecmwf

# Add conda-forge to channel in env
conda config --env --add channels conda-forge
conda config --get channels
conda config --get channels --env

# Install
conda install cdsapi -y
conda install -c anaconda pandas
conda install -c conda-forge eccodes -y
conda install -c conda-forge cfgrib -y
conda install -c anaconda xarray

This creates the conda env that we are using here for python.

1.6.2 Config File .cdsapirc

Open up the cdsapirc, create new if does note exist. Below, open up the file and save the text. See Python Reading and Writing to File Examples.

First, get the text for the config file:

stf_cds_cdsapirc = """\
url: https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/api/v2

Second save text to file:

# Relative file name
spt_file_cds = "C:/Users/fan/"
snm_file_cds = ".cdsapirc"
spn_file_cds = spt_file_cds + snm_file_cds
# Open new file
fl_cdsapirc_contents = open(spn_file_cds, 'w')
# Write to File
# Close
# Open the config file to check
code "C:/Users/fan/.cdsapirc"

1.7 Generate API Requests

Go to the sites below, choose download data, pick what is needed, and then select Show API request at the bottom of page:

ERA5 pressure levels from 1979 to present

ERA5 single levels from 1979 to present

1.7.1 API Request China Temp Test

API function is here.

Select based on China’s area, some testing data and download grib file. The data is from 2008, Jan 1st, at 12 noon?

Open up Jupyter notebook: jupyter notebook

# import module in conda env wk_ecmwf
import cdsapi
import urllib.request

# download folder
spt_root = "C:/Users/fan/py4econ/vig/getdata/envir/"
spn_dl_test_grib = spt_root + "_data/test/test_china_temp.grib"

# request
c = cdsapi.Client()
res = c.retrieve("reanalysis-era5-pressure-levels",
    'product_type': 'reanalysis',
    'variable': 'temperature',
    'pressure_level': '1000',
    'year': '2008',
    'month': '01',
    'day': '01',
    'time': '12:00',
    'format': 'netcdf',
    'area'          : [53.31, 73, 4.15, 135],
    'grid'          : [1.0, 1.0],
    "format": "grib"
# show results
print('print results')

# download
# response = urllib.request.urlopen('http://www.example.com/')
# html = response.read()

2020-06-17 23:51:35,107 INFO Welcome to the CDS 2020-06-17 23:51:35,107 INFO Sending request to https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/api/v2/resources/reanalysis-era5-pressure-levels 2020-06-17 23:51:36,441 INFO Request is queued 2020-06-17 23:51:39,183 INFO Request is running 2020-06-17 23:51:45,059 INFO Request is completed 2020-06-17 23:51:45,060 INFO Downloading >> 7.grib to C:/Users/fan/pyfan/vig/getdata/envir/_data/test/test_china_temp.grib (6.3K) 2020-06-17 23:51:45,441 INFO Download rate 16.6K/s print results Result(content_length=6480,content_type=application/x-grib,location=> rnal-1592455900.8655114-11162-11-68e1ea23-8985-4926-95e6-9f181cc77927.grib) <class ‘cdsapi.api.Result’>

Convert grib to raw csv, open up command line:

cd "C:/Users/fan/pyfan/vig/getdata/envir/_data/test/"
grib_ls test_china_temp.grib
grib_get_data test_china_temp.grib > test_china_temp_raw.csv

Format the CSV file (is not comma separated)

spt_root = "C:/Users/fan/pyfan/vig/getdata/envir/_data/test/"
spn_csv_raw = spt_root + "test_china_temp_raw.csv"
spn_csv_edi = spt_root + "test_china_temp.csv"

with open(spn_csv_raw, 'r') as f_in, open(spn_csv_edi, 'w') as f_out:
    [f_out.write(','.join(line.split()) + '\n') for line in f_in]

Show CSV results:

# Path and Read
spt_root = "C:/Users/fan/pyfan/vig/getdata/envir/"
spn_dl_test_csv = paste0(spt_root, "_data/test/test_china_temp.csv")
china_weather_data <- read.csv(spn_dl_test_csv)

