1 Decompose RHS

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One runs a number of regressions. With different outcomes, and various right hand side variables.

What is the remaining variation in the left hand side variable if right hand side variable one by one is set to the average of the observed values.

  • Dependency: R4Econ/linreg/ivreg/ivregdfrow.R

The code below does not work with categorical variables (except for dummies). Dummy variable inputs need to be converted to zero/one first. The examples are just to test the code with different types of variables.

# Library

# Load Sample Data
df <- read_csv('height_weight.csv')

# Source Dependency

Data Cleaning.

# Convert Variable for Sex which is categorical to Numeric
df <- df
df$male <- (as.numeric(factor(df$sex)) - 1)
## Female   Male 
##  16446  18619
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##   0.000   0.000   1.000   0.531   1.000   1.000
df.use <- df %>% filter(S.country == 'Guatemala') %>%
  filter(svymthRound %in% c(12, 18, 24))
## [1] 2022   16

Setting Up Parameters.

# Define Left Hand Side Variab les
var.y1 <- c('hgt')
var.y2 <- c('wgt')
vars.y <- c(var.y1, var.y2)
# Define Right Hand Side Variables
vars.x <- c('prot')
vars.c <- c('male', 'wgt0', 'hgt0', 'svymthRound')
# vars.z <- c('p.A.prot')
vars.z <- c('vil.id')
# vars.z <- NULL
vars.xc <- c(vars.x, vars.c)

# Other variables to keep
vars.other.keep <- c('S.country', 'vil.id', 'indi.id', 'svymthRound')

# Decompose sequence
vars.tomean.first <- c('male', 'hgt0')
var.tomean.first.name.suffix <- '_mh02m'
vars.tomean.second <- c(vars.tomean.first, 'hgt0', 'wgt0')
var.tomean.second.name.suffix <- '_mh0me2m'
vars.tomean.third <- c(vars.tomean.second, 'prot')
var.tomean.third.name.suffix <- '_mh0mep2m'
vars.tomean.fourth <- c(vars.tomean.third, 'svymthRound')
var.tomean.fourth.name.suffix <- '_mh0mepm2m'
list.vars.tomean = list(
#                         vars.tomean.first,
list.vars.tomean.name.suffix <- list(
#                                     var.tomean.first.name.suffix,

1.1 Obtain Regression Coefficients from somewhere

# Regressions
# regf.iv from C:\Users\fan\R4Econ\linreg\ivreg\ivregdfrow.R
df.reg.out <- as_tibble(
  bind_rows(lapply(vars.y, regf.iv,
                   vars.x=vars.x, vars.c=vars.c, vars.z=vars.z, df=df)))
# Regressions
# reg1 <- regf.iv(var.y = var.y1, vars.x, vars.c, vars.z, df.use)
# reg2 <- regf.iv(var.y = var.y2, vars.x, vars.c, vars.z, df.use)
# df.reg.out <- as_tibble(bind_rows(reg1, reg2))
# df.reg.out
# Select Variables
str.esti.suffix <- '_Estimate'
arr.esti.name <- paste0(vars.xc, str.esti.suffix)
str.outcome.name <- 'vars_var.y'
arr.columns2select <- c(arr.esti.name, str.outcome.name)
## [1] "prot_Estimate"        "male_Estimate"        "wgt0_Estimate"        "hgt0_Estimate"        "svymthRound_Estimate" "vars_var.y"
# Generate dataframe for coefficients
df.coef <- df.reg.out[,c(arr.columns2select)] %>%
  mutate_at(vars(arr.esti.name), as.numeric) %>% column_to_rownames(str.outcome.name)
df.coef %>%
  kable() %>%
prot_Estimate male_Estimate wgt0_Estimate hgt0_Estimate svymthRound_Estimate
hgt -0.2714772 1.244735 0.0004430 0.6834853 1.133919
wgt -59.0727542 489.852902 0.7696158 75.4867897 250.778883
## 'data.frame':    2 obs. of  5 variables:
##  $ prot_Estimate       : num  -0.271 -59.073
##  $ male_Estimate       : num  1.24 489.85
##  $ wgt0_Estimate       : num  0.000443 0.769616
##  $ hgt0_Estimate       : num  0.683 75.487
##  $ svymthRound_Estimate: num  1.13 250.78

