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Tabular outputs, text outputs, etc are saved as variables, which could be printed in console. They can also be saved to file for future re-used. For example, latex outputs need to be saved to file.
# Load Data
dt <- mtcars[1:4, 1:6]
# Generate latex string variable
st_out_tex <- kable(dt, "latex")
# File out
# fileConn <- file("./../../_file/tex/tex_sample_a_tab.tex")
fileConn <- file("_file/tex/tex_sample_a_tab.tex")
writeLines(st_out_tex, fileConn)
st_file <- "\\documentclass[12pt,english]{article}
\\title{A Latex Testing File}
\\author{\\href{http://fanwangecon.github.io/}{Fan Wang} \\thanks{See information \\href{https://fanwangecon.github.io/Tex4Econ/}{Tex4Econ} for more.}}
Ipsum information dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer Latex placerat nunc orci.
Village closure information is taken from a village head survey.\\footnote{Generally students went to schools.}
pandoc_args: '..//..//_output_kniti_pdf.yaml'
in_header: '..//..//preamble.tex'
toc: true
number_sections: true
collapsed: false
smooth_scroll: false
toc_depth: 3
pandoc_args: '..//..//_output_kniti_html.yaml'
in_header: '..//..//hdga.html'
## [1] "\\documentclass[12pt,english]{article}\n\\usepackage[bottom]{footmisc}\n\\usepackage[urlcolor=blue]{hyperref}\n\\begin{document}\n\\title{A Latex Testing File}\n\\author{\\href{http://fanwangecon.github.io/}{Fan Wang} \\thanks{See information \\href{https://fanwangecon.github.io/Tex4Econ/}{Tex4Econ} for more.}}\n\\maketitle\nIpsum information dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer Latex placerat nunc orci.\n\\paragraph{\\href{https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3140132}{Data}}\nVillage closure information is taken from a village head survey.\\footnote{Generally students went to schools.}\noutput:\n pdf_document:\n pandoc_args: '..//..//_output_kniti_pdf.yaml'\n includes:\n in_header: '..//..//preamble.tex'\n html_document:\n toc: true\n number_sections: true\n toc_float:\n collapsed: false\n smooth_scroll: false\n toc_depth: 3\n pandoc_args: '..//..//_output_kniti_html.yaml'\n includes:\n in_header: '..//..//hdga.html'\n\\end{document}"
fl_test_tex <- "_file/tex/test_fan.tex"
fileConn <- file(fl_test_tex)
writeLines(st_file, fileConn)
Open and Replace Text in File:
fileConn <- file(fl_test_tex, "r")
st_file_read <- readLines(fileConn)
## [1] "\\documentclass[12pt,english]{article}"
## [2] "\\usepackage[bottom]{footmisc}"
## [3] "\\usepackage[urlcolor=blue]{hyperref}"
## [4] "\\begin{document}"
## [5] "\\title{A Latex Testing File}"
## [6] "\\author{\\href{http://fanwangecon.github.io/}{Fan Wang} \\thanks{See information \\href{https://fanwangecon.github.io/Tex4Econ/}{Tex4Econ} for more.}}"
## [7] "\\maketitle"
## [8] "Ipsum information dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer Latex placerat nunc orci."
## [9] "\\paragraph{\\href{https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3140132}{Data}}"
## [10] "Village closure information is taken from a village head survey.\\footnote{Generally students went to schools.}"
## [11] "output:"
## [12] " pdf_document:"
## [13] " pandoc_args: '..//..//_output_kniti_pdf.yaml'"
## [14] " includes:"
## [15] " in_header: '..//..//preamble.tex'"
## [16] " html_document:"
## [17] " toc: true"
## [18] " number_sections: true"
## [19] " toc_float:"
## [20] " collapsed: false"
## [21] " smooth_scroll: false"
## [22] " toc_depth: 3"
## [23] " pandoc_args: '..//..//_output_kniti_html.yaml'"
## [24] " includes:"
## [25] " in_header: '..//..//hdga.html'"
## [26] "\\end{document}"
Append additional strings into the file after html_document with proper spacings:
# Read in Lines from existing file
fileConn <- file(fl_test_tex, "r")
st_file_read <- readLines(fileConn)
# Search and Replace String
st_search <- "html_document:
toc: true
number_sections: true
collapsed: false
smooth_scroll: false
toc_depth: 3"
st_replace <- paste0("html_document:
toc: true
number_sections: true
collapsed: false
smooth_scroll: false
toc_depth: 3\r\n",
" toc: true\r\n",
" number_sections: true\r\n",
" toc_float:\r\n",
" collapsed: false\r\n",
" smooth_scroll: false\r\n",
" toc_depth: 3")
# Search and Replace
st_file_updated <- gsub(x = st_file_read,
pattern = st_search,
replacement = st_replace)
# Print
## [1] "\\documentclass[12pt,english]{article}"
## [2] "\\usepackage[bottom]{footmisc}"
## [3] "\\usepackage[urlcolor=blue]{hyperref}"
## [4] "\\begin{document}"
## [5] "\\title{A Latex Testing File}"
## [6] "\\author{\\href{http://fanwangecon.github.io/}{Fan Wang} \\thanks{See information \\href{https://fanwangecon.github.io/Tex4Econ/}{Tex4Econ} for more.}}"
## [7] "\\maketitle"
## [8] "Ipsum information dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer Latex placerat nunc orci."
## [9] "\\paragraph{\\href{https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3140132}{Data}}"
## [10] "Village closure information is taken from a village head survey.\\footnote{Generally students went to schools.}"
## [11] "output:"
## [12] " pdf_document:"
## [13] " pandoc_args: '..//..//_output_kniti_pdf.yaml'"
## [14] " includes:"
## [15] " in_header: '..//..//preamble.tex'"
## [16] " html_document:"
## [17] " toc: true"
## [18] " number_sections: true"
## [19] " toc_float:"
## [20] " collapsed: false"
## [21] " smooth_scroll: false"
## [22] " toc_depth: 3"
## [23] " pandoc_args: '..//..//_output_kniti_html.yaml'"
## [24] " includes:"
## [25] " in_header: '..//..//hdga.html'"
## [26] "\\end{document}"
# Save Updated File
fl_srcrep_tex <- "_file/tex/test_fan_search_replace.tex"
fileConn_sr <- file(fl_srcrep_tex)
writeLines(st_file_updated, fileConn_sr)