Compute Covariance, Correlation for cov(x,y) given X(a,z), Y(a,z) and f(a,z)
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function [fl_cov_xy, fl_cor_xy] = fft_disc_rand_var_mass2covcor(varargin)
FFT_DISC_RAND_VAR_MASS2COVCOR find cov(x,y) given X(a,z), Y(a,z) and f(a,z)
Having computed elsewhere E(X), E(Y), and SD(X), SD(Y), and given X(a,z) and Y(a,z), which are the optimal choices along the endogenous state space grid a, and the exogenous state space grid z, and given also f(a,z), the probability mass function over (a,z), we compute covariance and correlation between outcomes X and Y.
- Covariance
- Correlation
@param st_var_name string name of the variable (choice/outcome) been analyzed
@param mt_choice_bystates matrix N by M of choices along two dimensions, N could be endogenous states, M could be exogenous shocks, or vice-versa
@param mt_dist_bystates matrix N by M of probability mass on states, N could be endogenous states, M could be exogenous shocks, or vice versa
@return tb_choice_drv_cur_byY table table containing two columns, unique outcomes/choices y from y(a,z) and probability mass associated with each y f(y)
@return ar_choice_prob_byY table array probability mass associated with each y f(y), second column from tb_choice_drv_cur_byY, dimension unknown, determined by y(a,z) function
@return ar_choice_unique_sorted_byY table array unique Ys, dimension unknown, determined by y(a,z) function
@return mt_choice_prob_byYZ matrix f(y,z), meaning for y outcomes along the column dimension.
@return mt_choice_prob_byYA matrix f(y,a), meaning for y outcomes along the row dimension.
use binomial as test case, z maps to binomial win prob, remember binom approximates normal.
if (~isempty(varargin)) % if invoked from outside overrid fully [covvar_input_map] = varargin{:}; bl_display_drvm2covcor = false; else clear all; close all; it_states = 6; it_shocks = 5; fl_binom_n = it_states-1; ar_binom_p = (1:(it_shocks))./(it_shocks+2); ar_binom_x = (0:1:(it_states-1)) - 3; % f(z) ar_binom_p_prob = binopdf(0:(it_shocks-1), it_shocks-1, 0.5); % f(a,z), mass for a, z mt_dist_bystates = zeros([it_states, it_shocks]); for it_z=1:it_shocks % f(a|z) f_a_condi_z = binopdf(ar_binom_x - min(ar_binom_x), fl_binom_n, ar_binom_p(it_z)); % f(z) f_z = ar_binom_p_prob(it_z); % f(a,z)=f(a|z)*f(z) mt_dist_bystates(:, it_z) = f_a_condi_z*f_z; end % x(a,z), some non-smooth structure rng(123); mt_choice_x_bystates = ar_binom_x' - 0.01*ar_binom_x'.^2 + ar_binom_p - 0.5*ar_binom_p.