1.2 Decomposition Step 1

# Decomposition Step 1: gather
df.decompose_step1 <- df.use %>%
                        filter(svymthRound %in% c(12, 18, 24)) %>%
                        select(one_of(c(vars.other.keep, vars.xc, vars.y))) %>%
                        drop_na() %>%
                        gather(variable, value, -one_of(c(vars.other.keep, vars.xc)))
options(repr.matrix.max.rows=20, repr.matrix.max.cols=20)
## [1] 1382   10
head(df.decompose_step1, 10) %>%
  kable() %>%
S.country vil.id indi.id svymthRound prot male wgt0 hgt0 variable value
Guatemala 3 1352 18 13.3 1 2545.2 47.4 hgt 70.2
Guatemala 3 1352 24 46.3 1 2545.2 47.4 hgt 75.8
Guatemala 3 1354 12 1.0 1 3634.3 51.2 hgt 66.3
Guatemala 3 1354 18 9.8 1 3634.3 51.2 hgt 69.2
Guatemala 3 1354 24 15.4 1 3634.3 51.2 hgt 75.3
Guatemala 3 1356 12 8.6 1 3911.8 51.9 hgt 68.1
Guatemala 3 1356 18 17.8 1 3911.8 51.9 hgt 74.1
Guatemala 3 1356 24 30.5 1 3911.8 51.9 hgt 77.1
Guatemala 3 1357 12 1.0 1 3791.4 52.6 hgt 71.5
Guatemala 3 1357 18 12.7 1 3791.4 52.6 hgt 77.8

1.3 Decomposition Step 2

# Decomposition Step 2: mutate_at(vars, funs(mean = mean(.)))
# the xc averaging could have taken place earlier, no difference in mean across variables
df.decompose_step2 <- df.decompose_step1 %>%
                        group_by(variable) %>%
                        mutate_at(vars(c(vars.xc, 'value')), funs(mean = mean(.))) %>%

options(repr.matrix.max.rows=20, repr.matrix.max.cols=20)
## [1] 1382   16
head(df.decompose_step2,10) %>%
  kable() %>%
S.country vil.id indi.id svymthRound prot male wgt0 hgt0 variable value prot_mean male_mean wgt0_mean hgt0_mean svymthRound_mean value_mean
Guatemala 3 1352 18 13.3 1 2545.2 47.4 hgt 70.2 20.64819 0.5499276 3312.297 49.75137 18.42547 73.41216
Guatemala 3 1352 24 46.3 1 2545.2 47.4 hgt 75.8 20.64819 0.5499276 3312.297 49.75137 18.42547 73.41216
Guatemala 3 1354 12 1.0 1 3634.3 51.2 hgt 66.3 20.64819 0.5499276 3312.297 49.75137 18.42547 73.41216
Guatemala 3 1354 18 9.8 1 3634.3 51.2 hgt 69.2 20.64819 0.5499276 3312.297 49.75137 18.42547 73.41216
Guatemala 3 1354 24 15.4 1 3634.3 51.2 hgt 75.3 20.64819 0.5499276 3312.297 49.75137 18.42547 73.41216
Guatemala 3 1356 12 8.6 1 3911.8 51.9 hgt 68.1 20.64819 0.5499276 3312.297 49.75137 18.42547 73.41216
Guatemala 3 1356 18 17.8 1 3911.8 51.9 hgt 74.1 20.64819 0.5499276 3312.297 49.75137 18.42547 73.41216
Guatemala 3 1356 24 30.5 1 3911.8 51.9 hgt 77.1 20.64819 0.5499276 3312.297 49.75137 18.42547 73.41216
Guatemala 3 1357 12 1.0 1 3791.4 52.6 hgt 71.5 20.64819 0.5499276 3312.297 49.75137 18.42547 73.41216
Guatemala 3 1357 18 12.7 1 3791.4 52.6 hgt 77.8 20.64819 0.5499276 3312.297 49.75137 18.42547 73.41216

1.4 Decomposition Step 3 Non-Loop

ff_lr_decompose_valadj <- function(df, df.coef, vars.tomean, str.esti.suffix) {
  new_value <- (df$value +
                  rowSums((df[paste0(vars.tomean, '_mean')] - df[vars.tomean])
                          *df.coef[df$variable, paste0(vars.tomean, str.esti.suffix)]))

1.5 Decomposition Step 3 With Loop

df.decompose_step3 <- df.decompose_step2
for (i in 1:length(list.vars.tomean)) {
    var.decomp.cur <- (paste0('value', list.vars.tomean.name.suffix[[i]]))
    vars.tomean <- list.vars.tomean[[i]]
    df.decompose_step3 <- df.decompose_step3 %>%
      mutate((!!var.decomp.cur) :=
               ff_lr_decompose_valadj(., df.coef, vars.tomean, str.esti.suffix))


## [1] 1382   19
head(df.decompose_step3, 10) %>%
  kable() %>%
S.country vil.id indi.id svymthRound prot male wgt0 hgt0 variable value prot_mean male_mean wgt0_mean hgt0_mean svymthRound_mean value_mean value_mh0me2m value_mh0mep2m value_mh0mepm2m
Guatemala 3 1352 18 13.3 1 2545.2 47.4 hgt 70.2 20.64819 0.5499276 3312.297 49.75137 18.42547 73.41216 73.19390 71.19903 71.68148
Guatemala 3 1352 24 46.3 1 2545.2 47.4 hgt 75.8 20.64819 0.5499276 3312.297 49.75137 18.42547 73.41216 78.79390 85.75778 79.43671
Guatemala 3 1354 12 1.0 1 3634.3 51.2 hgt 66.3 20.64819 0.5499276 3312.297 49.75137 18.42547 73.41216 63.61689 58.28285 65.56882
Guatemala 3 1354 18 9.8 1 3634.3 51.2 hgt 69.2 20.64819 0.5499276 3312.297 49.75137 18.42547 73.41216 66.51689 63.57185 64.05430
Guatemala 3 1354 24 15.4 1 3634.3 51.2 hgt 75.3 20.64819 0.5499276 3312.297 49.75137 18.42547 73.41216 72.61689 71.19213 64.87106
Guatemala 3 1356 12 8.6 1 3911.8 51.9 hgt 68.1 20.64819 0.5499276 3312.297 49.75137 18.42547 73.41216 64.33707 61.06626 68.35222
Guatemala 3 1356 18 17.8 1 3911.8 51.9 hgt 74.1 20.64819 0.5499276 3312.297 49.75137 18.42547 73.41216 70.33707 69.56385 70.04630
Guatemala 3 1356 24 30.5 1 3911.8 51.9 hgt 77.1 20.64819 0.5499276 3312.297 49.75137 18.42547 73.41216 73.33707 76.01161 69.69055
Guatemala 3 1357 12 1.0 1 3791.4 52.6 hgt 71.5 20.64819 0.5499276 3312.297 49.75137 18.42547 73.41216 66.83353 61.49949 68.78545
Guatemala 3 1357 18 12.7 1 3791.4 52.6 hgt 77.8 20.64819 0.5499276 3312.297 49.75137 18.42547 73.41216 73.13353 70.97578 71.45823

