1 String Array Manipulations, Join, Find, Replace and the Alphabet

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1.1 Generate a String Array from Strings

Empty String Array and fill with values.

ar_st_titles = strings([3,1]);
ar_st_titles(1) = 'Title1';
ar_st_titles(2) = 'Title2';
ar_st_titles(3) = 'Title3';


Three title lines, with double quotes:

ar_st_titles = ["Title1","Title2","Title3"]';


Three words, joined together, now single quotes, this creates one string, rather than a string array:

st_titles = ['Title1','Title2','Title3'];


Given some previously defined chars or strings with single or double quotes, not sure which. To safely generate a string array, wrap in brackets and then conver with string function. This generates a string array whether the original inputs were single or double quoted:

st_a = 'a';
st_b = 'b';
st_c = 'c';
st_a_dq = "a";
st_b_dq = "b";
st_c_dq = "c";
ar_st_singlequotes = string({st_a, st_b, st_c});
ar_st_doublequotes = string({st_a_dq, st_b_dq, st_c_dq});
disp(["st_singlequotes" ar_st_singlequotes]);

    "st_singlequotes"    "a"    "b"    "c"

disp(["ar_st_doublequotes" ar_st_doublequotes]);

    "ar_st_doublequotes"    "a"    "b"    "c"

Convert the string array to a cell string array


    {'a'}    {'b'}    {'c'}

1.2 String Cell Array

Create a string array:

ar_st_title_one = {'Title One Line'};
ar_st_titles = {'Title1','Title2','Title3'};

    {'Title One Line'}


    {'Title1'}    {'Title2'}    {'Title3'}

Add to a string array:

ar_st_titles{4} = 'Title4';

    {'Title1'}    {'Title2'}    {'Title3'}    {'Title4'}

Update one of the strings:

ar_st_title_one{1} = strcat('log(', ar_st_title_one{1},')');
ar_st_titles{1} = strcat('log(', ar_st_titles{1},')');

    {'log(Title One Line)'}


    {'log(Title1)'}    {'Title2'}    {'Title3'}    {'Title4'}

1.3 Joint String Cell Array with Suffix

ar_st_titles = {'Title1','Title2','Title3'};
disp(strcat(ar_st_titles, '_init'));

    {'Title1_init'}    {'Title2_init'}    {'Title3_init'}

1.4 Duplicate String N Times

Create a string array of abc 10 times.

it_duplicate_n = 10;
ar_st = strings(1, it_duplicate_n) + "abc";

    "abc"    "abc"    "abc"    "abc"    "abc"    "abc"    "abc"    "abc"    "abc"    "abc"

Create a cell array of strings, with the word abc repeated.

it_duplicate_n = 10;
disp(repmat({'abc'}, [1, it_duplicate_n]));

    {'abc'}    {'abc'}    {'abc'}    {'abc'}    {'abc'}    {'abc'}    {'abc'}    {'abc'}    {'abc'}    {'abc'}

1.5 String Join to form Single Element

using char() is safe

st_var_name = "abc"

st_var_name = "abc"

st_var_name = [st_var_name ' percentile values']

st_var_name = 1x2 string    
"abc"        " percentile values"    


ans = "abc  percentile values"

st_var_name = "abc"

st_var_name = "abc"

st_var_name = [char(st_var_name) ' percentile values']

st_var_name = 'abc percentile values'

st_var_name = 'abc'

st_var_name = 'abc'

st_var_name = [char(st_var_name) ' percentile values']

st_var_name = 'abc percentile values'

1.6 String Join dash (Paste)

This is similar to R’s paste function:

st_var_name = "abc";
st_var_name = [st_var_name, 'efg', 'mqo'];
disp(strjoin(st_var_name, "_"));


disp(strjoin(st_var_name, ","));


1.7 Numeric Array to String without Space

String replace

ar_it_test_grp = [3, 8, 9];
strrep(num2str(ar_it_test_grp), '  ', '_')

ans = '3_8_9'

1.8 Substring replace in Cell Array

ar_st_cells = {'shock=0.35','shock=0.40','shock=0.46'};
ar_st_updated_cells = strrep(ar_st_cells, 'shock', '$\epsilon$');

    {'$\epsilon$=0.35'}    {'$\epsilon$=0.40'}    {'$\epsilon$=0.46'}

1.9 Find position of String in String Cell

ls_st_param_key = {'fl_crra', 'fl_beta', ...
                   'fl_w', 'fl_r_save', ...
                   'fl_a_max', 'it_z_n', 'it_a_n'};
st_param_key = 'fl_a_max';
find(strcmp(ls_st_param_key, st_param_key))

ans = 5

1.10 Find the positions of String Cells in Full String Cells

Find the positions of fl_w, fl_beta, and it_z_n in ls_st_param_key. Then just find the position of fl_crra. When looking for the position of something that does not exist, generate an find outcome array of length 0.

ls_st_param_key = {'fl_crra', 'fl_beta', ...
                   'fl_w', 'fl_r_save', ...
                   'fl_a_max', 'it_z_n', 'it_a_n'};

cl_st_param_keys = {'fl_w', 'fl_beta', 'it_z_n'};

cell2mat(cellfun(@(m) find(strcmp(ls_st_param_key, m)), ...
                 cl_st_param_keys, 'UniformOutput', false))

ans = 1x3    
     3     2     6

find(strcmp(ls_st_param_key, 'fl_crra'))

ans = 1

length(find(strcmp(ls_st_param_key, 'fl_crra_not_exist')))

ans = 0

~sum(strcmp(ls_st_param_key, 'fl_crra_not_exist'))

ans = 

1.11 Cell to string Paste and Replace dash

cl_st_param_keys = {'fl_crra', 'fl_beta'};
display(strrep(strjoin(cl_st_param_keys, '-'), '_', '\_'));


1.12 Generate Alphebetical String Array from A to Z

Generate a single string that is A to Z, then generate this as a string array.

% a to z single string
st_a2z = 'a':'z';
% a to z array of letters
ar_st_a2z = string(('A':'Z')')';
% Display



  Columns 1 through 19

    "A"    "B"    "C"    "D"    "E"    "F"    "G"    "H"    "I"    "J"    "K"    "L"    "M"    "N"    "O"    "P"    "Q"    "R"    "S"

  Columns 20 through 26

    "T"    "U"    "V"    "W"    "X"    "Y"    "Z"