^2 + rand([it_states, it_shocks]); mt_choice_x_bystates = round(mt_choice_x_bystates*3); % y(a,z), some non-smooth structure rng(456); mt_choice_y_bystates = 10 -(mt_choice_x_bystates) + 15*(rand([it_states, it_shocks])-0.5); % Obtain mean and sd st_cur_output_key = 'x_outcome'; [ar_choice_prob_byX, ar_choice_unique_sorted_byX, ~, ~] = ... fft_disc_rand_var_mass2outcomes(st_cur_output_key, mt_choice_x_bystates, mt_dist_bystates); [ds_stats_x_map] = fft_disc_rand_var_stats(st_cur_output_key, ar_choice_unique_sorted_byX', ar_choice_prob_byX'); fl_choice_x_mean = ds_stats_x_map('fl_choice_mean'); fl_choice_x_sd = ds_stats_x_map('fl_choice_sd'); st_cur_output_key = 'y_outcome'; [ar_choice_prob_byY, ar_choice_unique_sorted_byY, ~, ~] = ... fft_disc_rand_var_mass2outcomes(st_cur_output_key, mt_choice_y_bystates, mt_dist_bystates); [ds_stats_y_map] = fft_disc_rand_var_stats(st_cur_output_key, ar_choice_unique_sorted_byY', ar_choice_prob_byY'); fl_choice_y_mean = ds_stats_y_map('fl_choice_mean'); fl_choice_y_sd = ds_stats_y_map('fl_choice_sd'); % display bl_display_drvm2covcor = true; % Collect covvar_input_map = containers.Map('KeyType','char', 'ValueType','any'); covvar_input_map('mt_choice_x_bystates') = mt_choice_x_bystates; covvar_input_map('mt_choice_y_bystates') = mt_choice_y_bystates; covvar_input_map('mt_dist_bystates') = mt_dist_bystates; covvar_input_map('fl_choice_x_mean') = fl_choice_x_mean; covvar_input_map('fl_choice_x_sd') = fl_choice_x_sd; covvar_input_map('fl_choice_y_mean') = fl_choice_y_mean; covvar_input_map('fl_choice_y_sd') = fl_choice_y_sd; end
---------------------------------------- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Summary Statistics for: x_outcome xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ---------------------------------------- fl_choice_mean 0.2019 fl_choice_sd 4.2414 fl_choice_coefofvar 21.0090 fl_choice_prob_zero 0.0717 fl_choice_prob_below_zero 0.4127 fl_choice_prob_above_zero 0.5156 fl_choice_prob_max 3.7187e-06 tb_disc_cumu x_outcomeDiscreteVal x_outcomeDiscreteValProbMass CDF cumsumFrac ____________________ ____________________________ ______ __________ -8 0.0754 7.54 -2.9879 -7 0.022967 9.8367 -3.7842 -6 0.0036146 10.198 -3.8916 -5 0.024097 12.608 -4.4884 -4 0.024097 15.018 -4.9659 -3 0.17865 32.882 -7.6205 -2 0.075861 40.468 -8.3721 -1 0.0080324 41.271 -8.4119 0 0.071696 48.441 -8.4119 1 0.12986 61.427 -7.7686 x_outcomeDiscreteVal x_outcomeDiscreteValProbMass CDF cumsumFrac ____________________ ____________________________ ______ __________ -2 0.075861 40.468 -8.3721 -1 0.0080324 41.271 -8.4119 0 0.071696 48.441 -8.4119 1 0.12986 61.427 -7.7686 2 0.02975 64.402 -7.4739 4 0.22401 86.803 -3.0355 5 0.063069 93.11 -1.4734 7 0.051853 98.295 0.32449 8 0.017043 100 0.99983 9 3.7187e-06 100 1 tb_prob_drv percentiles x_outcomeDiscreteValPercentileValues fracOfSumHeldBelowThisPercentile ___________ ____________________________________ ________________________________ 0.1 -8 -2.9879 1 -8 -2.9879 5 -8 -2.9879 10 -6 -3.8916 15 -4 -4.9659 20 -3 -7.6205 25 -3 -7.6205 35 -2 -8.3721 50 1 -7.7686 65 4 -3.0355 75 4 -3.0355 80 4 -3.0355 85 4 -3.0355 90 5 -1.4734 95 7 0.32449 99 8 0.99983 99.9 8 0.99983 ---------------------------------------- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Summary