1 Apply Function Over Multiple Columns and Rows

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1.1 Convert Subset of Variables to Numeric

Multiply a subset of variables all by 10. We use dplyr’s across function to achieve this.

Note that in the example below, we also use across with group by to include a string array of grouping by variables.

Note: “across() makes it easy to apply the same transformation to multiple columns, allowing you to use select() semantics inside in”data-masking” functions like summarise() and mutate().”

# grouping by variables
ar_st_groups <- c("gear", "carb")
# use across to conduct operation over multiple variables
mtcars_3var_times10 <- mtcars %>% 
  group_by(across(one_of(ar_st_groups))) %>%
  mutate(across(matches("mpg|cyl|disp"), ~ .x * 10)) %>%
  select(gear, carb, mpg, cyl, disp) %>% head(n=5)
# pring
# Multiply several variables by 10
kable(mtcars_3var_times10 %>% slice_head(n = 5)) %>% 
gear carb mpg cyl disp
3 1 214 60 2580
3 2 187 80 3600
4 1 228 40 1080
4 4 NA 60 1600
4 4 210 60 1600

1.2 Compute Row-specific Quantiles using Data Across Columns

We want to compute quantiles for each location, based on monthly variations in columns.

First, we generate a table with 12 columns (for months) and 3 rows (for locations).

# Generate data, 12 months as columns, and 
mt_data_rand <- matrix(rnorm(36, mean=0, sd=1), nrow=3, ncol=12)
it_rows <- seq(1, dim(mt_data_rand)[1])
it_cols <- seq(1, dim(mt_data_rand)[2])
# convert to table, column as month with leading 0
colnames(mt_data_rand) <- paste0('m', sprintf("%02d", it_cols))
tb_data_full <- as_tibble(mt_data_rand, rownames = NA) %>% 
    mutate(loc = paste0("loc", sprintf("%02d", row_number()))) %>%
    select(loc, everything())
# Display
kable(tb_data_full) %>% kable_styling_fc_wide()  
loc m01 m02 m03 m04 m05 m06 m07 m08 m09 m10 m11 m12
loc01 1.7869131 0.7013559 -0.2179749 -0.6250393 0.1533731 0.4264642 0.8781335 0.5539177 -0.3804710 -1.265396 -1.1231086 0.7799651
loc02 0.4978505 -0.4727914 -1.0260044 -1.6866933 -1.1381369 -0.2950715 0.8215811 -0.0619117 -0.6947070 2.168956 -0.4028848 -0.0833691
loc03 -1.9666172 -1.0678237 -0.7288912 0.8377870 1.2538149 0.8951257 0.6886403 -0.3059627 -0.2079173 1.207962 -0.4666554 0.2533185

Second, using apply to compute quantiles, row by row

# Extract the data components from the tibble, tibble has row and column names
tb_data_only <- tb_data_full %>% 
    column_to_rownames(var = "loc") %>% 
# Compute row specific quantiles
ar_quantiles_by_row <- apply(tb_data_only, 1, quantile, probs=0.75)
# Display
##      loc01      loc02      loc03 
## 0.72100821 0.07802884 0.85212170

Third, generate matrix of two columns, ID and quantile.

# One particular quantil from location
tb_loc_quantile <- as_tibble(ar_quantiles_by_row) %>% 
    mutate(loc = names(ar_quantiles_by_row)) %>%
    rename(quantile = value) %>%
    select(loc, everything())
# Display
kable(tb_loc_quantile) %>% kable_styling_fc()  
loc quantile
loc01 0.7210082
loc02 0.0780288
loc03 0.8521217

1.3 Compute Row-specific Sums using Data Across Columns

We compute sum over several variables in the mtcars dataset. We will sum over several variables with shared prefix, after adding these prefix first. We introduce an NA value to make sure that we can sum ignoring NA

We sum using three different methods below: (1) purrr:reduce(), (2) base::rowSums(), (3) Manual sum. Note that the rowSums option is able to sum ignoring NA.

# we introduce NA value to first row
mtcars[1,1] <- NA
# Rename variables, and sum across
mtcars_rowsum <- mtcars %>%
    rename(stats_mpg = mpg, stats_cyl = cyl, stats_hp = hp) %>%
        cs_reduce = purrr::reduce(
        cs_rowsum = base::rowSums(
            na.rm = TRUE
        cs_manual = stats_mpg + stats_cyl + stats_hp
    ) %>%
    select(matches("stats|cs"), gear)
# Display
# caption: "sum across columns"
kable(mtcars_rowsum %>% slice_head(n = 5)) %>% kable_styling_fc_wide()
stats_mpg stats_cyl stats_hp cs_reduce cs_rowsum cs_manual gear
Mazda RX4 NA 6 110 NA 116.0 NA 4
Mazda RX4 Wag 21.0 6 110 137.0 137.0 137.0 4
Datsun 710 22.8 4 93 119.8 119.8 119.8 4
Hornet 4 Drive 21.4 6 110 137.4 137.4 137.4 3
Hornet Sportabout 18.7 8 175 201.7 201.7 201.7 3

See this discussion for column sum peed comparisons.

