• 1 Matlab Graph Titling, Labels and Legends Examples
    • 1.1 Draw A figure Label Title, X and Y Axises with Latex Equations
    • 1.2 Matlab Graph Specify Legends Manually
    • 1.3 Given Graph, Graph Subset of Lines and Add Extra Line with Legend

1 Matlab Graph Titling, Labels and Legends Examples

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1.1 Draw A figure Label Title, X and Y Axises with Latex Equations

clear all;
close all;

% draw some lines
xline0 = xline(0);
xline0.HandleVisibility = 'off';
yline0 = yline(0);
yline0.HandleVisibility = 'off';
hline = refline([1 0]);
hline.Color = 'k';
hline.LineStyle = ':';
hline.HandleVisibility = 'off';

% Titling with multiple lines
title({'Cash-on-Hand given w(k+b),k,z' '$\alpha + \beta = \zeta$'},'Interpreter','latex');
ylabel({'Cash-on-Hand' 'line 2 $\frac{1}{2}$'},'Interpreter','latex');
xlabel({'Index of Cash-on-Hand Discrete Point'...
        ' $\frac{1}{2} + \alpha + \max + \sum_1^{B}$ Each Segment is a w=k+b; within segment increasing k'...
        'For each w and z, coh maximizing k is different'},'Interpreter','latex');
grid on;
grid minor;

1.2 Matlab Graph Specify Legends Manually

Specify labels manually, note we can use HandleVisibility to control what part of figure show up in legends.

% Generate Random Data
it_x_n = 10;
it_x_groups_n = 3;
mat_y = rand([it_x_n, it_x_groups_n]);
mat_y = mat_y + sqrt(1:it_x_groups_n);
mat_y = mat_y + log(1:it_x_n)';
ar_x = 1:1:it_x_n;

% Start Figure
figure('PaperPosition', [0 0 10 10]);

hold on;

g1 = scatter(ar_x,  mat_y(:,1), 30, 'filled');
g2 = scatter(ar_x,  mat_y(:,2), 30, 'filled');
g3 = scatter(ar_x,  mat_y(:,3), 30, 'filled');

legend([g1, g2, g3], {'near','linear','spline'}, 'Location','best',...

% PLot this line, but this line will not show up in legend
hline = refline([1 0]);
hline.Color = 'k';
hline.LineStyle = ':';
% not to show up in legend
hline.HandleVisibility = 'off';
grid on;
grid minor;

title(sprintf('griddedInterpolant comparison, crra utility approximation, interp grid n=%d', it_x_n))
ylabel('Actual Utility Evaluated at c')
xlabel('Approximated Util based on  Interpolation')


1.3 Given Graph, Graph Subset of Lines and Add Extra Line with Legend

Same plot as before, except we plot only 2 of the three lines and add another line with associated legend entry.

legendCell = cellstr(num2str(ar_x', 'shock=%3.2f'));
xlinemax = xline(min(mat_y, [], 'all'));
xlinemax.Color = 'b';
xlinemax.LineWidth = 1.5;

legendCell{length(legendCell) + 1} = 'max-agg-save';
legend([g1, g3, xlinemax], legendCell([1,3,length(legendCell)]), 'Location', 'best');
