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One runs a number of regressions. With different outcomes, and various right hand side variables.
What is the remaining variation in the left hand side variable if right hand side variable one by one is set to the average of the observed values.
The code below does not work with categorical variables (except for dummies). Dummy variable inputs need to be converted to zero/one first. The examples are just to test the code with different types of variables.
# Library
# Load Sample Data
df <- read_csv('height_weight.csv')
# Source Dependency
Data Cleaning.
# Convert Variable for Sex which is categorical to Numeric
df <- df
df$male <- (as.numeric(factor(df$sex)) - 1)
## Female Male
## 16446 18619
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
## 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.531 1.000 1.000
df.use <- df %>% filter(S.country == 'Guatemala') %>%
filter(svymthRound %in% c(12, 18, 24))
## [1] 2022 16
Setting Up Parameters.
# Define Left Hand Side Variab les
var.y1 <- c('hgt')
var.y2 <- c('wgt')
vars.y <- c(var.y1, var.y2)
# Define Right Hand Side Variables
vars.x <- c('prot')
vars.c <- c('male', 'wgt0', 'hgt0', 'svymthRound')
# vars.z <- c('p.A.prot')
vars.z <- c('vil.id')
# vars.z <- NULL
vars.xc <- c(vars.x, vars.c)
# Other variables to keep
vars.other.keep <- c('S.country', 'vil.id', 'indi.id', 'svymthRound')
# Decompose sequence
vars.tomean.first <- c('male', 'hgt0')
var.tomean.first.name.suffix <- '_mh02m'
vars.tomean.second <- c(vars.tomean.first, 'hgt0', 'wgt0')
var.tomean.second.name.suffix <- '_mh0me2m'
vars.tomean.third <- c(vars.tomean.second, 'prot')
var.tomean.third.name.suffix <- '_mh0mep2m'
vars.tomean.fourth <- c(vars.tomean.third, 'svymthRound')
var.tomean.fourth.name.suffix <- '_mh0mepm2m'
list.vars.tomean = list(
# vars.tomean.first,
list.vars.tomean.name.suffix <- list(
# var.tomean.first.name.suffix,
# Regressions
# regf.iv from C:\Users\fan\R4Econ\linreg\ivreg\ivregdfrow.R
df.reg.out <- as_tibble(
bind_rows(lapply(vars.y, regf.iv,
vars.x=vars.x, vars.c=vars.c, vars.z=vars.z, df=df)))
# Regressions
# reg1 <- regf.iv(var.y = var.y1, vars.x, vars.c, vars.z, df.use)
# reg2 <- regf.iv(var.y = var.y2, vars.x, vars.c, vars.z, df.use)
# df.reg.out <- as_tibble(bind_rows(reg1, reg2))
# df.reg.out
# Select Variables
str.esti.suffix <- '_Estimate'
arr.esti.name <- paste0(vars.xc, str.esti.suffix)
str.outcome.name <- 'vars_var.y'
arr.columns2select <- c(arr.esti.name, str.outcome.name)
## [1] "prot_Estimate" "male_Estimate" "wgt0_Estimate" "hgt0_Estimate" "svymthRound_Estimate" "vars_var.y"
# Generate dataframe for coefficients
df.coef <- df.reg.out[,c(arr.columns2select)] %>%
mutate_at(vars(arr.esti.name), as.numeric) %>% column_to_rownames(str.outcome.name)
df.coef %>%
kable() %>%
prot_Estimate | male_Estimate | wgt0_Estimate | hgt0_Estimate | svymthRound_Estimate | |
hgt | -0.2714772 | 1.244735 | 0.0004430 | 0.6834853 | 1.133919 |
wgt | -59.0727542 | 489.852902 | 0.7696158 | 75.4867897 | 250.778883 |
## 'data.frame': 2 obs. of 5 variables:
## $ prot_Estimate : num -0.271 -59.073
## $ male_Estimate : num 1.24 489.85
## $ wgt0_Estimate : num 0.000443 0.769616
## $ hgt0_Estimate : num 0.683 75.487
## $ svymthRound_Estimate: num 1.13 250.78
# Decomposition Step 1: gather
df.decompose_step1 <- df.use %>%