1.4 Sum Across Rows within Group

Following from the prior section, we now sum across rows within group.

# we introduce NA value to first row
# mtcars[1,1] <- NA
# Rename variables, and sum across
mtcars_grpsum <- mtcars_rowsum %>%  
    arrange(gear) %>% group_by(gear) %>%
    # srs = sum row sum
        .funs = list(gs = ~sum(., na.rm=TRUE))
    ) %>% 
    select(gear, matches("gs")) %>% 
# Display
# caption: "gs = group sum, cs = col sum over the columns 
# with stats as prefix, sum across rows after col sum; gear = 4 
# difference for cs-rowsum-gs because it allowed for summing 
# ignoring NA for values across columns"
kable(mtcars_grpsum) %>% kable_styling_fc_wide()
gear stats_mpg_gs stats_cyl_gs stats_hp_gs cs_reduce_gs cs_rowsum_gs cs_manual_gs
3 241.6 112 2642 2995.6 2995.6 2995.6
4 273.4 56 1074 1287.4 1403.4 1287.4
5 106.9 30 978 1114.9 1114.9 1114.9

1.5 Replace NA for Multiple Variables

Replace some variables NA by some values, and other variables’ NAs by other values.

# Define
it_N <- 3
it_M <- 5
svr_id <- "date"

# NA dataframe, note need to define as NA_real_
# if define as NA, will not be able to replace with 99 column
# would be logical rather than double.
df_NA <- as_tibble(matrix(NA_real_, nrow = it_N, ncol = it_M)) %>%
    rowid_to_column(var = svr_id) %>%
        funs(str_replace(., "V", "var"))
kable(df_NA) %>%
date var1 var2 var3 var4 var5
# Replace NA
df_NA_replace <- df_NA %>%
    mutate_at(vars(one_of(c("var1", "var2"))), list(~ replace_na(., 0))) %>%
    mutate_at(vars(one_of(c("var3", "var5"))), list(~ replace_na(., 99)))

kable(df_NA_replace) %>%
date var1 var2 var3 var4 var5
1 0 0 99 NA 99
2 0 0 99 NA 99
3 0 0 99 NA 99

1.6 Cumulative Sum Multiple Variables

Each row is a different date, each column is the profit a firms earns on a date, we want to compute cumulatively how much a person is earning. Also renames variable names below jointly.

# Define
it_N <- 3
it_M <- 5
svr_id <- "date"

# random dataframe, daily profit of firms
# dp_fx: daily profit firm ID something
df_daily_profit <- as_tibble(matrix(rnorm(it_N * it_M), nrow = it_N, ncol = it_M)) %>%
    rowid_to_column(var = svr_id) %>%
        funs(str_replace(., "V", "dp_f"))
kable(df_daily_profit) %>%
date dp_f1 dp_f2 dp_f3 dp_f4 dp_f5
1 -0.5604756 0.0705084 0.4609162 -0.4456620 0.4007715
2 -0.2301775 0.1292877 -1.2650612 1.2240818 0.1106827
3 1.5587083 1.7150650 -0.6868529 0.3598138 -0.5558411
# cumulative sum with suffix
df_cumu_profit_suffix <- df_daily_profit %>%
    mutate_at(vars(contains("dp_f")), .funs = list(cumu = ~ cumsum(.)))
kable(df_cumu_profit_suffix) %>%
date dp_f1 dp_f2 dp_f3 dp_f4 dp_f5 dp_f1_cumu dp_f2_cumu dp_f3_cumu dp_f4_cumu dp_f5_cumu
1 -0.5604756 0.0705084 0.4609162 -0.4456620 0.4007715 -0.5604756 0.0705084 0.4609162 -0.4456620 0.4007715
2 -0.2301775 0.1292877 -1.2650612 1.2240818 0.1106827 -0.7906531 0.1997961 -0.8041450 0.7784198 0.5114542
3 1.5587083 1.7150650 -0.6868529 0.3598138 -0.5558411 0.7680552 1.9148611 -1.4909979 1.1382337 -0.0443870
# cumulative sum variables naming to prefix
df_cumu_profit <- df_cumu_profit_suffix %>%
    rename_at(vars(contains("_cumu")), list(~ paste("cp_f", gsub("_cumu", "", .), sep = ""))) %>%
    rename_at(vars(contains("cp_f")), list(~ gsub("dp_f", "", .)))
kable(df_cumu_profit) %>%
date dp_f1 dp_f2 dp_f3 dp_f4 dp_f5 cp_f1 cp_f2 cp_f3 cp_f4 cp_f5
1 -0.5604756 0.0705084 0.4609162 -0.4456620 0.4007715 -0.5604756 0.0705084 0.4609162 -0.4456620 0.4007715
2 -0.2301775 0.1292877 -1.2650612 1.2240818 0.1106827 -0.7906531 0.1997961 -0.8041450 0.7784198 0.5114542
3 1.5587083 1.7150650 -0.6868529 0.3598138 -0.5558411 0.7680552 1.9148611 -1.4909979 1.1382337 -0.0443870