Interpolated and extrapolated levels and changes panel across time bins
Panel data on school age population, students, teachers, and schools, levels and changes, interpolated and extrapolated
A data frame with 266 rows and 7 variables:
- location_code
Short string code for country and regions
- location_level
Country, or regional or sub-country
- variable
Statistical variable
- year_bins_type
The type of year binning, 1 year, 10 years, 20 years, etc.
- year_bins
Year bins given year binning, labels of different years, decades, bi-decades, etc.
- value
Level at start to end of bin
- value_interp1
with interpolation and extrapolation- pchg
Percentage change from start to end of bin
- pchg_interp1
with interpolation and extrapolation
#> location_code location_level variable year_bins_type
#> AUT : 609 country :62172 gdp :18763 1920t2020i05:12003
#> JPN : 507 multicountry :15896 school : 2222 1920t2020i10: 6361
#> CHN : 504 multiprovince: 486 student :20673 1920t2020i20: 3436
#> CHE : 463 province : 4131 teacher :19549 1925t2015i15: 3965
#> KOR : 405 youthpop:21478 1940t2020i01:56920
#> BGD : 340
#> (Other):79857
#> year_bins pchg pchg_interp1 value
#> Length:82685 Min. :-0.715 Min. : -0.873 Min. :2.200e+01
#> Class :character 1st Qu.:-0.004 1st Qu.: -0.004 1st Qu.:7.412e+03
#> Mode :character Median : 0.018 Median : 0.020 Median :1.505e+05
#> Mean : 0.055 Mean : 0.097 Mean :2.921e+07
#> 3rd Qu.: 0.050 3rd Qu.: 0.057 3rd Qu.:2.729e+06
#> Max. : 9.758 Max. :1663.739 Max. :1.977e+09
#> NA's :19120 NA's :4155 NA's :11215
#> value_interp1
#> Min. :2.000e+00
#> 1st Qu.:6.790e+03
#> Median :1.125e+05
#> Mean :2.600e+07
#> 3rd Qu.:2.213e+06
#> Max. :1.977e+09
#> # A tibble: 82,685 × 9
#> location_code location_level variable year_bins_type year_bins pchg
#> <fct> <fct> <fct> <fct> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 ABW country gdp 1920t2020i05 1981-1985 NA
#> 2 ABW country gdp 1920t2020i05 1986-1990 NA
#> 3 ABW country gdp 1920t2020i05 1991-1995 0.0532
#> 4 ABW country gdp 1920t2020i05 1996-2000 0.0640
#> 5 ABW country gdp 1920t2020i05 2001-2005 -0.0504
#> 6 ABW country gdp 1920t2020i05 2006-2010 -0.129
#> 7 ABW country gdp 1920t2020i05 2011-2015 0.0982
#> 8 ABW country gdp 1920t2020i05 2016-2020 NA
#> 9 ABW country student 1920t2020i05 1991-1995 NA
#> 10 ABW country student 1920t2020i05 1996-2000 NA
#> # ℹ 82,675 more rows
#> # ℹ 3 more variables: pchg_interp1 <dbl>, value <dbl>, value_interp1 <dbl>