1.6 Decomposition Step 4 Variance

df.decompose_step3 %>%
        select(variable, contains('value')) %>%
        group_by(variable) %>%
        summarize_all(funs(mean = mean, var = var)) %>%
        select(matches('value')) %>% select(ends_with("_var")) %>%
        mutate_if(is.numeric, funs( frac = (./value_var))) %>%
        mutate_if(is.numeric, round, 3) %>%
  kable() %>%
value_var value_mean_var value_mh0me2m_var value_mh0mep2m_var value_mh0mepm2m_var value_var_frac value_mean_var_frac value_mh0me2m_var_frac value_mh0mep2m_var_frac value_mh0mepm2m_var_frac
21.864 NA 25.35 49.047 23.06 1 NA 1.159 2.243 1.055
2965693.245 NA 2949187.64 4192769.518 3147506.60 1 NA 0.994 1.414 1.061

1.7 Graphical Results

Graphically, difficult to pick up exact differences in variance, a 50 percent reduction in variance visually does not look like 50 percent. Intuitively, we are kind of seeing standard deviation, not variance on the graph if we think abou the x-scale.

head(df.decompose_step3 %>%
    select(variable, contains('value'), -value_mean), 10) %>%
  kable() %>%
variable value value_mh0me2m value_mh0mep2m value_mh0mepm2m
hgt 70.2 73.19390 71.19903 71.68148
hgt 75.8 78.79390 85.75778 79.43671
hgt 66.3 63.61689 58.28285 65.56882
hgt 69.2 66.51689 63.57185 64.05430
hgt 75.3 72.61689 71.19213 64.87106
hgt 68.1 64.33707 61.06626 68.35222
hgt 74.1 70.33707 69.56385 70.04630
hgt 77.1 73.33707 76.01161 69.69055
hgt 71.5 66.83353 61.49949 68.78545
hgt 77.8 73.13353 70.97578 71.45823
df.decompose_step3 %>%
    select(variable, contains('value'), -value_mean) %>%
    rename(outcome = variable) %>%
    gather(variable, value, -outcome) %>%
    ggplot(aes(x=value, color = variable, fill = variable)) +
        geom_line(stat = "density") +
        facet_wrap(~ outcome, scales='free', nrow=2)

1.8 Additional Decomposition Testings

head(df.decompose_step2[paste0(vars.tomean.first, '_mean')], 3)
             paste0(vars.tomean.first, str.esti.suffix)], 3)
df.decompose.tomean.first <- df.decompose_step2 %>%
    mutate(pred_new = df.decompose_step2$value +
        rowSums((df.decompose_step2[paste0(vars.tomean.first, '_mean')]
                 - df.decompose_step2[vars.tomean.first])
                     paste0(vars.tomean.first, str.esti.suffix)])) %>%
        select(variable, value, pred_new)
head(df.decompose.tomean.first, 10)
df.decompose.tomean.first %>%
        group_by(variable) %>%
        summarize_all(funs(mean = mean, sd = sd))  %>%
  kable() %>%
variable value_mean pred_new_mean value_sd pred_new_sd
hgt 73.41216 73.41216 4.675867 4.534947
wgt 8807.87656 8807.87656 1722.118824 1695.221845

Note the r-square from regression above matches up with the 1 - ratio below. This is the proper decomposition method that is equivalent to r2.

df.decompose_step2 %>%
    mutate(pred_new = df.decompose_step2$value +
        rowSums((df.decompose_step2[paste0(vars.tomean.second, '_mean')]
                 - df.decompose_step2[vars.tomean.second])
                     paste0(vars.tomean.second, str.esti.suffix)])) %>%
        select(variable, value, pred_new) %>%
        group_by(variable) %>%
        summarize_all(funs(mean = mean, var = var)) %>%
        mutate(ratio = (pred_new_var/value_var))  %>%
  kable() %>%
variable value_mean pred_new_mean value_var pred_new_var ratio
hgt 73.41216 73.41216 2.186374e+01 25.3504 1.1594724
wgt 8807.87656 8807.87656 2.965693e+06 2949187.6357 0.9944345