1 Check, Read, Write and Convert Files

Go to the RMD, PDF, or HTML version of this file. Go back to Python Code Examples Repository (bookdown site) or the pyfan Package (API).

1.1 Check if where a Program is.

Suppose we want to generate a commandline call from within python and want to start it in bash. Calling something like “C:/Program Files/Git/git-bash.exe -c COMMANDS”. However, depending on the computer that is been used, the git-bash command might be in different spots. How do we find the right path to the git-bash file. Accomplish this by using shutil.which, which can find the path to different commands, including the git command. Given the path that we found, the git-bash.exe file is stored in the Git folder, two levels up. So we will use pathlib to get to the correct path location. To be safe, go up one level, and then two levels to search for git-bash.exe.

First, find the path to the git exe command:

# Imports
import os  
import shutil  
# cmd  
st_cmd = 'git'
# Using shutil.which() method to find local path to the *git* command
spn_path_to_git = shutil.which(st_cmd) 
# Print result 
## spn_path_to_git='G:\\ProgramData\\Git\\cmd\\git.EXE'

Second, find the parent and grandparent folders:

from pathlib import Path
# Get the parent folder 2 levels up
srt_path_git_parent_folder = Path(spn_path_to_git).parents[0]
srt_path_git_grandparent_folder = Path(spn_path_to_git).parents[1]
# Print
## srt_path_git_parent_folder=WindowsPath('G:/ProgramData/Git/cmd')
# Search for for the git-bash.exe file in parent and then in the grandparent folder.
## srt_path_git_grandparent_folder=WindowsPath('G:/ProgramData/Git')

Third, search inside parent folder first, and then grand until find the path to git-bash.exe. Will put all three steps code together:

# required packages
import shutil
from pathlib import Path
# find path to git
st_cmd = 'git'
spn_path_to_git = shutil.which(st_cmd) 
# find path to git-bash.exe
spn_path_to_gitbash = ''
for it_up_iter in [0,1]:
    # up-tier folder
    srt_path_git_up_folder = Path(spn_path_to_git).parents[it_up_iter]
    # search
    # get file names in folders (not recursively)
    ls_spn_found_git_bash = [spn_file for spt_srh in [srt_path_git_up_folder]
                             for spn_file in Path(spt_srh).glob('git-bash.exe')]
    # if found, length of ls of founds files must be 1
    if len(ls_spn_found_git_bash) == 1:
        spn_path_to_gitbash = ls_spn_found_git_bash[0]
if spn_path_to_gitbash == '':
    raise NameError(f'failed to find git-bash, {spn_path_to_git=}')
    print(f'Found git-bash: {spn_path_to_gitbash} by searching around {spn_path_to_git=}')
## Found git-bash: G:\ProgramData\Git\git-bash.exe by searching around spn_path_to_git='G:\\ProgramData\\Git\\cmd\\git.EXE'

1.2 Generate a tex file

Will a bare-bone tex file with some texts inside, save inside the *_file* subfolder.

First, create the text text string, note the the linebreaks utomatically generate linebreaks, note that slash need double slash:

# Create the Tex Text
# Note that trible quotes begin first and end last lines
stf_tex_contents = """\\documentclass[12pt,english]{article}
\\title{A Latex Testing File}
\\author{\\href{http://fanwangecon.github.io/}{Fan Wang} \\thanks{See information \\href{https://fanwangecon.github.io/Tex4Econ/}{Tex4Econ} for more.}}
Ipsum information dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer Latex placerat nunc orci.
Village closure information is taken from a village head survey.\\footnote{Generally students went to schools.}
# Print
## \documentclass[12pt,english]{article}
## \usepackage[bottom]{footmisc}
## \usepackage[urlcolor=blue]{hyperref}
## \begin{document}
## \title{A Latex Testing File}
## \author{\href{http://fanwangecon.github.io/}{Fan Wang} \thanks{See information \href{https://fanwangecon.github.io/Tex4Econ/}{Tex4Econ} for more.}}
## \maketitle
## Ipsum information dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer Latex placerat nunc orci.
## \paragraph{\href{https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3140132}{Data}}
## Village closure information is taken from a village head survey.\footnote{Generally students went to schools.}
## \end{document}

Second, write the contents of the file to a new tex file stored inside the *_file* subfolder of the directory:

# Relative file name
srt_file_tex = "_file/"
sna_file_tex = "test_fan"
srn_file_tex = srt_file_tex + sna_file_tex + ".tex"
# Open new file
fl_tex_contents = open(srn_file_tex, 'w')
# Write to File
# print
## 617

1.3 Replace Strings in a tex file

Replace a set of strings in the file just generated by a set of alternative strings.

# Open file Get text
fl_tex_contents = open(srn_file_tex)
stf_tex_contents = fl_tex_contents.read()

# define new and old
## _file/test_fan.tex
ls_st_old = ['information', 'Latex']
ls_st_new = ['INFOREPLACE', 'LATEX']

# zip and loop and replace
for old, new in zip(ls_st_old, ls_st_new):
  stf_tex_contents = stf_tex_contents.replace(old, new)

# write to file with replacements
## \documentclass[12pt,english]{article}
## \usepackage[bottom]{footmisc}
## \usepackage[urlcolor=blue]{hyperref}
## \begin{document}
## \title{A LATEX Testing File}
## \author{\href{http://fanwangecon.github.io/}{Fan Wang} \thanks{See INFOREPLACE \href{https://fanwangecon.github.io/Tex4Econ/}{Tex4Econ} for more.}}
## \maketitle
## Ipsum INFOREPLACE dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer LATEX placerat nunc orci.
## \paragraph{\href{https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3140132}{Data}}
## Village closure INFOREPLACE is taken from a village head survey.\footnote{Generally students went to schools.}
## \end{document}
sna_file_edited_tex = "test_fan_edited"
srn_file_edited_tex = srt_file_tex + sna_file_edited_tex + ".tex"
fl_tex_ed_contents = open(srn_file_edited_tex, 'w')
## 617