filter(svymthRound %in% c(12, 18, 24)) %>%
select(one_of(c(vars.other.keep, vars.xc, vars.y))) %>%
drop_na() %>%
gather(variable, value, -one_of(c(vars.other.keep, vars.xc)))
options(repr.matrix.max.rows=20, repr.matrix.max.cols=20)
## [1] 1382 10
head(df.decompose_step1, 10) %>%
kable() %>%
S.country | vil.id | indi.id | svymthRound | prot | male | wgt0 | hgt0 | variable | value |
Guatemala | 3 | 1352 | 18 | 13.3 | 1 | 2545.2 | 47.4 | hgt | 70.2 |
Guatemala | 3 | 1352 | 24 | 46.3 | 1 | 2545.2 | 47.4 | hgt | 75.8 |
Guatemala | 3 | 1354 | 12 | 1.0 | 1 | 3634.3 | 51.2 | hgt | 66.3 |
Guatemala | 3 | 1354 | 18 | 9.8 | 1 | 3634.3 | 51.2 | hgt | 69.2 |
Guatemala | 3 | 1354 | 24 | 15.4 | 1 | 3634.3 | 51.2 | hgt | 75.3 |
Guatemala | 3 | 1356 | 12 | 8.6 | 1 | 3911.8 | 51.9 | hgt | 68.1 |
Guatemala | 3 | 1356 | 18 | 17.8 | 1 | 3911.8 | 51.9 | hgt | 74.1 |
Guatemala | 3 | 1356 | 24 | 30.5 | 1 | 3911.8 | 51.9 | hgt | 77.1 |
Guatemala | 3 | 1357 | 12 | 1.0 | 1 | 3791.4 | 52.6 | hgt | 71.5 |
Guatemala | 3 | 1357 | 18 | 12.7 | 1 | 3791.4 | 52.6 | hgt | 77.8 |
# Decomposition Step 2: mutate_at(vars, funs(mean = mean(.)))
# the xc averaging could have taken place earlier, no difference in mean across variables
df.decompose_step2 <- df.decompose_step1 %>%
group_by(variable) %>%
mutate_at(vars(c(vars.xc, 'value')), funs(mean = mean(.))) %>%
options(repr.matrix.max.rows=20, repr.matrix.max.cols=20)
## [1] 1382 16
head(df.decompose_step2,10) %>%
kable() %>%
S.country | vil.id | indi.id | svymthRound | prot | male | wgt0 | hgt0 | variable | value | prot_mean | male_mean | wgt0_mean | hgt0_mean | svymthRound_mean | value_mean |
Guatemala | 3 | 1352 | 18 | 13.3 | 1 | 2545.2 | 47.4 | hgt | 70.2 | 20.64819 | 0.5499276 | 3312.297 | 49.75137 | 18.42547 | 73.41216 |
Guatemala | 3 | 1352 | 24 | 46.3 | 1 | 2545.2 | 47.4 | hgt | 75.8 | 20.64819 | 0.5499276 | 3312.297 | 49.75137 | 18.42547 | 73.41216 |
Guatemala | 3 | 1354 | 12 | 1.0 | 1 | 3634.3 | 51.2 | hgt | 66.3 | 20.64819 | 0.5499276 | 3312.297 | 49.75137 | 18.42547 | 73.41216 |
Guatemala | 3 | 1354 | 18 | 9.8 | 1 | 3634.3 | 51.2 | hgt | 69.2 | 20.64819 | 0.5499276 | 3312.297 | 49.75137 | 18.42547 | 73.41216 |
Guatemala | 3 | 1354 | 24 | 15.4 | 1 | 3634.3 | 51.2 | hgt | 75.3 | 20.64819 | 0.5499276 | 3312.297 | 49.75137 | 18.42547 | 73.41216 |
Guatemala | 3 | 1356 | 12 | 8.6 | 1 | 3911.8 | 51.9 | hgt | 68.1 | 20.64819 | 0.5499276 | 3312.297 | 49.75137 | 18.42547 | 73.41216 |
Guatemala | 3 | 1356 | 18 | 17.8 | 1 | 3911.8 | 51.9 | hgt | 74.1 | 20.64819 | 0.5499276 | 3312.297 | 49.75137 | 18.42547 | 73.41216 |
Guatemala | 3 | 1356 | 24 | 30.5 | 1 | 3911.8 | 51.9 | hgt | 77.1 | 20.64819 | 0.5499276 | 3312.297 | 49.75137 | 18.42547 | 73.41216 |
Guatemala | 3 | 1357 | 12 | 1.0 | 1 | 3791.4 | 52.6 | hgt | 71.5 | 20.64819 | 0.5499276 | 3312.297 | 49.75137 | 18.42547 | 73.41216 |
Guatemala | 3 | 1357 | 18 | 12.7 | 1 | 3791.4 | 52.6 | hgt | 77.8 | 20.64819 | 0.5499276 | 3312.297 | 49.75137 | 18.42547 | 73.41216 |
ff_lr_decompose_valadj <- function(df, df.coef, vars.tomean, str.esti.suffix) {
new_value <- (df$value +
rowSums((df[paste0(vars.tomean, '_mean')] - df[vars.tomean])
