Derive Distributions for Save + Borrow One Asset (Wrapper)
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function [result_map] = ff_abz_ds_wrapper(varargin)
FF_ABZ_DS_WRAPPER finds the stationary asset distributions
This is a warpper function. Note that when invoked by abz, there are two shocks, one for wage, another for the borrowing interest rate.
it_param_set = 9; [param_map, support_map] = ffs_abz_set_default_param(it_param_set); [armt_map, func_map] = ffs_abz_get_funcgrid(param_map, support_map); result_map = ff_abz_vf_vecsv(param_map, support_map, armt_map, func_map); result_map = ff_az_ds_vecsv(param_map, support_map, armt_map, func_map, result_map); tb_outcomes = result_map('tb_outcomes'); cl_mt_pol_a = result_map('cl_mt_pol_a'); ds_stats_pol_a_map = cl_mt_pol_a{2}; ds_stats_pol_a_map_keys = ds_stats_pol_a_map.keys; ds_stats_pol_a_map('mt_choice_prob_byYZ');
- ffs_abz_set_default_param
- ffs_abz_get_funcgrid
- save + borr optimized-vectorized: ff_abz_vf_vecsv
- derive distribution f(y'(y,z)) one asset loop: ff_az_ds
- derive distribution f(y'({y},z)) or f(y'({x,y},z)) vectorized: ff_az_ds_vec
- derive distribution f(y'({y},z)) or f(y'({x,y},z)) semi-analytical: ff_az_ds_vecsv
- it_subset = 5 is basic invoke quick test
- it_subset = 6 is invoke full test
- it_subset = 7 is profiling invoke
- it_subset = 8 is matlab publish
- it_subset = 9 is invoke operational (only final stats) and coh graph
it_param_set = 8; bl_input_override = true; [param_map, support_map] = ffs_abz_set_default_param(it_param_set); % Note: param_map and support_map can be adjusted here or outside to override defaults % param_map('it_a_n') = 750; % param_map('fl_z_r_borr_n') = 5; % param_map('it_z_wage_n') = 15; % param_map('it_z_n') = param_map('it_z_wage_n') * param_map('fl_z_r_borr_n'); % param_map('fl_r_save') = 0.025; % These parameters below for comparison with abz_fibs model % param_map('fl_r_save') = 0.025; % param_map('fl_c_min') = 0.02; % param_map('fl_z_r_borr_poiss_mean') = 20; % param_map('fl_z_r_borr_max') = 0.035; % param_map('fl_z_r_borr_min') = 0.035; % param_map('fl_z_r_borr_n') = 1; % param_map('it_z_n') = param_map('it_z_wage_n') * param_map('fl_z_r_borr_n'); % param_map('bl_default') = true; % param_map('st_analytical_stationary_type') = 'loop'; % param_map('st_analytical_stationary_type') = 'vector'; param_map('st_analytical_stationary_type') = 'eigenvector'; % get armt and func map [armt_map, func_map] = ffs_abz_get_funcgrid(param_map, support_map, bl_input_override); % 1 for override default_params = {param_map support_map armt_map func_map};
Parse Parameters 1
% if varargin only has param_map and support_map, params_len = length(varargin); [default_params{1:params_len}] = varargin{:}; param_map = [param_map; default_params{1}]; support_map = [support_map; default_params{2}]; if params_len >= 1 && params_len <= 2 % If override param_map, re-generate armt and func if they are not % provided bl_input_override = true; [armt_map, func_map] = ffs_abz_get_funcgrid(param_map, support_map, bl_input_override); else % Override all armt_map = [armt_map; default_params{3}]; func_map = [func_map; default_params{4}]; end % if profile, profile DP + Dist here support_map('bl_profile_dist') = false; % append function name st_func_name = 'ff_abz_ds_wrapper'; support_map('st_profile_name_main') = [st_func_name support_map('st_profile_name_main')]; support_map('st_mat_name_main') = [st_func_name support_map('st_mat_name_main')]; support_map('st_img_name_main') = [st_func_name support_map('st_img_name_main')];
Parse Parameters
% param_map params_group = values(param_map, {'st_analytical_stationary_type'}); [st_analytical_stationary_type] = params_group{:}; % support_map params_group = values(support_map, ... {'st_profile_path', 'st_profile_prefix', 'st_profile_name_main', 'st_profile_suffix','bl_time'}); [st_profile_path, st_profile_prefix, st_profile_name_main, st_profile_suffix, bl_time] = params_group{:};
Start Profiler and Timer
Start Profile
if (it_param_set == 7) close all; profile off; profile on; end % Start Timer if (bl_time) tic; end
Solve DP
bl_input_override = true; result_map = ff_abz_vf_vecsv(param_map, support_map, armt_map, func_map);
Elapsed time is 12.042616 seconds. ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Begin: Show all key and value pairs from container CONTAINER NAME: SUPPORT_MAP ---------------------------------------- Map with properties: Count: 40 KeyType: char ValueType: any xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- pos = 26 ; key = st_img_name_main ; val = ff_abz_vf_vecsvff_abz_ds_wrapper_default pos = 27 ; key = st_img_path ; val = C:/Users/fan/CodeDynaAsset//m_abz//solve/img/ pos = 28 ; key = st_img_prefix ; val = pos = 29 ; key = st_img_suffix ; val = _p8.png pos = 30 ; key = st_mat_name_main ; val = ff_abz_vf_vecsvff_abz_ds_wrapper_default pos = 31 ; key = st_mat_path ; val = C:/Users/fan/CodeDynaAsset//m_abz//solve/mat/ pos = 32 ; key = st_mat_prefix ; val = pos = 33 ; key = st_mat_suffix ; val = _p8 pos = 34 ; key = st_mat_test_path ; val = C:/Users/fan/CodeDynaAsset//m_abz//test/ff_az_ds_vecsv/mat/ pos = 35 ; key = st_matimg_path_root ; val = C:/Users/fan/CodeDynaAsset//m_abz/ pos = 36 ; key = st_profile_name_main ; val = ff_abz_vf_vecsvff_abz_ds_wrapper_default pos = 37 ; key = st_profile_path ; val = C:/Users/fan/CodeDynaAsset//m_abz//solve/profile/ pos = 38 ; key = st_profile_prefix ; val = pos = 39 ; key = st_profile_suffix ; val = _p8 pos = 40 ; key = st_title_prefix ; val = ---------------------------------------- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Scalars in Container and Sizes and Basic Statistics xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx i idx value __ ___ _____ bl_display 1 1 0 bl_display_defparam 2 2 1 bl_display_dist 3 3 0 bl_display_final 4 4 0 bl_display_final_dist 5 5 1 bl_display_final_dist_detail 6 6 1 bl_display_funcgrids 7 7 0 bl_graph 8 8 1 bl_graph_coh_t_coh 9 9 1 bl_graph_funcgrids 10 10 0 bl_graph_onebyones 11 11 1 bl_graph_pol_lvl 12 12 0 bl_graph_pol_pct 13 13 0 bl_graph_val 14 14 0 bl_img_save 15 15 0 bl_mat 16 16 0 bl_post 17 17 1 bl_profile 18 18 0 bl_profile_dist 19 19 