1.4 Convert Tex File to Pandoc and Compile Latex

Compile tex file to pdf and clean up the extraneous pdf outputs. See ff_pdf_gen_clean.

import subprocess
import os

# Change to local directory so path in tex respected.

# Convert tex to pdf
subprocess.call(['C:/texlive/2020/bin/win32/xelatex.exe', '-output-directory',
                 srt_file_tex, srn_file_edited_tex], shell=False)
# Clean pdf extraneous output
## 0
ls_st_remove_suffix = ['aux','log','out','bbl','blg']
for st_suffix in ls_st_remove_suffix:
    srn_cur_file = srt_file_tex + sna_file_edited_tex + "." + st_suffix
    if (os.path.isfile(srn_cur_file)):
        os.remove(srt_file_tex + sna_file_edited_tex + "." + st_suffix)

Use pandoc to convert tex file

import subprocess

# md file name
srn_file_md = srt_file_tex + "test_fan_edited.md"
# Convert tex to md
subprocess.call(['pandoc', '-s', srn_file_tex, '-o', srn_file_md])
# Open md file
## 0
fl_md_contents = open(srn_file_md)
## ---
## author:
## - "[Fan Wang](http://fanwangecon.github.io/) [^1]"
## title: A Latex Testing File
## ---
## Ipsum information dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer
## Latex placerat nunc orci.
## #### [Data](https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3140132)
## Village closure information is taken from a village head survey.[^2]
## [^1]: See information
##     [Tex4Econ](https://fanwangecon.github.io/Tex4Econ/) for more.
## [^2]: Generally students went to schools.

1.5 Search for Files with Suffix in Several Folders

  • python search all files in folders with suffix

Search for files in several directories that have a particular suffix. Then decompose directory into sub-components.

Search file inside several folders (not recursively in subfolders):

from pathlib import Path

# directories to search in
ls_spt_srh = ["C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/amto/",

# get file names in folders (not recursively)
ls_spn_found = [spn_file for spt_srh in ls_spt_srh
                         for spn_file in Path(spt_srh).glob('*.Rmd')]
for spn_found in ls_spn_found:
## C:\Users\fan\R4Econ\amto\main.Rmd
## C:\Users\fan\R4Econ\function\main.Rmd

Search file recursivesly in all subfolders of folders:

from pathlib import Path

# directories to search in
ls_spt_srh = ["C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/amto/array/",

# get file names recursively in all subfolders
ls_spn_found = [spn_file for spt_srh in ls_spt_srh
                         for spn_file in Path(spt_srh).rglob('*.R')]
for spn_found in ls_spn_found:
  drive, path_and_file = os.path.splitdrive(spn_found)
  path_no_suffix = os.path.splitext(spn_found)[0]
  path_no_file, file = os.path.split(spn_found)
  file_no_suffix = Path(spn_found).stem
  print('file:', file, '\ndrive:', drive,
        '\nfile no suffix:', file_no_suffix,
        '\nfull path:', spn_found,
        '\npt no fle:', path_no_file,
        '\npt no suf:', path_no_suffix, '\n')
## file: fs_ary_basics.R 
## drive: C: 
## file no suffix: fs_ary_basics 
## full path: C:\Users\fan\R4Econ\amto\array\htmlpdfr\fs_ary_basics.R 
## pt no fle: C:\Users\fan\R4Econ\amto\array\htmlpdfr 
## pt no suf: C:\Users\fan\R4Econ\amto\array\htmlpdfr\fs_ary_basics 
## file: fs_ary_generate.R 
## drive: C: 
## file no suffix: fs_ary_generate 
## full path: C:\Users\fan\R4Econ\amto\array\htmlpdfr\fs_ary_generate.R 
## pt no fle: C:\Users\fan\R4Econ\amto\array\htmlpdfr 
## pt no suf: C:\Users\fan\R4Econ\amto\array\htmlpdfr\fs_ary_generate 
## file: fs_ary_mesh.R 
## drive: C: 
## file no suffix: fs_ary_mesh 
## full path: C:\Users\fan\R4Econ\amto\array\htmlpdfr\fs_ary_mesh.R 
## pt no fle: C:\Users\fan\R4Econ\amto\array\htmlpdfr 
## pt no suf: C:\Users\fan\R4Econ\amto\array\htmlpdfr\fs_ary_mesh 
## file: fs_ary_string.R 
## drive: C: 
## file no suffix: fs_ary_string 
## full path: C:\Users\fan\R4Econ\amto\array\htmlpdfr\fs_ary_string.R 
## pt no fle: C:\Users\fan\R4Econ\amto\array\htmlpdfr 
## pt no suf: C:\Users\fan\R4Econ\amto\array\htmlpdfr\fs_ary_string 
## file: fs_listr.R 
## drive: C: 
## file no suffix: fs_listr 
## full path: C:\Users\fan\R4Econ\amto\list\htmlpdfr\fs_listr.R 
## pt no fle: C:\Users\fan\R4Econ\amto\list\htmlpdfr 
## pt no suf: C:\Users\fan\R4Econ\amto\list\htmlpdfr\fs_listr 
## file: fs_lst_basics.R 
## drive: C: 
## file no suffix: fs_lst_basics 
## full path: C:\Users\fan\R4Econ\amto\list\htmlpdfr\fs_lst_basics.R 
## pt no fle: C:\Users\fan\R4Econ\amto\list\htmlpdfr 
## pt no suf: C:\Users\fan\R4Econ\amto\list\htmlpdfr\fs_lst_basics