1 Python Command Line

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1.1 Run Command Line from Inside Python

Use subprocess, where is python:

import subprocess
cmd_popen = subprocess.Popen(["where", "python"],
output, err = cmd_popen.communicate()
## G:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\wk_pyfan\python.exe
## G:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\python.exe
## C:\Users\fan\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps\python.exe

Command line file redirection symbol,

# The > command line sends current console output to file.txt
# cd "C:\users\fan"
# ls > ls_files.txt
# rm ls_files.txt
import os
import subprocess

# ls in current location
cmd_ls = subprocess.Popen(["ls"], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True);
stf_out_cmd_ls, err = cmd_ls.communicate()
stf_out_cmd_ls = stf_out_cmd_ls.decode('utf-8')
srt_file_tex = "_file/"
sna_file_tex = "test_ls_pyfanvig_stdout"
srn_file_tex = srt_file_tex + sna_file_tex + ".txt"
fl_tex_contents = open(srn_file_tex, 'w')
## 0

1.2 Execute Command Line Python Functions

  • run python from command line
  • run python function with parameters from command line

Here run python from command line inside python itself.

# Run:
from py.fan.util.rmd.mattexmd import fp_mlxtex2md
fp_mlxtex2md(spt_root='C:/Users/fan/Math4Econ/matrix_application/', ls_srt_subfolders=None, st_rglob_tex='twogoods.tex', verbose=True)
# Run:
python -c "from pyfan.util.rmd.mattexmd import fp_mlxtex2md; fp_mlxtex2md(spt_root='C:/Users/fan/Math4Econ/matrix_application/', ls_srt_subfolders=None, st_rglob_tex='twogoods.tex', verbose=True)"