1 Generate Variables Conditional On Others

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1.1 Categorical Variable based on Several Variables

Given several other variables, and generate a new variable when these varaibles satisfy conditions. Note that case_when are ifelse type statements. So below

  1. group one is below 16 MPG
  2. when do qsec >= 20 second line that is elseif, only those that are >=16 are considered here
  3. then think about two dimensional mpg and qsec grid, the lower-right area, give another category to manual cars in that group

First, we generate categorical variables based on the characteristics of several variables.

# Get mtcars
df_mtcars <- mtcars

# case_when with mtcars
df_mtcars <- df_mtcars %>%
        mpg_qsec_am_grp =
                mpg < 16 ~ "< 16 MPG",
                qsec >= 20 ~ "> 16 MPG & qsec >= 20",
                am == 1 ~ "> 16 MPG & asec < 20 & manual",
                TRUE ~ "Others"

Now we generate scatter plot based on the combined factors

# Labeling
st_title <- paste0("Use case_when To Generate ifelse Groupings")
st_subtitle <- paste0(
st_caption <- paste0(
    "mtcars dataset, ",
st_x_label <- "MPG = Miles per Gallon"
st_y_label <- "QSEC = time for 1/4 Miles"

# Graphing
plt_mtcars_casewhen_scatter <-
            x = mpg, y = qsec,
            colour = mpg_qsec_am_grp,
            shape = mpg_qsec_am_grp
    ) +
    geom_jitter(size = 3, width = 0.15) +
        title = st_title, subtitle = st_subtitle,
        x = st_x_label, y = st_y_label, caption = st_caption
    ) +

# show

1.2 Categorical Variables based on one Continuous Variable

We generate one categorical variable for gear, based on “continuous” gear values. Note that the same categorical label appears for gear is 3 as well as gear is 5.

# Generate a categorical variable
df_mtcars <- df_mtcars %>%
    mutate(gear_cate = case_when(
        gear == 3 ~ "gear is 3",
        gear == 4 ~ "gear is 4",
        gear == 5 & hp <= 110 ~ "gear 5 hp les sequal 110",
        gear == 5 & hp > 110 & hp <= 200 ~ "gear 5 hp 110 to 130",
        TRUE ~ "otherwise"
# Tabulate
df_mtcars_gear_tb <- df_mtcars %>% 
  group_by(gear_cate, gear) %>%
  tally() %>%
  spread(gear_cate, n)
# Display
st_title <- "Categorical from continuous with non-continuous values matching to same key"
df_mtcars_gear_tb %>% kable(caption = st_title) %>%
Categorical from continuous with non-continuous values matching to same key
gear gear 5 hp 110 to 130 gear 5 hp les sequal 110 gear is 3 gear is 4 otherwise
3 NA NA 15 NA NA
4 NA NA NA 12 NA
5 2 1 NA NA 2

1.3 Generate NA values if Variables have Certain Value

In the example below, in one line:

  1. generate a random standard normal vector
  2. two set na methods:
    • if the value of the standard normal is negative, set value to -999, otherwise MPG, replace the value -999 with NA
    • case_when only with type specific NA values
    • Assigning NA yields error in case_when
    • note we need to conform NA to type
  3. generate new categorical variable based on NA condition using is.na with both string and numeric NAs jointly considered.
    • fake NA string to be printed on chart
# Get mtcars
df_mtcars <- mtcars

# Make some values of mpg randomly NA
# the NA has to conform to the type of the remaining values for the new variable
# NA_real_, NA_character_, NA_integer_, NA_complex_
df_mtcars <- df_mtcars %>%
    mutate(mpg_wth_NA1 = na_if(
            rnorm(n(), mean = 0, sd = 1) < 0 ~ -999,
            TRUE ~ mpg
    )) %>%
    mutate(mpg_wth_NA2 = case_when(
        rnorm(n(), mean = 0, sd = 1) < 0 ~ NA_real_,
        TRUE ~ mpg
    )) %>%
    mutate(mpg_wth_NA3 = case_when(
        rnorm(n(), mean = 0, sd = 1) < 0 ~ NA_character_,
        TRUE ~ "shock > 0 string"

# Generate New Variables based on if mpg_wth_NA is NA or not
# same variable as above, but now first a category based on if NA
# And we generate a fake string "NA" variable, this is not NA
# the String NA allows for it to be printed on figure
df_mtcars <- df_mtcars %>%
        group_with_na =
                is.na(mpg_wth_NA2) & is.na(mpg_wth_NA3) ~
                    "Rand String and Rand Numeric both NA",
                mpg < 16 ~ "< 16 MPG",
                qsec >= 20 ~ "> 16 MPG & qsec >= 20",
                am == 1 ~ "> 16 MPG & asec < 20 & manual",
                TRUE ~ "Fake String NA"