0 bl_time 20 20 1 it_display_every 21 21 20 it_display_final_colmax 22 22 15 it_display_final_rowmax 23 23 100 it_display_summmat_colmax 24 24 5 it_display_summmat_rowmax 25 25 5 ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Begin: Show all key and value pairs from container CONTAINER NAME: ARMT_MAP ---------------------------------------- Map with properties: Count: 6 KeyType: char ValueType: any xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Matrix in Container and Sizes and Basic Statistics xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx i idx rowN colN mean std min max _ ___ ____ ____ ________ ________ ________ _______ ar_a 1 1 1 750 15 20.248 -20 50 ar_z_r_borr 2 2 1 5 0.06 0.02767 0.025 0.095 ar_z_r_borr_mesh_wage 3 3 1 55 0.06 0.024977 0.025 0.095 ar_z_r_borr_prob 4 4 1 5 0.2 0.26988 0.001552 0.64666 ar_z_wage_mesh_r_borr 5 5 1 55 1.1422 0.70079 0.34664 2.5613 mt_z_trans 6 6 55 55 0.018182 0.046336 0 0.24762 ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Begin: Show all key and value pairs from container CONTAINER NAME: PARAM_MAP ---------------------------------------- Map with properties: Count: 35 KeyType: char ValueType: any xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- pos = 32 ; key = st_analytical_stationary_type ; val = eigenvector pos = 33 ; key = st_model ; val = abz pos = 34 ; key = st_z_r_borr_drv_ele_type ; val = unif pos = 35 ; key = st_z_r_borr_drv_prb_type ; val = poiss ---------------------------------------- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Scalars in Container and Sizes and Basic Statistics xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx i idx value __ ___ ______ bl_b_is_principle 1 1 1 bl_default 2 2 1 bl_loglin 3 3 0 fl_a_max 4 4 50 fl_a_min 5 5 0 fl_b_bd 6 6 -20 fl_beta 7 7 0.94 fl_c_min 8 8 0.01 fl_crra 9 9 1.5 fl_default_aprime 10 10 0 fl_loglin_threshold 11 11 1 fl_nan_replace 12 12 -99999 fl_r_save 13 13 0.025 fl_tol_dist 14 14 1e-05 fl_tol_pol 15 15 1e-05 fl_tol_val 16 16 1e-05 fl_w 17 17 1.28 fl_z_r_borr_max 18 18 0.095 fl_z_r_borr_min 19 19 0.025 fl_z_r_borr_n 20 20 5 fl_z_r_borr_poiss_mean 21 21 10 fl_z_wage_mu 22 22 0 fl_z_wage_rho 23 23 0.8 fl_z_wage_sig 24 24 0.2 it_a_n 25 25 750 it_maxiter_dist 26 26 1000 it_maxiter_val 27 27 1000 it_tol_pol_nochange 28 28 25 it_trans_power_dist 29 29 1000 it_z_n 30 30 55 it_z_wage_n 31 31 11 ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Begin: Show all key and value pairs from container CONTAINER NAME: FUNC_MAP ---------------------------------------- Map with properties: Count: 7 KeyType: char ValueType: any xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- pos = 1 ; key = f_awithr_to_anor ; val = @(fl_r_borr,bprime)(bprime.*(1./(1+fl_r_save)).*(bprime>0)+bprime.*(1./(1+fl_r_borr)).*(bprime<=0)) pos = 2 ; key = f_coh ; val = @(z,b)(z*fl_w+b) pos = 3 ; key = f_cons_checkcmin ; val = @(fl_r_borr,z,b,bprime)((f_cons_coh(f_coh(z,b),fl_r_borr,bprime)).*((f_cons_coh(f_coh(z,b),fl_r_borr,bprime))>=fl_c_min)+fl_c_min.