# Top 50 rows
kable(head(china_weather_data, 50),
      caption="Chinese Long and Lat, Temperature Pressure, 2008 Jan 1st at 12 noon?") %>%
Chinese Long and Lat, Temperature Pressure, 2008 Jan 1st at 12 noon?
time latitude longitude u10 v10 d2m t2m msl sp
2008-01-01 02:00:00 23.25 113 -2.6031342 -4.829605 265.4314 284.8363 102918.8 102616.0
2008-01-01 02:00:00 23.25 114 -2.7173920 -3.808121 262.7693 284.2719 102862.1 101628.0
2008-01-01 02:00:00 22.25 113 -2.6246185 -6.311050 266.9294 284.2602 102796.6 102059.0
2008-01-01 02:00:00 22.25 114 -2.6285248 -6.152847 267.4978 285.3168 102710.1 102201.0
2008-01-01 12:00:00 23.25 113 -1.1495056 -2.728592 265.8091 286.1729 102588.9 102290.7
2008-01-01 12:00:00 23.25 114 -1.4454040 -2.477615 265.3033 285.0987 102591.6 101374.7
2008-01-01 12:00:00 22.25 113 -0.6924744 -4.270584 268.0396 286.5753 102482.9 101757.7
2008-01-01 12:00:00 22.25 114 -1.9668884 -4.906326 266.7486 288.0030 102440.1 101940.7

“ERA5 is a comprehensive reanalysis, from 1979 (soon to be backdated to 1950) to near real time, which assimilates as many observations as possible in the upper air and near surface. The ERA5 atmospheric model is coupled with a land surface model and a wave model.”

  1. Register for an account
  2. Agree to Licence

1.9 UTCI, NC Format Data, Download, Unzip, Convert to combined CSV

The data downloaded from CDS climate could become very large in size. We want to process parts of the data one part at a time, summarize and aggregate over each part, and generate a file output file with aggregate statistics over the entire time period of interest.

This code below accompalishes the following tasks:

  1. download data from derived-utci-historical as ZIP: API request by itself
  2. unzip
  3. convert nc files to csv files
  4. individual csv files are half year groups

Parameter Control for the code below:

  1. spt_root: root folder where everything will be at
  2. spth_conda_env: the conda virtual environment python path, eccodes and cdsapi packages are installed in the conda virtual environment. In the example below, the first env is: wk_ecmwf
  3. st_nc_prefix: the downloaded individual nc files have dates and prefix before and after the date string in the nc file names. This is the string before that.
  4. st_nc_suffix: see (3), this is the suffix
  5. ar_years: array of years to download and aggregate over
  6. ar_months_g1: months to download in first half year
  7. ar_months_g2: months to download in second half year
# ------------ Parameters

# Where to store everything
spt_root <- "C:/Users/fan/Downloads/_data/"
spth_conda_env <- "C:/ProgramData/Anaconda3/envs/wk_ecmwf/python.exe"
# nc name prefix
st_nc_prefix <- "ECMWF_utci_"
st_nc_suffix <- "_v1.0_con.nc"
# Years list
# ar_years <- 2001:2019
ar_years <- c(2005, 2015)
# ar_months_g1 <- c('01','02','03','04','05','06')
ar_months_g1 <- c('01', '03')
# ar_months_g2 <- c('07','08','09','10','11','12')
ar_months_g2 <- c('07', '09')

# folder to download any nc zips to
nczippath <- spt_root
# we are changing the python api file with different requests stirngs and storing it here
pyapipath <- spt_root
# output directory for AGGREGATE CSV with all DATES from this search
csvpath <- spt_root

# ------------ Packages

Sys.setenv(RETICULATE_PYTHON = spth_conda_env)

# ------------ Define Loops
for (it_yr in ar_years) {
  for (it_mth_group in c(1,2)) {
    if(it_mth_group == 1) {
      ar_months = ar_months_g1
    if(it_mth_group == 2) {
      ar_months = ar_months_g2

    # ------------ Define Python API Call

    # name of zip file
    nczipname <- "derived_utci_2010_2.zip"
    unzipfolder <- "derived_utci_2010_2"

    st_file <- paste0("import cdsapi
import urllib.request
# download folder
spt_root = '", nczippath, "'
spn_dl_test_grib = spt_root + '", nczipname, "'
# request
c = cdsapi.Client()
res = c.retrieve(
        'format': 'zip',
        'variable': 'Universal thermal climate index',
        'product_type': 'Consolidated dataset',
        'year': '",it_yr, "',
        'month': [
            ", paste("'", ar_months, "'", sep = "", collapse = ", "), "
        'day': [
        'area'  : [53.31, 73, 4.15, 135],
        'grid'  : [0.25, 0.25],
# show results
print('print results')

