1 String Arrays

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1.1 Positive or Negative Floating Number to String

There is a number, that contains decimal and possibly negative sign and has some decimals, convert this to a string that is more easily used as a file or folder name.

ls_fl_rho <- c(1, -1, -1.5 -100, 0.5, 0.11111111, -199.22123)
for (fl_rho in ls_fl_rho) {
  st_rho <- paste0(round(fl_rho, 4))
  st_rho <- gsub(x = st_rho,  pattern = "-", replacement = "n")
  st_rho <- gsub(x = st_rho,  pattern = "\\.", replacement = "p")
  print(paste0('st_rho=', st_rho))
## [1] "st_rho=1"
## [1] "st_rho=n1"
## [1] "st_rho=n101p5"
## [1] "st_rho=0p5"
## [1] "st_rho=0p1111"
## [1] "st_rho=n199p2212"

1.2 String Replace

# String replacement
gsub(x = paste0(unique(df.slds.stats.perc$it.inner.counter), ':',
                unique(df.slds.stats.perc$z_n_a_n), collapse = ';'),
     pattern = "\n",
     replacement = "")
gsub(x = var,  pattern = "\n", replacement = "")
gsub(x = var.input,  pattern = "\\.", replacement = "_")

String replaces a segment, search by wildcard. Given the string below, delete all text between carriage return and pound sign:

st_tex_text <- "\n% Lat2ex Comments\n\\newcommand{\\exa}{\\text{from external file: } \\alpha + \\beta}\n% More LaLatex Comments\n"
st_clean_a1 <- gsub("\\%.*?\\\n", "", st_tex_text)
st_clean_a2 <- gsub("L.*?x", "[LATEX]", st_tex_text)
print(paste0('st_tex_text:', st_tex_text))
## [1] "st_tex_text:\n% Lat2ex Comments\n\\newcommand{\\exa}{\\text{from external file: } \\alpha + \\beta}\n% More LaLatex Comments\n"
print(paste0('st_clean_a1:', st_clean_a1))
## [1] "st_clean_a1:\n\\newcommand{\\exa}{\\text{from external file: } \\alpha + \\beta}\n"
print(paste0('st_clean_a2:', st_clean_a2))
## [1] "st_clean_a2:\n% [LATEX] Comments\n\\newcommand{\\exa}{\\text{from external file: } \\alpha + \\beta}\n% More [LATEX] Comments\n"

String delete after a particular string:

st_tex_text <- "\\end{equation}\n}\n% Even more comments from Latex preamble"
st_clean_a1 <- gsub("\\\n%.*","", st_tex_text)
print(paste0('st_tex_text:', st_tex_text))
## [1] "st_tex_text:\\end{equation}\n}\n% Even more comments from Latex preamble"
print(paste0('st_clean_a1:', st_clean_a1))
## [1] "st_clean_a1:\\end{equation}\n}"

1.3 Search If and Which String Contains

Search for a single substring in a single string:

st_example_a <- 'C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/amto/tibble/fs_tib_basics.Rmd'
st_example_b <- 'C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/amto/tibble/_main.html'
grepl('_main', st_example_a)
## [1] FALSE
grepl('_main', st_example_b)
## [1] TRUE

Search for if one of a set of substring exists in a set of strings. In particular which one of the elements of ls_spn contains at least one of the elements of ls_str_if_contains. In the example below, only the first path does not contain either the word aggregate or index in the path. This can be used after all paths have been found recursively in some folder to select only desired paths from the full set of possibilities:

ls_spn <- c("C:/Users/fan/R4Econ//panel/basic/fs_genpanel.Rmd",
ls_str_if_contains <- c("aggregate", "index")
str_if_contains <- paste(ls_str_if_contains, collapse = "|")
grepl(str_if_contains, ls_spn)

1.4 String Split

Given some string, generated for example by cut, get the lower cut starting points, and also the higher end point

# Extract 0.216 and 0.500 as lower and upper bounds
st_cut_cate <- '(0.216,0.500]'
# Extract Lower Part
substring(strsplit(st_cut_cate, ",")[[1]][1], 2)
## [1] "0.216"
# Extract second part except final bracket Option 1
intToUtf8(rev(utf8ToInt(substring(intToUtf8(rev(utf8ToInt(strsplit(st_cut_cate, ",")[[1]][2]))), 2))))
## [1] "0.500"
# Extract second part except final bracket Option 2
gsub(strsplit(st_cut_cate, ",")[[1]][2],  pattern = "]", replacement = "")
## [1] "0.500"

Make a part of a string bold. Go from “ABC EFG, OPQ, RST” to “ABC EFG, OPQ, RST”. This could be for making the name of an author bold, and preserve affiliation information.

st_paper_author_ori <- "ABC EFG, OPQ, RST"
ar_st_ori <- strsplit(st_paper_author_ori, ", ")[[1]]
st_after_1stcomma <- paste0(ar_st_ori[2:length(ar_st_ori)], collapse= ", ")
st_paper_author <- paste0('<b>', ar_st_ori[1], "</b>, ", st_after_1stcomma )
## [1] "<b>ABC EFG</b>, OPQ, RST"

1.5 String Concatenate

Concatenate string array into a single string.

# Simple Collapse
vars.group.by <- c('abc', 'efg')
paste0(vars.group.by, collapse='|')
## [1] "abc|efg"

Concatenate a numeric array into a single string.

# Simple Collapse
ar_fl_numbers <- runif(5)
paste0('ar_fl_numbers = ', 
       paste(round(ar_fl_numbers,3), collapse=', ')
## [1] "ar_fl_numbers = 0.288, 0.788, 0.409, 0.883, 0.94"

1.6 String Add Leading Zero

# Add Leading zero for integer values to allow for sorting when
# integers are combined into strings
it_z_n <- 1
it_a_n <- 192
print(sprintf("%02d", it_z_n))
## [1] "01"
print(sprintf("%04d", it_a_n))
## [1] "0192"

1.7 Substring Components

Given a string, with certain structure, get components.

  • r time string get month and year and day
snm_full <- "20100701"
snm_year <-substr(snm_full,0,4)
snm_month <-substr(snm_full,5,6)
snm_day <-substr(snm_full,7,8)
print(paste0('full:', snm_full,
             ', year:', snm_year,
             ', month:', snm_month,
             ', day:', snm_day))
## [1] "full:20100701, year:2010, month:07, day:01"