*((f_cons_coh(f_coh(z,b),fl_r_borr,bprime))<fl_c_min)) pos = 4 ; key = f_cons_coh ; val = @(coh,fl_r_borr,bprime)(coh-f_awithr_to_anor(fl_r_borr,bprime)) pos = 5 ; key = f_util_crra ; val = @(c)(((c).^(1-fl_crra)-1)./(1-fl_crra)) pos = 6 ; key = f_util_log ; val = @(c)log(c) pos = 7 ; key = f_util_standin ; val = @(fl_r_borr,z,b)f_util_log(f_coh_princ(fl_r_borr,z,b).*(f_coh_princ(fl_r_borr,z,b)>0)+fl_c_min.*(f_coh_princ(fl_r_borr,z,b)<=0)) ---------------------------------------- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Scalars in Container and Sizes and Basic Statistics xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx i idx xFunction _ ___ _________ f_awithr_to_anor 1 1 1 f_coh 2 2 2 f_cons_checkcmin 3 3 3 f_cons_coh 4 4 4 f_util_crra 5 5 5 f_util_log 6 6 6 f_util_standin 7 7 7 ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Begin: Show all key and value pairs from container CONTAINER NAME: RESULT_MAP ---------------------------------------- Map with properties: Count: 10 KeyType: char ValueType: any xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- pos = 2 ; key = ar_st_pol_names ; val = cl_mt_val cl_mt_pol_a cl_mt_coh cl_mt_pol_c ---------------------------------------- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Matrix in Container and Sizes and Basic Statistics xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx i idx rowN colN mean std min max _ ___ ____ ____ _______ _______ ________ ______ ar_pol_diff_norm 1 1 128 1 93.572 518.21 0 4213.3 ar_val_diff_norm 2 3 128 1 20.861 55.494 0.036733 352.78 cl_mt_coh 3 4 750 55 15.077 20.234 -19.968 50.122 cl_mt_pol_a 4 5 750 55 14.054 18.931 -19.512 48.416 cl_mt_pol_c 5 6 750 55 2.535 1.2036 0.01 4.8627 cl_mt_val 6 7 750 55 5.4978 8.5328 -17.865 14.906 mt_pol_idx 7 8 750 55 368.17 209 1 746 mt_pol_perc_change 8 9 128 55 0.19713 0.33092 0 1 mt_val 9 10 750 55 5.4978 8.5328 -17.865 14.906

Derive Distribution
Note that the pYisMINY statistics show the proportion of households at the minimum borrowing bound, where default takes place, and shows therefore the fraction of households defaulting.
if (strcmp(st_analytical_stationary_type, 'loop')) result_map = ff_az_ds(param_map, support_map, armt_map, func_map, result_map, bl_input_override); elseif (strcmp(st_analytical_stationary_type, 'vector')) result_map = ff_az_ds_vec(param_map, support_map, armt_map, func_map, result_map, bl_input_override); elseif (strcmp(st_analytical_stationary_type, 'eigenvector')) result_map = ff_az_ds_vecsv(param_map, support_map, armt_map, func_map, result_map, bl_input_override); end
Elapsed time is 2.427392 seconds. ---------------------------------------- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Summary Statistics for: cl_mt_val xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ---------------------------------------- fl_choice_mean 1.9417 fl_choice_sd 3.6144 fl_choice_coefofvar 1.8614 fl_choice_prob_zero 0 fl_choice_prob_below_zero 0.1724 fl_choice_prob_above_zero 0.8276 fl_choice_prob_max 3.9297e-31 tb_disc_cumu cl_mt_valDiscreteVal cl_mt_valDiscreteValProbMass CDF cumsumFrac ____________________ ____________________________ _________ ___________ -17.865 3.1473e-05 0.0031473 -0.00028958 -17.794 -3.0949e-31 0.0031473 -0.00028958 -17.742 3.3643e-18 0.0031473 -0.00028958 -17.572 1.3222e-19 0.0031473 -0.00028958 -17.51 6.0384e-08 0.0031533 -0.00029012 -17.445 3.7341e-11 0.0031533 -0.00029012 -17.407 0.00011453 0.014606 -0.0013169 -17.385 1.1185e-31 0.014606 -0.0013169 -17.37 6.3327e-13 0.014606 -0.0013169 -17.35 2.0968e-15 0.014606 -0.0013169 cl_mt_valDiscreteVal cl_mt_valDiscreteValProbMass CDF cumsumFrac ____________________ ____________________________ ___ __________ 14.828 -1.6872e-33 100 1 14.836 -9.0402e-31 100 1 14.845 -6.0203e-31 100 1 14.854 7.4508e-31 100 1 14.862 8.0075e-32 100 1 14.871 2.4095e-31 100 1 14.88 -3.523e-31 100 1 14.888 -1.4086e-32 100 1 14.897 -1.8436e-32 100 1 14.906 3.9297e-31 100 1 tb_prob_drv percentiles cl_mt_valDiscreteValPercentileValues fracOfSumHeldBelowThisPercentile ___________ ____________________________________ ________________________________ 0.1 -16.363 -0.0097198 1 -13.041 -0.075644 5 -5.5078 -0.25587 10 -1.9112 -0.34332 15 -0.41813 -0.3711 20 0.4289 -0.37006 25 1.051 -0.34991 35 1.8886 -0.27499 50 2.7933 -0.09621 65 3.559 0.15142 75 4.0499 0.34998 80 4.3741 0.45488 85 4.7024 0.57298 90 5.1565 0.69449 95 5.7987 0.83474 99 6.9592 0.96166 99.9 8.0892 0.99577 ---------------------------------------- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Summary Statistics for: cl_mt_pol_a xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ---------------------------------------- fl_choice_mean -0.5805 fl_choice_sd 3.1855 fl_choice_coefofvar -5.4872 fl_choice_prob_zero 0.0552 fl_choice_prob_below_zero 0.4866 fl_choice_prob_above_zero 0.4581 fl_choice_prob_max 3.9297e-31 tb_disc_cumu cl_mt_pol_aDiscreteVal cl_mt_pol_aDiscreteValProbMass CDF cumsumFrac ______________________ ______________________________ __________ __________ -19.512 5.7067e-06 0.00057067 0.00019181 -19.185 4.6498e-05 0.0052205 0.0017284 -18.916 -3.6656e-32 0.0052205 0.0017284 -18.874 1.1435e-07 0.0052319 0.0017321 -18.868 0.00025012 0.030244 0.0098613 -18.692 -3.8996e-31 0.030244 0.0098613 -18.647 -3.5069e-32 0.030244 0.0098613 -18.603 2.6413e-32 0.030244 0.0098613 -18.6 1.0633e-08 0.030245 0.0098616 -18.561 0.00090636 0.12088 0.038841 cl_mt_pol_aDiscreteVal cl_mt_pol_aDiscreteValProbMass CDF cumsumFrac ______________________ ______________________________ ___ __________ 47.595 -6.8315e-31 100 1 47.686 -1.1941e-30 100 1 47.778 -8.9105e-31 100 1 47.869 9.1082e-31 100 1 47.96 8.0075e-32 100 1 48.051 2.4095e-31 100 1 48.142 -3.523e-31 100 1 48.233 -1.4086e-32 100 1 48.325 -1.8436e-32 100 1 48.416 3.9297e-31 100 1 tb_prob_drv percentiles cl_mt_pol_aDiscreteValPercentileValues fracOfSumHeldBelowThisPercentile ___________ ______________________________________ ________________________________ 0.1 -18.561 0.038841 1 -15.107 0.29602 5 -6.5052 0.99106 10 -3.2092 1.3825 15 -2.0484 1.6017 20 -1.3878 1.7455 25 -0.96985 1.8457 35 -0.42675 1.9733 50 0 2.0152 65 0.36471 1.9642 75 0.72943 1.8786 80 1.003 1.8129 85 1.3677 1.7139 90 1.9147 1.5719 95 2.9177 1.3607 99 5.106 1.1074 99.9 7.9325 