    # st_file = "print(1+1)"

    # Store Python Api File
    fl_test_tex <- paste0(pyapipath, "api.py")
    fileConn <- file(fl_test_tex)
    writeLines(st_file, fileConn)

    # ------------ Run Python File
    # Set Path
    # Run py file, api.py name just defined

    # ------------ uNZIP
    spn_zip <- paste0(nczippath, nczipname)
    spn_unzip_folder <- paste0(nczippath, unzipfolder)
    unzip(spn_zip, exdir=spn_unzip_folder)

    # ------------ Find All files
    # Get all files with nc suffix in folder
    ncpath <- paste0(nczippath, unzipfolder)
    ls_sfls <- list.files(path=ncpath, recursive=TRUE, pattern=".nc", full.names=T)

    # ------------ Combine individual NC files to JOINT Dataframe
    # List to gather dataframes
    ls_df <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(ls_sfls))
    # Loop over files and convert nc to csv
    it_df_ctr <- 0
    for (spt_file in ls_sfls) {
      it_df_ctr <- it_df_ctr + 1

      # Get file name without Path
      snm_file_date <- sub(paste0('\\',st_nc_suffix,'$'), '', basename(spt_file))
      snm_file_date <- sub(st_nc_prefix, '', basename(snm_file_date))

      # Dates Start and End: list.files is auto sorted in ascending order
      if (it_df_ctr == 1) {
        snm_start_date <- snm_file_date
      else {
        # this will give the final date
        snm_end_date <- snm_file_date

      # Given this structure: ECMWF_utci_20100702_v1.0_con, sub out prefix and suffix
      ncin <- nc_open(spt_file)

      nchist <- ncatt_get(ncin, 0, "history")

      # not using this missing value flag at the moment
      missingval <- str_match(nchist$value, "setmisstoc,\\s*(.*?)\\s* ")[,2]
      missingval <- as.numeric(missingval)

      lon <- ncvar_get(ncin, "lon")
      lat <- ncvar_get(ncin, "lat")
      tim <- ncvar_get(ncin, "time")
      tunits <- ncatt_get(ncin, "time", "units")

      nlon <- dim(lon)
      nlat <- dim(lat)
      ntim <- dim(tim)

      # convert time -- split the time units string into fields
      # tustr <- strsplit(tunits$value, " ")
      # tdstr <- strsplit(unlist(tustr)[3], "-")
      # tmonth <- as.integer(unlist(tdstr)[2])
      # tday <- as.integer(unlist(tdstr)[3])
      # tyear <- as.integer(unlist(tdstr)[1])
      # mytim <- chron(tim, origin = c(tmonth, tday, tyear))

      tmp_array <- ncvar_get(ncin, "utci")
      tmp_array <- tmp_array - 273.15

      lonlat <- as.matrix(expand.grid(lon = lon, lat = lat, hours = tim))
      temperature <- as.vector(tmp_array)
      tmp_df <- data.frame(cbind(lonlat, temperature))

      # extract a rectangle
      eps <- 1e-8
      minlat <- 22.25 - eps
      maxlat <- 23.50 + eps
      minlon <- 113.00 - eps
      maxlon <- 114.50 + eps
      # subset data
      subset_df <- tmp_df[tmp_df$lat >= minlat & tmp_df$lat <= maxlat &
                            tmp_df$lon >= minlon & tmp_df$lon <= maxlon, ]

      # add Date
      subset_df_date <- as_tibble(subset_df) %>% mutate(date = snm_file_date)

      # Add to list
      ls_df[[it_df_ctr]] <- subset_df_date

      # Close NC

    # List of DF to one DF
    df_all_nc <- do.call(rbind, ls_df)

    # Save File
    fname <- paste0(paste0(st_nc_prefix,
                           snm_start_date, "_to_", snm_end_date,
    csvfile <- paste0(csvpath, fname)
    write.table(na.omit(df_all_nc), csvfile, row.names = FALSE, sep = ",")

    # Delete folders
    unlink(spn_zip, recursive=TRUE, force=TRUE)
    unlink(spn_unzip_folder, recursive=TRUE, force=TRUE)

  # end loop months groups
# end loop year