• 1 Docker Setup
    • 1.1 Install Docker on AWS
    • 1.2 Create a Dockerfile and build it
    • 1.3 Run, Enter and Exit
    • 1.4 Status and Cleaning
      • 1.4.1 Docker file and Git Repo
      • 1.4.2 Docker Status, Space and Clean

1 Docker Setup

Go to the RMD, PDF, or HTML version of this file. Go back to Python Code Examples Repository (bookdown site) or the pyfan Package (API).

1.1 Install Docker on AWS

Installation Instructions

  1. Putty
  2. access to .pem key
  3. conda aws environment below

For Amazon Linux 2:

# SSH into EC2 Instance
ssh ec2-user@ec2-52-23-218-117.compute-1.amazonaws.com
# Update
sudo yum update -y
# install
sudo amazon-linux-extras install docker -y
# start service
sudo service docker start
sudo service docker status
# execute docker commands without sudo
sudo usermod -a -G docker ec2-user
# log out and in reboot does not change public address
sudo reboot
# if docker info does not work, docker start again
docker info

1.2 Create a Dockerfile and build it

Create a Dockerfile and build it. Building a dockerfile generates a docker image:

# docker folder
mkdir ~/docker
# cd into docker folder
cd ~/docker
# create a Dockerfile in the docker folder
# copy the Example Dockerfile below to the Dockerfile
vim Dockerfile
# in the docker directory build the docker file
docker build -t hello-world .

Example Dockerfile:

FROM ubuntu:12.04

# Install dependencies
RUN apt-get update -y
RUN apt-get install -y apache2

# Install apache and write hello world message
RUN echo "Hello World!" > /var/www/index.html

# Configure apache
RUN a2enmod rewrite
RUN chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www
ENV APACHE_LOG_DIR /var/log/apache2


CMD ["/usr/sbin/apache2", "-D",  "FOREGROUND"]

1.3 Run, Enter and Exit

docker build generates a docker image, we start the docker container, run using the image created.

# list docker images available to run
docker images
These could be some images that are shown after running *docker images*:

REPOSITORY                                                     TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
XXXX7367XXXX.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/fanconda       latest              5d1a0df0796e        8 days ago          3.52GB
XXXX7367XXXX.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/fanconda2020   latest              2db5e859d70c        2 weeks ago         3.4GB
fanconda2020                                                latest              2db5e859d70c        2 weeks ago         3.4GB
fanconda5                                                   latest              fa55672e7753        2 weeks ago         3.4GB
fanconda3                                                   latest              2083f1124465        2 weeks ago         2.91GB

Run the image and enter into it (use an image name) and run commands with programs, upon exit, container is stopped. Entering back into the container, the data was generated before now is no longer there, it is a new container based on the same image.

# will be inside now the conda image (base)
docker run -t -i fanconda /bin/bash
# can run programs inside here that have been loaded into the image
python /fanProg/invoke/run.py -A ng_s_t=kap_m0_nld_m_simu=2=3 -B b -C 20180814_beta -D esti_param.beta -E None -F min_graphs -G simu --no-ge --no-multiprocess --no-esti
# review generated outputs inside docker, results are stored by the run.py program and associated file, to a data folder
cd /data
# To exit the currently running docker
# show docker container exited
docker ps -a

Root directory in conda docker: > fanProg bin boot data dev etc home lib lib64 media mnt opt proc pyfan root run sbin srv sys tmp usr var

Run the image with program without entering into it.

docker run fancondajmp python /ThaiJMP/invoke/run.py -A ng_s_t=kap_m0_nld_m_simu=2=3 -B b -C 20180814_beta -D esti_param.beta -E None -F min_graphs -G simu --no-ge --no-multiprocess --no-esti

1.4 Status and Cleaning

1.4.1 Docker file and Git Repo

To have docker file access a git repo without exposing git repo password. Generate a private token, and access as below. See stackoverflow-23391839.

RUN git clone https://b123451234dfc025a836927PRIVATETOKEND1239@github.com/FanWangEcon/ThaiJMP.git /ThaiJMP/

1.4.2 Docker Status, Space and Clean

First, start service:

# start docker
sudo service docker start
# see status
sudo service docker status

Second, list all docker related space usages, containers and images:

# check disk usage
docker system df

Third, clean containers

# see docker containers
docker container ls -a
# Remove all stopped docker containers
docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)

Fourth, clean images

# list all images
docker images
docker images --all
# Clean all images not referenced by a container
docker image prune