*df.coef[df$variable, paste0(vars.tomean, str.esti.suffix)]))
df.decompose_step3 <- df.decompose_step2
for (i in 1:length(list.vars.tomean)) {
var.decomp.cur <- (paste0('value', list.vars.tomean.name.suffix[[i]]))
vars.tomean <- list.vars.tomean[[i]]
df.decompose_step3 <- df.decompose_step3 %>%
mutate((!!var.decomp.cur) :=
ff_lr_decompose_valadj(., df.coef, vars.tomean, str.esti.suffix))
## [1] 1382 19
head(df.decompose_step3, 10) %>%
kable() %>%
S.country | vil.id | indi.id | svymthRound | prot | male | wgt0 | hgt0 | variable | value | prot_mean | male_mean | wgt0_mean | hgt0_mean | svymthRound_mean | value_mean | value_mh0me2m | value_mh0mep2m | value_mh0mepm2m |
Guatemala | 3 | 1352 | 18 | 13.3 | 1 | 2545.2 | 47.4 | hgt | 70.2 | 20.64819 | 0.5499276 | 3312.297 | 49.75137 | 18.42547 | 73.41216 | 73.19390 | 71.19903 | 71.68148 |
Guatemala | 3 | 1352 | 24 | 46.3 | 1 | 2545.2 | 47.4 | hgt | 75.8 | 20.64819 | 0.5499276 | 3312.297 | 49.75137 | 18.42547 | 73.41216 | 78.79390 | 85.75778 | 79.43671 |
Guatemala | 3 | 1354 | 12 | 1.0 | 1 | 3634.3 | 51.2 | hgt | 66.3 | 20.64819 | 0.5499276 | 3312.297 | 49.75137 | 18.42547 | 73.41216 | 63.61689 | 58.28285 | 65.56882 |
Guatemala | 3 | 1354 | 18 | 9.8 | 1 | 3634.3 | 51.2 | hgt | 69.2 | 20.64819 | 0.5499276 | 3312.297 | 49.75137 | 18.42547 | 73.41216 | 66.51689 | 63.57185 | 64.05430 |
Guatemala | 3 | 1354 | 24 | 15.4 | 1 | 3634.3 | 51.2 | hgt | 75.3 | 20.64819 | 0.5499276 | 3312.297 | 49.75137 | 18.42547 | 73.41216 | 72.61689 | 71.19213 | 64.87106 |
Guatemala | 3 | 1356 | 12 | 8.6 | 1 | 3911.8 | 51.9 | hgt | 68.1 | 20.64819 | 0.5499276 | 3312.297 | 49.75137 | 18.42547 | 73.41216 | 64.33707 | 61.06626 | 68.35222 |
Guatemala | 3 | 1356 | 18 | 17.8 | 1 | 3911.8 | 51.9 | hgt | 74.1 | 20.64819 | 0.5499276 | 3312.297 | 49.75137 | 18.42547 | 73.41216 | 70.33707 | 69.56385 | 70.04630 |
Guatemala | 3 | 1356 | 24 | 30.5 | 1 | 3911.8 | 51.9 | hgt | 77.1 | 20.64819 | 0.5499276 | 3312.297 | 49.75137 | 18.42547 | 73.41216 | 73.33707 | 76.01161 | 69.69055 |
Guatemala | 3 | 1357 | 12 | 1.0 | 1 | 3791.4 | 52.6 | hgt | 71.5 | 20.64819 | 0.5499276 | 3312.297 | 49.75137 | 18.42547 | 73.41216 | 66.83353 | 61.49949 | 68.78545 |
Guatemala | 3 | 1357 | 18 | 12.7 | 1 | 3791.4 | 52.6 | hgt | 77.8 | 20.64819 | 0.5499276 | 3312.297 | 49.75137 | 18.42547 | 73.41216 | 73.13353 | 70.97578 | 71.45823 |
df.decompose_step3 %>%
select(variable, contains('value')) %>%
group_by(variable) %>%
summarize_all(funs(mean = mean, var = var)) %>%
select(matches('value')) %>% select(ends_with("_var")) %>%
mutate_if(is.numeric, funs( frac = (./value_var))) %>%
mutate_if(is.numeric, round, 3) %>%
kable() %>%
value_var | value_mean_var | value_mh0me2m_var | value_mh0mep2m_var | value_mh0mepm2m_var | value_var_frac | value_mean_var_frac | value_mh0me2m_var_frac | value_mh0mep2m_var_frac | value_mh0mepm2m_var_frac |
21.864 | NA | 25.35 | 49.047 | 23.06 | 1 | NA | 1.159 | 2.243 | 1.055 |
2965693.245 | NA | 2949187.64 | 4192769.518 | 3147506.60 | 1 | NA | 0.994 | 1.414 | 1.061 |
Graphically, difficult to pick up exact differences in variance, a 50 percent reduction in variance visually does not look like 50 percent. Intuitively, we are kind of seeing standard deviation, not variance on the graph if we think abou the x-scale.