Statistics for: y_outcome xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ---------------------------------------- fl_choice_mean 7.3363 fl_choice_sd 4.6961 fl_choice_coefofvar 0.6401 fl_choice_prob_zero 0 fl_choice_prob_below_zero 0.0398 fl_choice_prob_above_zero 0.9602 fl_choice_prob_max 0.0228 tb_disc_cumu y_outcomeDiscreteVal y_outcomeDiscreteValProbMass CDF cumsumFrac ____________________ ____________________________ ______ __________ -2.7383 0.015232 1.5232 -0.0056852 -2.5789 3.7187e-06 1.5235 -0.0056865 -1.3296 0.018593 3.3829 -0.0090564 -0.89557 0.0059499 3.9779 -0.0097828 0.57961 0.085679 12.546 -0.0030136 1.635 0.02975 15.521 0.0036167 3.2354 0.057119 21.233 0.028807 4.2412 0.023242 23.557 0.042243 4.9612 0.011621 24.719 0.050102 5.2154 0.096388 34.358 0.11862 y_outcomeDiscreteVal y_outcomeDiscreteValProbMass CDF cumsumFrac ____________________ ____________________________ ______ __________ 10.323 0.074374 84.105 0.68725 10.352 0.024097 86.515 0.72125 11.593 0.024097 88.924 0.75933 12.046 0.028917 91.816 0.80681 13.029 0.0013387 91.95 0.80919 14.724 0.046484 96.598 0.90248 17.26 0.0074374 97.342 0.91998 19.402 0.0036146 97.703 0.92954 20.991 0.000119 97.715 0.92988 22.515 0.022848 100 1 tb_prob_drv percentiles y_outcomeDiscreteValPercentileValues fracOfSumHeldBelowThisPercentile ___________ ____________________________________ ________________________________ 0.1 -2.7383 -0.0056852 1 -2.7383 -0.0056852 5 0.57961 -0.0030136 10 0.57961 -0.0030136 15 1.635 0.0036167 20 3.2354 0.028807 25 5.2154 0.11862 35 5.409 0.12455 50 6.6874 0.26953 65 9.7057 0.57988 75 9.7057 0.57988 80 10.323 0.68725 85 10.352 0.72125 90 12.046 0.80681 95 14.724 0.90248 99 22.515 1 99.9 22.515 1
Parse Parameters
% probability over a and z params_group = values(covvar_input_map, {'mt_dist_bystates'}); [mt_dist_bystates] = params_group{:}; % x and y outcomes params_group = values(covvar_input_map, {'mt_choice_x_bystates', 'mt_choice_y_bystates'}); [mt_choice_x_bystates, mt_choice_y_bystates] = params_group{:}; % x and y stats params_group = values(covvar_input_map, {'fl_choice_x_mean', 'fl_choice_x_sd', ... 'fl_choice_y_mean', 'fl_choice_y_sd'}); [fl_choice_x_mean, fl_choice_x_sd, fl_choice_y_mean, fl_choice_y_sd] = params_group{:};
1. Compute Covariance
mt_x_devi_from_mean = (mt_choice_x_bystates - fl_choice_x_mean);
mt_y_devi_from_mean = (mt_choice_y_bystates - fl_choice_y_mean);
mt_x_y_multiply = (mt_x_devi_from_mean).*(mt_y_devi_from_mean);
mt_cov_component_weighted = mt_dist_bystates.*(mt_x_y_multiply);
fl_cov_xy = sum(mt_cov_component_weighted, 'all');
2. Compute Correlation
fl_cor_xy = fl_cov_xy/(fl_choice_x_sd*fl_choice_y_sd);
