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Create a platform free full absolute path to a particular folder
import os
import pathlib
# suffix
st_suffix = "_mlt_region_ne"
srt_folder = "testfolder" + st_suffix + '_other_stuff'
# path join with os.sep
srt_path = os.path.join(os.sep, "users", "fan", "pyfan", "vig", "support", "inout", "_folder", "testfolder" + st_suffix, 'subfolder')
# Path Name
spn_path = os.path.abspath(srt_path)
# Create the folder
pathlib.Path(spn_path).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# Print
## srt_folder='testfolder_mlt_region_ne_other_stuff'
## srt_path='\\users\\fan\\pyfan\\vig\\support\\inout\\_folder\\testfolder_mlt_region_ne\\subfolder'
## spn_path='G:\\users\\fan\\pyfan\\vig\\support\\inout\\_folder\\testfolder_mlt_region_ne\\subfolder'
Slash converion, convert the system slash to forward-slash all:
srt_folder_slashconverted = spn_path.replace(os.sep, '/')
## srt_folder_slashconverted='G:/users/fan/pyfan/vig/support/inout/_folder/testfolder_mlt_region_ne/subfolder'
Suppose there is a directory with ‘abc_suffix_other/subfolder’ as the name, generate a new folder that has ‘abc’ as the folder name without ’_suffix’. Generate this folder in the same root folder that the abc_suffix folder resides in.
# Absolute path just created:
# the suffix used
## spn_path='G:\\users\\fan\\pyfan\\vig\\support\\inout\\_folder\\testfolder_mlt_region_ne\\subfolder'
# get path without what comes after suffix
## st_suffix='_mlt_region_ne'
spn_path_no_suffix = spn_path[:spn_path.index(st_suffix)]
# Create the folder
pathlib.Path(spn_path_no_suffix).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# Get the new folder name create
spt_root_main, srt_new_subfolder = os.path.split(spn_path_no_suffix)
# Add Slash to new subfolder
spn_path_no_suffix = spn_path_no_suffix + os.sep
# Print
## spn_path_no_suffix='G:\\users\\fan\\pyfan\\vig\\support\\inout\\_folder\\testfolder\\'
## spt_root_main='G:\\users\\fan\\pyfan\\vig\\support\\inout\\_folder'
## srt_new_subfolder='testfolder'
import pathlib
# folder root
srt_folder = "_folder/"
# new folder
srt_subfolder = srt_folder + "fa/"
# new subfolder
srt_subfolder = srt_subfolder + "faa/"
# generate folders recursively
pathlib.Path(srt_subfolder).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# Open new file
fl_tex_contents_aa = open(srt_subfolder + "file_a.txt", 'w')
# Write to File
fl_tex_contents_aa.write('contents of file a')
## 18
# Open another new file and save
fl_tex_contents_ab = open(srt_subfolder + "file_b.txt", 'w')
# Write to File
fl_tex_contents_ab.write('contents of file b')
## 18
Generate more folders without files:
# generate folders recursively
pathlib.Path("_folder/fb/fba/").mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# generate folders recursively
pathlib.Path("_folder/fc/").mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# generate folders recursively
pathlib.Path("_folder/fd/").mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
Move the two files from *_folder/fa/faa* to *_folder/faa* as well as to *_folder/fb/faa. Use shutil.copy2* so that more metadata is copied over. But copyfile is faster.
Moving one file:
import shutil
# Faster method
shutil.copyfile('_folder/fa/faa/file_a.txt', '_folder/fb/file_a.txt')
# More metadat copied, and don't need to specify name
## '_folder/fb/file_a.txt'
shutil.copy2('_folder/fa/faa/file_a.txt', '_folder/fb/fba')
## '_folder/fb/fba\\file_a.txt'
Move Entire Folder, How do I copy an entire directory of files into an existing directory using Python?:
from distutils.dir_util import copy_tree
# Move contents from fa/faa/ to fc/faa
srt_curroot = '_folder/fa/'
srt_folder = 'faa/'
srt_newroot = '_folder/fc/'
# Full source and destination
srt_sourc = srt_curroot + srt_folder
srt_desct = srt_newroot + srt_folder
# Check/Create new Directory
pathlib.Path(srt_desct).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# Move
copy_tree(srt_sourc, srt_desct)
## ['_folder/fc/faa/file_a.txt', '_folder/fc/faa/file_b.txt']
Move contents to multiple destinations:
from distutils.dir_util import copy_tree
# Check/Create new Directory
pathlib.Path('_folder/fd/faa/fa_images').mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
pathlib.Path('_folder/fd/faa/fb_images').mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
pathlib.Path('_folder/fd/faa/fc_images').mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
pathlib.Path('_folder/fd/faa/fz_img').mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
pathlib.Path('_folder/fd/faa/fz_other').mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# Move
copy_tree('_folder/fa/faa/', '_folder/fd/faa/fa_images')
## ['_folder/fd/faa/fa_images\\file_a.txt', '_folder/fd/faa/fa_images\\file_b.txt']
copy_tree('_folder/fa/faa/', '_folder/fd/faa/fb_images')
## ['_folder/fd/faa/fb_images\\file_a.txt', '_folder/fd/faa/fb_images\\file_b.txt']
copy_tree('_folder/fa/faa/', '_folder/fd/faa/fc_images')
## ['_folder/fd/faa/fc_images\\file_a.txt', '_folder/fd/faa/fc_images\\file_b.txt']
copy_tree('_folder/fa/faa/', '_folder/fd/faa/fz_img')
## ['_folder/fd/faa/fz_img\\file_a.txt', '_folder/fd/faa/fz_img\\file_b.txt']
copy_tree('_folder/fa/faa/', '_folder/fd/faa/fz_other')
# Empty Folder
## ['_folder/fd/faa/fz_other\\file_a.txt', '_folder/fd/faa/fz_other\\file_b.txt']
pathlib.Path('_folder/fd/faa/fd_images').mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
pathlib.Path('_folder/fd/faa/fe_images').mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
Find the total number of files in a folder.
