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1 OLS and IV Regression

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IV regression using AER package. Option to store all results in dataframe row for combining results from other estimations together. Produce Row Statistics.

1.1 Construct Program

# IV regression function
# The code below uses the AER library's regresison function
# All results are stored in a single row as data_frame
# This functoin could work with dplyr do
# var.y is single outcome, vars.x, vars.c and vars.z are vectors of endogenous variables, controls and instruments.
regf.iv <- function(var.y, vars.x, 
                    vars.c, vars.z, df, transpose=TRUE) {
  # A. Set-Up Equation
  str.vars.x <- paste(vars.x, collapse='+')
  str.vars.c <- paste(vars.c, collapse='+')
  df <- df %>% 
    select(one_of(var.y, vars.x, vars.c, vars.z)) %>% 
    drop_na() %>% filter_all(all_vars(!is.infinite(.)))
  if (length(vars.z) >= 1) {
    #     library(AER)
    str.vars.z <- paste(vars.z, collapse='+')
    equa.iv <- paste(var.y,
                     paste(paste(str.vars.x, str.vars.c, sep='+'),
                           paste(str.vars.z, str.vars.c, sep='+'),
    #     print(equa.iv)
    # B. IV Regression
    ivreg.summ <- summary(ivreg(as.formula(equa.iv), data=df),
                          vcov = sandwich, df = Inf, diagnostics = TRUE)
    # C. Statistics from IV Regression
    #     ivreg.summ$coef
    #     ivreg.summ$diagnostics
    # D. Combine Regression Results into a Matrix
    df.results <- suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(
      as_tibble(ivreg.summ$coef, rownames='rownames') %>%
        full_join(as_tibble(ivreg.summ$diagnostics, rownames='rownames')) %>%
  } else {
    # OLS regression
    equa.ols <- paste(var.y,
                      paste(paste(vars.x, collapse='+'),
                            paste(vars.c, collapse='+'), sep='+'),
    lmreg.summ <- summary(lm(as.formula(equa.ols), data=df))
    lm.diagnostics <- as_tibble(
           adj.r.squared=lmreg.summ$adj.r.squared)) %>%
      gather(variable, value) %>%
      rename(rownames = variable) %>%
      rename(v = value)
    df.results <- suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(
      as_tibble(lmreg.summ$coef, rownames='rownames') %>%
        full_join(lm.diagnostics) %>%
  # E. Flatten Matrix, All IV results as a single tibble 
  # row to be combined with other IV results
  df.row.results <- df.results %>%
    gather(variable, value, -rownames) %>%
    drop_na() %>%
    unite(esti.val, rownames, variable) %>%
    mutate(esti.val = gsub(' ', '', esti.val))
  if (transpose) {
    df.row.results <- df.row.results %>% spread(esti.val, value)
  # F. Return

1.2 Program Testing

Load Data

# Library

# Load Sample Data
df <- read_csv('height_weight.csv')

1.2.1 Example No Instrument, OLS

# One Instrucments
var.y <- c('hgt')
vars.x <- c('prot')
vars.z <- NULL
vars.c <- c('sex', 'hgt0', 'wgt0')
# Regression
regf.iv(var.y, vars.x, vars.c, vars.z, df, transpose=FALSE) %>%
  kable() %>%
esti.val value
(Intercept)_Estimate 52.1186286658651
prot_Estimate 0.374472386357917
sexMale_Estimate 0.611043720578292
hgt0_Estimate 0.148513781160842
wgt0_Estimate 0.00150560230505631
(Intercept)_Std.Error 1.57770483608693
prot_Std.Error 0.00418121191133815
sexMale_Std.Error 0.118396259120659
hgt0_Std.Error 0.0393807494783186
wgt0_Std.Error 0.000187123663624397
(Intercept)_tvalue 33.0344608660332
prot_tvalue 89.5607288744356
sexMale_tvalue 5.16100529794248
hgt0_tvalue 3.77122790013449
wgt0_tvalue 8.04602836377991
(Intercept)_Pr(>|t|) 9.92126150975783e-233
prot_Pr(>|t|) 0
sexMale_Pr(>|t|) 2.48105505495642e-07
hgt0_Pr(>|t|) 0.000162939618371183
wgt0_Pr(>|t|) 9.05257561534111e-16
df1_v 5
df2_v 18958
df3_v 5
sigma_v 8.06197784622979
r.squared_v 0.319078711001325
adj.r.squared_v 0.318935041565942
vars_var.y hgt
vars_vars.x prot
vars_vars.c sex+hgt0+wgt0

1.2.2 Example 1 Insturment

# One Instrucments
var.y <- c('hgt')
vars.x <- c('prot')
vars.z <- c('momEdu')
vars.c <- c('sex', 'hgt0', 'wgt0')
# Regression
regf.iv(var.y, vars.x, vars.c, vars.z, df, transpose=FALSE) %>%
  kable() %>%
esti.val value
(Intercept)_Estimate 43.4301969117558
prot_Estimate 0.130833343849446
sexMale_Estimate 0.868121847262411
hgt0_Estimate 0.412093881817148
wgt0_Estimate 0.000858630042617921
(Intercept)_Std.Error 1.82489550971182
prot_Std.Error 0.0192036220809189
sexMale_Std.Error 0.13373016700542
hgt0_Std.Error 0.0459431912927002
wgt0_Std.Error 0.00022691057702563
(Intercept)_zvalue 23.798730766023
prot_zvalue 6.81295139521853
sexMale_zvalue 6.49159323361366
hgt0_zvalue 8.96963990141069
wgt0_zvalue 3.7840018472164
(Intercept)_Pr(>|z|) 3.4423766196876e-125
prot_Pr(>|z|) 9.56164541643828e-12
sexMale_Pr(>|z|) 8.49333228172763e-11
hgt0_Pr(>|z|) 2.97485394526792e-19
wgt0_Pr(>|z|) 0.000154326676608523
Weakinstruments_df1 1
Wu-Hausman_df1 1
Sargan_df1 0
Weakinstruments_df2 16394
Wu-Hausman_df2 16393
Weakinstruments_statistic 935.817456612075
Wu-Hausman_statistic 123.595856606729
Weakinstruments_p-value 6.39714929178024e-200
Wu-Hausman_p-value 1.30703637796748e-28
vars_var.y hgt
vars_vars.x prot
vars_vars.z momEdu
vars_vars.c sex+hgt0+wgt0

1.2.3 Example Multiple Instrucments

# Multiple Instrucments
var.y <- c('hgt')
vars.x <- c('prot')
vars.z <- c('momEdu', 'wealthIdx', 'p.A.prot', 'p.A.nProt')
vars.c <- c('sex', 'hgt0', 'wgt0')
# Regression
regf.iv(var.y, vars.x, vars.c, vars.z, df, transpose=FALSE) %>%
  kable() %>%
esti.val value
(Intercept)_Estimate 42.2437613555242
prot_Estimate 0.26699945194704
sexMale_Estimate 0.695548488812932
hgt0_Estimate 0.424954881263031
wgt0_Estimate 0.000486951420329484
(Intercept)_Std.Error 1.85356686789642
prot_Std.Error 0.0154939347964083
sexMale_Std.Error 0.133157977814374
hgt0_Std.Error 0.0463195803786233
wgt0_Std.Error 0.000224867994873235
(Intercept)_zvalue 22.7905246296649
prot_zvalue 17.2325142357597
sexMale_zvalue 5.22348341593581
hgt0_zvalue 9.17441129192849
wgt0_zvalue 2.16549901022595
(Intercept)_Pr(>|z|) 5.69294074735747e-115
prot_Pr(>|z|) 1.51424021931607e-66
sexMale_Pr(>|z|) 1.75588197502565e-07
hgt0_Pr(>|z|) 4.54048595587756e-20
wgt0_Pr(>|z|) 0.030349491114332
Weakinstruments_df1 4
Wu-Hausman_df1 1
Sargan_df1 3
Weakinstruments_df2 14914
Wu-Hausman_df2 14916
Weakinstruments_statistic 274.147084958343
Wu-Hausman_statistic 17.7562545747101
Sargan_statistic 463.729664547249
Weakinstruments_p-value 8.61731956233366e-228
Wu-Hausman_p-value 2.52567249124181e-05
Sargan_p-value 3.45452874915475e-100
vars_var.y hgt
vars_vars.x prot
vars_vars.z momEdu+wealthIdx+p.A.prot+p.A.nProt
vars_vars.c sex+hgt0+wgt0

1.2.4 Example Multiple Endogenous Variables

# Multiple Instrucments
var.y <- c('hgt')
vars.x <- c('prot', 'cal')
vars.z <- c('momEdu', 'wealthIdx', 'p.A.prot', 'p.A.nProt')
vars.c <- c('sex', 'hgt0', 'wgt0')
# Regression
regf.iv(var.y, vars.x, vars.c, vars.z, df, transpose=FALSE) %>%
  kable() %>%
esti.val value
(Intercept)_Estimate 44.0243196254297
prot_Estimate -1.4025623247106
cal_Estimate 0.065104895750151
sexMale_Estimate 0.120832787571818
hgt0_Estimate 0.286525437984517
wgt0_Estimate 0.000850481389651033
(Intercept)_Std.Error 2.75354847244082
prot_Std.Error 0.198640060273635
cal_Std.Error 0.00758881298880996
sexMale_Std.Error 0.209984580636303
hgt0_Std.Error 0.0707828182888255
wgt0_Std.Error 0.00033711210444429
(Intercept)_zvalue 15.9882130516502
prot_zvalue -7.06082309267581
cal_zvalue 8.57906181719737
sexMale_zvalue 0.575436478267434
hgt0_zvalue 4.04795181812859
wgt0_zvalue 2.52284441418383
(Intercept)_Pr(>|z|) 1.54396598126854e-57
prot_Pr(>|z|) 1.65519210848649e-12
cal_Pr(>|z|) 9.56500648203187e-18
sexMale_Pr(>|z|) 0.564996139463599
hgt0_Pr(>|z|) 5.16677787108928e-05
wgt0_Pr(>|z|) 0.0116409892837831
Weakinstruments(prot)_df1 4
Weakinstruments(cal)_df1 4
Wu-Hausman_df1 2
Sargan_df1 2
Weakinstruments(prot)_df2 14914
Weakinstruments(cal)_df2 14914
Wu-Hausman_df2 14914
Weakinstruments(prot)_statistic 274.147084958343
Weakinstruments(cal)_statistic 315.036848606231
Wu-Hausman_statistic 94.7020085425169
Sargan_statistic 122.081979628898
Weakinstruments(prot)_p-value 8.61731956233366e-228
Weakinstruments(cal)_p-value 1.18918641220866e-260
Wu-Hausman_p-value 1.35024050408262e-41
Sargan_p-value 3.09196773720398e-27
vars_var.y hgt
vars_vars.x prot+cal
vars_vars.z momEdu+wealthIdx+p.A.prot+p.A.nProt
vars_vars.c sex+hgt0+wgt0

1.2.5 Examples Line by Line

The examples are just to test the code with different types of variables.

# Selecting Variables
var.y <- c('hgt')
vars.x <- c('prot', 'cal')
vars.z <- c('momEdu', 'wealthIdx', 'p.A.prot', 'p.A.nProt')
vars.c <- c('sex', 'hgt0', 'wgt0')
# A. create Equation
str.vars.x <- paste(vars.x, collapse='+')
str.vars.c <- paste(vars.c, collapse='+')
str.vars.z <- paste(vars.z, collapse='+')
## [1] "prot+cal"
## [1] "sex+hgt0+wgt0"
## [1] "momEdu+wealthIdx+p.A.prot+p.A.nProt"
equa.iv <- paste(var.y,
                 paste(paste(str.vars.x, str.vars.c, sep='+'),
                       paste(str.vars.z, str.vars.c, sep='+'),
## [1] "hgt~prot+cal+sex+hgt0+wgt0|momEdu+wealthIdx+p.A.prot+p.A.nProt+sex+hgt0+wgt0"
# B. regression
res.ivreg <- ivreg(as.formula(equa.iv), data=df)
##   (Intercept)          prot           cal       sexMale          hgt0          wgt0 
## 44.0243196254 -1.4025623247  0.0651048958  0.1208327876  0.2865254380  0.0008504814
# C. Regression Summary
ivreg.summ <- summary(res.ivreg, vcov = sandwich, df = Inf, diagnostics = TRUE)

##                  Estimate   Std. Error    z value     Pr(>|z|)
## (Intercept) 44.0243196254 2.7535484724 15.9882131 1.543966e-57
## prot        -1.4025623247 0.1986400603 -7.0608231 1.655192e-12
## cal          0.0651048958 0.0075888130  8.5790618 9.565006e-18
## sexMale      0.1208327876 0.2099845806  0.5754365 5.649961e-01
## hgt0         0.2865254380 0.0707828183  4.0479518 5.166778e-05
## wgt0         0.0008504814 0.0003371121  2.5228444 1.164099e-02
## attr(,"df")
## [1] 0
##                         df1   df2 statistic       p-value
## Weak instruments (prot)   4 14914 274.14708 8.617320e-228
## Weak instruments (cal)    4 14914 315.03685 1.189186e-260
## Wu-Hausman                2 14914  94.70201  1.350241e-41
## Sargan                    2    NA 122.08198  3.091968e-27
# D. Combine Regression Results into a Matrix
df.results <- suppressMessages(as_tibble(ivreg.summ$coef, rownames='rownames') %>%
    full_join(as_tibble(ivreg.summ$diagnostics, rownames='rownames')) %>%
# E. Flatten Matrix, All IV results as a single tibble row to be combined with other IV results
df.row.results <- df.results %>%
    gather(variable, value, -rownames) %>%
    drop_na() %>%
    unite(esti.val, rownames, variable) %>%
    mutate(esti.val = gsub(' ', '', esti.val))
# F. Results as Single Colum
# df.row.results
# G. Results as Single Row
# df.row.results
# t(df.row.results %>% spread(esti.val, value)) %>%
#   kable() %>%
#   kable_styling_fc_wide()