1 Gather Files

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1.1 Stack CSV Files Together Extract and Select Variables

There are multiple csv files, each was simulated with a different combination of parameters, each file has the same columns and perhaps even the same number of rows. We want to combine the files together, and provide correct attributes to rows from each table stacked, based on each underlying csv file’s file name.

This is necessary, for example, when running computational exercises across EC2 instances in batch array and files are saved to different S3 folders. Need to gather parallel computational results together in a single file after syncing files locally with S3.

In the csv folder under this section, there are four subfolder, each containing 3 files with identical file structures.

We want to find the relevant csv files from these directories, and stack the results together.

  1. File search search string, search in all subfolders, the search string contains file prefix that is common across files that need to be gathered.
  2. Extract path folder hierarchy, each layer of folder is a different variable
  3. Stack files together, with variables for file name and folder name
  4. Extract from file name the component that is not in the search string, keep as separate variable
  5. Follow specific rules about how file suffix is constructed to obtain additional variables.
  6. Keep only a subset of columns of interest.

First, search and find all files with certain prefix.

# can search in multiple paths, second path here has no relevant contents
spt_roots <- c('C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/panel/basic/_file/csv',
# can skip file names with certain strings
spn_skip <- c('A3420')
# prefix search patther,
st_search_str <- 'solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_*'

# Search and get all Path
ls_sfls <- list.files(path=spt_roots,

# Skip path if contains words in skip list
if(!missing(spn_skip)) {
  ls_sfls <- ls_sfls[!grepl(paste(spn_skip, collapse = "|"), ls_sfls)]

Second, show all the files found, show their full path, the file name and the two folder names above the file name.

# Loop and print found files
it_folders_names_to_keep = 2
for (spt_file in ls_sfls) {
    ls_srt_folders_name_keep <- tail(strsplit(spt_file, "/")[[1]], n=it_folders_names_to_keep+1)
    snm_file_name <- tail(ls_srt_folders_name_keep, 1)
    ls_srt_folders_keep <- head(ls_srt_folders_name_keep, it_folders_names_to_keep)
    print(paste0('path:', spt_file))
## [1] "path:C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/panel/basic/_file/csv/cev-2000/solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c0_cev-2000_A0.csv"
## [1] "solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c0_cev-2000_A0.csv"
## [1] "csv"      "cev-2000"
## [1] "path:C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/panel/basic/_file/csv/cev-2000/solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c0_cev-2000_A6840.csv"
## [1] "solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c0_cev-2000_A6840.csv"
## [1] "csv"      "cev-2000"
## [1] "path:C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/panel/basic/_file/csv/cev-947/solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c5_cev-947_A0.csv"
## [1] "solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c5_cev-947_A0.csv"
## [1] "csv"     "cev-947"
## [1] "path:C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/panel/basic/_file/csv/cev-947/solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c5_cev-947_A6840.csv"
## [1] "solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c5_cev-947_A6840.csv"
## [1] "csv"     "cev-947"
## [1] "path:C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/panel/basic/_file/csv/cev2000/solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c19_cev2000_A0.csv"
## [1] "solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c19_cev2000_A0.csv"
## [1] "csv"     "cev2000"
## [1] "path:C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/panel/basic/_file/csv/cev2000/solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c19_cev2000_A6840.csv"
## [1] "solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c19_cev2000_A6840.csv"
## [1] "csv"     "cev2000"
## [1] "path:C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/panel/basic/_file/csv/cev947/solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c14_cev947_A0.csv"
## [1] "solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c14_cev947_A0.csv"
## [1] "csv"    "cev947"
## [1] "path:C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/panel/basic/_file/csv/cev947/solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c14_cev947_A6840.csv"
## [1] "solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c14_cev947_A6840.csv"
## [1] "csv"    "cev947"

Third, create a dataframe with the folder and file names:

# String matrix empty
mt_st_paths_names <- matrix(data=NA, nrow=length(ls_sfls), ncol=4)

# Loop and print found files
it_folders_names_to_keep = 2
it_file_counter = 0
for (spt_file in ls_sfls) {
    # row counter
    it_file_counter = it_file_counter + 1

    # get file paths
    ls_srt_folders_name_keep <- tail(strsplit(spt_file, "/")[[1]], n=it_folders_names_to_keep+1)
    snm_file_name <- tail(ls_srt_folders_name_keep, 1)
    ls_srt_folders_keep <- head(ls_srt_folders_name_keep, it_folders_names_to_keep)