from pathlib import Path
# the number of files in folder found with search critiera
st_fle_search = '*.txt'
ls_spn = [Path(spn).stem for spn in Path('_folder/fd/faa/fa_images').rglob(st_fle_search)]
# count files in a non-empty folder
## ['file_a', 'file_b']
srn = '_folder/fd/faa/fa_images'
[spn for spn in Path(srn).rglob(st_fle_search)]
## [WindowsPath('_folder/fd/faa/fa_images/file_a.txt'), WindowsPath('_folder/fd/faa/fa_images/file_b.txt')]
bl_folder_is_empty = len([spn for spn in Path(srn).rglob(st_fle_search)])>0
# count files in an empty folder
## True
srn = '_folder/fd/faa/fd_images'
[spn for spn in Path(srn).rglob(st_fle_search)]
## []
bl_folder_is_empty = len([spn for spn in Path(srn).rglob(st_fle_search)])>0
## False
Search for folders with certain search word in folder name, and only keep if folder actually has files.
import os
# get all folder names in folder
ls_spt = os.listdir('_folder/fd/faa/')
# Select only subfolder names containing _images
## ['fa_images', 'fb_images', 'fc_images', 'fd_images', 'fe_images', 'fz_img', 'fz_other', '_img']
srt = '_folder/fd/faa/'
st_search = '_images'
ls_srt_found = [srt + spt
for spt in os.listdir(srt)
if st_search in spt]
## ['_folder/fd/faa/fa_images', '_folder/fd/faa/fb_images', '_folder/fd/faa/fc_images', '_folder/fd/faa/fd_images', '_folder/fd/faa/fe_images']
import pathlib
# Select only subfolder names containing _images
srt = '_folder/fd/faa/'
# the folder names must contain _images
st_srt_srh = '_images'
# there must be files in the folder with this string
st_fle_srh = '*.txt'
# All folders that have String
ls_srt_found = [srt + spt
for spt in os.listdir(srt)
if st_srt_srh in spt]
# All folders that have String and that are nonempty
## ['_folder/fd/faa/fa_images', '_folder/fd/faa/fb_images', '_folder/fd/faa/fc_images', '_folder/fd/faa/fd_images', '_folder/fd/faa/fe_images']
ls_srt_found = [srt + spt
for spt in os.listdir(srt)
if ((st_srt_srh in spt)
(len([spn for spn
in Path(srt + spt).rglob(st_fle_srh)])>0)) ]
## ['_folder/fd/faa/fa_images', '_folder/fd/faa/fb_images', '_folder/fd/faa/fc_images']
The results here are implemented as function in the pyfan package: fp_agg_move_subfiles.
import pathlib
import os
import shutil
from distutils.dir_util import copy_tree
# 1 Define Parameters
# Select only subfolder names containing _images
srt = '_folder/fd/faa/'
# the folder names must contain _images
st_srt_srh = '_images'
# there must be files in the folder with this string
st_fle_srh = '*.txt'
# new aggregating folder name
srt_agg = '_img'
# folders to move aggregation files towards
ls_srt_dest = ['_folder/fd/faa/', '_folder/']
# delete source
bl_delete_source = False
# 2 Gather Folders
ls_ls_srt_found = [[srt + spt, spt]
for spt in os.listdir(srt)
if ((st_srt_srh in spt)
(len([spn for spn
in Path(srt + spt).rglob(st_fle_srh)])>0)) ]
# 3 Loop over destination folders, loop over source folders
## [['_folder/fd/faa/fa_images', 'fa_images'], ['_folder/fd/faa/fb_images', 'fb_images'], ['_folder/fd/faa/fc_images', 'fc_images']]
for srt in ls_srt_dest:
# Move each folder over
for ls_srt_found in ls_ls_srt_found:
# Paths
srt_source = ls_srt_found[0]
srt_dest = os.path.join(srt, srt_agg, ls_srt_found[1])
# dest folders
pathlib.Path(srt_dest).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# move
copy_tree(ls_srt_found[0], srt_dest)
# 4. Delete Sources
## ['_folder/fd/faa/_img\\fa_images\\file_a.txt', '_folder/fd/faa/_img\\fa_images\\file_b.txt']
## ['_folder/fd/faa/_img\\fb_images\\file_a.txt', '_folder/fd/faa/_img\\fb_images\\file_b.txt']
## ['_folder/fd/faa/_img\\fc_images\\file_a.txt', '_folder/fd/faa/_img\\fc_images\\file_b.txt']
## ['_folder/_img\\fa_images\\file_a.txt', '_folder/_img\\fa_images\\file_b.txt']
## ['_folder/_img\\fb_images\\file_a.txt', '_folder/_img\\fb_images\\file_b.txt']
## ['_folder/_img\\fc_images\\file_a.txt', '_folder/_img\\fc_images\\file_b.txt']
if bl_delete_source:
for ls_srt_found in ls_ls_srt_found: