1 Long Table to Wide Table

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Using the pivot_wider function in tidyr to reshape panel or other data structures

1.1 Compute Wide Table Cumulative Student Attendance based on Long Table Roster

There are \(N\) students in class, but only a subset of them attend class each day. If student \(id_i\) is in class on day \(Q\), the teacher records on a sheet the date and the student ID. So if the student has been in class 10 times, the teacher has ten rows of recorded data for the student with two columns: column one is the student ID, and column two is the date on which the student was in class.

Suppose there were 50 students, who on average attended exactly 10 classes each during the semester, this means we have \(10 \cdot 50\) rows of data, with differing numbers of rows for each student. This is shown as df_panel_attend_date generated below.

Now we want to generate a new dataframe, where each row is a date, and each column is a student. The values in the new dataframe shows, at the \(Q^{th}\) day (row), how many classes student \(i\) has attended so far. The following results is also in a REconTools Function. This is shown as df_attend_cumu_by_day generated below.

First, generate the raw data structure, df_panel_attend_date:

# Define
it_N <- 3
it_M <- 5
svr_id <- 'student_id'

# from : support/rand/fs_rand_draws.Rmd
df_panel_attend_date <- as_tibble(matrix(it_M, nrow=it_N, ncol=1)) %>%
  rowid_to_column(var = svr_id) %>%
  uncount(V1) %>%
  group_by(!!sym(svr_id)) %>% mutate(date = row_number()) %>%
  ungroup() %>% 
  mutate(in_class = case_when(rnorm(n(),mean=0,sd=1) < 0 ~ 1, TRUE ~ 0)) %>%
  filter(in_class == 1) %>% select(!!sym(svr_id), date) %>%
  rename(date_in_class = date)

# Print
kable(df_panel_attend_date) %>%
student_id date_in_class
1 2
1 4
2 1
2 2
2 5
3 2
3 3
3 5

Second, we create a attendance column that is all 1. This is not useful for the long table, but useful for our conversion to wide.

# Define
svr_id <- 'student_id'
svr_date <- 'date_in_class'
st_idcol_prefix <- 'sid_'

# Generate cumulative enrollment counts by date
df_panel_attend_date_addone <- df_panel_attend_date %>% mutate(attended = 1)
kable(df_panel_attend_date_addone) %>%
student_id date_in_class attended
1 2 1
1 4 1
2 1 1
2 2 1
2 5 1
3 2 1
3 3 1
3 5 1

Third, we convert the long table to wide. The unit of observation is student-day for the long table, and day for the wide table.

# Pivot Wide
df_panel_attend_date_wider <- df_panel_attend_date_addone %>%
  arrange(student_id) %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = svr_id,
              values_from = attended)

# Sort and rename
# rename see: https://fanwangecon.github.io/R4Econ/amto/tibble/fs_tib_basics.html
ar_unique_ids <- sort(unique(df_panel_attend_date %>% pull(!!sym(svr_id))))
df_panel_attend_date_wider_sort <- df_panel_attend_date_wider %>%
    arrange(!!sym(svr_date)) %>%
              , list(~paste0(st_idcol_prefix, . , ''))
kable(df_panel_attend_date_wider_sort) %>%
date_in_class sid_1 sid_2 sid_3
1 NA 1 NA
2 1 1 1
3 NA NA 1
4 1 NA NA
5 NA 1 1

Fourth, we could achieve what we have above by specifying more parameters in the pivot_wider function.

# Include name_prefix
df_panel_attend_date_wider_sort <- df_panel_attend_date_addone %>%
  arrange(student_id) %>%
  pivot_wider(id_cols = c("date_in_class"),
              names_from = svr_id,
              names_prefix = "sid_",
              values_from = attended) %>%
# Print
kable(df_panel_attend_date_wider_sort) %>%
date_in_class sid_1 sid_2 sid_3
1 NA 1 NA
2 1 1 1
3 NA NA 1
4 1 NA NA
5 NA 1 1

Fifth, sum across rows for each student (column) to get cumulative attendance for each student on each date.

# replace NA and cumusum again
# see: R4Econ/support/function/fs_func_multivar for renaming and replacing
df_attend_cumu_by_day <- df_panel_attend_date_wider_sort %>%
  mutate_at(vars(contains(st_idcol_prefix)), list(~replace_na(., 0))) %>%
  mutate_at(vars(contains(st_idcol_prefix)), list(~cumsum(.)))

kable(df_attend_cumu_by_day) %>%
date_in_class sid_1 sid_2 sid_3
1 0 1 0
2 1 2 1
3 1 2 2
4 2 2 2
5 2 3 3

Finally, the structure above is also a function in Fan’s REconTools Package, here the function is tested:

# Parameters
df <- df_panel_attend_date
svr_id_i <- 'student_id'
svr_id_t <- 'date_in_class'
st_idcol_prefix <- 'sid_'

# Invoke Function
ls_df_rosterwide <- ff_panel_expand_longrosterwide(df, svr_id_t, svr_id_i, st_idcol_prefix)
df_roster_wide_func <- ls_df_rosterwide$df_roster_wide
df_roster_wide_cumu_func <- ls_df_rosterwide$df_roster_wide_cumu

# Print

1.2 Panel Long Attendance Roster and Score Card to Wide

In the prior example, at each date, we only had information about attendance, however, we might also know the exam score on each day when the student attends school. In the long table, this appears, in addition to attended, as an additional variable score. When we convert from long to wide, we will have 3 new columns for attendance and also 3 new columns for score. The 3 columns are for the three students, there will be five rows for the five days. Each row in the wide table is the attendance and score information for each day.

First, we add a random score column to the long dataframe created prior. Also add two other additional columns.

# Create score column
df_panel_attend_score_date <- df_panel_attend_date_addone %>%
  mutate(score = rnorm(dim(df_panel_attend_date_addone)[1], mean=70, sd=10)) %>%
  mutate(score = round(score, 2),
         other_var_1 = 1, other_var_2 = 2)

# Print
kable(df_panel_attend_score_date, caption="Attend and score info") %>%
Attend and score info
student_id date_in_class attended score other_var_1 other_var_2
1 2 1 64.40 1 2
1 4 1 67.70 1 2
2 1 1 85.59 1 2
2 2 1 70.71 1 2
2 5 1 71.29 1 2
3 2 1 87.15 1 2
3 3 1 74.61 1 2
3 5 1 57.35 1 2

Second, convert both attended and score columns to wide at the same time. Note that we add “sid” in front of the index for each student. Note that id_cols picks the columns to keep in addition to the names_from and values_from columns. In this case, we are not keeping other_var_1 and other_var_2.

# Convert to wide
df_panel_attend_score_date_wide <- df_panel_attend_score_date %>%
  arrange(student_id) %>%
  pivot_wider(id_cols  = c("date_in_class"),
              names_from = svr_id,
              names_prefix = "sid",
              names_sep = "_",
              values_from = c(attended, score)) %>%

# Print
kable(df_panel_attend_score_date_wide, caption="Attend and score wide") %>%
Attend and score wide
date_in_class attended_sid1 attended_sid2 attended_sid3 score_sid1 score_sid2 score_sid3
1 NA 1 NA NA 85.59 NA
2 1 1 1 64.4 70.71 87.15
3 NA NA 1 NA NA 74.61
4 1 NA NA 67.7 NA NA
5 NA 1 1 NA 71.29 57.35