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First, generate an empty table.
% Make N by 2 matrix of fieldname + value type
mt_st_variable_names_types = [["category", "string"]; ...
["wage", "double"]; ...
["skilled", "logical"]; ...
["labdemand", "double"]; ...
["labsupply", "double"]; ...
["labsupplyprob", "string"]; ...
["rho_manual", "double"]; ...
["rho_routine", "double"]; ...
["rho_analytical", "double"]; ...
% Make table using fieldnames & value types from above
tb_equilibrium = table('Size',[0,size(mt_st_variable_names_types,1)],...
'VariableNames', mt_st_variable_names_types(:,1),...
'VariableTypes', mt_st_variable_names_types(:,2));
% display table
0 9
Second, over a loop, fill the table with values row by row.
for it_rho_set=[1,2,3]
if (it_rho_set == 1)
cl_data_row = {'C001',1, true,1,1,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5};
elseif (it_rho_set == 2)
cl_data_row = {'C002',1, 0 ,1.2,0.6,0.5,0.45,0.5,0.5};
elseif (it_rho_set == 3)
cl_data_row = {'C011',1.1,false,1.2,0.6,0.5,0.45,0.45,0.45};
tb_equilibrium = [tb_equilibrium; cl_data_row];
category wage skilled labdemand labsupply labsupplyprob rho_manual rho_routine rho_analytical
________ ____ _______ _________ _________ _____________ __________ ___________ ______________
"C001" 1 1 1 1 "0.5" 0.5 0.5 0.5
"C002" 1 0 1.2 0.6 "0.5" 0.45 0.5 0.5
"C011" 1.1 0 1.2 0.6 "0.5" 0.45 0.45 0.45
Given an existing table, we might want to replace values in specific tables cells. There are two main methods to accomplish as shown below. If the string name is known, the TAB.COL(ROW) replacement method is dramatically faster. Test speed with timeit first loading the value in table cell via method a vs b, method a takes 20 to 30 times more time than method b. Then test assigment with tic toc, with about a 7 time speed difference.
% Two replacement functions
f_replace_method_a = @() tb_equilibrium{1, "labdemand"};
f_replace_method_b = @() tb_equilibrium.labdemand(1);
% Time replacing one value
fl_speed_method_a = timeit(f_replace_method_a);
fl_speed_method_b = timeit(f_replace_method_b);
fl_speed_a_b_ratio = fl_speed_method_a/fl_speed_method_b;
disp(['Load table cell time, fl_speed_a_b_ratio=' num2str(fl_speed_a_b_ratio)]);
Load table cell time, fl_speed_a_b_ratio=18.5554
% Timing assignment with Method A
ar_rand = rand([1,1e4]);
fl_time_start = tic;
for (fl_rand=ar_rand)
tb_equilibrium{1, "labdemand"} = fl_rand;
fl_time_end = toc(fl_time_start);
disp(['Method A assigment fl_time_end = ' num2str(fl_time_end)]);
Method A assigment fl_time_end = 4.5898
% Timing assignment with Method A
fl_time_start = tic;
for (fl_rand=ar_rand)
tb_equilibrium.labdemand(1) = fl_rand;
fl_time_end = toc(fl_time_start);
disp(['Method B assignment fl_time_end = ' num2str(fl_time_end)]);
Method B assignment fl_time_end = 0.70196
Generate a numeric table with random varlues and a string column
% Numeric Matrix
it_num_cols = 4;
it_num_rows = 5;
mt_data = rand([it_num_rows, it_num_cols]);
% Generate Table
tb_test = array2table(mt_data);
% Generate Row and Column Names
cl_col_names = strcat('col_', string((1:it_num_cols)));
cl_row_names = strcat('row_', string((1:it_num_rows)));
tb_test.Properties.VariableNames = matlab.lang.makeValidName(cl_col_names);
tb_test.Properties.RowNames = matlab.lang.makeValidName(cl_row_names);
% Generate two string variable
cl_st_var1 = strcat('data=', string(rand([it_num_rows,1])));
cl_st_var2 = strcat('data=', string(rand([it_num_rows,1])));
tb_test = addvars(tb_test, cl_st_var1, cl_st_var2);
% Display Table
col_1 col_2 col_3 col_4 cl_st_var1 cl_st_var2
________ ________ ________ _______ ______________ ______________
row_1 0.74528 0.078694 0.25903 0.90658 "data=0.24876" "data=0.60411"
row_2 0.042619 0.46482 0.53907 0.45765 "data=0.16307" "data=0.8857"
row_3 0.99381 0.15993 0.23508 0.47747 "data=0.78364" "data=0.75912"
row_4 0.69712 0.56955 0.13719 0.69918 "data=0.80852" "data=0.18111"
row_5 0.85195 0.47611 0.064861 0.49792 "data=0.62563" "data=0.15017"