1 Group, Sort and Slice

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1.1 Sort in Ascending and Descending Orders

We sort the mtcars dataset, sorting in ascending order by cyl, and in descending order by mpg. Using arrange, desc(disp) means sorting the disp variable in descending order. In the table shown below, cyc is increasing, and disp id decreasing within each cyc group.

kable(mtcars %>%
  arrange(cyl, desc(disp)) %>%
    # Select and filter to reduce display clutter
    select(cyl, disp, mpg)) %>%
cyl disp mpg
Merc 240D 4 146.7 24.4
Merc 230 4 140.8 22.8
Volvo 142E 4 121.0 21.4
Porsche 914-2 4 120.3 26.0
Toyota Corona 4 120.1 21.5
Datsun 710 4 108.0 22.8
Lotus Europa 4 95.1 30.4
Fiat X1-9 4 79.0 27.3
Fiat 128 4 78.7 32.4
Honda Civic 4 75.7 30.4
Toyota Corolla 4 71.1 33.9
Hornet 4 Drive 6 258.0 21.4
Valiant 6 225.0 18.1
Merc 280 6 167.6 19.2
Merc 280C 6 167.6 17.8
Mazda RX4 6 160.0 21.0
Mazda RX4 Wag 6 160.0 21.0
Ferrari Dino 6 145.0 19.7
Cadillac Fleetwood 8 472.0 10.4
Lincoln Continental 8 460.0 10.4
Chrysler Imperial 8 440.0 14.7
Pontiac Firebird 8 400.0 19.2
Hornet Sportabout 8 360.0 18.7
Duster 360 8 360.0 14.3
Ford Pantera L 8 351.0 15.8
Camaro Z28 8 350.0 13.3
Dodge Challenger 8 318.0 15.5
AMC Javelin 8 304.0 15.2
Maserati Bora 8 301.0 15.0
Merc 450SE 8 275.8 16.4
Merc 450SL 8 275.8 17.3
Merc 450SLC 8 275.8 15.2

1.2 Get Highest Values from Groups

There is a dataframe with a grouping variable with N unique values, for example N classes. Find the top three highest scoring students from each class. In the example below, group by cyl and get the cars with the highest and second highest mpg cars in each cyl group.

# use mtcars: slice_head gets the lowest sorted value
df_groupby_top_mpg <- mtcars %>%
  rownames_to_column(var = "car") %>%
  arrange(cyl, desc(mpg)) %>%
  group_by(cyl) %>%
  slice_head(n=3) %>%
  select(car, cyl, mpg, disp, hp)

# display
kable(df_groupby_top_mpg) %>% kable_styling_fc()
car cyl mpg disp hp
Toyota Corolla 4 33.9 71.1 65
Fiat 128 4 32.4 78.7 66
Honda Civic 4 30.4 75.7 52
Hornet 4 Drive 6 21.4 258.0 110
Mazda RX4 6 21.0 160.0 110
Mazda RX4 Wag 6 21.0 160.0 110
Pontiac Firebird 8 19.2 400.0 175
Hornet Sportabout 8 18.7 360.0 175
Merc 450SL 8 17.3 275.8 180

1.3 Differences in Within-group Sorted Value

We first take the largest N values in M groups, then we difference between the ranked top values in each group.

We have N classes, and M students in each class. We first select the 3 students with the highest scores from each class, then we take the difference between 1st and 2nd, and the difference between the 2nd and the 3rd students.

Note that when are using descending sort, so lead means the next value in descending sequencing, and lag means the last value which was higher in descending order.

# We use what we just created in the last block.
df_groupby_top_mpg_diff <- df_groupby_top_mpg %>%
  group_by(cyl) %>%
  mutate(mpg_diff_higher_minus_lower = mpg - lead(mpg)) %>%
  mutate(mpg_diff_lower_minus_higher = mpg - lag(mpg))

# display
kable(df_groupby_top_mpg_diff)  %>% kable_styling_fc()
car cyl mpg disp hp mpg_diff_higher_minus_lower mpg_diff_lower_minus_higher
Toyota Corolla 4 33.9 71.1 65 1.5 NA
Fiat 128 4 32.4 78.7 66 2.0 -1.5
Honda Civic 4 30.4 75.7 52 NA -2.0
Hornet 4 Drive 6 21.4 258.0 110 0.4 NA
Mazda RX4 6 21.0 160.0 110 0.0 -0.4
Mazda RX4 Wag 6 21.0 160.0 110 NA 0.0
Pontiac Firebird 8 19.2 400.0 175 0.5 NA
Hornet Sportabout 8 18.7 360.0 175 1.4 -0.5
Merc 450SL 8 17.3 275.8 180 NA -1.4