if (bl_display_drvm2covcor) fft_container_map_display(covvar_input_map, 25, 15); covvar_output_map = containers.Map('KeyType','char', 'ValueType','any'); covvar_output_map('mt_x_devi_from_mean') = mt_x_devi_from_mean; covvar_output_map('mt_y_devi_from_mean') = mt_y_devi_from_mean; covvar_output_map('mt_x_y_multiply') = mt_x_y_multiply; covvar_output_map('mt_cov_component_weighted') = mt_cov_component_weighted; fft_container_map_display(covvar_output_map, 25, 15); disp('fl_cov'); disp(fl_cov_xy); disp('fl_cor'); disp(fl_cor_xy); end
---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Begin: Show all key and value pairs from container CONTAINER NAME: COVVAR_INPUT_MAP ---------------------------------------- Map with properties: Count: 7 KeyType: char ValueType: any xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- pos = 1 ; key = fl_choice_x_mean ; val = 0.20188 pos = 2 ; key = fl_choice_x_sd ; val = 4.2414 pos = 3 ; key = fl_choice_y_mean ; val = 7.3363 pos = 4 ; key = fl_choice_y_sd ; val = 4.6961 pos = 5 ; key = mt_choice_x_bystates ;rown= 6 ,coln= 5 mt_choice_x_bystates :mu= 0.8 ,sd= 5.2614 ,min= -8 ,max= 9 zi_1_c1 zi_2_c2 zi_3_c3 zi_4_c4 zi_5_c5 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ zi_1_r1 -8 -8 -7 -6 -7 zi_2_r2 -5 -3 -3 -4 -2 zi_3_r3 -1 -2 1 0 0 zi_4_r4 1 2 4 4 4 zi_5_r5 4 5 7 5 4 zi_6_r6 9 7 8 7 8 pos = 6 ; key = mt_choice_y_bystates ;rown= 6 ,coln= 5 mt_choice_y_bystates :mu= 8.0791 ,sd= 6.6417 ,min= -2.7383 ,max= 22.5154 zi_1_c1 zi_2_c2 zi_3_c3 zi_4_c4 zi_5_c5 _______ ________ _______ _______ _______ zi_1_r1 12.046 14.724 22.515 19.402 20.991 zi_2_r2 11.593 6.4991 8.7834 10.352 10.12 zi_3_r3 5.409 10.323 9.7057 6.6874 17.26 zi_4_r4 13.029 1.635 5.2154 0.57961 -1.3296 zi_5_r5 7.2659 -0.89557 7.6379 3.2354 4.2412 zi_6_r6 -2.5789 10.226 5.4774 -2.7383 4.9612 pos = 7 ; key = mt_dist_bystates ;rown= 6 ,coln= 5 mt_dist_bystates :mu= 0.033333 ,sd= 0.035743 ,min= 3.7187e-06 ,max= 0.12852 zi_1_c1 zi_2_c2 zi_3_c3 zi_4_c4 zi_5_c5 __________ __________ _________ _________ _________ zi_1_r1 0.028917 0.046484 0.022848 0.0036146 0.000119 zi_2_r2 0.024097 0.092967 0.085679 0.024097 0.0014875 zi_3_r3 0.0080324 0.074374 0.12852 0.064259 0.0074374 zi_4_r4 0.0013387 0.02975 0.096388 0.085679 0.018593 zi_5_r5 0.00011156 0.0059499 0.036146 0.057119 0.023242 zi_6_r6 3.7187e-06 0.00047599 0.0054218 0.015232 0.011621 ---------------------------------------- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Matrix in Container and Sizes and Basic Statistics xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx i idx rowN colN mean std min max _ ___ ____ ____ ________ ________ __________ _______ mt_choice_x_bystates 1 5 6 5 0.8 5.2614 -8 9 mt_choice_y_bystates 2 6 6 5 8.0791 6.6417 -2.7383 22.515 mt_dist_bystates 3 7 6 5 0.033333 0.035743 3.7187e-06 0.12852 ---------------------------------------- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Scalars in Container and Sizes and Basic Statistics xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx i idx value _ ___ _______ fl_choice_x_mean 1 1 0.20188 fl_choice_x_sd 2 2 4.2414 fl_choice_y_mean 3 