1 Parallel Loop in R

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1.1 Setting Up and First Run

First, install several packages.

install.packages(c("parallel", "doParallel", "foreach"))

Second, we load the libraries, and check on the parallel processing capacities on the local machine.

# Load libraries

# Check number of cores
it_n_cores_computer <- parallel::detectCores()
glue::glue("Number of cores on computers:{it_n_cores_computer}")

## Number of cores on computers:20

Third, we might want to use less than the total number of cores available. Specifying the number of cores to be used, we can initiate a local cluster. “PSOCK” below copies everything to each worker.

# Start cluster
ob_cluster <- parallel::makeCluster(
  it_n_cores_computer - 2, 
  type = "PSOCK"
# Register cluster
doParallel::registerDoParallel(cl = ob_cluster)

Fourth, run first parallel task, concurrent base-10 exponentiation.

# c(a,b,c,d) outputs together with combine
ar_test_parallel <- foreach(
  it_power = seq(1, 10), .combine = 'c'
) %dopar% {
glue::glue("dopar outputs: {ar_test_parallel}")

# Output
## dopar outputs: 10
## dopar outputs: 100
## dopar outputs: 1000
## dopar outputs: 10000
## dopar outputs: 1e+05
## dopar outputs: 1e+06
## dopar outputs: 1e+07
## dopar outputs: 1e+08
## dopar outputs: 1e+09
## dopar outputs: 1e+10

Fifth, close cluster. When work is done, close the cluster.

parallel::stopCluster(cl = ob_cluster)

1.2 Parallel Function Run with Different Parameters, Aggregate Output Files

In this example, we create a function, we run the function with different parameters, each time generating a data output file to be stored, and then review results after.

First, we create a function. In this function, we generate a random matrix, the it_nrow parameter controls the number of rows in this random matrix. We store this matrix as csv.

Note, for each function used, such as as_tibble below, we should write it as tibble::as_tibble, to declare package and function jointly.

ffi_rand2csv <- function(
    it_nrow = 3,
    st_file_prefix = "prefix") {

    # Generate a matrix and tibble
    mt_rnorm_a <- matrix(
      rnorm(it_nrow*3, mean=0, sd=1), 
      nrow=it_nrow, ncol=3)
    tb_test <- tibble::as_tibble(mt_rnorm_a)

    # File output path
    spn_output_file <- file.path(
      paste0(st_file_prefix, '_nrow', it_nrow, '.csv'),
      fsep = .Platform$file.sep)

    # Write file out
    readr::write_csv(tb_test, spn_output_file)
      "File saved successfully: ", spn_output_file))

Second, we initialize the cluster.

# Get the number of cores
it_n_cores_computer <- parallel::detectCores()
glue::glue("Number of cores on computers:{it_n_cores_computer}")
# Start cluster
ob_cluster <- parallel::makeCluster(
  it_n_cores_computer - 2, 
  type = "PSOCK"
# Register cluster
doParallel::registerDoParallel(cl = ob_cluster)

## Number of cores on computers:20

Third, we run the function in parallel.

# Define shared Path

spt_root <- "C:/Users/fan/"  
spt_rmd <- "R4Econ/development/parallel/_file/"  
spt_path_out <- file.path(spt_root, spt_rmd, fsep = .Platform$file.sep)

# Parallel Run
  it_nrow = seq(2, 4)
) %dopar% {
  # Run function
    it_nrow = it_nrow,
    st_file_prefix = "ffi_para_test")

# Output
## [[1]]
## File saved successfully: C:/Users/fan//R4Econ/development/parallel/_file/ffi_para_test_nrow2.csv
## [[2]]
## File saved successfully: C:/Users/fan//R4Econ/development/parallel/_file/ffi_para_test_nrow3.csv
## [[3]]
## File saved successfully: C:/Users/fan//R4Econ/development/parallel/_file/ffi_para_test_nrow4.csv

Fourth, adapting the parallel loop to other functions. Note that:

  1. In the forach loop ablow, we iterate over seq(2,4), assigning in parallel 2, 3, and 4 to the parameter it_nrow.
  2. it_nrow is a parameter for the ffi_rand2csv function, so we will generate different outputs associated with it_nrow=2, it_nrow=3, and it_nrow=4.
  3. The code above can be adapted to other functions that one wants to run in parallel by changing only one parameter of a function. For example, suppose we want to run ffp_demo_loc_env_inequality(spt_path_data, fl_temp_bound=fl_temp_bound), where spt_path_data is common across parallel calls, but we want to update fl_temp_bound for each parallel call, then we need to iterate over fl_temp_bound. See example below:
# Some path
spt_path_data <- "C:/Users/fan/"  
# Parallel Run
  fl_temp_bound = seq(-40, 40, by=1)
) %dopar% {
  # Run function