head(df.decompose_step3 %>%
select(variable, contains('value'), -value_mean), 10) %>%
kable() %>%
variable | value | value_mh0me2m | value_mh0mep2m | value_mh0mepm2m |
hgt | 70.2 | 73.19390 | 71.19903 | 71.68148 |
hgt | 75.8 | 78.79390 | 85.75778 | 79.43671 |
hgt | 66.3 | 63.61689 | 58.28285 | 65.56882 |
hgt | 69.2 | 66.51689 | 63.57185 | 64.05430 |
hgt | 75.3 | 72.61689 | 71.19213 | 64.87106 |
hgt | 68.1 | 64.33707 | 61.06626 | 68.35222 |
hgt | 74.1 | 70.33707 | 69.56385 | 70.04630 |
hgt | 77.1 | 73.33707 | 76.01161 | 69.69055 |
hgt | 71.5 | 66.83353 | 61.49949 | 68.78545 |
hgt | 77.8 | 73.13353 | 70.97578 | 71.45823 |
df.decompose_step3 %>%
select(variable, contains('value'), -value_mean) %>%
rename(outcome = variable) %>%
gather(variable, value, -outcome) %>%
ggplot(aes(x=value, color = variable, fill = variable)) +
geom_line(stat = "density") +
facet_wrap(~ outcome, scales='free', nrow=2)
head(df.decompose_step2[paste0(vars.tomean.first, '_mean')], 3)
paste0(vars.tomean.first, str.esti.suffix)], 3)
df.decompose.tomean.first <- df.decompose_step2 %>%
mutate(pred_new = df.decompose_step2$value +
rowSums((df.decompose_step2[paste0(vars.tomean.first, '_mean')]
- df.decompose_step2[vars.tomean.first])
paste0(vars.tomean.first, str.esti.suffix)])) %>%
select(variable, value, pred_new)
head(df.decompose.tomean.first, 10)
df.decompose.tomean.first %>%
group_by(variable) %>%
summarize_all(funs(mean = mean, sd = sd)) %>%
kable() %>%
variable | value_mean | pred_new_mean | value_sd | pred_new_sd |
hgt | 73.41216 | 73.41216 | 4.675867 | 4.534947 |
wgt | 8807.87656 | 8807.87656 | 1722.118824 | 1695.221845 |
Note the r-square from regression above matches up with the 1 - ratio below. This is the proper decomposition method that is equivalent to r2.
df.decompose_step2 %>%
mutate(pred_new = df.decompose_step2$value +
rowSums((df.decompose_step2[paste0(vars.tomean.second, '_mean')]
- df.decompose_step2[vars.tomean.second])
paste0(vars.tomean.second, str.esti.suffix)])) %>%
select(variable, value, pred_new) %>%
group_by(variable) %>%
summarize_all(funs(mean = mean, var = var)) %>%
mutate(ratio = (pred_new_var/value_var)) %>%
kable() %>%
variable | value_mean | pred_new_mean | value_var | pred_new_var | ratio |
hgt | 73.41216 | 73.41216 | 2.186374e+01 | 25.3504 | 1.1594724 |
wgt | 8807.87656 | 8807.87656 | 2.965693e+06 | 2949187.6357 | 0.9944345 |