    # store
    # tools::file_path_sans_ext to drop suffix
    mt_st_paths_names[it_file_counter,1] = tools::file_path_sans_ext(snm_file_name)
    mt_st_paths_names[it_file_counter,2] = ls_srt_folders_keep[1]
    mt_st_paths_names[it_file_counter,3] = ls_srt_folders_keep[2]
    mt_st_paths_names[it_file_counter,4] = spt_file

# Column Names
ar_st_varnames <- c('fileid','name','folder1','folder2', 'fullpath')

# Combine to tibble, add name col1, col2, etc.
tb_csv_info <- as_tibble(mt_st_paths_names) %>%
  rowid_to_column(var = "id") %>%

# Display
kable(tb_csv_info[,1:4]) %>% kable_styling_fc()
fileid name folder1 folder2
1 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c0_cev-2000_A0 csv cev-2000
2 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c0_cev-2000_A6840 csv cev-2000
3 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c5_cev-947_A0 csv cev-947
4 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c5_cev-947_A6840 csv cev-947
5 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c19_cev2000_A0 csv cev2000
6 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c19_cev2000_A6840 csv cev2000
7 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c14_cev947_A0 csv cev947
8 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c14_cev947_A6840 csv cev947

Fourth, create a dataframe by expanding each row with the datafile loaded in, use apply with anonymous function.

# Generate a list of dataframes
ls_df_loaded_files =
        function(row) {
          # Loading file
          spn_full_path <- row[5]
          mt_csv = read.csv(file = spn_full_path)
          # dataframe
          it_fileid <- row[1]
          snm_filename <- row[2]
          srt_folder_level2 <- row[3]
          srt_folder_level1 <- row[4]

          tb_combine = as_tibble(mt_csv) %>%
            na.omit %>%
            rowid_to_column(var = "statesid") %>%
            mutate(fileid = it_fileid,
                   filename = snm_filename,
                   folder_lvl1 = srt_folder_level1,
                   folder_lvl2 = srt_folder_level2) %>%
            select(fileid, filename, folder_lvl1, folder_lvl2,
                   statesid, everything())
          # return

# Stack dataframes together
df_all_files = do.call(bind_rows, ls_df_loaded_files)

# show stacked table
kable(df_all_files[seq(1,601,50),1:6]) %>% kable_styling_fc_wide()
fileid filename folder_lvl1 folder_lvl2 statesid EjV
1 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c0_cev-2000_A0 cev-2000 csv 1 -28.8586860
1 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c0_cev-2000_A0 cev-2000 csv 51 -0.2106603
2 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c0_cev-2000_A6840 cev-2000 csv 3 -28.8586860
2 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c0_cev-2000_A6840 cev-2000 csv 53 -0.0642997
3 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c5_cev-947_A0 cev-947 csv 5 -5.8826609
3 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c5_cev-947_A0 cev-947 csv 55 0.0353187
4 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c5_cev-947_A6840 cev-947 csv 7 -2.7046907
4 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c5_cev-947_A6840 cev-947 csv 57 0.1094474
5 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c19_cev2000_A0 cev2000 csv 9 -2.9782236
5 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c19_cev2000_A0 cev2000 csv 59 0.3389275
6 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c19_cev2000_A6840 cev2000 csv 11 -1.7229647
6 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c19_cev2000_A6840 cev2000 csv 61 -14.6880377
7 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c14_cev947_A0 cev947 csv 13 -1.7623279

Fifth, get additional information from the file name and file folder. Extract those as separate variables. The file names is dash connected, with various information. First, split just the final element of the string file name out, which is A###. Then, also extract the number next to N as a separate numeric column. Additional folder_lvl1 separate out the numeric number from the initial word cev.