1.0149 ---------------------------------------- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Summary Statistics for: cl_mt_coh xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ---------------------------------------- fl_choice_mean -0.5561 fl_choice_sd 3.4255 fl_choice_coefofvar -6.1594 fl_choice_prob_zero 0 fl_choice_prob_below_zero 0.4503 fl_choice_prob_above_zero 0.5497 fl_choice_prob_max -4.2670e-31 tb_disc_cumu cl_mt_cohDiscreteVal cl_mt_cohDiscreteValProbMass CDF cumsumFrac ____________________ ____________________________ _________ __________ -19.968 5.811e-06 0.0005811 0.00020864 -19.946 5.811e-05 0.0063921 0.0022927 -19.923 0.00029055 0.035447 0.012701 -19.901 0.00096851 0.1323 0.047358 -19.878 0.0024213 0.37442 0.1339 -19.875 -4.1903e-32 0.37442 0.1339 -19.852 1.8092e-30 0.37442 0.1339 -19.83 2.8483e-32 0.37442 0.1339 -19.807 -3.5995e-31 0.37442 0.1339 -19.785 4.3791e-31 0.37442 0.1339 cl_mt_cohDiscreteVal cl_mt_cohDiscreteValProbMass CDF cumsumFrac ____________________ ____________________________ ___ __________ 49.939 -2.0344e-30 100 1 49.961 -3.2522e-31 100 1 49.983 -3.3899e-32 100 1 50.006 2.4604e-31 100 1 50.028 6.9387e-31 100 1 50.032 3.1638e-31 100 1 50.054 -1.9218e-31 100 1 50.077 8.288e-31 100 1 50.099 1.0937e-30 100 1 50.122 -4.267e-31 100 1 tb_prob_drv percentiles cl_mt_cohDiscreteValPercentileValues fracOfSumHeldBelowThisPercentile ___________ ____________________________________ ________________________________ 0.1 -19.901 0.047358 1 -16.327 0.33247 5 -6.9812 1.1144 10 -3.3587 1.5476 15 -2.1214 1.7865 20 -1.3961 1.9405 25 -0.95124 2.0437 35 -0.34569 2.166 50 0.0992 2.1856 65 0.47303 2.1167 75 0.86926 1.9876 80 1.1496 1.909 85 1.5235 1.7937 90 2.0842 1.6319 95 3.1123 1.3956 99 5.3552 1.1168 99.9 8.2524 1.0161 ---------------------------------------- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Summary Statistics for: cl_mt_pol_c xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ---------------------------------------- fl_choice_mean 1.2628 fl_choice_sd 0.3286 fl_choice_coefofvar 0.2602 fl_choice_prob_zero 0 fl_choice_prob_below_zero 0 fl_choice_prob_above_zero 1.0000 fl_choice_prob_max 3.9297e-31 tb_disc_cumu cl_mt_pol_cDiscreteVal cl_mt_pol_cDiscreteValProbMass CDF cumsumFrac ______________________ ______________________________ _______ __________ 0.01 0.0036788 0.36788 2.9132e-05 0.32972 -3.0949e-31 0.36788 2.9132e-05 0.33966 3.3643e-18 0.36788 2.9132e-05 0.34444 6.3327e-13 0.36788 2.9132e-05 0.37096 6.7865e-13 0.36788 2.9132e-05 0.37601 1.3222e-19 0.36788 2.9132e-05 0.38079 2.8804e-16 0.36788 2.9132e-05 0.39078 6.0384e-08 0.36789 2.9151e-05 0.39556 1.7568e-07 0.36791 2.9206e-05 0.39799 1.924e-10 0.36791 2.9206e-05 cl_mt_pol_cDiscreteVal cl_mt_pol_cDiscreteValProbMass CDF cumsumFrac ______________________ ______________________________ ___ __________ 4.8422 -1.6872e-33 100 1 4.8445 -9.0402e-31 100 1 4.8468 -6.0203e-31 100 1 4.849 7.4508e-31 100 1 4.8513 8.0075e-32 100 1 4.8536 2.4095e-31 100 1 4.8559 -3.523e-31 100 1 4.8582 -1.4086e-32 100 1 4.8604 -1.8436e-32 100 1 4.8627 3.9297e-31 100 1 