1 (MxP by N) to (MxQ by N+Z)

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There is a dataframe composed of M mini-dataframes. Group by a variable that identifies each unique sub-dataframe, and use the sub-dataframes with P rows as inputs to a function.

The function outputs Q by Z rows and columns of results, stack the results. The output file has MxQ rows and the Z columns of additional results should be appended.

1.1 Generate the MxP by N Dataframe

M Grouping characteristics, P rows for each group, and N Variables.

  1. M are individuals
  2. P are dates
  3. A wage variable for individual wage at each date. And a savings varaible as well.
# Define
it_M <- 3
it_P <- 5
svr_m <- 'group_m'
svr_mp <- 'info_mp'

# dataframe
df_panel_skeleton <- as_tibble(matrix(it_P, nrow=it_M, ncol=1)) %>%
  rowid_to_column(var = svr_m) %>%
  uncount(V1) %>%
  group_by(!!sym(svr_m)) %>% mutate(!!sym(svr_mp) := row_number()) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  rowwise() %>% mutate(wage = rnorm(1, 100, 10), 
                       savings = rnorm(1, 200, 30)) %>%
  ungroup() %>% 
  rowid_to_column(var = "id_ji")

# Print
kable(df_panel_skeleton) %>% kable_styling_fc()
id_ji group_m info_mp wage savings
1 1 1 94.39524 253.6074
2 1 2 97.69823 214.9355
3 1 3 115.58708 141.0015
4 1 4 100.70508 221.0407
5 1 5 101.29288 185.8163
6 2 1 117.15065 167.9653
7 2 2 104.60916 193.4608
8 2 3 87.34939 169.2199
9 2 4 93.13147 178.1333
10 2 5 95.54338 181.2488
11 3 1 112.24082 149.3992
12 3 2 103.59814 225.1336
13 3 3 104.00771 204.6012
14 3 4 101.10683 165.8559
15 3 5 94.44159 237.6144

1.2 Subgroup Compute and Expand

Use the M sub-dataframes, generate Q by Z result for each of the M groups. Stack all results together.

Base on all the wages for each individual, generate individual specific mean and standard deviations. Do this for three things, the wage variable, the savings variable, and the sum of wage and savings:

  1. Z=2: 2 columns, mean and standard deviation
  2. Q=3: 3 rows, statistics based on wage, savings, and the sum of both

First, here is the processing function that takes the dataframe as input, with a parameter for rounding:

# define function
ffi_subset_mean_sd <- function(df_sub, it_round=1) {
  #' A function that generates mean and sd for several variables
  #' @description
  #' Assume there are two variables in df_sub wage and savings
  #' @param df_sub dataframe where each individual row is a different 
  #' data point, over which we compute mean and sd, Assum there are two 
  #' variables, savings and wage
  #' @param it_round integer rounding for resulting dataframe
  #' @return a dataframe where each row is aggregate for a different type
  #' of variablea and each column is a different statistics
  fl_wage_mn = mean(df_sub$wage)
  fl_wage_sd = sd(df_sub$wage)
  fl_save_mn = mean(df_sub$savings)
  fl_save_sd = sd(df_sub$savings)
  fl_wgsv_mn = mean(df_sub$wage + df_sub$savings)
  fl_wgsv_sd = sd(df_sub$wage + df_sub$savings)  
  ar_mn <- c(fl_wage_mn, fl_save_mn, fl_wgsv_mn)
  ar_sd <- c(fl_wage_sd, fl_save_sd, fl_wgsv_sd)
  ar_st_row_lab <- c('wage', 'savings', 'wage_and_savings')
  mt_stats <- cbind(ar_mn, ar_sd)
  mt_stats <- round(mt_stats, it_round)
  ar_st_varnames <- c('mean', 'sd', 'variables')
  df_combine <- as_tibble(mt_stats) %>% 
    add_column(ar_st_row_lab) %>%
    rename_all(~c(ar_st_varnames)) %>%
    select(variables, 'mean', 'sd') %>%
    rowid_to_column(var = "id_q")
# testing function
ffi_subset_mean_sd(df_panel_skeleton %>% filter(!!sym(svr_m)==1))

Second, call ffi_subset_mean_sd function for each of the groups indexed by j and stack results together with j index:

  1. group by
  2. call function
  3. unnest
# run group stats and stack dataframes
df_outputs <- df_panel_skeleton %>% group_by(!!sym(svr_m)) %>%
  do(df_stats = ffi_subset_mean_sd(., it_round=2)) %>%
  unnest() %>%
  rowid_to_column(var = "id_mq")
# print
kable(df_outputs) %>% kable_styling_fc()
id_mq group_m id_q variables mean sd
1 1 1 wage 101.94 8.11
2 1 2 savings 203.28 42.33
3 1 3 wage_and_savings 305.22 34.83
4 2 1 wage 99.56 11.63
5 2 2 savings 178.01 10.34
6 2 3 wage_and_savings 277.56 15.48
7 3 1 wage 103.08 6.39
8 3 2 savings 196.52 37.86
9 3 3 wage_and_savings 299.60 33.50

In the resulting file, we went from a matrix with MxP rows to a matrix with MxQ Rows.