Split “solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c0_cev-2000_A###” to “solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c0_cev-2000” and “A###”:

# separate last eleemtnafter underscore
df_all_files_finalA <- df_all_files %>%
   separate(filename, into = c("filename_main", "prod_type_st"),
            remove = FALSE) %>%
   select(fileid, filename, filename_main, prod_type_st, folder_lvl1, folder_lvl2,
          statesid, everything())
# show stacked table
kable(df_all_files_finalA[seq(1,601,50),1:10]) %>% kable_styling_fc_wide()
fileid filename filename_main prod_type_st folder_lvl1 folder_lvl2 statesid EjV k_tt b_tt
1 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c0_cev-2000_A0 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c0_cev-2000 A0 cev-2000 csv 1 -28.8586860 0.000000 0.000000
1 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c0_cev-2000_A0 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c0_cev-2000 A0 cev-2000 csv 51 -0.2106603 0.000000 78.005300
2 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c0_cev-2000_A6840 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c0_cev-2000 A6840 cev-2000 csv 3 -28.8586860 0.000000 0.000000
2 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c0_cev-2000_A6840 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c0_cev-2000 A6840 cev-2000 csv 53 -0.0642997 0.000000 84.215368
3 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c5_cev-947_A0 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c5_cev-947 A0 cev-947 csv 5 -5.8826609 0.000000 3.869909
3 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c5_cev-947_A0 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c5_cev-947 A0 cev-947 csv 55 0.0353187 0.000000 90.611739
4 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c5_cev-947_A6840 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c5_cev-947 A6840 cev-947 csv 7 -2.7046907 0.000000 7.855916
4 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c5_cev-947_A6840 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c5_cev-947 A6840 cev-947 csv 57 0.1094474 0.000000 90.611739
5 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c19_cev2000_A0 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c19_cev2000 A0 cev2000 csv 9 -2.9782236 0.000000 7.855916
5 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c19_cev2000_A0 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c19_cev2000 A0 cev2000 csv 59 0.3389275 0.000000 97.200000
6 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c19_cev2000_A6840 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c19_cev2000 A6840 cev2000 csv 11 -1.7229647 0.000000 11.961502
6 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c19_cev2000_A6840 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c19_cev2000 A6840 cev2000 csv 61 -14.6880377 1.990694 -1.879215
7 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c14_cev947_A0 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c14_cev947 A0 cev947 csv 13 -1.7623279 0.000000 16.190257

Split “A###” to “A” and “A###”. Additionally, also split cev#### to cev and ####, allow for positive and negative numbers. See regular expression 101 helper

# string and number separation
df_all_files_finalB <- df_all_files_finalA %>%
           into = c("prod_type_st_prefix", "prod_type_lvl"),
           sep="(?<=[A-Za-z])(?=[-0-9])", # positive or negative numbers
           remove=FALSE) %>%
           into = c("cev_prefix", "cev_lvl"),
           sep="(?<=[A-Za-z])(?=[-0-9])", # positive or negative numbers
           remove=FALSE) %>%
  mutate(cev_st = folder_lvl1,
         prod_type_lvl = as.numeric(prod_type_lvl),
         cev_lvl = as.numeric(cev_lvl)/10000) %>%
         prod_type_st, prod_type_lvl,
         cev_st, cev_lvl,
         statesid, EjV,
         filename, folder_lvl1, folder_lvl2)
# Ordering, sort by cev_lvl, then prod_type_lvl, then stateid
df_all_files_finalB <- df_all_files_finalB %>%
  arrange(cev_lvl, prod_type_lvl, statesid)
# show stacked table
kable(df_all_files_finalB[seq(1,49*16,49),1:7]) %>% kable_styling_fc_wide()
fileid prod_type_st prod_type_lvl cev_st cev_lvl statesid EjV
1 A0 0 cev-2000 -0.2000 1 -28.8586860
1 A0 0 cev-2000 -0.2000 50 -0.2106603
2 A6840 6840 cev-2000 -0.2000 1 -28.8586860
2 A6840 6840 cev-2000 -0.2000 50 -0.1311749
3 A0 0 cev-947 -0.0947 1 -28.0399281
3 A0 0 cev-947 -0.0947 50 -0.0911499
4 A6840 6840 cev-947 -0.0947 1 -28.0399281
4 A6840 6840 cev-947 -0.0947 50 -0.0134719
7 A0 0 cev947 0.0947 1 -26.8243673
7 A0 0 cev947 0.0947 50 0.0857474
8 A6840 6840 cev947 0.0947 1 -26.8243673
8 A6840 6840 cev947 0.0947 50 0.1608382
5 A0 0 cev2000 0.2000 1 -26.2512036
5 A0 0 cev2000 0.2000 50 0.1694524
6 A6840 6840 cev2000 0.2000 1 -26.2512036
6 A6840 6840 cev2000 0.2000 50 0.2432677