# show
kable(head(df_mtcars %>% select(starts_with("mpg")), 13)) %>%
mpg mpg_wth_NA1 mpg_wth_NA2 mpg_wth_NA3
Mazda RX4 21.0 NA NA shock > 0 string
Mazda RX4 Wag 21.0 21.0 21.0 NA
Datsun 710 22.8 NA NA NA
Hornet 4 Drive 21.4 NA 21.4 NA
Hornet Sportabout 18.7 NA 18.7 NA
Valiant 18.1 18.1 NA shock > 0 string
Duster 360 14.3 14.3 NA shock > 0 string
Merc 240D 24.4 NA 24.4 NA
Merc 230 22.8 22.8 22.8 NA
Merc 280 19.2 19.2 NA NA
Merc 280C 17.8 NA NA NA
Merc 450SE 16.4 16.4 16.4 NA
Merc 450SL 17.3 NA NA shock > 0 string
# # Setting to NA
# df.reg.use <- df.reg.guat %>% filter(!!sym(var.mth) != 0)
# df.reg.use.log <- df.reg.use
# df.reg.use.log[which(is.nan(df.reg.use$prot.imputed.log)),] = NA
# df.reg.use.log[which(df.reg.use$prot.imputed.log==Inf),] = NA
# df.reg.use.log[which(df.reg.use$prot.imputed.log==-Inf),] = NA
# df.reg.use.log <- df.reg.use.log %>% drop_na(prot.imputed.log)
# # df.reg.use.log$prot.imputed.log

Now we generate scatter plot based on the combined factors, but now with the NA category

# Labeling
st_title <- paste0(
    "Use na_if and is.na to Generate and Distinguish NA Values\n",
    "NA_real_, NA_character_, NA_integer_, NA_complex_"
st_subtitle <- paste0(
st_caption <- paste0(
    "mtcars dataset, ",
st_x_label <- "MPG = Miles per Gallon"
st_y_label <- "QSEC = time for 1/4 Miles"

# Graphing
plt_mtcars_ifisna_scatter <-
            x = mpg, y = qsec,
            colour = group_with_na,
            shape = group_with_na
    ) +
    geom_jitter(size = 3, width = 0.15) +
        title = st_title, subtitle = st_subtitle,
        x = st_x_label, y = st_y_label, caption = st_caption
    ) +

# show

1.4 Approximate Values Comparison

From numeric approximation, often values are very close, and should be set to equal. Use isTRUE(all.equal). In the example below, we randomly generates four arrays. Two of the arrays have slightly higher variance, two arrays have slightly lower variance. They sd are to be 10 times below or 10 times above the tolerance comparison level. The values are not the same in any of the columns, but by allowing for almost true given some tolerance level, in the low standard deviation case, the values differences are within tolerance, so they are equal.

This is an essential issue when dealing with optimization results.

# Set tolerance
tol_lvl <- 1.5e-3
sd_lower_than_tol <- tol_lvl / 10
sd_higher_than_tol <- tol_lvl * 10

# larger SD
mt_runif_standard <- matrix(rnorm(10, mean = 0, sd = sd_higher_than_tol), nrow = 5, ncol = 2)

# small SD
mt_rnorm_small_sd <- matrix(rnorm(10, mean = 0, sd = sd_lower_than_tol), nrow = 5, ncol = 2)

# Generates Random Matirx
tb_rnorm_runif <- as_tibble(cbind(mt_rnorm_small_sd, mt_runif_standard))

# Are Variables the same, not for strict comparison
tb_rnorm_runif_approxi_same <- tb_rnorm_runif %>%
        V1_V2_ALMOST_SAME =
                isTRUE(all.equal(V1, V2, tolerance = tol_lvl)) ~
                    paste0("TOL=", sd_lower_than_tol, ", SAME ALMOST"),
                TRUE ~
                    paste0("TOL=", sd_lower_than_tol, ", NOT SAME ALMOST")
    ) %>%
        V3_V4_ALMOST_SAME =
                isTRUE(all.equal(V3, V4, tolerance = tol_lvl)) ~
                    paste0("TOL=", sd_higher_than_tol, ", SAME ALMOST"),
                TRUE ~
                    paste0("TOL=", sd_higher_than_tol, ", NOT SAME ALMOST")

# Pring
kable(tb_rnorm_runif_approxi_same) %>% kable_styling_fc_wide()
-0.0000841 0.0002573 -0.0084071 0.0257260 TOL=0.00015, SAME ALMOST TOL=0.015, NOT SAME ALMOST
-0.0000345 0.0000691 -0.0034527 0.0069137 TOL=0.00015, SAME ALMOST TOL=0.015, NOT SAME ALMOST
0.0002338 -0.0001898 0.0233806 -0.0189759 TOL=0.00015, SAME ALMOST TOL=0.015, NOT SAME ALMOST
0.0000106 -0.0001030 0.0010576 -0.0103028 TOL=0.00015, SAME ALMOST TOL=0.015, NOT SAME ALMOST
0.0000194 -0.0000668 0.0019393 -0.0066849 TOL=0.00015, SAME ALMOST TOL=0.015, NOT SAME ALMOST