3 7.3363 fl_choice_y_sd 4 4 4.6961 ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Begin: Show all key and value pairs from container CONTAINER NAME: COVVAR_OUTPUT_MAP ---------------------------------------- Map with properties: Count: 4 KeyType: char ValueType: any xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- pos = 1 ; key = mt_cov_component_weighted ;rown= 6 ,coln= 5 mt_cov_component_weighted :mu= -0.49051 ,sd= 0.77939 ,min= -2.8167 ,max= 0.24921 zi_1_c1 zi_2_c2 zi_3_c3 zi_4_c4 zi_5_c5 ___________ _________ _________ _________ __________ zi_1_r1 -1.117 -2.8167 -2.4977 -0.27048 -0.011703 zi_2_r2 -0.53357 0.24921 -0.397 -0.30535 -0.0091174 zi_3_r3 0.018605 -0.48915 0.24304 0.0084172 -0.0149 zi_4_r4 0.0060823 -0.30498 -0.77645 -2.1987 -0.61199 zi_5_r5 -2.9828e-05 -0.235 0.074128 -1.1239 -0.27322 zi_6_r6 -0.0003244 0.0093514 -0.078591 -1.0432 -0.21523 pos = 2 ; key = mt_x_devi_from_mean ;rown= 6 ,coln= 5 mt_x_devi_from_mean :mu= 0.59812 ,sd= 5.2614 ,min= -8.2019 ,max= 8.7981 zi_1_c1 zi_2_c2 zi_3_c3 zi_4_c4 zi_5_c5 _______ _______ _______ ________ ________ zi_1_r1 -8.2019 -8.2019 -7.2019 -6.2019 -7.2019 zi_2_r2 -5.2019 -3.2019 -3.2019 -4.2019 -2.2019 zi_3_r3 -1.2019 -2.2019 0.79812 -0.20188 -0.20188 zi_4_r4 0.79812 1.7981 3.7981 3.7981 3.7981 zi_5_r5 3.7981 4.7981 6.7981 4.7981 3.7981 zi_6_r6 8.7981 6.7981 7.7981 6.7981 7.7981 pos = 3 ; key = mt_x_y_multiply ;rown= 6 ,coln= 5 mt_x_y_multiply :mu= -24.6478 ,sd= 33.3193 ,min= -109.3183 ,max= 19.6461 zi_1_c1 zi_2_c2 zi_3_c3 zi_4_c4 zi_5_c5 ________ _______ _______ _______ _______ zi_1_r1 -38.63 -60.595 -109.32 -74.83 -98.343 zi_2_r2 -22.142 2.6806 -4.6336 -12.672 -6.1295 zi_3_r3 2.3163 -6.5769 1.8911 0.13099 -2.0034 zi_4_r4 4.5433 -10.251 -8.0554 -25.663 -32.914 zi_5_r5 -0.26737 -39.497 2.0508 -19.676 -11.755 zi_6_r6 -87.235 19.646 -14.495 -68.488 -18.521 pos = 4 ; key = mt_y_devi_from_mean ;rown= 6 ,coln= 5 mt_y_devi_from_mean :mu= 0.74286 ,sd= 6.6417 ,min= -10.0745 ,max= 15.1791 zi_1_c1 zi_2_c2 zi_3_c3 zi_4_c4 zi_5_c5 _________ _______ _______ ________ _______ zi_1_r1 4.7099 7.3879 15.179 12.066 13.655 zi_2_r2 4.2566 -0.8372 1.4471 3.0157 2.7837 zi_3_r3 -1.9272 2.987 2.3694 -0.64883 9.9237 zi_4_r4 5.6926 -5.7012 -2.1209 -6.7566 -8.6659 zi_5_r5 -0.070395 -8.2318 0.30167 -4.1009 -3.095 zi_6_r6 -9.9151 2.8899 -1.8588 -10.075 -2.3751 ---------------------------------------- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Matrix in Container and Sizes and Basic Statistics xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx i idx rowN colN mean std min max _ ___ ____ ____ ________ _______ _______ _______ mt_cov_component_weighted 1 1 6 5 -0.49051 0.77939 -2.8167 0.24921 mt_x_devi_from_mean 2 2 6 5 0.59812 5.2614 -8.2019 8.7981 mt_x_y_multiply 3 3 6 5 -24.648 33.319 -109.32 19.646 mt_y_devi_from_mean 4 4 6 5 0.74286 6.6417 -10.075 15.179 fl_cov -14.7154 fl_cor -0.7388
ans = -14.7154