tb_prob_drv percentiles cl_mt_pol_cDiscreteValPercentileValues fracOfSumHeldBelowThisPercentile ___________ ______________________________________ ________________________________ 0.1 0.01 2.9132e-05 1 0.84175 0.004324 5 0.87507 0.031433 10 0.90278 0.066737 15 0.93041 0.10325 20 0.96295 0.14111 25 0.99538 0.17937 35 1.0647 0.26324 50 1.198 0.39977 65 1.3842 0.55638 75 1.4959 0.66244 80 1.5326 0.72087 85 1.6352 0.78895 90 1.7486 0.85132 95 1.8762 0.92134 99 2.1349 0.98263 99.9 2.4061 0.99805 OriginalVariableNames cl_mt_val cl_mt_pol_a cl_mt_coh cl_mt_pol_c _____________________ __________ ___________ __________ ___________ 'mean' 1.9417 -0.58053 -0.55615 1.2628 'sd' 3.6144 3.1855 3.4255 0.32855 'coefofvar' 1.8614 -5.4872 -6.1594 0.26018 'min' -17.865 -19.512 -19.968 0.01 'max' 14.906 48.416 50.122 4.8627 'pYis0' 0 0.055249 0 0 'pYls0' 0.17243 0.48664 0.45027 0 'pYgr0' 0.82757 0.45811 0.54973 1 'pYisMINY' 3.1473e-05 5.7067e-06 5.811e-06 0.0036788 'pYisMAXY' 3.9297e-31 3.9297e-31 -4.267e-31 3.9297e-31 'p0_1' -16.363 -18.561 -19.901 0.01 'p1' -13.041 -15.107 -16.327 0.84175 'p5' -5.5078 -6.5052 -6.9812 0.87507 'p10' -1.9112 -3.2092 -3.3587 0.90278 'p15' -0.41813 -2.0484 -2.1214 0.93041 'p20' 0.4289 -1.3878 -1.3961 0.96295 'p25' 1.051 -0.96985 -0.95124 0.99538 'p35' 1.8886 -0.42675 -0.34569 1.0647 'p50' 2.7933 0 0.0992 1.198 'p65' 3.559 0.36471 0.47303 1.3842 'p75' 4.0499 0.72943 0.86926 1.4959 'p80' 4.3741 1.003 1.1496 1.5326 'p85' 4.7024 1.3677 1.5235 1.6352 'p90' 5.1565 1.9147 2.0842 1.7486 'p95' 5.7987 2.9177 3.1123 1.8762 'p99' 6.9592 5.106 5.3552 2.1349 'p99_9' 8.0892 7.9325 8.2524 2.4061 'fl_cov_cl_mt_val' 13.064 10.469 11.623 0.78105 'fl_cor_cl_mt_val' 1 0.90925 0.93881 0.65772 'fl_cov_cl_mt_pol_a' 10.469 10.147 10.168 0.54272 'fl_cor_cl_mt_pol_a' 0.90925 1 0.93184 0.51855 'fl_cov_cl_mt_coh' 11.623 10.168 11.734 0.62402 'fl_cor_cl_mt_coh' 0.93881 0.93184 1 0.55445 'fl_cov_cl_mt_pol_c' 0.78105 0.54272 0.62402 0.10795 'fl_cor_cl_mt_pol_c' 0.65772 0.51855 0.55445 1 'fracByP0_1' -0.0097198 0.038841 0.047358 2.9132e-05 'fracByP1' -0.075644 0.29602 0.33247 0.004324 'fracByP5' -0.25587 0.99106 1.1144 0.031433 'fracByP10' -0.34332 1.3825 1.5476 0.066737 'fracByP15' -0.3711 1.6017 1.7865 0.10325 'fracByP20' -0.37006 1.7455 1.9405 0.14111 'fracByP25' -0.34991 1.8457 2.0437 0.17937 'fracByP35' -0.27499 1.9733 2.166 0.26324 'fracByP50' -0.09621 2.0152 2.1856 0.39977 'fracByP65' 0.15142 1.9642 2.1167 0.55638 'fracByP75' 0.34998 1.8786 1.9876 0.66244 'fracByP80' 0.45488 1.8129 1.909 0.72087 'fracByP85' 0.57298 1.7139 1.7937 0.78895 'fracByP90' 0.69449 1.5719 1.6319 0.85132 'fracByP95' 0.83474 1.3607 1.3956 0.92134 'fracByP99' 0.96166 1.1074 1.1168 0.98263 'fracByP99_9' 0.99577 1.0149 1.0161 0.99805
End Profiler and Timer
End Timer
if (bl_time) toc; end % End Profile if (it_param_set == 7) profile off profile viewer st_file_name = [st_profile_prefix st_profile_name_main st_profile_suffix]; profsave(profile('info'), strcat(st_profile_path, st_file_name)); end
Elapsed time is 3.000471 seconds.
ans = Map with properties: Count: 13 KeyType: char ValueType: any