• 1 Cumulative Statistics within Group
    • 1.1 Cumulative Mean

1 Cumulative Statistics within Group

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1.1 Cumulative Mean

There is a dataset where there are different types of individuals, perhaps household size, that is the grouping variable. Within each group, we compute the incremental marginal propensity to consume for each additional check. We now also want to know the average propensity to consume up to each check considering all allocated checks. We needed to calculatet this for Nygaard, Sørensen and Wang (2021). This can be dealt with by using the cumall function.

Use the df_hgt_wgt as the testing dataset. In the example below, group by individual id, sort by survey month, and cumulative mean over the protein variable.

In the protein example

First select the testing dataset and variables.

# Load the REconTools Dataset df_hgt_wgt
# str(df_hgt_wgt)

# Select several rows
df_hgt_wgt_sel <- df_hgt_wgt %>% 
  filter(S.country == "Cebu") %>%
  select(indi.id, svymthRound, prot)

Second, arrange, groupby, and cumulative mean. The protein variable is protein for each survey month, from month 2 to higher as babies grow. The protein intake observed is increasing quickly, hence, the cumulative mean is lower than the observed value for the survey month of the baby.

# Group by indi.id and sort by protein
df_hgt_wgt_sel_cummean <- df_hgt_wgt_sel %>%
  arrange(indi.id, svymthRound) %>%
  group_by(indi.id) %>%
  mutate(prot_cummean = cummean(prot))

# display results
# display results
df_hgt_wgt_sel_cummean %>% filter(indi.id %in% c(17, 18)) %>% 
  kable() %>% kable_styling_fc()
indi.id svymthRound prot prot_cummean
17 0 0.5 0.5000000
17 2 0.7 0.6000000
17 4 0.5 0.5666667
17 6 0.5 0.5500000
17 8 6.1 1.6600000
17 10 5.0 2.2166667
17 12 6.4 2.8142857
17 14 20.1 4.9750000
17 16 20.1 6.6555556
17 18 23.0 8.2900000
17 20 24.9 9.8000000
17 22 20.1 10.6583333
17 24 10.1 10.6153846
17 102 NA NA
17 138 NA NA
17 187 NA NA
17 224 NA NA
17 258 NA NA
18 0 1.2 1.2000000
18 2 4.7 2.9500000
18 4 17.2 7.7000000
18 6 18.6 10.4250000
18 8 NA NA
18 10 16.8 NA
18 12 NA NA
18 14 NA NA
18 16 NA NA
18 18 NA NA
18 20 NA NA
18 22 15.7 NA
18 24 22.5 NA
18 102 NA NA
18 138 NA NA
18 187 NA NA
18 224 NA NA
18 258 NA NA

Third, in the basic implementation above, if an incremental month has NA, no values computed at that point or after. This is the case for individual 18 above. To ignore NA, we have, from this. Note how results for individual 18 changes.

# https://stackoverflow.com/a/49906718/8280804
# Group by indi.id and sort by protein
df_hgt_wgt_sel_cummean_noNA <- df_hgt_wgt_sel %>%
  arrange(indi.id, svymthRound) %>%
  group_by(indi.id, isna = is.na(prot)) %>%
  mutate(prot_cummean = ifelse(isna, NA, cummean(prot)))

# display results
df_hgt_wgt_sel_cummean_noNA %>% filter(indi.id %in% c(17, 18)) %>% 
  kable() %>% kable_styling_fc()
indi.id svymthRound prot isna prot_cummean
17 0 0.5 FALSE 0.5000000
17 2 0.7 FALSE 0.6000000
17 4 0.5 FALSE 0.5666667
17 6 0.5 FALSE 0.5500000
17 8 6.1 FALSE 1.6600000
17 10 5.0 FALSE 2.2166667
17 12 6.4 FALSE 2.8142857
17 14 20.1 FALSE 4.9750000
17 16 20.1 FALSE 6.6555556
17 18 23.0 FALSE 8.2900000
17 20 24.9 FALSE 9.8000000
17 22 20.1 FALSE 10.6583333
17 24 10.1 FALSE 10.6153846
17 102 NA TRUE NA
17 138 NA TRUE NA
17 187 NA TRUE NA
17 224 NA TRUE NA
17 258 NA TRUE NA
18 0 1.2 FALSE 1.2000000
18 2 4.7 FALSE 2.9500000
18 4 17.2 FALSE 7.7000000
18 6 18.6 FALSE 10.4250000
18 10 16.8 FALSE 11.7000000
18 12 NA TRUE NA
18 14 NA TRUE NA
18 16 NA TRUE NA
18 18 NA TRUE NA
18 20 NA TRUE NA
18 22 15.7 FALSE 12.3666667
18 24 22.5 FALSE 13.8142857
18 102 NA TRUE NA
18 138 NA TRUE NA
18 187 NA TRUE NA
18 224 NA TRUE NA
18 258 NA TRUE NA