1 Generate Categorical Variables

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1.1 Cut Continuous Variable to Categorical Variable

We have a continuous variable, we cut it with explicitly specified cuts to generate a categorical variable, and label it. We will use base::cut().

# break points to specific
fl_min_mpg <- min(mtcars$mpg)
fl_max_mpg <- max(mtcars$mpg)
ar_fl_cuts <- c(10, 20, 30, 40)
# generate labels
ar_st_cuts_lab <- c("10<=mpg<20", "20<=mpg<30", "30<=mpg<40")
# generate new variable
mtcars_cate <- mtcars %>% 
  tibble::rownames_to_column(var = "cars") %>%
  mutate(mpg_grp = base::cut(mpg,
      breaks = ar_fl_cuts, 
      labels = ar_st_cuts_lab,
      # if right is FALSE, interval is closed on the left
      right = FALSE
  ) %>% select(cars, mpg_grp, mpg) %>% 
  arrange(mpg) %>% group_by(mpg_grp) %>%
# Display
st_caption <- "Cuts a continuous var to a categorical var with labels"
    caption = st_caption
) %>% kable_styling_fc()
Cuts a continuous var to a categorical var with labels
cars mpg_grp mpg
Cadillac Fleetwood 10<=mpg<20 10.4
Lincoln Continental 10<=mpg<20 10.4
Camaro Z28 10<=mpg<20 13.3
Mazda RX4 20<=mpg<30 21.0
Mazda RX4 Wag 20<=mpg<30 21.0
Hornet 4 Drive 20<=mpg<30 21.4
Honda Civic 30<=mpg<40 30.4
Lotus Europa 30<=mpg<40 30.4
Fiat 128 30<=mpg<40 32.4

1.2 Factor, Label, Cross and Graph

Generate a Scatter plot with different colors representing different categories. There are multiple underlying factor/categorical variables, for example two binary variables. Generate scatter plot with colors for the combinations of these two binary variables.

We combine here the vs and am variables from the mtcars dataset. vs is engine shape, am is auto or manual shift. We will generate a scatter plot of mpg and qsec over four categories with different colors.

  • am: Transmission (0 = automatic, 1 = manual)
  • vs: Engine (0 = V-shaped, 1 = straight)
  • mpg: miles per galon
  • qsec: 1/4 mile time
# First make sure these are factors
tb_mtcars <- as_tibble(mtcars) %>% 
  mutate(vs = as_factor(vs), am = as_factor(am))

# Second Label the Factors
am_levels <- c(auto_shift = "0", manual_shift = "1")
vs_levels <- c(vshaped_engine = "0", straight_engine = "1")
tb_mtcars <- tb_mtcars %>% 
  mutate(vs = fct_recode(vs, !!!vs_levels),
         am = fct_recode(am, !!!am_levels))

# Third Combine Factors
tb_mtcars_selected <- tb_mtcars %>%
  mutate(vs_am = fct_cross(vs, am, sep='_', keep_empty = FALSE)) %>%
  select(mpg, qsec, vs_am)

# relabel interaction variables
am_vs_levels <- c("vshape (engine) and auto (shift)" = "vshaped_engine_auto_shift", 
                  "vshape (engine) and manual (shift)" = "vshaped_engine_manual_shift", 
                  "straight (engine) and auto (shift)" = "straight_engine_auto_shift", 
                  "straight (engine) and manual (shift)" = "straight_engine_manual_shift")
tb_mtcars_selected <- tb_mtcars_selected %>%
  mutate(vs_am = fct_recode(vs_am, !!!am_vs_levels))

# Show

Now we generate scatter plot based on the combined factors

# Labeling
st_title <- paste0('Distribution of MPG and QSEC from mtcars')
st_subtitle <- paste0('https://fanwangecon.github.io/',
st_caption <- paste0('mtcars dataset, ',
st_x_label <- 'MPG = Miles per Gallon'
st_y_label <- 'QSEC = time for 1/4 Miles'

# Graphing
plt_mtcars_scatter <- 
         aes(x=mpg, y=qsec, colour=vs_am, shape=vs_am)) +
  geom_jitter(size=3, width = 0.15) +
  labs(title = st_title, subtitle = st_subtitle,
       x = st_x_label, y = st_y_label, caption = st_caption) +

# show